� ��
<br /> � � �
<br /> If under paragraph 18 hereof ihe Yro� �ert�• i. <nld ur tli�• ProE �i�rry i . uthcr�vi>� • s��yuire� l b�� I ,��u�1rr. I ,ender
<br /> >hall aNP�Y , ut� luter tiian iuuuediutelc � �rior to tlu� •sle ui tlie Yiv� �ort }• � �r rt , u��yui.. itiori I ,y L�•n�1��r . :uic f�w�d.�
<br /> held by I,ender at the time oi ap� �lieation :i. u �• redit n�;ain.i t h�� . wn. >rrun •� 1 f ��� iLi� �1 ��rt �;a�r .
<br /> 3. AppliCalion ot Payments. I�nle.. n� �� ilie•al�lr I :i�c � nu�'idr. utlier�ci�c . ;� II � iu�' �ueut � re�•ei�•ci1 by Lender
<br /> underthe A'ote and paragrnpLs 1 :uid 2 h�r��of .liall In � u� �� � li�•� i I,�� L��wi�� r tir.t in � ,:i� uirnt ��i :timounL, � �yYable w
<br /> Lender by Borrower under parugrapli 2 l �ereof , tlu�u to intoro�t � ai ��a� bla� un zln� \ut �� :�n� i ou Fut �n��� Ad�•unces , it
<br /> uny, and then to the principal ot the \ot.• snd to the � �rin�•i� u+ l o( 1�uture A �1 �;incv� . if any .
<br /> � 4. C6argea; Liens. Borrower shall paic �II tuxee , snsessnients xnd otlicr churKes , linee and impositiuns attrib-
<br /> utable to the Property whicii ITlB�' JttAltl ;t priority over tlii . �iortga�%e , and �nnim ! r�ut� , it a�iy , st Lender'n
<br /> option in the rnanner provided under paragra��6 2 liereof ur I ��� liorrowe�r ivakin}; � �ayinent , when du��. directlg to
<br /> � the payee thereof. Borrower shull promptly furnieh � o Len� icr ull notice. of awouutc duc under this paragraph ,
<br /> � and in the event Borrower xliaU �naka paywent directly . Sorro�cer �6ull � �rom� �[ ly iurnish to I .euder receipts evi-
<br /> .- . dencing sucli payments. Borrower �hiill �� ruui� �tly dis�'liarge uei�� lien which fia. � � riurit�� over thia \lortguge ; pro-
<br /> � vided, that Borrower shall riot be rcyuire�i to discl �urge uu}� sucli lieu su long ua l3orruH er ahsll agree iu w'riting to
<br /> � the payment oP the obligation secured Ly aucL lieu iu u manner aceept :�ble tu Londer . or sl �� ll in good tuith contest
<br /> '� sueh lien by , or detend enforcement of such licu in, legxl � �rorordin�;s �vliich op��r3te to prrcent the en(orcement of
<br /> .�.
<br /> � the lien or forfeiture of the Yroperty or any � rart clicreoi.
<br /> � S. Hazard Insuraaee. BorroH•rr � hall kee�� tlu� iui � n�o��enirnt . no�c ra�<t � n�; ur iier�:tfter vri•cted on tLe Yrop -
<br /> ^ erty insured against loss by fire, hazards included within the term " extended co��eruge " , sn�i such uthcr hazards ac
<br /> Lender may require und in ;ueh emount < cind for sucli perio� l� u� Londer ius�� rcyuire ; pro�� i�lv�l , �hat I.ender shsll
<br /> not require that the sinount of s�ch co��erage exceed tLut, awount oi � �o��c•rage requirr�l tu 1 ,��� t6e� su�ns secured ' by
<br /> this Mortgage.
<br /> The insurnnce carrier providing tLe in�uruuc�� �hxll iie �•huseu h} }iurro�� rr suhje�•t tu ap� � roval k>y I.ender :
<br /> {>rovide�l , that cuch approval shall not be unreasonabl� withheld . :UI premiums uu insurance policies �Lall be paid
<br /> at I,ender's opYiou in the munuer � uovi�lc� 1 und��r � xu•aKra} ,h ° hereol' or I ��� t;orro�c�• r ivakiuy; � n�y� nient . �shen due .
<br /> directly to the insurance carrier.
<br /> In the event any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its expiration , the Lender, to protect
<br /> its interest, may procure insurance on the improvements, pay the premiums and such sum shall become
<br /> immediately due and payable with interest at the rate �et forth in tiaid not.e until paid and shall be
<br /> secured by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may, at option of Lender, constitute a default
<br /> under the terms of thi5 Mortgage.
