<br /> I �
<br /> i
<br /> If under parngrr�E�h 18 liereoi tlic� Yro� rert �• i.. ,old ur � I ��� I 'ropert }� i�, othcru� i�u :�cyuired Iry Luu�ler. l .ender
<br /> ahall app1Y , no later thuu imu�edisstel�� prior to tlu� .al�� uf tl �o F'ro�x� rt �� ur it . srr� ui. ftion hy L�•n� l�r . any l��indn
<br /> held by Lender :lt� thc titne of :tip� �lic.ttiou as :t rr��� lit .��;:iiurt thc ..u� n- .ocui�� �, i hv this �lurtgu�;��.
<br /> 3. Application ot Payments. Unle.. .iEry �li�•uLlo l :n�� � �roeidi•. uther�t� i�r, ull puywi�nt ,: reccived b�' Lender
<br /> w�derthe ?V'ote and ��uragra�iLs 1 snd '2 Lereuf sLull I �i :i� �� �lie� i I ��' L��wi � r tii:.t �u � ��i�' nirut ui xiuuunt .. � �,syable to
<br /> Lender by Borrower under � �aragrapli 2 luarec�C, theu to intcri�.t � �syxlil� � uu tlu� tinte :in� l un Futurc A� i ��an�•es , if
<br /> � uny , xnd then to the principal i�l' tl�e \ot�� .su� l to tlic � � rin��i� �sl uC Futuri� A� { � :in� ov , il :ui}• .
<br /> 4. Charg�s: Liens. Borrower sl�nll pay ull tuxe_ , ns,c�sn �ents nud uther �•har�;�', , fines and irnEiositionn uttrib-
<br /> utable to the Property whir,h �nay :it2xin ;l priorit �� over tlii.� Alortga�;e, .iud gruuu� i rent ., if :in�� , at Lender'F
<br /> option in the manner � �ro��ided under � xtragrx� ,li 2 hereoi or i ,�• Rorru�ec•r ival; im� I �n�� � ucnt . �v6en d �ic , direct,h� to
<br /> the payee thereof. Borrower ,liul ( promptlti� 1'urui .l � tu Lr�n�lcr ali notices uf amo� int . du�� nn� lor this paragraph ,
<br /> � and in the e�•en[ 13orrower sltall �uaki• puyiucnt �lirecth• . Rurru�ccr .fi:ill pr� uii � , tlp iurni,h tu Leuiier receipts evi-
<br /> � dencing such � utyments. I3orrower .hall � n•oiu � rtly din�• hargi> uu� lieu �chioh ha.• � uiurit }• o� er tl� i, \ Iortgage ; pro-
<br /> '"'"� vided , that Borrower shall not bc re��{ uire�l to disrli :u•�;r uny� =uoli lieu yu lon� u• I;orru���or �liall agrec in writing Yo
<br /> �` the payment of the obligation �ecured by � ucii licn in : � � ununrr :�,•ce�,tahle to T.��mler, or n�h�tl I in good faith contesl
<br /> � suehlienby , ordefend enforcement ui .uc•6liru iu . le�al � nucro� iiu�;. �� I � ic•I � o� �er:u �� tu � nr � c• ut the enlorcement, of
<br /> � the lien or forfei[ ure of the Yroperty or uny � niri i lureof .
<br /> � 5. Hazard Insuraaee. Borrower �luill kic� � tiw iin � � ro ��en � cnt, nu��� ��si• tiu �. ur I �er«�sfter ��rceted on tlie Prop-
<br /> ^ erty insured sgaiust loss b}' tire . liuzurd , incJude�l �vitliin th�� term " exiended cu��ernge , . :�mi ,uch utlier hai ;irds as
<br /> I.rn�ertnay require um � in such ainount , :iwi ior �u �• i� � �c• rio� l; :i � L��n� ier iu<<�� r�•quire : � u�u ��ide� i . that I.ender shell
<br /> not require tl�ut the aniount of such co�� eruKe exree� i thnc ;�niouiii uf' ,�„ �� e•r;i�;,• r�,,, �� iir��� i tu E,,iy the ,ums secured � b,y
<br /> this 11ort.gage .
<br /> The insurance carrier � �rovi�iiuK tlie in�urau�•e .;hull b�• eliu5��n I ��� }3urru���e• r .ui � irct tu xp� �rnral by I .ender ;
<br /> E�rot•ideJ , tl�at �ucli :spprovul cliall iwt he unreaisunabl �• withlield . .111 premiums ou insurunr. �� � �olicic.. �hul ] be paid
<br /> at Lender's option iu tlie munner � ,rovi�le�i un � lc� r � �:u�u�;r:. pl � 2 l �creof or L}� 13orru����• r tuukiuk pst� � nent , �a� hen due,
<br /> directly to the insurance carrier.
