<br />.,,--_
<br /> � �
<br /> iNoivi�ua�
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> � �N FORM Na.720
<br /> Loan Number___35_396 ___.__ 188 1_
<br /> iuv H.n„�h
<br /> 7$���p0158 M O R T G A G E
<br /> THI3 MORTGAGE, made and executed this `� day of ���'u-C.c�� A.D.,
<br /> 19.7� .,between the MortRagor. �rn�st W. Haygeman.and Margarelt E. Haygemau. �us6and and
<br /> _.wi_fe.....jolpt.ly,and_ea.�h..iq th�1.F owR_.r�ghC.._ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ .
<br /> of Grand Island , County of _ Ha.l.l_. ,State of NebraBka , hereinafter referred
<br /> to as the Borrower, and the Mortga�;ee, FIRST FEDF.RAL SAVING6 AND LOAN ASSOC'IAT10N Of'
<br /> LINCOLN. 123,5 "N" Street, Lincoln, NebraFka 6R50i, itr succe�or�and au;iRn�, hereinaftrr rrferred to
<br /> ar Lender.
<br /> WITNE�SETN: T}18f [}lE sai�l F3orrower for and in cun5ideration of t�he sum of THIRTY TWO TH9USAND
<br /> AND. NO/100------------------------------------------- llol:an; (L'S� 32.090.QA )
<br /> paid by eaid Lender, does hereby murtgaKe, Krant and cunvey to Lender, it.ti �uaces.w�rs and ac�;iKns; thr
<br /> following der,cribed pm�rty located in thr. ('ounty of Hal l , Stat.e uf Nt•braska:
<br /> The Southerly Forty-six (4E) i'eet of Lot Eighty-seven (8'/), in West Lawn,
<br /> in the City of Grend Sslend, Hell County, Nebraska.
<br /> TOC6'THF.fi Wlt}t all the improvement� nuw� ur hereaft�r t�rrcted un th�• propert>�, and all ravemrnt�.
<br /> rights, appurtenances, rent�, ruyaltirti, mineral, uil and ga, rikhts and Nrufits, water, watrr riKhtK, and
<br /> water etock, and all fixtures now or herc�aftrr attacheri to the property, all of which, includinR replacr-
<br /> ments and additions thereto, shall be dermed to be and remain a part of the f�ruperty �•overed hy thih
<br /> Mortgage; and all of the foreKoin�, together with said pro�rt�• lor thr leasrhold e�;tate in the event thi�
<br /> Mortgage is on a lea�hold) are herein referred to as t.he "Property".
<br /> Borrower covenants that Borsower is lawfull}� seia;ed of the entate hrrrbc cunveyrd and haN the right
<br /> to mortgaqe, grant and convey the Propert}�, that the ProE�rty iti unencumtwrc•d, and that Born�wer will
<br /> warrant and defend generally thr tille to the Pruprrty a�;ainst atl �•laim, and demands, �uhjrc�t to an>
<br /> easemente and restriction� lietc�d in a schwlule of excrptionn to roverage in any title� inyurancr w�lic�• in-
<br /> suring Lender's interetit in the Proprrty, or 1_') attorney's opinion uf title 1'mm ab.cfract ��f titlr c•ertified
<br /> by banded ab�tracter.
<br /> Paovtueu A�wwv�, and ihe�r prret��nt� arr exrcuted and delivered upem thr�fulluwing��onditi��in..agrer-
<br /> ments and obligationti cit the Born�wer, to-wit:
<br /> The Borrower a�reeti tu pay to the lxndrr, ur urder, thr Eirincipai �um uf THIRTY 1W0 THOUSAND
<br /> AND NQl100--------r---------------------------------I)ollars �l'F .� 32.UOO.OD �
<br /> payabir as providrd in a nott�exeivted and delivr•re•d,iuncurra•ntl� h�•rf•Hith. th��final pa>•rne�nt ��f��rin�i�i�l.
<br /> if not w�one�r paid, ��n thP 1,�t da� u[ .;anuary . l#fl: ;p07
<br /> UNirutcna C�UVp:NANT1. BUfTUN'Pt' and l.rndrr co��enxnt anil aKrr��a. fuil��w�:
<br /> 1. Payment oE Prixscipal and Interest Eiurn�µrr vhall NrumpU�� pac whrn dur thr ErrinciEial ut :and in-
<br /> terest on the indrhteclnr.ss rvidenced h�� th�� \utr•, pra•pa��mt•nt an�1 I:�t�• i har�i-.� a. E�r���id�•�1 in thr '���ir.
