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- , ,. <br />.=�. . <br />� , , : .;. <br />�_ ! . ...�. wY�� <br />`�'I. �. �:Wv. � � . <br />� � <br />�� 76- ��� � `7 ! <br />��r.i ' - <br /> T ORTGAGOR FURT1i�R COVENAN'I'S ANU AGREES: , \ <br /> x <br /> That . thc. t,fnrtgvgor ��•iil . pyy She inde6tednese as herrinta�tom pro�•ide<1. � . � � � . . � <br /> Th3t lhe !�iorfgngoi is : th<� awra�r i,( �aid prup�ah' in fre simpli� i«id �o«I ri�ht and L�wful :�uthnril�� to aoll � at�d � . . � � <br /> i crnivey Iho ti�fltC $O� LFIIlI }}IN SfIR1U IY f!C(' <llt(I CIPdf O( 111\ licn ar cnrumhr+mn , a�id ihat \1o�IFag��r �a�ll warraN xm! drfcnd the <br /> ' . � .. Iiqe to viid . premisrs � ngeinst the . claims of all p�•rv�ins�. whiwneoevcr. � . . � . <br /> . To ��,vy iMmeriiHtely u�hea� cluc md paynble nll j;enrral luxrv, sr,rrial f»ai �. >periai a�;exvmvrls, �� r charFre .rw ��r srrv� � . � . <br /> c .: . � icc� ilmrges: end othta �. l.axes� and rhnr„e� �Reiir,.t ::ud ���ropurh�, ur:d .�11 ta��-s lo� i� d �en ih�- ,)�•Lt s�rurrd lir•r�i���. :uid t�� ! !;,> � � � - � � <br /> usni<h 1 <br /> : \lort xgr.. u�>nt� � r��urrt, -�zilir�ihc nriginn! ur. �IcipLcatc u «.ipte ' th�.r.�fur. 'PI�< 9Sr.rt��r � i ��cs thv ih =re �6��II bi• addc�i . tu �. - . � � � . <br /> . „ach n:rn:thiy psymrnt nquircd h��reuncicr nr �i�di r ; i:_� u u�unc•r o( 9�. bt vrurc 9 h nb� „n amnunt � . iim il,�: i !.y lfi�• �lcti ag�-r . . . . ' <br /> tn !� .vRicirnt tc�. enable ilir. � 3ttir#F�hcc � tu par i il cy I,cooruc da��. nfl taae as c- ,mi�n� �onii s� nddr r}mtF• , u�x�n 11�c t�n.�v• - . � . � . . <br /> . itic°s �ib)sYl � thC�retn; � :.iiy deh�ii�ncy I � cattsr . �.�{ t1 �� . .c .t}ti:i� n�+ � of su<�!; �tddit �cts) � :3 ; ntr�,t. , 6.�11 h • futth�vilh di ��� .ntti�d� 6�� li:r � � . . . � � � <br /> . - . A1nrt�zFnr :� ith Ihv .`rlo:ign�:re upnn d��n:nnd h�� tLe Ai . � lF,�gce_ :1m :i�ireult ❑ �id� r ! Y•o. p:u;�,, ra��h .t�:� l! bo ,Ic�� mrd a �ic-(aidt :�i . . <br /> . p:�\-tnont of t:uns. ra,se�.smentc, nr <ilnilar cLar}tvs n•qufrr;i }�rrrnndur. . � . � . . - � . : �. <br /> � . . . . 71 �� �i� r4 '«:o: agr. as th:u tl � n sl:.�l� �i. � tH :. � i�.d t � a;,:h m- n� hl7 l� : �.:u � .f � nnrip:�t a xi �riti i :t xcyuir. � luro- � . <br /> ur:da t ..i .u.�m:nt i .titnatrd h> th�� �1i�ri„�.tgec Sn I*e• �utficf�-t.t ic � nublr � hr Afi,rt ,,.��.0 .,� , �v. ,�_ . ". .� v� �mr. ,� n=. t !��� ni. u ::incr � . . � . <br /> � pn�nuum - n :zn1 tovuit!�ct. �xzuc�� d��ti��rmd fv tl � i \ 1 r � ;a4r�:�. �itir �i� f�ci� rr:y 6i < i - �,1 ( i , .s.utlii �u !u•y ��.( vi� h: addili��nal p.��� - . . . . <br /> ment: .hn�i !'•n ( - ftli�� , :L+ dr �u�vi ,ed hc 1}�e !�let{:;:�G:r u. itli ! )'r Alurttia, .i, v{ �,n dr,r�.; ,, q tiv rho A1ort : :+ cr ., de•. �1�;lnull �irni{rr t !ii� . � . . <br /> � �ax:+�raph .hnil ta• drerir�i :a di�f..u'ti ia thr ��a�, m� r.t nf :n. .