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� <br /> 1 � <br /> IIVDIVIDUAL <br /> DUE ON SALE <br /> �'T OPTIONAL FUTURE ADVANCES <br /> SAVINGS FUND <br /> � r �� Fosw No.720 <br /> � Loan Number___35329 ____ 188 ._ . 1 <br /> *.u< "�e..��n <br /> 78_ ���� � 5�� M O R T G A G E <br /> THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 9 day of �'````� A.D., <br /> 19.��., between the?�lortgagor, Ron.�J,d E.. Ochs and Ton:l T.. Qchs. huslSand add .Hrifa, 3ointly <br /> and_each. in..thei r_.own.r.�$ht,.. ._ _ _ _ __ . _ ___ .. <br /> ___ ._......... . <br /> of _....... .Grand..Island , County of _ _ Hall_. _ _ ,State of Nebraska , hereinafter referred <br /> to as the Borrower, and the Mort�ageEt FIRS't FEDERAL SA�'INGS 1NI)LOAN ASSOC'IATION OF <br /> LINCOLN, 123.5 •'N" Street, Lincotn, Nei�ra�ka 685U1, its tiuccF�sorn and a.�ikns, herrinaftrx ri•ferred to <br /> as L.�nder. <br /> W1TNE9SETH: TZ]a t the �aid Borrower for and in contiideration oi thc: sum of FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND <br /> TWO HUNDRED AND NO/100-------------------------------2)ol:an IL;S� 47,200.00 <br /> _._...__. _ _ _ . __ _ ) <br /> _._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> paid by said Lender,doe� here6v mortga�;e, krant and comev ko I.ender, its succe„or�: and as�iKnh; the <br /> following deFcribed property located in the County of _ 1�a11 , St.ate of N��hra�ka: <br /> Lot Ten (lU), in Block T'wo (2), Continentnl Gardens, anAcid�tion to the <br /> City of Grand Island, ?�all County, Nebraska, <br /> Tuc:t.THes with all the improvements now or hrreafker r�rected on thr prnperty, and all ease•ment�. <br /> rights, appurtenances, rr.nts, royaltieti, mineral, oil and Ka, rikhts and profit,, water, wxter righte, and <br /> water r�tock, and all fixtures now or hereaftrr attached to the prvperty, all of which, includin� replace- <br /> ments and additions thereto, shall be dc�rmed to t� and remain a part ��f the pro�rty covered t,y thi5 <br /> Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, togethrr with said property (or the lea,ehold estatr in thr rvent thi+ <br /> Mortgage is on a lea.sehold) are herein rr.ferred to ati the "ProE�erty". <br /> Borrower covenantti that Borrower is lawfully seised of the e5late hereb�• conveyrd and ha:; the right <br /> to mortgage, grant. and convey the Property, that the ProErerty iti unrncumbered, and that F3urrower will <br /> warrant and defend generally the title to the Property againEt all claims and demands, subjc�•c to an}� <br /> easementa and restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to c•ovrrage in any title insurance policy in- <br /> surinq Lendeis the Property, or (2) attornE;y's opinion of title from abstract of title certified <br /> by twnded abstracter. <br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS, and thetie preu�nts are executed and delive•recl upon the fulluwing condition�,agrer.- <br /> mentr and obliqation.; of the Borrower, to-wit: <br /> The Bonower agreen to pay to the I,ender,or order, the princ•ipal hum uf FORTY SEVEN TFIOUSAND <br /> TWO.HUNDRED AND NO/L00------------------------------Dollar� I l'S� 4 7,200.00 <br /> _ _ .._ _ ... ... .. ..._ ) <br /> _. <br /> payable a�+ provided in a note executed and drliv<•reci,concurrentl�� hemw•ith, the final papmrnt of prim i��al, <br /> i(not ux�ner paid, on the . 1st da��of January , k9c �:�L''j <br /> UNIP'URM COVENANTS. BOI'T()W(�I Hll(� I.ef1llE'[COVERAf1C and a�rre as fulluK��: <br /> 1. Payment of Priacipal�d Interest. Borrower ehall promptly pa� whrn dur thr ��rincipal ot and in- <br /> terest on the indebtedness �,videncrd by the Note, prepayment and I:tt�- char�es as pr��vidrd in the tiote, <br /> and the principal of and intKrrwt on any Future Advancr� ,c�cured !»� this �1urt�a�;e. <br /> 2. Funde Eor iases and Insur�ee. Subjec•t to Lender'ti uption undrr paraKraphs 4 and :'� hrreof. Bor- <br /> rower c:hall pay to L.c�nder on the day rnonthlv install�nents of principal and interest are pa}�ablr undr�r thc� <br /> Note,until the Note ia paid in full,a tium (herein "Funds") r�yual to une-twrlfth uf tht� yrarly taxe.� .�nd <br /> aswessments w�hich may attain priority over thin'.blurt�a�,e, and Krnund rrn1� un fhr ProE,eri�. if an} ��lu, <br /> one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard incurance, plu� unc�-tµ�e�lfth of ��i•arh� prriuium in- <br /> �tallme�nts &�r mort�age insurance, if sn��, all 3s reasonaLlc e,tiu;at�-.: ;nitial;� au� fr�,u; tin« t�� ;iu,�, h� � <br /> I.ender on the haei�of aeFe R9ments and billc and reagonahle estimate�thFrc�of, I.c•ndrr�hall ap�d�� th�� Fund� <br /> to pay said tazea, aesessmenta,insurance premiums and Rmund rents. Lender chall make no <�harKe� for u> <br /> holdinq and applyinR the Funde or verifying and compiling �aid a�;�e�cment� and hillc. Th� I�>nde•r .chall <br /> give to the Borrower,without charge, an annual accountin�o[the FundR�howinK credits and dehit�:tu the <br /> Funde�and the purpoae for which each debit to the Funds waG made. The Funds are pledRed as addit.ional ,�,�( <br /> security for the sume decured by thie Mortgage. The Borrower a�rees that the Funds may t�r held by the <br /> Lender and commingled with other funds and the Lender's own fund�;and the Lender may pe,y �u�•h iteme " <br /> from its own funds and the Lender shall not be liable for in�erext or dividends un su�•h Fund.. I . <br /> ' If the amount of the Funde held by Lender,together with the future monthly inFtallment�; of Fundh <br /> payable prior to the due datea of tazes, aseessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, chall exce�d � <br /> the amount required to pay eaid ta:e+c, aaae�wm4ntx, inaurence premium�and�rnund rent���the�• f�!! fue, <br /> Ruch eace� shall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid t.o Burmwrr ur rrrditr•d to R��rrc�wrr��n <br /> monthly inetallmeate of Hunds. !f the aznount of the Funds held b,y Lender ahall not f�e sutficient to pa� <br /> taxes. eReeasmente> inaurance premiums and ground renta as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to ixnder " <br /> any smount necessary to ma]ce up the deficiency within thirty days after notice from l.ender tc> Born�wer <br /> requ�ting pnymrnt thPrcrf, or Borrower shall, by an incrcasc in montht��instzllcu.:nt.,..f Fun.l:. r.:�uir..l, <br /> repay the deC►c'�ency within the Fund acrounting period. <br /> L;pon payment in full of all sums secured by this Alortgage,Lander.hall apply Fwid.held a.� a crrdit � <br /> aAainst all sums due. <br />