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�.. . . � � � � `t � i:. <br />��1 .. ;}r:� <br /> o`- , . . . � i '".i <br /> o-� . <br />� �. � . . . . . �.::i..� � � <br /> ys . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ,—� - . �. <br />� �w.+w�-, . h . . . . <br /> �' <br />� ��. � o � 2e ; <br /> . . .. � Tl�e � A4orlgt:gee may colitxt n "lnle chnrge" nnt to t�xceed 1'ive C'ents (Scl !nr rnth iloller (SLW) uf euch total mnnthly � . � . � � : <br /> , � - � puyment more4hun ] 5 dnys in �arrears to cnv��r thr i�xtra i•s�x�nso invrdvcvl in liandlinF drlinqucnl � account�. . � . <br /> �� . � �Ali �,piq�ments mnde � under the provisions c�f ihis mortFa�;e ar fhe note hereby c��cured, which rnny i�e construerl a.a interest, . � � � <br /> shNtl -not, in the uggregate over the. term thercK�f, rxa�iKl the. rnte th:tl may �nuw� be lawtullr rnntracted fnr in writing. � . , <br /> I . � ; IC is turther ngreed that in cnu unp Huit is ix qun iu for�vrlo:+e lhis mortgage. tlre I+Surtgagee, its n�presentntives or assigns, <br /> � . � shall at nnce �bi: entitli�l to Lhe � 7xiss<�sion n! � si�iJ premises, �Hnd upon applicalion then�t�r, the cuurt in which such action nhr+ll � , . . ' . . ��, <br /> � � tx� brought or anY jud�e ot such cnurt, cither in term timc ��r tma�tion, is 1�ereby tiuthorizcKl tn � np�wint n teceiver m tnke posHts- � � � : � � <br /> �. sic»i o[� enid premises, or to collect the. r�•nts iherefrom, nnd lo � do nnd . pertorm such other aets us �nny Uc ?equirerl Uy tlie order � . <br /> �uf tt�e court mnki��g the nppointmenl; :md suid Alorfgagor hemby . ieaives nny notitt o( such npplicntion, and c�nnsenls tn the ap• � , <br /> . . pointment of n recei+•er upun the pr�xluction o! lhi.s mort����, without oti�er avidenec. � � . � <br /> . . . �. •!'he Atorigagee shutl � 6c subrogai��l tu HI( u( ihe riFht,. Pricilegr�. i�rioritiis, and eyuities of �nny lienholder whcue � liem m�y . . . . . <br /> � � havo iuen� dischnrged (mm the prce�d, nf this lo:in. nr hy any funds I�ombc p:tid or furnish��i hy t}�e �1lortgagee. . � . . � . . <br /> :;., . . , . . . � � . � . . . <br /> IT IS EYPRESSLY AGREED t}mt i[ fhe hlnrt�ugor slmil scli, rom�iy or nlienete s:�id property�, or any part thereoE. <br /> � or any iriterest therein, or shnll Fx divratr.d of hig lillc or any intem+t � thercin in �mv mnnner nr }��ny, whether vnlunturily or � � , <br /> � inwtuntarily,� «�thout writien rnnsent nf U�e Aiortcagee hcing first 6nd and obtainzd, DSortgagcK� shall hnve .thr right, nt its option, � � . : � <br /> to declare anp indebtcrineqs ur oLligatior�s sccvred herrby, irn�spertive of Ihe maWriiy d�de speci6ecl in any notr evidencinF the <br /> . � anme, immediately due aiui Payable withoui notica and tu+id debt sluill thcreu��n become .�Inolute: If tl�e ownership of d�e mort- � � . � � <br /> �i gagcd propezty � becvmes vostEd in a pe�n olhcr than the Atortgagor, the hfurt;ugcr mny, xithout notir.e to the Diortgagor. � deal � � -� � . � . . �� <br /> � with such sumosor or successora in interest .��th reterc nce tu this mortgage nnd the de>bt herel�y 4r�ured xs with the A4ort6aRor. � � � � � � � � <br /> � nnd mny for6ezr to sue or may i^xtend time for the pnpmrni of the debt hemby ac�cvred aiihout riischarging or in nny Way nfte�eting � � � . , <br /> � � the linbilitt> of� the originnl hlortgngorhercunder or u�x�n ihr. debt securcKl. . � � � � <br /> � � in this instrum��nt . ihe singulnr indudcs the plural and die masculine includes the. i�aminine nnd the neuter end this in- - . � � � � . "� <br /> . s�rument shall Ix binding upun the i�ndrrsignrrl, his hein. t�rsnn3l rrprc.entntives. suca�ssors nnd acsi�ne. � <br /> � � IN VJiTNESS R'IiERfiOF, �5�e h���e hereunto set our hnnds nnri s��eL the dnp snd yenr nrst ntxrve writtsn �_ � � �� . <br /> � <br /> ' In the prcwence of: � ,/\ � �� � <br /> , � <br /> � <br /> ' � ^ . 