•.:�: ..
<br /> r-- �
<br /> If under paragrapl� IH liereof thc Yro� �ert �' i� •ul� i ur ih�� I'ru� �ert }� i , oLlicr�ci ,c :u�� { uirrd liy Lrn�ier. I .ender
<br /> .}�all apply , uo Iater than initriediatrh� � n•iur to tho .:� lo ui thr yru� �� rt �� nr it � ar� aui.• � � ion I �}' L�•n� i�� r . :ui � I�und�
<br /> lield by Lender ut the tinx• of ap� �liratiou s.. a ��re�� lit xgsin�t � lu� .uu �= >reurt��{ In� � hi� AIortKu�;o .
<br /> 3. Ayplieation o1 Paym�ts. L' nlen. a� �� ilic•uhlc la �� � iru��i� 1��. uthi•r�� i�� • , ulf � �a�' iu��ut.= recc•i � vd I �y Lender
<br /> under the Not.e und peragraplia ] and 2 Lcrru( .I �all I �o a� qilii�� i I ,�� Li�n� lrr fir�t� m � �ar � ni�ut ui amounta payable tu
<br /> Lender by Borrower under pnragrapl� '2 hercy�f , tlicu to int �•rc,t � �:�yai �lo un the Aot �� smi on Future A�h�xnces, if
<br /> any, sud then to the principal of the tiot�� and to tiie � ,rin�• i� �:il uf l�utun• Ad �� ;uu•�" . ii anv .
<br /> � 4. Ckarg�s; Liens. Borrower sLall pxy all taxe. , as5esswent � itnd uther ch�rg��,, fiues and impositions attrib -
<br /> +� utable to the Yro�erty which may attain a ��riority over tl� is �tortga�r , an�i ground rent �� . if au}� , at Lender's
<br /> �j option in the mnnner �iro��ided under paragra� �h 'L liercof or I �y }iorro���er u �akinR p�xyiuent , when due, directly to
<br /> .—{ the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptl�� furni,h to Lender all notice� ot aniouut . dw� under this paragraph ,
<br /> C and in the event I3orrower shull make pu� inent .lircctly� , 13urrci�cer �liall � >rompth� iurr �ish to Lcuder receipts evi-
<br /> C„ deneing sueL payments. Borrower nhall � �romptly dischurge auy lien « hi�•h hii� � u•iority ucrr this \ fortgage ; pro-
<br /> �„^'^„ vided, that liorrower shall not be recauire.l to diacliar�;r auy su�•6 lii•n so long u. liurro��.�•r ..hall agi•ee in writing to
<br /> the payment of the oblig�tion secured L�• aucli lieu in u ivann� r .iccephible to Leuder. or � hall in �;ood faitli contest
<br /> � suoh lien by , or �efend enforoemeiit of �ucl � lien in , legal � �rure���iing� �� l � i� • I ; operst �• co �,re �•�•nt the eniorcement of
<br /> ^ the lien or forfeiture of the Yroperty or an�• � �art tlivreuf .
<br /> S. Hazard Ituur�e�. Borr�u�er �hnll kee� � tlu• iu � � � rr� � ��ment � no�� ��xi,� in�; ur liereaftcr creeted o❑ the Prop-
<br /> er[y insured against loss by fire, hazards included wi[ hin thc term • �extendeci coverage " . :Lnd �u -.. h uther Lazards ue
<br /> Lender may� require und in .uel� ssn�ount � :� ud tur ,uc•1 � � �rriu� l � :is L��nder � u ,i}• nv � uirr � prtici�lr� L � hsst Lender shall
<br /> not require that the uuiount ul sucL co��crag�- ex� eed tlia� a�iium� i ui rovera��� reyuirr�l to � �iic the sums secured 'by
<br /> Ghis Mortgage.
<br /> The insurance carrier � ,ruvidiu� tl �c iu.�urau�•r �hall V��� i• 4�o�en I ��� }3i� i�i-ii���,•�� ,� ibiert to aNpro��al by I.ender ;
<br /> provided , that suc�li approval shall not P�e uureusonal�lv «�ithheld . _111 premiums on insurauce ��olicie, �hall be paid
<br /> at Lender'c optiun iu the inanner {�ro��idr�l uuder � �;ir:sgruE � L 2 lierr�ii or b�� fiorr�rn� er uiakin�;� � �ayu �ent , when tlue,
<br /> direcWy to the insurance carrier.
<br /> In the event any Wlicy i�; not renewed on or before ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to protect
<br /> its interest , may procure insurancr on the improvement_5, pay the premium� and such sum shall become
<br /> immediately� due and payable with interest at. the rate set forth in said note until paid and shall be
<br /> r,ecured by this Mortgage. Failure b}� Borrower to comply may, at option of Lender, constitute a default
<br /> under the terms of this Mortgage.