<br /> and thr. princij>al of and interrr;t on am� Future Advances tierurrd h�� thi� A9��rt�;�a�e.
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxas and Ineuraaee. Suhjrct tu Lendrr'.a uE�tiun unJcr {�xraRrxphs 4 and :� hrr�•��C. Hnr-
<br /> n�wer nhall pa}� tu l,cmder on the dap tnonthl� installnx�ntv uf ��rinripal xnd int.•rt•.t arr Eiayahle un�i�•r�h.•
<br /> Note, until thr '.Vote is�aid in full, a�um i hc•re-in "�'und...) ��{ual tu on.�-tHe•Ifih u( 1h�� ���arl� tact•� :inii
<br /> axsessments which ma��attain Nriority uva•r thi. \lurtkxkr, ;xn�l �ruun�l rt�nt.: un thi• 1'rv��K�rt�, if an� ��lu�
<br /> one-twelfth of vrarl}� premium instxllmFnts fur hazard in�urancr, Edu� �m��-twe�lith u( �rarh Errrmiuni in-
<br /> �taUm�nfc f.0 m��rtg���� in��tr�nco, if an�, all :i� re:�;u�:ah!�, �,1i::,::t;,; ,r.i;:a;;, : `r,,::. .. ;,�
<br /> Lender on the tia�:i��f a��aec�;ment5 and hill�:an�i rra���n�hle� «��tirnatt•-ih�•r«�.�f, Ixn�i«�r�hNll aF+E�I��thr�Fun�i�
<br /> to pay eaid tazes, as�essments, incurance premiums and �mund rent.. I.rndc•r .hail makr n�i charge f��r:;��
<br /> holding and applYinQ the Funds ur vFrif}�inK and comE�itinK said a.sc•�smrnt� :inci hill�. '1'hc� I.r•nd��r sh�all
<br /> qive to the E3orrower, without charge,an annual accrountin�of thF F'undv showinK ��n�its and debits iu thr
<br /> Fundrs and the pur�wse for which eacfi debit to t.he Fund�: waE macie. 'Thr r�n�i� ara E�ledKe�1 a� �da;t;�>��i
<br /> security for the sumE c;ecured b,y this Mortgage. The Sorrower a�ree�; that thr Fundn rnav be hE•id hv thr - !
<br /> L.ender and comminglecl with other funds and the Lender's own tunds and the l.ender ma� pay �uch item.
<br /> [rom its own fundc�and the Lender shall not be liable for interer5t or dividendr un .uch Fundti.
<br /> f If the amount of the Funds held by Lender,together with the future monthly installments of Fund.
<br /> L paysble prior to the due datee of tazea, aeeesements, ineurancc premium� and �round rent,, .hall c-xceed
<br /> the amount reatired to pav eaid taze�e. aaae+ucrr�rntx. incurnn�•v f�wn.��i,,,�Rn�i�r.�t�d!�N. 4, �r,�„ c,ii -{.l,. "
<br /> wuch excesR ahall be, at Borrowez's option, either prompflv rr{�aid t.� [;urn.wrr��r .rwlitrd t„ R��rrv��+rr��n
<br /> monthly inetallments of r'unds. !f the amount of the Funds held by l.ender�hell not he.utfi�•ir�nr tu{,a�
<br /> ��. aaxea�me�►ts. in�urattce prettvums and ground rettts as they fa11 due, Borrower shall pay to Lrndrr .
<br /> any amount neceasary to tnake up the defic�encv within thirty days after noticr fmm Lxnder to Rorn�wer
<br /> requeRtinR paymPnt tlwrw.i, �r R�rmwrr �hal1,�b�; an incmase in r.:onthlc insfa!ln:,n:s ;,f Fu.^..l:; :,y uirrd.
<br /> r�epay the defic�ency within the Fund accounting pc�riod.
<br /> Upon payment in full of alt sume secvred by thi�Mort.gage.Lender.hall ap��ly Fund.hrld a.� a �mdii �
<br /> against all sums due.
<br />