1 <br /> _. ;,... ..... ..... ,.. .. �c.�� . . . . ...._. : <br /> � �er� L. r o4tn <br /> L <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> , ` �. ss. <br /> � ; _..xau. .. ... ... .......c�un��. I <br /> t ;; / ��, <br /> t . . ', On ttus . _.. f.�'........_ dny of _ . L��.'.-t,•<...�'�..:.. . __. .-. 19_.76 :Rlwe me. Lhe unde�ignecl. a Notnry• Public, in and for said , . . . . <br /> �' councy. a,�wn�aly can,�.. . Terry L .., �rorm , z . s_i.ngle person . . . ... . . _ ... . .. _...._ <br /> , _ .. .. . .... . ... . . ... <br /> � personally l:nown to me to be [he identical persons �chese names nre nfCiseei to !he abo�•e nnd foregoing instrument, cts morigagais, . � � � � <br /> and each ncknoa�ledged said instrument to be his or her voluninry nct nnd deed. . � � . . � - � <br /> �, . , .. . . , . .. . : . <br /> ��. . � � ��' R�itness my hand and notarinl senl at........Gr:snd_.Ss��d,._3ehzas}sa...... .............. ... ......... _..... ..__..._.........._......---.__..........._ . � - � . <br /> '� the date lnst abovr. written. � � <br /> , �. ROBERT O. PIQCZEK -. - j . � <br /> � GFN£RAL NOTARY • State of Nehr. � � � .c,� � � <br /> ; �dr.�.� r�� �..C�.�. .. <br /> rwr cosm„isabn ewir.s . .. . . . . ...... _. . , ...... . . . . . .... .. ......... .. _ . . <br /> � ' "-'��� NOVENSBER 25: 1978 . . ..... ... . otary Public. <br /> � �� 11v cnmmission expirc�....._.._......��:.�..5..:. � `y � <br /> : <br /> ' . ' STATE OF. .. . .. ..- -- -• -�--� . ...... .............-...-- <br /> ` � ss. <br /> ' Count}• .. ... . . .. . . .. ._... . -� . .. .. .. . ..... . .. ... . . ... ... .. .. _ .. ; <br /> , <br /> Entered on numerical index and filed for record in the Register of Deeds Oi6ce of said County the <br /> x ` ... .. . .__ . .dav of.. . .. . .... ... .... ...... .. .... . . ... . ... . .. 19.. . ... . . . ., at... .. . . . . . . � .. ..o'cleck nnd... ...... . . ..... .. _minutes ... ... ..... .M,. <br /> • nnd recorded in Book..................._.._.._.of bfortgnges at page. .... . .... .... ......... .. as lnstrument No._. . .. .. . . .._. ..---... <br /> , . _... .. ... ........ ._ ... .. ...... .. .....-� ...... .. ...... . ..---...._._...... ............ <br /> Reg. of Deeds <br /> , ; By _. .. .. .._ _.. ... . .. . . _ . . ._. ........_Deputy -;,,, 1 <br /> \i'hen rewrded to be mturned to the ' N.^ <br /> � FIRST FEDERAL 5:1\'ItiGS AND L0:1N :�SSOCI ,1TIOti OI� LINCOLN y <br /> LINC4LN OFFiCES; Phone � 75-OS'.1 � <br /> � l235 ^ti" Slreel I� 135 I:o. Colner 0Iv0_ � �^vtn mE ..q•• St. V i5i1 NO. 33 �M1 Sbeet . � � . . <br /> . � � :2DJ Winf�ro0 Ntl. � 7.^.:h ana vme SL �y , <br /> a � � CfdFMA UFFICES: P�ent554-AJ00 � � <br /> ,`r'j e�oe vcu:c si. L; 7ioi s�. ezne si. � -:o: r�o. so:n s�. ;,, � �a :e wes� o�ae:. ae. . -. . . <br />� �� /iEGION?L OFFICES: � 2126IlntAve. xe�m�r V 533 ..E•' SLtet. faucup !� tdl3 ^!A^ S1.eet. OeC <br />'�'. �. " rnnnr ]25.i2 : N <br /> n . . Pnone 2344a7] ?nunr 72�d:J"t <br />��.: � � 13C1 Nain �ve.. C�<te C 1: 3 Gc� Bu�te Are.. �Ilrance L 1911 N'eu 2nG SL. tiear�,tl IrI�nO I�i 5= 1 !:c. L'ewe� 5:.. <br />;,= ' � VAnne dYti•Ua9 Pnone 7G7�2 : 60 PEone ?Na.d6i3 .. . � � �nne <br /> _ � CoG�dt611465l� f4st (rCenl SaNnRs antl lote Aisacl�thn ol llnsnln. Llncaln. NeEr�fYe � <br />- I <br />.'� <br /> 5 <br />