<br />�;.
<br /> � �
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> �� SAVINGS FUND
<br /> � �V+���� FORM No.720 (
<br /> Lt�•�� Loan Number___35303 _-_ _188 1
<br /> .� e..,;,��
<br /> 7$ " �)f1� ' �;S M O R T G A G E
<br /> THIS MORTGAGE, made and execute<i thic C- day of ijll %:�lGG-��% A.D.,
<br /> 19_�.�,between the Mortgagor, Floyd Klblett _and qqnna Jean Riblett, husbanel and w�fe.
<br /> jolntly_ and each in their own right,
<br /> _ _ . _ . ... . .
<br /> of Grand Island , ('ounty of Hall ,g�,��e�,{ Nebraska ,hereinaftFr refrrred
<br /> to as the Borrower, and the nlortKagee, FIFtST FEDERAI,SAVINGS A'VI) LOAti AS8OCIATION OF'
<br /> LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 6RSU1, it� succN+�ors and assi�nti, hereinafter rrferred to
<br /> as I.ender.
<br /> WITNESSETH: T}]81 t.he 5aid Iiorrower fur and in cunsiderat.i�.m uf the swn nf EIGHTEEN THOUSAND
<br /> AND NO/100------------------------------------------I)ul7an �l'S�; 18,000.00 1
<br /> paid by :;aid Lender, doeti hereby murt�;a�e, �rant anri <unvf��� to I.�•nclf•r, it� vuc�•e��orti and aS�iKns; thr
<br /> following der,crit>ed property located in the ('uunty of Hall , Statx of tiebra�ka:
<br /> The Southerly One Hundred (100) I�eet oi' the �:asterly '1'wo-thirds (i�. 2�3)
<br /> 02 I�t Eight (8) in Block T►renty-e i�tit (?8) i n th�� Ori gi nal 'Pown riow
<br /> City oi' Grand Island, Hall County, Nebr:askr3.
<br /> T(wETHF.& with all the improvemrnts now ur herraft,er erectrd on the pro�erty, and all ease�mrnt.,
<br /> right5, appurtenances, rents, ro}�alties, rninrral, oil and ga. rights and pmfit�, K�ater, K'9Lf'r riKhts, and
<br /> water stoc•k, and all fixturen now or hereatta�r attached to the property, all of whi�•h, includin� replacr,-
<br /> ments and addit.ions thereto, shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the pm�rty� covc�red hy thi,
<br /> Mortga�e; and all of t.he foregoing, t�ogethe�r with naiJ proE�rrt�� �ur thr l�a.rhold rstate in thF� evr�nt thiti
<br /> Mortgage is on a leasehald) are herein referred to a, the "ProE�rrt�".
<br /> Borrower covenant�s that Borrower i� lawFully seised of the e,tate he�rrb�� i•unvc•�ed and ha� the riKht
<br /> to mortgage, grant and convey the I'roperty, that the Proprrt}� i� unencvmtxred, and that Bonuwer will
<br /> warrant and defend �enerall�� the title tu the Property a�ain.t all claiin, xnd drmand�. Subjc��t to any
<br /> eaxementh and restrictions listed in a �chrdule uf excrptions to i•uvera�e in any titlt� in�urancr �,lic•� in-
<br /> Kuring Lender'h interest in the ProE�rc}�, or 1'L) attorney'� upiniun o[ title from ab.tract of title certified
<br /> bv bonded abRtracter.
<br /> PKov�t�eu ALWAYti, and the�e pretient, 81'l` F%l•Cl1tP(�311(��BIIVPTNII LLENIfI thr fulluwinK�•undition.,a�rre-
<br /> mentti and obliRetions of the Burrowrr, to-�a it:
<br /> The B�irrower agree�: to pay tu the L.rndrr, ur urdi•r, thr prin��i�,al �um oS EIGHTEEN 'CHOUSAND ANU
<br /> NO(L00----------------------------------------------Uullar� ll'S � 18,000.00 �
<br /> _ _
<br /> payableas provided in a note rxecuted and d�divrrrd, runcurrc�ntl� hrmM�ith, ihr tinal,��a�ine�nt��f��rincipai.