<br /> All incurance E�oliciea and renewal. tl �er��ol � lwll I �o in fur� u ;�r�•�r� �Cubl�� tu I .��n�lor ;tn� i .li :� l ( iiu� ludr t� �tandar� l
<br /> iuortgage clause in f'uvur of ynd iu forw uoce��,r.ik ,le w Lend �•c L�•n� ier .luiff l� a�•c th�• rikht tu I �old the � wlicies xncl
<br /> renewels thereof , :tnd Borrower shall prouiptl �- furnisli to Len � irr all reuewal noticF�� and sll receipCs oi paid pre-
<br /> tniums. In the e��eut of loss, liori•oticei• �li � ll gica� � n•oni��t � iotie�� tu rhe innuraucr �•urriur and I.ender , and Lender
<br /> may make proof of luss iC not mdde proiuptly I �y Borro�cer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otl �erHise ugree• in �vritiu�; , in.�ur:�uo�• En•u�•��e�ls .;6a11 be up� �lie�l tu restoration or
<br /> repair of the Yroperty demuged , pro�� ide�l ,ucl� re.tor•:ition or nq,.tir I� .•� unuinic:iil �� ira� iblo an� l the yecurity of
<br /> thie �lortgage is no[ therebc irupaired . Ii wch re�torutiun ur re� �:� ir i� uot rcuu�� uicull�� 2cusiL(c or ii the security
<br /> of this Alortgage woiild Ue impaired , ti�e in,urance � �ru��ee�1 � .•I � cill I �o ;iE,� ilie�l tu th�r .uws secured I ,y this Alortgage ,
<br /> with the excess, it uny . peid to Aorrower. li the Yi•o��crty i� al �.�u� lone� i h}• Boi•ruw�rr ur if Bon•o�eer fails to respond
<br /> to Lender within 30 day, after nuticr b�� Lender to 13orro�ser t hut t he iu.uranec ��arner ufl'ern to .ett1e a claim tor
<br /> inaurance benefits , l .ender is autLorized to collect au� 1 apE �lt• thc insui:u�ce ��rore•ed� ut I ,euder 's option either to
<br /> resWration or repair ol the Yroperty ur to the sum, s��cured i,�- tlii� \ lurtgagu.
<br /> Unless Lender an�i 13orrower uther�� i�e :sgrer iu writiu�;, au� �uch ap� � licatimi ul prucred. tu E �rincipal shal !
<br /> not extend or postpone the due date of the montl� l�• installnient . reierre� l to iu ��aragraph, 1 snd 2 hereof or change
<br /> the amount of sucli installments.
<br /> If under paragrapli 18 hereoi the Yropertv is acyuii•ed i ,�- I,en�lcr, zill right , title .tin� i iuterest ot Borrower in
<br /> and to any ine�uranee policies ami iu :sm1 tu t {m � �rocced, thrreof itu rlu• ertcut u1 clic suui. �crw•ed hy tl�is liort -
<br /> Bage immediabely priw• to aucli ealc ur h�•qui�itiuin re�ultln� iruiu dauia�;e � u tli�� Yru� �en �' } �r�ar w thc sale or
<br /> acquiBltlon sY1a11 ��ass to Lender.
<br /> & Pz�ssrvation �d Mmat�naaee of Propsrty; Leas�holda; Coadominiums. liorrouer .hull keep the Prop-
<br /> erty in good repair aud shall not � ,exmit ur romn � it « 3ste . iu�� >airiuent . ur � irt �•rioraciuu o{ thc Yroperty aud shall
<br /> comply with t6e pro�•ision� oi au�� lease , ii thi� \ lortgag�� is un a I�:i,eLol � l . If thi� \ lort�;agc is on s condominium
<br /> unit, Borrower shall perfonu ull of Borrower'. ubligatiun= un� irr � lic �lecluration � i cmuianiinium ur master deeci .
<br /> the by-laws and regulations of tlie condon � iniwn � �ivj �•��t sn� l r�uustituent �lovwn��nt . .
