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ti;,:; <br /> 4` � � � <br />;;�, ' <br />$v� �. <br />�.� <br /> SH <br />� <br />� <br /> r, s <br /> : r <br /> , _ <br /> � <br /> <<:: , _ _ . �.__.. _ . . . . _ . __ _ _ <br /> tog�ther u�th alLtenements. hercditsmrnts and appurtenances thereto <br /> "CO fiAVE AyD TO HOLD the abovc dcscriimd premiscs u�ith all the priviteees and appurtenances thcremuo betonging including <br /> % alt rcnts, issucs and prufits thercof unto pturteaecc, (orecer. And �1ortc�cor heret�y covenants that Mnr�gagor is �vcll and truly seiuu of <br /> � a good tille to the premiscs :�bove convcycd in the law, in fec simplc. �nd has good right and iswful authonry to cim�ry fl�c samc; and <br /> a- � �� that the title so com•e��ed is dear, liee and unincumhered except as other�isc nnred und diat Mort�:igor �ti�ll forever warrant and de• � <br /> ��, (end ilic same tn ?�lortcagce against all claims �chaisoever. <br /> I11iis �fortr.age. is gicen U�� Alurtg.�,ors to ticcurr tlic pertoimance of cach agrecment contained hercin , anJ �o sciure the paymcnt <br /> C uf a I��an iu tlie amciwu oi the Total nl Paymcuts ,hux•ii �boce. « hiclt luan beine ceidenccd by � promissory note henring ecen iiate <br /> _ �. hcrewiih and ���hicl� is (urther dcscrihc� ahuve. <br /> ` ' PROVIDEll :1L1V:\l'S , and these presems �re upon thc ccpressed cundi�iun , that il Uic Alortgagors shall pay in full to Ihe Ttort- <br /> t, � <br /> � \ �agce :i promi,son� note bcarinc even datc i�ere���ith in the amounl set I��rth aho��e . p;+yahle i� installments acconiing to the terms dicre- <br /> i � � � af togclhcr �vitlt intcrest as sct (ottlt Iha�cin , ;md shall p:n� :tll tacc� and asscssments Icvicd u�n c�id real rst�te hcfore the same be- <br /> comes delinquen� , �nd kctp tlte i�ui!dines un saici picmi;c� in:urcd foi a sunt cqual to dte mdeb(edness secureJ itereby, luss, il' any, paV- <br /> . � , sl�]c to ihe �id Afortg�cec. thcn thrse presents to l,c null and ci>id, othern•ise to be :md rem�in in full force, <br /> T'HIS AfORTGAGL' IS ALSO TO BG . :\tiU CO\TINUC- TO ItE, FRO�f TI>1E TO TIM1fE. SGCURITI' FOR 'tHE PAY\tEhT <br /> 3 OF SUCN SUAi OR SUVS OP \i0Nl:1' AS THE \fORTGAG�[ �tA1' FRU\t Tl�tl: TO TI11G IN THE FUTURE All\'AIvCE TO 1'HE <br /> ;; NORTGAGOR, A�D GYIDL'NCEU Il�' A SUPPLti11HNTAL \OTE OR NO'CES, IiU7' NOT TO LXCL'E• D THE TOTAL AF <br /> ;.; S . . . . . . . i`***9., 625.. 8.0"�*E:XCEPT fOR ANY :lU\'ANCES TH,iT 11AY 13E 1L�UE TO f'ROTGCT THG SL•CURITY IN AG <br /> CORDA�CC• 1YITH Tl{E TL2�1S O� 7HIS !1fORTGAGE. <br /> Addilional Tcnns snd Cnndilioni un thc reccrse of thi� aLrecmcnt :irc madc a p:{n hcrcuf .;nd in:orporalcd hctcitt. <br /> 1V WIT'�GSS R'11EREOF. !hc s:�iJ �fortgagors h:+�'c c�ccuteJ these presents the Say and ywr first a6ovc writtcn. <br /> , <br /> -� i� �i^ / <br /> i-�Z�r� !ft c7'�in� � <br /> ? blortgagor <br /> -� % <br /> 7 � v u^l.'���d,- Yf<il�,.C� <br /> I�lort�gor <br /> ` � SPATG OF NEBFL1SkA 1 <br /> � titi <br /> CpUNTY OF_ ilall 1 <br /> On this.�lCh1s�• ul D �mber __ � 1 ') �� , helore me. the undersigned a N��tary 1'ublic, duly <br /> rnnuaissWned �nJ qualilird lur and in uid state :�nd countp , pe�sonalh �ame iat�i�S_3�i_u�_�I11i��nd Ren �e T �'ranlc <br /> tu me known to be the identical pcnon or pcau«s µ hn�c name is ur namez are �(fised tu the foregoing instrument and acRno�clydFed <br /> the execution thereof to he hi;, her nr their volunlarv aci and deed . <br /> �ti'�4�1�flpssii�K��%ind_and�arial Sc�l Ihc day an� �'car last abirvc HTitten. <br /> `� ; . . . � <br /> -, : .. . . � . -�____�� - — <br /> _-.- - „• .:.,,,;.. NOTARI' PUBLIC <br /> - t, � April 9. 1:1 ] <br /> ` A1y commission cxpires 8ie day of � , � y�• <br /> \Cll(' li ti [L' Ol'IIIiR SIUL I OR AUD1110\ r\L TEIL\iS :1\ D CO\ UI 'I'10\S . , � . _.:. , •. <br /> •...�, ;. : <br />' Neo. n.e. N3 ." <br /> > � OP.IGINAL ¢ <br /> �— —� a <br />' , r, , . <br /> Y"< , w <br />:�;, t� <br /> i!"� <br />��L <br />_J � � <br />�.���� l�av- � J <br />.��,..�-h. <br /> j{ <br /> Y <br /> 1: <br /> c <br /> t <br /> f <br />