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� : �' <br /> ' •^ lY <br /> . ( J�. <br /> 4j ! <br />�- . � I . . . . . . � . . . � <br />� ' 76- [) (l. '7 �? 67 � <br /> MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE SUCH PREPAYMENT uNALL OE <br /> �� �� � � APPLIED 70 INSTALLMEN7S LAST TO BECOME QUE UNDER THIS MORTGAGE. PROYIDED THt UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT �N DEFAUU � � � � <br /> � � AND ARE TNEN THE OWNERS OFSHE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF TNE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM, . . � <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 300°/n UF SUCN PRItVCIPAL PREPAYMEN7S, UNLESS AUVANCEMENT I5 PRO- <br /> HI9ITEU BY THE REGULAT�ONS OF CHARTER�NG AN� SUPERVISORV AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT, ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENI'S <br /> � � SHALL SE SECURED. DYTHIS . MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER :AND EFFECT AS !F NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEfl MADE. � . � <br /> THI: MORTGAGOR Fi7RTETTR COV�NANTS AiVD AGREES: <br /> ' r , <br /> � � . . � ,Phat then7ortgagor �wili �>np t.ho indehfrdnccv ua �ieri•inbrfore. �pravided. � , . . . <br /> . . �� � � Thul the Tiortgugur is t6c uwner ot c;�id propertr in I�'(• FIIl7�lI0 :I1llI IL't9 �;a«i riy;ht :md la���ful anthuriU• tn ���Il :md . � . � . . <br /> convey Ilze snme nnd U�al lhe sxnti� ia fmn � ;ind cle:v of am� liru or en�•umbrmuo: :ind th:lt �IurlFng��r +vill rcnrr:tnl :u�d drf��ud the � . . . � � � . <br /> . . Pitlt+ . t�� ::e�id preminr� u>;ain�l. tlu Clsims uL ull � person:+ ���humsacver. . . . . <br /> . 'Co pety immixliairl,y d•lien due nnd pnyr�hli• :�1C Genernl ti�sos, spei�inl taaos. Fprcial ac�,c.e,mrui�. �r:rt�r ��luirgr.a. �ewer .on�- . . . . . � . <br /> � ice rhi�rgrs: nnd. uther taaas and rharges ui:+iintit snid propert�•. and nll tase. Irvied un iho d�•bf ;rcured here6y, and � to (urni�;h Ihe � � � <br /> � MottFi�gec, upun nK�ucst. ���ith thc �ori�;innt ar duVliC:de nreip:u Uurrr(er. 'I'hr \IortFaFur :r;1'crn lh�t Ihere ,hnll bn �ndded t�� � � . . . . <br /> rudi monlhly payment �mquircd h��reunder or . und�•r the �•ridi�nre ��[ deb� .�wurrd hcir6y nn nmount rslim:d��d by the i\torry;;ig���� � � � . � � . <br /> - . . t�i be sullicirnt tu rm�ble lhe hlurl�:ng�=e t�� . par. �n; lhe}' b�Yumr Jua. +�II I;ues ��sv,sments, unJ aimil�r ch��rgrs u�x�n 8ie prrm• �. .. . . . . � <br /> r." ises subject thereto; uny dalicirucy brrause uf the in;uflidrncy nf ,uch additiunul p+p'menls sh;dl be (orlh�ci�h drpositrd by . the . . � . . . <br /> . Atortg�For �vitli Ihc. hlurt�;;�gcc upun dcmand I�y Ihu ASurl�:;�gev. :\ n�- dcfnull. undi�r thie p:�rn�;r.�ph sh;nll he di•��mc•d a dcf:udt. in . . � .. <br /> pa��ment of �axes. � a;srssmrnts, nr �imilnr chnrRrs required herrundoe . . � . . . : <br /> . . . 