� . :�, .� � � �rrm��:m� Jf I ..� �_ . �h:�� � . n.�lirirr drE�n,urd .vr -i�ch �� tn,mr - . .. � <br /> k` � . u�cner� br aI{ r F. �xrGcios. 1nd the drposit� are n:si�flitirtd to p.n� t6r rnure prr •;:im�. ti•� 11ort�a;sr m.i�: ❑; .� ,I�� th� d��fv,:T to . � . . <br /> qu�• prrmium, en ric}:a rc-q�rircci t�� b.• :r.ivni h�� ; l�is mun �:ago. . . � . <br /> `x . ?'.3 ��a�rnh mndr hy� tf���� \?s�� i �, ��. ,. - r arurr th�� :�bur� , ur:. ,:r:�� hs tr. �v}�. .�t tl�,o , ��,gir � ��.f � t:r •.�1ortF.t;;c-�> f�� i:rld i,�- �:. nn�i . . � . <br /> inntnan�,le�ii �cith olhrr <�,teh. fur,dti ot Sts ca'.rn (unds iu: Id�r }?'7':m��nt „f such il�=m;, ur.�i unti! sn „pplied. �nch ; � � ni.�nt� ar�° in,.o6c . <br /> '. �,l<.i�e�l ss sia'urih- fr,r ih�� unpaid h�l ;sr�r�� oi thr rio•� ;:i::<� ind��L�t�•<i:ie�.s. . . . . � . <br /> i <br /> �. <br /> , To ;irncnre. �ic:i� or �c. :!ru rz�airnain fo: thr� fvu� lit ,�.t tl�r ! + r , .�n,.rc durin^ 1hr l. f . � f h�s nnrt4.sGr : .r� �.inal ����iit����; and . � . . . . <br /> . enc�v¢Is thent�f, dchcrrod a( It•s,:t 7 � n d:�;�� ni (cre 1h,• ��c� . i. stir�n ��r :u�y� .urh �.oli�,,.:v. iii,ur� nc :� ga�nsl lir�� ;:r�i � �Ihrr i�ui� r:�f�lv` . . <br /> ' - �:;:zarcis, casuz$ties. snd eo::tingenrirs u: t6e �t ��rtg:ir�r m:ip re,nirr. in an :�u.vur.t cqui4 tn the indcblcllr.e� cirurn4 6c this � � <br /> �.�� � \Sorigage. �ui�i in cnmp:im�. . �� rcptaF!r lu Il:r 11 � ;�:v„ �� nl: losc � � }�.d-le eluu�� in f..��nr n( ar„3 i•r torm ::< <Y•pl:ahl�. t�� ti•�r Afort �;a. � . . <br /> F,��•. In I.hi• c�vcnl pry pnl��'y » r±�. rt rr "�-.,�r! un ur h�a,:irc ;� r� I.r:,. uf :: s i�apir:uwn thc ',7 . rt .s;:ro :nn> pr.xurr in.t:r:in�o ,•�: ; P,o � . . <br /> � . ir.i{�rocrments. p�y tix� ptamium tL��-n I �rt �� r,u sm }� .:iun sl�.iL h. c •n:r + nmc�iia;rl., J�.v :u:d � ..:r:iblc widi e;tvrrsl a: 11:r tr:tr >�rt <br /> r�. � . tc:th in saici mit�• until paid and rl:aii !v >orurrd l� , t6n ai n::a;rr. 1�:�.i.u �• � n tho l�ar, of thc� \i�.�ri;;a�or tn !u: r.i;h <urh r� n�� �,+�al.- . . <br /> . as 'sn. hrrrin n-quirr,i or [aihno to �, i� - nc ,un . � +�,;inrrd i:orrn::dor �i•aIL a: th �� ,�; t i,n c�f Qv \1;.rig:+�:<v��. s � ..:.i;tut�� :� �i�-fatdt . <br /> �. :�.^.r,rr 8�c tcrnic u( thts mat 'c.eFt 'I'h • � 4; li� rr> � i .� .�.y P;;I s >'.-�:�II . i ;n : h�- rr��..t ��( d .�-:aui� . .�m;;titut . :in ❑ >sig:ime�nt rl ; hr u ,i� . . � <br /> r3rnwi premium. . <br /> r'.n}� sum . r .ri� � :1 b� ! h�• ? icrt� �.u'r I. � r �isur t I<:: � ,.� d.nn�i,e m i c � �i,:a1 :t m .� ! � rrt �� 7��:1 f,� il i V ��rtg:s�;cr . <br /> e�ttd ap{�liia3 touara the p �> nxrrt ui i },�. �.obt brnL� . < rur d, c . . :� t thc uf�w,u u� : f�: :11i t _nCei�. si � h . ..r ��s � ith,.r �.