<br /> if not tiooner paid, un thr. ls+ day of ''��lu;ry �� '�00:
<br /> UN�F�ieM ('�wexwHT�. Borre,wer and l.ende�r �•ovrnant an�l akr���• a, f�>I1��H�
<br /> 1. Paymeat of Pri:scipal aad Interest. Burmwi•r chall prumptl� pa�� whrn dur the �rrincipal ��f and in-
<br /> terext� on the indebtedne�s evidrnc•rd b>� th�• '�uti�, prrpa>�mrnt and lat<�� char�r�. a� ��ruvidrd in the� !���ta�,
<br /> and the princi�l of and intere�t on an� Future Advan�r, .r�urc•d h� thi. \lortpxRr.
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxas mad Ineur�ce. Suhjr�•t Lo Lrnrlrr',� uptiun undrr ��arnKra{�hc 4 and '� hrn•uf. f�nrv
<br /> n�wer ehall pay tu Ixnder on the• dap mun[hl} �ntitallmenG of ��rin����al and intt�rest arr payahlr und��r the
<br /> Note, until the Nute ir paid in full,a sum (hrrrin "Fund�"1 ryual t�� onr-twcdith uf thf� >a�arl� tax�•� and
<br /> a�essmen[s which may attain priority uver thi� 11urt g�ki�, and Kr��und n•nt.. �m the� F'ru{rrrt�, if' an� E�lu�
<br /> one-twelfth of yearly prrmiutn ins�alltnrnts lur har.Hrd in�urt+n�r. {�lu. ��nr-tw«-Itith nf �t•arl� prrmium iu-
<br /> atallments for mortgaRe insurance, if am�, all as rea.�onxbh t�+timatrd initi��llv ancl i'rum timr tu time b�•
<br /> I.eIIt1el 071 if7e E>II�ia uf d�xrietuc:rit..:1�1�]�iili�auij ii-:i..unal�ir v.fiuu�(a•.� ILr�ar�I. 1�-n�lri .�lial�:x}����� 11u� I��w��j.
<br /> tn pay Faid tazes, acsescments, inrurance premiumti and �;ruund rrn15. 1.Fnder shall niak�• nu charge fur.0
<br /> holding and applving the Funds or verif,ying and compilinK said a�:c:r,timc�nt� snd bill,. The Lendrr �hall
<br /> Rive to the Bormwer, without charge, an annual accounting uf thc� Fund� show�ing�•rc�dit.and dehits to ihr
<br /> Funds and the purpoRe for which each debit t�the Fundw wa� made. The Fund� ar+r plecl�ed a� additionel
<br /> iaecurity for the sums secured bv thi� Mort.�aRe. The Borrower aQrce� that the Fundti may hr held hy the ,�„�I
<br /> Lender and commin�led with other funds and t.he Ixnder's own fundn and the Lrnder may pay .uch itc•m�
<br /> from its own funda and the Lender shall not be liable for intere�ht or dividends on cuch Fund�.
<br /> ' If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installment, of Funds
<br /> payable prior to the due datee of tazes, assessments, insurance premium� and ground e-ent�, �:hall rxceed
<br /> the amount required to pay said ta:ee,asxeasment,�,insurance premium�;and ground rFntti a�th��� fall due.
<br /> aurh Pxrwrw ahall}w, et RnernwPr'a�ticxt, either prozr.ptly repaid to BG`27ON'P!Q!:'^E'l�ItP({ to Rorr�k•er <rn
<br /> mottthly inatallmentti of Fund�:. It the amount of thr Fun�i� hvld hv ivn�lrr chall nr�t t.r�u(}i�•irnl t�� ��H�
<br /> taxes, aeseeetrients, insuranee premiums and groand rents as they fall due, Borrower tihall pav ta I.endi•r
<br /> any amount nec.�eseary to make up the deSciencv w�itt�in thirty days after notice from Lender Lo f�m>wer
<br /> requesting payeaent thereof, or Borrawer rhall,�by an incre,ase in monthlv installment�ot Fund�reyuirecl,
<br /> r�pay thc deficicncy w•ithin thc Fund accounting �x:riu�l.
<br /> Upon payment in ful] of all aums eecured by thiF Mortga�e, Lrnder�hail apFil� l��und�hrl�l a�a �•rrdit
<br /> a�ainat all eutns due. I
<br /> �
<br />