'Che \lurq:a;:uc itgrocc �heil then• sh:t1l :dsu bo aJdrd lo racit rnondd�• paymunt � �[ �?rinrip;d :wd inlur.:sl rrqui�c�d ifor��- � . . � . � . <br /> . under au �maun! ��siim:�t��d 6p Ih�• \�url�:iger tu b�� sulfirirni to vnuble ihr \tortpa�:oc lo p:�y. n. il brcomrs dw�. lhc insurance �. . � � .. . � . . <br /> � pmmium on any iusur:mcc �r,�licp d��licrr��d t�.+ thi• i\1nrlFa�;��o. :1n>- dcfii�i��ncy },rrausc �d ihr in.ufliciancr o( snch ndditionsl P�ty- � �. . . . <br /> . nu�nts zhall br torihwith dep��.iteil by ihr \1nrl�;:�t;or ���it6 tlio �lurtgnt;or uV���� �Icm:wd Iry the \inrl;;.i,:cr. Any dof»ul� undor this ' � � � . <br /> � � � pnr:a�;mph shall Ir• dvi�med a d��fault in lhr p:iynwnt n! in.:urance prrmiums. t( th�� IN.�lirc ur policies drpu<i�rri arr �uc}� uv hume- � . � . . <br /> - � <iwu�n or .�II risk Exdirie�, nud l6r dr�x�sits :ire insuRirient lu p:�y iho rmirr pr�•ruhun. th�� \lorlg:igrc m:�y npply iho drpasit to . . . <br /> , <br /> - pay pramiums nn risks rrquirvd to be innurrd Ly ihis mnrtgagc. . . . . <br /> . Pay�monLs made b�• thc \iurt;;:j;;ur und��r thr nbun�. �rn � ngr.iplis rn;n�. :n � ho �y�ti��n af tho \larlti;y:��c. L�� Iu�Li Irv it and � . . <br /> . cunmiinFled wilh othur sueh luuds or its own fimd.. fur the p:iymen� nf �nch itrm.. nnd uml �u :�pplied. surh p:�pmrnts ;vr hrn•bp . . . . . <br /> x' � - Ph.igrd .is s��r,urit)' for the nnp:�id b:�liince n( llio. murtRage. ind��btedn�•... - . � � � <br /> , 7'o pnn'un�. didiver tu. :u�d maiutain toe thr hrnrdl u( ihe �inrll:aP�,r durin�: ihe hfr o� lhis morly;uFe uri�in;d pnlicics �md � . � . <br /> u� � nm�•�vuLs thcria�f. deli��en•d al I��nni ten d;�>�s IH�lore the expiratinn of �inp such pulicie., in�unng np:+in�l firc nnd nth�•r msurible . � . . . <br /> r�. �� ha�nn3v, rusual�ic., nnd conting�•ncin.. :�� � Ilp �tOCI1:�IgfC IIl1A\' i'�K�llif�'. t❑ ❑❑ llI11UUpl rqunl tu Ih�• , i��debt(vinoss socurrd by Iliie � . . � . <br /> � . <br /> .. 1lnrtgu�;e. i�nd in <tinupnnics nra�piaLlc lo thn ;1lortcugc�•. �rilli luss �mpaLlo cl:mvr in larur ��F nnd in inrm ncccplijhlc lu lhr �lorlga• � . . <br /> F . gee. In lhe ec��n[ an�• pnlicy is n�,t rcnc����vi un ur I��dnn• ��,n days af il+ ��s��iir:itiuu. th�� Nurl �:q:r�� mny Pnk•urn in�urauur un tl�r . . . <br /> � imprrnmmenlv, pay tLe prrmium Wernfor, :m�l such ,um �hall bccomc inunr�iirdri�� d�n• and pnv;�hic �.iili int�•r��st :d Ilic r:ur .ct � � � . <br /> . turth in ci+id nntc unlil P:�id nnd nhutl Lc >�•rurod b�� this mon�;u�;��. Failurc un t6c pnrt o( ILc \lurU:agor Iu turnish surh ren��wnls � . � . <br /> �"�: � - ss iirc hi�min rryuired or fniluro lo �r,iY aur .�nns iidcnncud horcunder �6n11. ❑t thr � �phun uf Ilir �lurt ;;nxee� run.titute :� defmdt � . . <br /> `� � . . «ndet lhr lenuti oi ihis morlt;:�1:e. 7'lir drlivrr�• n( ;uch pnlirics .hnll. in Ihr c��rnl u( d��faulC. cou+tiWlr ❑n a.siFwarnl nf Ihr �m- � � � � <br /> oarn�Yl prvmium. �. � <br /> i <br /> �: <br /> :\ ny sums r��i�civrd L>' thr \1<��rtRn�ri� h�• rva..nn af loss ur d:tmat:�• imurrd n�;:�inst �n;n� br rrl�unvd Lc Ihr :�iurlx+o;co : � . <br /> :ind npplied tu�card ihr paynua�l of the drht hrmh�� .