<br /> Ali in�;uran��� � �olicie, xnd renewal, ihereui > liall L,• in iorui u���•r�� uihlc t u Lou � lrr :ui� l ..luill inolude a ut�nilard
<br /> mortgage clause in ix�•or of arui in torm aeor�tt :ihl�� tu l .ru� lrr Lrn� icr �hitlf lu���c the ri �;hr to liolrl tFir �ioliciea :md
<br /> renewals thereof , and Borrow�er .}iull � �roui� �th� iurui.li tu Lendi�r :ill renewal nutic�•� ssud all receipts of paid pre-
<br /> miums. ! u the e��ent oi loss , fiorroH�cr �I � :� II gic�� � ,rou �pt uutice tu � li�• iusurauc�• currier aud Leu�ier, and I .ender
<br /> may make {.uoof oi loc� if not made promptly f ,�� 13on•o�crr .
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otlierwi�e ugrre in �� ritin�; . in..iu;iue�• � �rucee�ls � hall l,e aE���lied tu restoration or
<br /> repair oi tlie Yrupert �� datuaged , pro�� id�•� i .u�•h rc.turation ur n�� � ciir i� ��cur ,uinirull �� i�•a�il �lr and tlie securit�- uf
<br /> this Alortgage is not t6ereb�• in �pair�vl . li .�ucl � rrstw:itiun ur rr� �:iir i � nur �•��unuini�•all } (eusiLle or it the security
<br /> of this 1lurtgage would be iinps�red . tlie ins� n�ance � rro�•c��� l � -1r,il ; t ,o n� �j � lird to th�� . uuta secured by tlyis lfortg�tgi,
<br /> with the excess, if any , paid tu t3orrower li thc 1'iv� �err �� i. abaml� ,rn�� { I ��� ];orrouer „r � j liorruwer fails tu respond
<br /> to Lender withit� :30 dnys sfter nutice by� ] .eniter tu }3on•o���rr that rho insuriincc �•arrier oti�ere to �ettle a claim for
<br /> inruranee benefits, ] .ender ie :� uthorixed to rolleet awt a� >} � I � th�• insur:auce pruceeds at l .ender's option either to
<br /> resWration or repair of thr Yropr,rt} ur tu thc � wu. s�•cure�l I �� tl � i� \lortguge.
<br /> Unless Lender an�l tiorrower o4her�+'isr ssgrer iu �� ritiu �; . :iu} •urli a� �� �liration ui E �rucreda to principa! shall
<br /> not estend or postpone the due �iate of the iuontl � h� inscalln ,rnt . re- irrre� ! to iu puragrapli� 1 and '? hereuf or change
<br /> the amount of such installmentr.
<br /> If under � �xragraph 18 hereot thr Yropert�• i: ncquired I ,�- Lendcr . :ill rS�6t , tit�l�• ,� nd iriYereat oC Borrower in
<br /> and to any in.uranoe � �olioies itnd iu au� { tu rhe p�nceed. tliemof � tu rlio c•a� .�u� uf tiic nwu. ,rrured b�• tl�in '14ort -
<br /> gage imtnediacrl}� { �i•iw' tu rucli .xl�• ur x� qui�itiwi � m. ultin� irun � � iaui;s�;�� tu tli�• Yru� iert � � �rior to the sale or
<br /> ucquisition shall pxds to 1_ender .
<br /> �. Pr�Mrvettioas md Mmnt�naap oi P[op�rty; I.�awholda; Coadomiaiums. liurroHer �hall keep the Yrop-
<br /> erty in good repair and ehalf not � �ennrt or � onunit Hu.te . iin� ,uirn �ent . ur , i�•trr�or�tiun ui the Yroper[t� and shall
<br /> cotnply with the ��rocisiou� ut' snv lease . if thi� A1 �,irtgaRe i - �,n s 1ea��hol�l - Ii thi� �1ort �;aq�� ie on a condominium
<br /> unit, Borrower shall perforn , all oC Borro�ccr ', ubli�dtioi � � un� i�•r � iie� �lrrlurutiun ui cuniio�ninium or master deed,
<br /> the by-Iawe and regulatiwi� ui the condu�uiniun � � � ru� i•��t :su� i � uu�tiiue� it �io�� uuu�nt � .
