� �
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> �� FpRM No.720
<br /> r Loan Number__ 35149 ______18 __.___1__
<br /> ,vo� e.:,,��,
<br /> = 78- (100121 M O R T G A G E
<br /> THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this . _ l'_ _. _. day of __�,.ct�•-� . _ A.n.,
<br /> 19.7�..,between the Mortgagor, .Arnold- L. .ThuxlDw. and Laura. .7.. Thuzl w, hueband and..wife,
<br /> jaiu.�J.y.. astid..s�ach iu.the�.x.as�m.right,.. ..___._ _ __. .._ ._ ..__ _ _. ._ . . ___ _.__...._..
<br /> of . Gxan.d_I.e.1.�As�._ __ , County of . ._ I3a7,1___ __, State ot Nebraska , hereinafter refened
<br /> to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FF.DERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Linc•�ln, NeUraska fi8501, its Succe�sors and a,eign5, hereinafter referred to
<br /> as I.ender.
<br /> WtTNE5SETH: TI78i tFIB said Borrow�er for and in consideration of t.he sum of FORTY THREE THOUSAND
<br /> S IX HUNDRED AND NO/100------------------------------n�l:ars (LIS$ 4 3,600.00 - ._)
<br /> _._- _ __ ... ..__ _ _ ____ ___ _. .
<br /> __ _ _ _
<br /> paid by said Lender,does herebv mortgage, Rrant and convey to I.c:nder, its succeshon; and ar,Kigns; the
<br /> following dexcribed pmpErty located in the County ofHall , State of NebraRka:
<br /> I,ot One (1), Bishop Heights Third Subdivision, I3a11 County, Nebraske.
<br /> TO(:ETHEB W1Ct1 all the improvement, now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easement.r,
<br /> rights, appurtenances, rentx;, royaltiea, mineral, oil and Kas riKhts and profit�, water, watcr rightF, and
<br /> water st�ck, and all fixtures now or hereafter attacheci to the property, all of which, including replace-
<br /> ments and additions thereto,rhall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property cavernd by this
<br /> Mortgage: and all of the foregoing, together with said propertY (or the leasehold rstate in the event thi�
<br /> Mortgage is on a lea�hold) are herein refened to as the "Property".
<br /> Bortower covenantc; that Borrower is lawfully seired of the estate hereby ronveyed and has the right
<br /> to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that t.he PropertY ir unencumbered, and that Borrower wiil
<br /> warrant and defend generally the title to the Property again5t aII claims and demand�+, subject to an��
<br /> easernentA and reFtrictions listed in a scheclule of exceptiuns to coverage in any title insurance policy in-
<br /> �urinq Lender'�; interetit in the Property, or (4) attorney's opinion of title from abtitract of title certified
<br /> by bonded abstracter.
<br /> PBUVIDED ALWAYti, and t.hese presents are executed and delivered upon the foUowing conditione,agrc:e-
<br /> ments and obliqations of the Borrower, to-wit:
<br /> The Borrower agrees to pav to the Lender, or order, the principal sum of FORTY THREE THOUSAND SIX
<br /> HUNDRED AND NO/100-----------------------------------�k>Ilar� (l?S� 43,600._00. )
<br /> _ . . __. _
<br /> pavable ae provided in a note eYc-c•utr.d and delivered,concurrrntk hrrewith,the final pa��ment of principal,
<br /> if not sooner paid, on the lst day of April , ]9g$. .
<br /> UNIPY)RM COVENANTS. B071'OWk!f and Lender covenant and agrc�e a� folluw.�
<br /> 1. Paymont of Principal and Intsreet. Bormwer shall promptly pav when due the principal of and in-
<br /> terest on the indebtedneRs evidenccd by the Note, prepaymc•nt and late i�har�e. a�: provided in the I`Tote,
<br /> and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by thi� Morigage.
<br /> 2. Funds for 1'mces and Ix�ures►eo. Suhjec•t t.o Lrnder'� opkion under para�raphn 4 and 5 hereof, Bor-
<br /> mwer hhall pay to Lender un the day monthlv installment�:ol' principal end interest are payable under the
<br /> Note, until the Note ie paid in full,a sum (herein "Fundti") eyual to one-tw�elflh uf' the yearl�� taae� and
<br /> asiseasments which may attain priorit,y over this Mortqage, and Kruund renta on the Proprrt�•, if an}� p1u5
<br /> cx�e-twelfth of yearly premium installment�; for hazard insurance�, plu� �me-twelfth of��c�arl�� preinium in-
<br /> stallments for murtgaqe inburance, if any, all ae rra�:onably cM:timated initiall�� and from time to time bv
<br /> Lender on the baxiR of e«cercrmpnt�And hifl��n�1 rea��nahlE�c��timnt���; Lhi•r<��f. 1�e�nci��r�hall a��pl� th�� Fun.l.�
<br /> u�pay eaid taxes, assessments,insurance premiums and �round rent�. I.enclvr tihall make no rhargF• for .o
<br /> holding and appiying the Funds or verifying and compiling said as�es�;ments and bi115. The Lend��r hhall
<br /> give to the Borrower,without charge,an annual accountinQ of the FundR showing creditc and debit�to t.he
<br /> FuncL:and the purpose fot which each debit to the Funds wax made. The Funds are pled�ed as additional
<br /> security for the sumr,secured by this Mortgage. The Borrower agrees that the Funds may he held by the
<br /> Leader and commingled with other funds and the Lender's own funds and the Lender may pay such items
<br /> from ita own funds and the Lender shall not be liable for interext or dividends on Such Fund�;.
<br /> "' ir ejY
<br /> If the atnount of the Funde laeld by I.ender,together with the future monthly installments af Fund�
<br /> p�Yable prior to!�e due datee of tazes,aeeessments, insurance premiums and qround rents, ahell exceed
<br /> �1�e°mount t'e4�u'ed to PaY aaid tazee,aseeesmetrte,insurance pretniums and ground rnntr>as thev fall due. � ,ro�,`
<br /> euch e�[oees slfell be, at Botrower'�option. eitlfer prompLiv repaid to F3nrmwPr nr�rw�itP�i tn R�rmwPr�n
<br /> rn�nt]�ly io�+talimentr of Fundr,. lf tl+r emount of the Funds held by Lender ahall not }��u(ii�•i�•nt tu �,Hv
<br /> ��. �sses�net�t+. �c�e��aoue Pi'emiums and ground reats as they fall due, Borrower rhall pay to Lender
<br /> �Y �nt t�ecervrY to make up the de£�ency within thirty days after notice ftom Lender to Bormwer ^
<br /> �equestin6 payment thee+eof, or Borrower shall, by an increaee in monthly installments of Fundh reyuired,
<br /> �'eP�y the deU�iency witl+in the Fund s�•nant.inR �,rriewi.
<br /> Ui�or� payment in full of all sums secured by thiF Mortgage,Lender shall appl�� Funds held a. a credit
<br /> aRainst.all Rume due.
<br /> �
<br />