��cumJ, nr. at ihe oplic+n uf Ihe \l� �rlgngr�•, such sum. �•ithor ahollt� ur in . <br /> ¢': � . pnri mnc b�• puid �n���r lu th�� Ainrl �_:r;or lu Ix� u•od l�� nq!nir nuch huildin;;� � �r io FuiLl urw buildin„s in Ih�•ir pinrr ur ior an1' � <br /> othcr purPusc ur ubJ��cl �:ifis(nctup' lo thr \lurl �;nl;r�• wifhnul nli.�i Un� thv licn on Ihc morlr,aG�• fnr thr fnll nm�,unt �r,urrd hrrr- � � . . <br /> by hcfun• vuch Zr,�)'monl o���•r Irx�6 Pina•, . � - . <br /> �i� � 'I'u ��romptly nqrur. rr.tur�r nr rrbuild nny L+uildinc• nr imprm�r�nrnb nuw ��r iu�nad �cr nn Ihc promi..•s ..hi<�h nwp hc. � <br /> *i� comr damt�ged ur destro}�rd : ln I:i�rp .�iid � �rcmi.r, in c�nid nmJiliim :md ropuir :md � ror frum nn�' m��chauir'� li���t or �qher hen or . . <br /> � claint uI lion nnt rxPtr.asl)� .aul��rdin.drd lu ih�• lirn hrn•� d: w �l tn �:u1Tcr nr prruul :ui�� unl:�ti�ful nyr nf ur :my� nqisaniy�• In r�isl on � � . . <br /> '�� �_ caid pt'u�>rr�y nar tu prrntil �cnsfe nn �md ��rcmis��v. unr l � � ilo �nn� olhrr nc� �ciirrrlrv Ihi� prnp��ny hrrrL}� rnnvcyr� l shnll IKrumn . . <br /> � <br /> Iosa valuabli�. uor tn diminish ur irnpsir il. �:dur I�y �nn� ncl or �nni..iun In art : t�� �•� vnplc �cilh :JI rryu � n•nu�n� s �d I:i�c �cilh n•spi�cl <br /> - . tn Ilir mnrigaged prrnn=rs nnd th�� ino ihrn�nL � <br /> - �. "Chal shuuld the prrmisi�; or :uq- Pnrl llu•n��,f la� 4�krn nr dnm:��:vd I,y n�:u"n n( nn>� puLlic itnprnc��mrnt ��r cnndrmnniian <br /> .Y pnrcriYling, nr wtdcr thc righl ul rmiurnl dom;�iu, or in nuy uthi�r ncmnac Iho �lortP.��t��'�' }h;dl L�� rnlitli�d lo +dl c'�mtP�'��•+�l��rnv, <br /> T,. <br /> �: � mcard., at�d any ulhcr paymcut or rcliof Ihrrvdur, aud .6:dt L�• i�ntitl���i. vl il , uptnu�. In �•mm�u•nro. npPrar in nmi pmv�rulc m ii.v <br /> own nnmi• any urtiim vr pnK�r��dintt� ur lr. mnkc nnc rumprumisc ur .��ttlrm�•nl in eonnr<•t�un ���itli such iakine ur J:m�ngc. .\II .uch <br /> � � � raroprn�ulinn. :iwurds. d:muu;rv, rir.i�t nf uctiun ;wd prucrcJ. nrr hrrrh�� n,si{: ni�d lu Ihr \IurlFn;:c�•. ���ho m:n•. al���r drduclin�; <br /> +�'- � �. thcrr(rom nll iL< rsp���»r�, rrir:ico am� moncys su rrrrico�l hv it ur npplc tbr <:uno nn :urv uidrbirdnv. srcurwl lu� rrh�� �Phc \lori • <br /> � � tingnr ugr��r+ tn �•aiK•uli� uich h�rth�•r n..i�nrucnlr of nny rom�mn.atinn. :nv:vds, d,im:r.:i•�. :�mi ri;;hl, vl nrti�in iuul pr„i�r��d. :ta Ih�� <br /> v <br /> �tort�:a�;��c m�iy rrquirn. <br /> ��� � r �l�ht�l in ciuv o( failurv to prrfurm an1' nl iho rucrunnls Imr��in. thr Vlorlt:npco may dn on Ihi• Aiarl �;q:ur'� bchnll rvrn� � hinp <br /> . . so ouvennntcd: thrit tho \turlguFrc �nay nlsu du nn�� :itt it mny drrm nrc��.cuy In � �n�l� •cl Ih�� lirn thrr�•nL Ihxl Ih�� \InrIG+�F��r w�ill <br /> . rrpuy upun d���nund nuy munrys p:�id ur di�Luni•d b�• Uu� \Inr� F�n:�•�� �nr �mp � �f fh�• :ibo��r pur��o.