<br /> In the event any policy i5 not renewed on or before ten days of it� expiration, the Lender, to protect
<br /> its interest, may procvre insurance on the improvements, pHy the premiumti and �;uch sum shall brcome
<br /> immediately due and payable with intere5t at the rate set forth in tiaid note until paid and shall be
<br /> secvred by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrowrr to campl�� ma�•, at option of LYnder, constitute a default
<br /> under the term�; of this hlort �aKe.
<br /> all in�urancr policic. und renetral� tliorcul .hnll h�� in furu � :u•��� �� �tuLl �� tu Lru� l��r an�1 :liall inrlude :. ,utndard
<br /> u�ortgage clau,e ii � f'avui• uf and in lorui a��ce� � t .�bl.� tu Liv �drr. L�•n� irr �liail liin�r thr ri�;hi tu hold the policies :ui�l
<br /> renewals thereof, :s�ict Borrow�er .liall � >rom� �t1 }� iw•�ii:ti tu Lrwier ;ill renr�vul � wtic��., un�1 all recei{ its of paid pre-
<br /> iniums. ln the event uf loss , Burro���er �lu� ll gi ��i� � �ru�upt noticc• tu tho in.�urunc�� ��urrier aml Lender. and Lender
<br /> may ir�ake proot ot luss i [ not madc promptly Ly 13orro« er.
<br /> Unless Leuder and Borrower otlior�ci�e u�rr�� in «� ritinR . in = iu•:� n ��, • E � rucee� l � �liall bc :ip}� lied tu re�toratio❑ or
<br /> repair c�i the Yrupetty damaged , pro�� idc.l ,uc1 , n-. ta:� ti � ni ur re� �:� ir � � i��•w�oiuirali�� ie:�.it,lr :in� l the sercurit �� of
<br /> this Alortgage is not tLereb�� ii� ipairrd . Ii .�ueL rc•.tor. � tiun ur reE �:iir i. not crununii�;illy� tes�iLle or ii the security
<br /> of this Jlortgage �ti�ould be i�upaired , clie in,ura ��ec � ,rocee�l, .h;il ! I ,�• ;i� ,� , lie�d w [ hr .�ums secured h�� this :ltortgage ,
<br /> with the excess, if any , paid tu Borrower. li tlu� 1'rol ��� rt�� � � ahau� lone�] I ��� �S�rruti��rr or if Bon•oH�er fails t� respond
<br /> to Lender within 30 duy� alter tiotice bt• Lender tu Borro�trr that thr iusursnce �:u•rier uffer. to settle a claim for
<br /> ineutance benefits, I.ender i� authorized to rollecc aud sf�pl�• t6 � insui;�uec � ,�•o�•eeds at I .ender '. option either to
<br /> restoration or repair of the YroEierty or tu tLc ,wn, sc�cured i �� rlii. \ ( ongagc ,
<br /> Unleas Lender anci Borro�cer other�+ iac• agrri• in writiug , a � i�� such a� i� �lic;itio�i ol procreds to principal ahall
<br /> not extend or postpone the due dnte of the n�ontLh• in,iailn�cnt � referrrd to in puragrapti, ] aud 2 hereof or change
<br /> the emount of such installments.
<br /> If under paragrapl� ] 8 hereof thr Yroper� y i. acquired I,}� l.en<ier, aill riKht , tiklr and intereat of Borrower in
<br /> and to any in.urance � �olicies und in an� 1 to the proeeed, thcrcoi ito rh�� extcut uf thr .uii�. .ci�iired hy thi. tilort -
<br /> gs8e iinmediately ��rior to .uch �ule or a��yui.itioui rF. ultiny; iruiu � lain ;i�;�� t � � tlii� YroE >ert,�� prior to the� sale or
<br /> ucquieition ehall pass tu Lender.
<br /> 6. Pr�servation �d Mmaten�ce of Propsrty; Leasaholds; Condominiums. liurro�cer .hul ! keep the Yrop -
<br /> erty in good repair at�d shall not lierini� ur cauu�ic �caste , impnirnient , or � ietrnorut iuu ui t1�c• propert }� and nhall
<br /> comply witl� the pro� isions oi ant leusr . ii thi; \ (urtgag�• � � uii u Icasehul � i . li ttu= \ lurtgag�� i � un a condominium
<br /> unit, Borrower shall perforn�� :�II oi 13orro�r�•r', ohligation� un� �er tlie �1c�• larseion o( �•on�iowiniun� or master deed ,
<br /> the by-laws and regulation, ui tLr condoniii�iwn � n�uj ��r � :xwl ��un �tiwent � oruuu�� u . .