� huii�• nr in . <br /> i; � � i:nsi may kx� pAid c,err tr ihr \1eel�nti�r tn !w� t _ � d L rop;ur =utfi buil9im:s e;r !n hu;l�i � x��r Imildin�s in Ih�� ir pl:r. e or :ur ::nv <br /> ,y. otiier purpose or ohj�xt s:iti.:fac�an� I .� ilrr ilr•� c:q:•r�, .n�it%icut :� 6rctin;: ; . .�� Grn e;�i t1:o murtFa�;c :nr tnr !ull ;inir,unt :r�cutr�i hi�m - . . <br /> n. . h�' b�•fure cut�h payment ri�rr t�e�k plar��. � <br /> - �. Tn proinpU�� n•pair. :�••turr � ,r n�i�uiid auc L;; ildint. nr ;ni� �•u� evirrls ��n.� ur I-�rr,;attrr nn :i:�� pr�vni,«�s uhicii m:e�� h�c. . . . <br /> . con�e <lar.tngcvi or drtitro��Ki ; t,• l.,��p said t�n:m:•os in tr+,i a �,nil ;iun and rrruir :ar.d frr��� iron: ,r..� -,��oh.� nio': L��n �•r „th�r lia-�t or . � . .. . <br /> iclaim of lion not _apn >sly -uf+._nii ::slcd tu tl o n n I � � ��_.f. n t . .u1Tc . i }�� rnut a p � :isu (ul u .o o( nr en� nut-�ncr lo �-ai;t an <br /> snid p�op�rt)' �wr �o ��rrtml u�.nh �•n .:tid ��rrr.i. �. '. . . . : i � ;r� :�uc ; � h� - .rt �clic , � hc il �,r ��� i.�x rt � �n roby ium�� crd �hai) 1�•ttin:r <br /> � Ie;S i�nluable. nnr to iiunini.h or ir:p�ir ; is v:�hio b�; :inc ..if �, r � ,�ri . :�nn t � � ar� �. in .. ,ii:; �� c o �rh .�II rrq�ure•inrn�s ���( ?:i�v aiih ! rs� art . . <br /> tn ihp morlpaged prc•mises and the u.e thrrrnS. <br /> •c. T'hat shuuld t6�• c.r :m�• �,,vt tliriroi l�• ! :vkrn ar .iama �cd 6c :�-:�.��n u( .u: � �mbiic improv��meni �ir rand��mnuuon <br /> � prore�-�3inc, or under ihr ri::hc i��f ��m�rn�n� dumain. �,r iii sny �.thor m.uu:rr. 1L�• \1ort.„:tpr�- s6:�il ho �� nntt��d tr� :dl comprnsatiur,s. . . <br /> � ;�cards. and any uthrr pa��mrnt or mlir( Ib��re(or. aud shall !4� ent.i!L�d. :it its nptiun. fr� c„mmenre. :q,�,rur in :ind �.rrnrrute in ifs <br /> own namr :m�� actiun nr pnxc�aiin�. ��r to :nai,v ::m� romE;rrnuxi• cr .rtdo:nrni � n r��u^�rti�ui �� i;h vuch L�Air: ur diima�;r. :11� wi'h <br /> � iompenwtiun. �wxrda, dama���. right nf nctinn :iud �+rnerals un� Lereby assignFd ;o th�• \tort�:a;;eo. :��hn m:�y. afler dedurting <br /> ir tiu�refrom nll its ci{ rele�sr nn}• monry� sn n�reirrd t,�� it or :ippl)• lhr a�mr ou .uiv indrbt��dnr,s .c.urcd heiYby. 'Chr \t�rrt- . <br /> �ngor s�rc�n tu e�nvle such �urther a.signmrnls of auy co�upen .ation . s�� :vreis, damngas, an�i n4hl. of arti��n :�nd prcxv��Yls m� Ihe <br /> � 11wt�;ngee mny nquire. <br /> � <br /> ...` 'I�httt in cnse nf f:�ilurc tn perform �ny nt thi• ��,��rn;uiL< hrrr�n. thr \l ��riga�ee m:ip �So � �n thr \forl �;;i�;nr '. Mfinl ( r��en� thing � . <br /> �q : sa covenanleci: �hat th� VurtgnRee m:n• also �in iim• :act it ;n:ie derm r:�•�r.c�n� �„ proirrl th�� li�vi thrrrnf: ih:it thr \1nn �agar Hill <br /> i, re��ey uEwn demsnd any moneys paid- or di.bursed hp thr \1urt �;x�:rr for sny o! Qu ahu��c purR���'•. ��nd .ach mane�. tn�;,•tlirr ���ith . <br /> intcrest lhcnron nt thr r:u� provid�Y! in wiid not.