�•.. :ind sur6 munr>'. �u�;rlhrr u�illi <br /> � intere�l then�em nt lhi• rnie provided iu s:ii�l nulr >h:dl hi�rum�� .n niu��h a� ldibunnl inJr6irdn,�ss h��rr6y .��cumJ :ind mrn' b�• in- <br /> cluded in imy di•cree funrinsing this mc�rly;n7��• :md b�� pnid nul of t6c r��nt. or � u�urords � �f >�Jr � �f r::iid pn�misrs il n��t � �� herwi.,• <br /> pnid: Uud ii sltall nnl. bo uldigniury upun Ihr Alurl�:+u:c�• In inqnin• iulo th�• vnhdily nl an �� li�•u. rncwnl�a:mn�.. or rl:+im in ud- <br /> � �uncing muaryx as vlron� :wlLurizod. Lut nolhin�; hrn�iu i�unlniuni .h:dl In� r��n.trurd :n uviuiriiu: Ihr �Vart �;n�;rr 1 ,� ndr:uio�� nny <br /> �: � mnneys for nny such putlMne nur lu do nny ncl hrreundrr, :�nd ihn! �iurt�:n[�•r .hnli noi inrur :we ��rr�nnul (iabilil �• h�•rm�va nf :nn'' <br /> , thin�; it muy do nr i,mi� lu dn hcrrundor. <br /> i In thr c��rnf o[ thr ileL•t�ilL I��� \intlpuy;ur in Ih�� puymrnl ��I ❑m� mst �Jim.•nl . :is rrqwmd U•: tLr \utr sranrrd hi�raln. „i. <br /> � � in thc perfurtnunrc of lhi� oLliFntiun in t6is mnrttint:�• ��r �n ih�� uoto ,wrumd Ihi�rrhy. Ih�• \inrtgn�:c�� �i�all 6�� rn � itL•d lu d�rl:vr ihr <br /> : dc6t sucured herrhy due nnd puynfdn M9NlOUI ROIII'1•. AIl(I (MP A� O[I41\FPP VL:fII IlP 1'l1�lUf�l ul �tx uplinn. �cith� �ut nuhi'�•, •.�i� hrr Ly iLw•Il ` � � <br /> � ur 6y x [rcY•ivcr to tw n�ipuinttel hy thc courl thcnYd. itnd �vithunt m�;urti t+� Ihi• ud�vpuu•y u( auy o-rrurih' Ivr tho indrhG•dne�... v�- , .�' . <br /> cunKl herC�y. �u e�nter upnn :md �nl.r ptr.�.ves��nn o( tlu• murll:ntied Prrmisrv, imQ lu culir� t �md �ecrn�a Ih�• n�nl.. i+ �uc. nnd prulile � � N . ' <br /> � thnrenf. �iad� up�ily the wtme. Ircy cu.ts o( opend.iott and rulleclinn. upon ihi• indrh�rdnr.�v .��rutrd hy 1hi: nu rlti,�t.�•: �+dd rrnls. ' } 7 , � <br /> L icvi�rs nud pmfils Ix•int; h�'rcby ucsihned In tfn• \fortt;nl;rr a. furl6��r .��rurilr Grr Ihr pnymrri� nf :A1 indehlodnrs� vrnmd hrr� by � � <br /> d ; <br /> . '1'L<• �7ur��;:�acc shnit hn��c lho pow�+r tu npp�+iut ;�ny a�ent „r ng.�nL; it mny di,.irr („r thr purpu.i� of nq,:nnni: .:�id pn•m. M. �.. � '� . . <br />� � i.�K: rcnt�ng !he s�unr: culloctin� thn ronty. rrei•nu�•a mid iurumr . nnd i� m��>� P:n� nut uf v�id inrnm�� ,� Il �• cp,•n..��< Incurnvi in rrut � . , <br /> � ing nntl tnnn:�gin�; lhv �nmc and o( cnlli�chni: th�� n�uUd� lh��mirnm 'I'hr I�al:nir�� n•mniuinti. it au�� . �ludi bo ,� ppliid tow.�rd � hr . � . <br />`��"k,� diachnrge o( �hc mvrf�n�;c in�lchlrvin� s.. 7'hi. as,i�nmrnt i•� In li•mm �nt�� :ind I.•rurnr niJf aud c��id up�m rrl��n<„ nl Ilur n:ur4:.y:c . <br />�� <br /> ti� <br />"� � ,.,.. -- .. . � J <br />` ��p <br />:- F <br /> � <br />' z <br /> � <br /> f <br />