<br /> 7. A'ol�CtionofLndet'sS�eurity. li Borro�� er iail , tu � ��•riuriu thr cuvi�n<iut .� su�1 :i�;reeuients rontained in
<br /> this \iort84ge, or il suy acUou or proceeding ia co�� uuencc� t « hirh n �uterinlh� at�feets L� •nder 's iuterest m the Prop-
<br /> erty , including. but uot liu�ited tu . �•uiiu�•ut �iuinu� n . in�ui " -ur� . ru, i� � �•ni�.�rr�•n �oni . ur ;irrnn�ement . or pr�ceed-
<br /> in� invol��ing u bankruE,t �,�r �lecedeut , tY�rn Lemler ;u l .ru� i � � r�. uEn iou . u{�ui , uunr�� tu tiorrow�er. � ua�' u�ake Such
<br /> nppearancrs , diFbur+i• .urli swn> :trn� take • uel : actioi : :i� i - u� � r�.ar� i „ � n � >tr� t f .rmirr'. iutere,t . includit�q , but
<br /> not limited to, dief,urse�n�nt oi reseonablr at � oruep '� fre� :in�! � ntr} u � �ou thr 1 'rup�•rt }' to make repair�. Any
<br /> amuunts die�bursed by L.ender � �ursuant tu tl� is � �aragre� �li 7 . �ciUi interect thercou , .i �all bcconic sdditional indebt-
<br /> edaeas of Borrower aecured by thia \tortgagr . L'nles Rorrowrr an�� Lender agree to oti�er ierms of payment , such
<br /> amounts shall be payable upor, notice fron L����der ro BorruH ��r n�< � u�•etin�; ��avn�er�[ tl�ereot , an� i ;hall bear inter-
<br /> eet from the date of disbwsement at t6i• rat � � =tat �•� 1 in tlie Aute• urilcs� � �:a}� nie�nt uf ir�iterest at aucli rate would be
<br /> contrary 6o xpplicable law , in whicli e��ent �ucL aiuount � �hall he.sr intere,t at clio hiqi�est rate pertr�iasible by
<br /> applle861e law. \otl� inq rontaine�l in tlii= � �uragra� �li ; � hni ; ror � u � ro L�•ndrr tu iucur ain� exE �enee or do any act
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> i. Ie�p�efion, LenUer ina�• inake ur �•au<�• tu 1 �� • inx� io r�•a��.unaablo outne>� upun an�i in.,�irction. of fhe Prop-
<br /> +'r� �', i rn��i�ier! • �: s ' !.r:: �!c:' 4:, .' : eiv � li .: rr�u � � . ,� � , .� , � , � ,� , � , � , . . : . � - u , � , � � ,.� H��� u.� i � ry .���� � u� � u�; n•anunui �lr eriuse
<br /> theretor related to I,ender'c i��ternet in the Yropert � .
<br /> 9. Caed�mealion. The proceeds of nny uward or rlaini ior � i:images . direet or �•onsequential , iu connection
<br /> with any rondeninatic�n ur utPier tuk� nq ul the Yru�,crt �� . ��r ; �art tl � � � rc�� i , ur iur ��ui� � cc �m�r in lieu �l cuu�lrnwa-
<br /> tion, a�+e herei,y aKwig»e�i and ehxll he ��ei�1 t �� ].�•i�� ler.
<br /> In the event of a total taking of t6e Yrupe�Ky , tLo a � ro�•ce�i> .li � ll I �r a� �pllyd ta tl � �� � um. �e��ured bt� thi� 1-tort-
<br /> ga`e, �a•ith the excess , if an�� , paid tu Borro�� er. In tl��� e�•rut of a � �;,rtial takin�; uf the YroE�rny , uiilrss Horrower �''� '
<br /> and Lender oLherw•ise ugree in writitig, tLem .lissll lrr applie� i ru tl ��� eu�nr� .e�• urr�i h}• thie \lort �age .uch propor- s^ `�;
<br /> � tioa of the proeeeds ne ie equsl to that proportion wfiicl� tl�e au�ou7it ut thc nutna secured by this \fortgage imme- ( 7a:x:
<br /> diately ptior to the dace of taking bear� to tlie fair �uarket �•aluc• ui tlie Yroprtty imiuediateh• prior to thr date of , ,�pp"
<br /> tal[in�, seifl� the balance of the }>roceFdc E�sid tu Bormw•er.
<br /> lf ttre !'raperty is :.t,�u.,iuuc.i ur Borr�wrr ur �� :. n,rr uuiic�• �n� i,rnuer to korrower tiiRt the c�on�lemnar offerF
<br /> to make an a�rard or sCttle u c:3uu foi �l..�u,y;r,� , PuuuNri inli, w rneNuuu w i .enuer wiuun 3U da��� m the date
<br /> of euc6 twtice, Lender is auLliorised to rollect and ap��h� the �ira•c-rxlc xt I .ender's optim� either to reatoration or "
<br /> repwt of the Property or to the su�us e+ecurrd hy tliiF \lortqngr.
<br /> Unle�r Lender and Bormw¢r nt.hrnviar wv� in .vriri�g nny �,.:ch app!icstier: ^f ,; roccc,::: tu � . rii., :},., ; .l,uil
<br /> _ �
<br />