• ch�tll hx�nmr .n rnuch sd�irtinn�l ind�•ht�dnr�s hrn•hv �r:und :�nd muv M• in- � � <br /> ' clu<!t�d in any �iirtt•e ter��e�las�ng this muri�;atic• and br paiu ouf �: ( :hr rrnLs ur ���rcrr�•d� uf .nl�� o( .atd prriruxos if nu� nthciu�ice <br /> ��� � piud: that it sh:ill not 6e ubligntury upon Ihc Atnr� cag��o � n in�uin� intu ti::. �-cilid�h� uf nnc li��n. rncumhr�ni'rs. ur rl<um in ad. . <br /> vancing moneYs as aboae natharized, but nothing horein roni:um�d .h:ill t�• com� rucd vs nqu � nn�; tL-�• Ainrttiagi�o ��� a;iv:me•e :me <br /> moneys (or nny cuch pur�rose nor to du xnp nct herewider, and that Uor: R���:�'�• .�h:d! �int inrnr �� nv � 4� r.� �nai IiubiLry h.�nn�,�, nf ;�nr . <br /> fhing it ma,y do or omit fo do herrundrr. � <br /> '�� " In the c��ent of the d�•Iault I.�� �iortgager m thr pnytnent of any irstal6nrt�l . as n�quircd hp ILo N��le o-iv�urrd herrhy. ar <br /> +' In the �x�rFotmance o( Ihe o61i�;a�lion iu this mortgn�r or in the noto secun•d them:ip. � he \1oN �;a�rr �linll 6r �m�iNrd to dreiarn � ho <br /> . �iebt secured hcreby duc an� pa�•ablc• �vithn�t noGi•e. and thr \tortgngrr. shall br ��ntillod xt ns u��tion . ��ith��ue w �tur, rither br it�.�ll <br /> or hy a riv.ri��rr to l.v� ,ippuinta.3 l�y ih�• court thrr.v,f. and �� i� hnut reqard to thc �d��Guac>- ni ain� s��airilr (i�r � hr ir.cirhlMim�xs w�- <br /> Yb rured hrmt�p. to enlcr upon and take posh•ssion of �hc mor� �:aged ptrmises. nnd tn cnlh��t nnd nKri.�r tho r;��nl.. i�surs nnd protits <br /> � �: lhemof. nnd npplp the same. 1�s4 costs ai o��er:+tion and trollectinn. u �x�n Ihr inciebtrdn!�cy socured b�� lhic mortgnGe: .aid t��ms, <br /> iscucs nnd P�fLa Lr�ing hereby ns,icneYl fn Ih� 1lorfcnF�+e n. furlii��r .�•curitp G�r Ihe P.�Ym�nt of all indoMrdu��s. ,�.•un�i hrrchv. <br /> � � � 'Pht• \torlg:tgce shitll )�nrr Shc po+s��r ln n{.point am• ngrnt ��r n�;rnl, it may dr<irr for U�r �±urp��e ��: rrpairin� ciid �v�•m- <br /> .�'. . ixr.s: renGng thr, aame; collcclinq thr rrnts, re��rnurs and inceme. and il :nay pap rnrt of .aid incume rtli ezp��n«•s innirrai m rrnt- .,.,, I . ,�: r� � . <br /> . ing snd manuging ihc avme nnd o[ cnllccting lhr renlnls thrreRom. 'I'he b;�laner rrmnininc. if Hn��. shnll ta� a��plird Iow�vd ihn ' �^":'�` � <br /> � ` ., <br /> dixhorFe cf the morlgnge indebtiYlnrxs. This :i��itinmenl. is tu lrrminate und t.rnmi� null and rnid upon n•Ir,i=e uf this mortFste. � N '�' <br />. � <br /> L _ � � <br /> .. ..__ . . _._. __. � ._...�..�_.___.____ _ . _. <br />_ , _.__�_ ��_.____..--- __ _ . <br /> Fa , . «�..._.,._..d.�.... .V. .. � <br /> 1� � <br />�.i <br /> ��� 4 � <br />•���� � � <br /> ., <br />".:'�_� <br />'-::. � <br />` ` � <br /> 4 <br />. . �_ <br /> , k <br /> ' 1 <br /> f <br />- - ! <br /> ( <br />