<br /> 7. Protsetion o! Iwadei s Sscurity. I i Borrower fail� tu ��crfunn the �•u��enunts ;iud :i�,reement . oontsined in
<br /> thie ASortgage, or if any action or proceeding is conunence�i whi��li � u�eteriullc ;i�l'�et > 1 ,�•n�ler '� interest iu the Prop -
<br /> erty, inaluding. but not limited to, en �inent don � :iiu . � u.ol �� �•ur�� . �•��� i�• ��nlor<�a•nu•nt . ur :� i•r:in�rment.• or � �roceed -
<br /> ings involving a bs�nkrupt or �lecedent , tl�en Leuder :it Len� ler '� option , u{�uu nutue tu 13orroa�er, wxv make ,uch
<br /> appearances, �lisburse ,ucL ,um• xnd takr ,ucL uctiuu ;w i , urr��.,ar>• tu � �rotect I.ender 's interest , including , but
<br /> not limited to, d�sbursemcnt of reasonal� lr attorney '� fe��.� :ind eiitr} u� �ou t1�P Pro��erty tu n�ake repairs . Any�
<br /> amounts diebursed by Lendcr pursuant to this paragraE�h T . x3th interest thereou , ,I � xll I�ecowc s�lditional i��debt-
<br /> edness of Borrower secured by t6is �lortgage lhilc•ss Borroa�•2� ;in� ! Lendei• ugree to otl�cr teru�s of payn�eut , such
<br /> amounts shall be payable upoii notice froni I.cnder to f3orrow�-r reyuestinR psyinr.nt tlirreol , and shall bear inter-
<br /> eet from the dete uf disbursement at the rste �tated in the Ao[c unlc�ss pa��n�ent ui interest at such rate would be
<br /> coatrery to applicable law , in which event such :trruiiints �hall hear intere:t sst thc hiqhest rnte pern� issible by
<br /> apQlicBble lxw. Vothing containe�i in thi. � �nregra��h ; .linll rrr� uirr Lrn�ier to incur an �• ea� �euse or do any act
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> 9. Isisp�etioa. I .ender uiay �nak�� or ruu.•r to h�� mauir r� •ii�on» hl�� ruu�i �•. unon ,tn� l in.i �r�ti � �nr i�f th�� Pron -
<br /> ertY� Provided that Le:nder ehall giee 13orro�aer nonre� � � r�or � u :u� � .url � iu,� �e�•tiun ,� �eoifrin�; rey.on �hle ��su.t�
<br /> therefor related ta l,ender's interest ir� the Yropert�• .
<br /> S. Cend�mnation. T'he proceede of �n,y a�rar�i or � � Ixin� im• �ixmu�e� . direc�t or eonsequential , in connection
<br /> w�thany eondenmation or other takinq oF the Yrop�•rt �� . ur � �:irt th �•reof . ur for ruu � e��anc��� in li��u ut c•ondemn�-
<br /> tion, are hereby aseigned and nhall I�e paid tu I.ender. �
<br /> In the event of a tutal taking of tl�e Yroperty , tLe � �roree� l- �liull I �e :i� �plird to thr .um= .�r�• iired ! ��- thi� 17ort -
<br /> ga�e, with the exce�s , if an�• , paid to Borrower. In tl��� e��ent ot a � �arti:il t�king uf th�• Yro� �vrty , uules� Borrower i '
<br /> and Leiuier otherwise agree in writing, there sl�all be ap�ilied to tl�e ,ums secw ��i by this �lortgage �uc�h propor- " "-�
<br /> � Lion ot tbe proceeds as is equal to that proportion which tl�r �n�ount of the nutu� �ecured by this 1lortgaqe imme- I ' �'
<br /> distely prior to the date of taking bears to the fa�r market value uf tlie Propeny iminediatel}� prior to thr date of �+,
<br /> E�7�. R� tI1E IlBIYMP Of 1I1P })KN'PP!'I . jixi�i tn Rnrrnw�.�r . .
<br /> If Ltse Yroperty ie abaiidunecl by Borrower ur if aher no� io.- h�• Lf•n� i�r r �� k�rrma�rr rhn� tV�P ��on.irmnor �ffer�
<br /> to mske an award ur settle n clsim for d�tinages, Borrow er fails to re�poud to I,ender w�itLin 30 days of the date
<br /> of euclt natice, Lender is suthorized to collect and ap��h• the E�rore�•d � xt Leuder '. .>ptiun �•ither � u re.turatio❑ nr �
<br /> repair of the Property or to tl�e sums secured by tliis \ tortgagi� .
<br /> (iuleab l.rnuer anu liorrower ottier�vise ngtee �n �� riUng, any such application of proceeda to ��rinc�E�al �hatl
<br />. ....._ .... �
<br />^' --
<br />�
<br /> L:
<br />