<br /> 7. Protection of Lsader's $scutity. li 13orru�ver i:iil� tu � ��•rforn � th�� ��� n��•nauts ;i !ui :�Kr��r' mci�t � contained in
<br /> this �iortgage , ur if xny actio�i or procee� mg i= coninien��c� i �vhirt ; n �nteriall �� all�•�• t.. ] .� �u�ier 'c interest in the Yrop-
<br /> erty, including . but uot litnite�! tu, ��iuinc•n � � li�uwiu . in .ulcrnr�� . ��,ul.� ,•nf,>r, ,•u „•� � t , ur :irrau�ementa or proceed -
<br /> inge involving a bankrupt or �iecedent , tlien Lender at l .end�� r', opti�m . u� �un not � c�� t „ Rurru�ser, may make such
<br /> appearancrs , disburae sucli .ums and take sucli netioti :i: � : n�•� ,•...ur�• � u E �roteer Leu �ler '� intrre,t , including , but.
<br /> not litnited to , d�sburaeiuent oi rea:on� ble xttorney '. trr� and entry up� �u the Pro��ert�• to make repairh. Any
<br /> amounts disbursed by Lender E�ursuatit to this ��aragr:s�� h 7 , « ith intere,t tt�ereun , sh�ll becorne additional indebt.-
<br /> ednese of Borrower secured by thi. �lortguge. Unlees Iiorrox���r su�l L�rnder agree to other �enun of ��syment , suoh
<br /> amounts shall be payable upou notice froin I ,ender to }3orrower reyuesti��g puy�netit thereoC, un�� s�ia11 bear inter-
<br /> �t from the dste of disburaemeut at tl�e rati� etated iu tl�c lote unlers ��ayiuent of interest iik �uch rafe would be
<br /> contrary to applieable ]aw� , in which event aucL amounts ,liall I �ear interest at the highe•t rate pertnissible b}�
<br /> applicable law . tiothing contained in thi . ��arugrx� �l � 7 .•hull re� � uin• l .i�nder to � n �� ur an � ex � �r�n.r c�r do :un� urt
<br /> hereunder. _ i
<br /> 9. 1mp�etiaa. Lender iuu� u �akr ur vau,e tu L�� mx� ic rea•onabl �• �•utrie, upon an� 1 inspec•tiuns ot the Yrop-
<br /> erty> Provided that Lender cl�all gi��e Borrower noti �•�� � � rior tu :in�• .url � in.�x��t �on ,� �c�i• ifyinx n•s.onahle �•etu.c�
<br /> therefor related to Lender 's iuteresL in the Yropern� .
<br /> 9. Cond�a�nation. The proceeds of uny 3�sard ur rlaim ior damages , direct or conseyuential, in connection
<br /> with any condemnation or other taking ot the Yroperty . ur � �urt ili��n�uf . ur ior ouu�•epau���� in liru uf �•undemna - ", {
<br /> tion , are hereby assigncd and shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> In tiie evcnt nf s total taking of the Yropertp , tl�c � �rocc•ed. sliaill I,i :il �E� lie�f ro tlic �un �. tiecured b� thic �Tort - 2� �
<br /> I Bage, N'ith the excese , if any , paid to Borro�cer. jn thc� event of a � �urUul tsking of the Yru� ,rrt � uule �. Bormwer I
<br /> and Lender otherwise agree in writing, tl�ere sh�ll be ap� �lied t � rlic �um. sei�are�i h�• th �s \ lort �;aKc �urh ��ropor-
<br /> tion of the proceeds as is equal to that pruportimi H'fI1C�1 � �IP 81710Ul1( O} � �7P �qlll� �Prprc•�{ V��• � 1» . \ i ��rlb.a(�•C :R:R7C 'rv '
<br /> .�i8tely Nriur l� ti�r ilate ui takrog I�earn to tlie f'xir �uarke�t �•alui� of tl�e Yro� ��•rt �� i � unio� liat �•Iv i ,r•i��r• r � . V�.� ,{,yt .. �,�
<br /> taking, u•iLh the Laleuu,e ut U�e Nrucee�e Na�c1 to l3orrou�er.
<br /> If the Yroperty iy abapdoneci �y gorrower or if aiter notice In� Lender to Borrower that tl�e conde•u�nur offerE '
<br /> to muke an award or settle u claim for da � uage� , AorroH•er fails tu respun�l tu Li.nJer withfu 3U day5 oi the dau
<br /> of such not.�ce . T ,rn.ipr i* fl �1f }lOTliO(� t0 CO2 :Cct :tllu ,aE.� �i) l�av ��l'uoreil� :ti J .a•pdi'P � o�l[ wu t9lhrt• t � � �'r�fOi'ritiuu ol'
<br /> repair of the Property or to the sums necurevl 6}• thi� \ iurtgage.
<br /> Unless Ixt�der a�rd Borrower utherwise agree in writing, any such appliention oi procced. to � �rinci � issl shall �
<br />�
<br />