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� , . <br />�` ' . . . . . v'� . <br /> � <br />� ` . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . �. . .:e��lb- . <br />� • � ' <br /> Q . � <br /> A 7� � 0 '72E; 6 <br /> � ; � � The A9orlgaqee may collect u '9iste e6arKe" not fo cxceed I��ive CenLe l5c) fur eucl� dullur ( � I .W) uf ruch totul mnnthly � . . . . <br /> . . . payrnent more t}ian 1( d�ys iu arrenrs tu mvrr thi� exira ��sprnae invnivwl in handlint; delinyucnt accounts. � � . � � <br /> � �. All pnyments made �under thc proaisiuns uf lhis morigage ur thr note heteby ;iecured, whic}� rnay be mnstrued us interest, � �� <br /> � �sh�ll not, � in the aggregale over. ihe trrm thermt, excecd the rafe that may now be law(ully. contracted for in writinq. � � . . � � - <br /> - � �� � It in furthr.r u;;Pced that in ca�e ant• suii is begun in� foreclase this mortgage; llie � t�4ortgagee, its ir.preaentt�Gves nr assigns, �� . <br /> shali . xt oncc be entilled to ihe pussessiai ��I snid premisen, nnd upon applirntiun thereloq fhc court in which sucL uction shnll . . <br /> � Ix� br6ughk �ar uny judge of such court, either in� tcrm timc or t�ncalion. is hcreUy �authorizc�l to nppuint u receiver to take poe�s- � � � � . <br /> � siou o! snid premises, ur Lo colle�ci th�• rrnts �thcretrorn, and to do� uud perfonn � such � other actn ns may �be . reyuired 6y ihe ut<ler � � � . �. � � <br /> . of �tl�e court � making the appoinlment; mid sniJ Dlorlgngor Imrehy H•aives nny nntice of such application.� und consenfs lo the ap• � . . . . . <br /> ��<. ��ointment o[ n rrcciver upnn the j�r�uiuMiim o(. this mortp,n6G� «�i( hnut bther evidr.nce. � � � � � . � . � <br /> ,�_ % � . . . . . � . . � . <br /> � � . � 7'l�e Afurtq:igee s}�all Ix suLrogated to ull af tfie rights, . pri�•ileges. priorities, nnd eyuities u[ any lienhulder whose licn may . �� � � <br /> iuxvc bi�en � disrhnrgec! from� � the procecdx b( this loan, or hy nny � funds herebp p�iid or furninhed hy the �blort�;agee. � � � , � � � <br /> � � I'P 75 EXPRESSLY. AGREED thnt i[ fhe 2�4nrtqngor stiall aell, convey or nlienate ssid properiy, � or nny pnh Qicrmt, � � � <br /> or nny interest tiiercin, or sha11 be divestcKl ot hiw. title or nny interest therein in :�ny manner nr wny, whether .voluntarily or � . _ � � .. . <br /> invvluntarily, without written enn�ent of the AforfKagee being first had and obtnined, r�ortgagee shaill hati•e the righk i�t ita option, <br /> to declxre any indehtedness or obligutio�vs Fecured herrby, irrespective of thc muturity dnte spcv�ifiMl in �ny note evidencing the <br /> � �snme, unmc�iintely due and p:iyubin w9tlmut notice, and � s:iid debt shull thereu�wn Uncome alnolute. It the owner�hip of the mort- � � . � � � � <br /> . 686�1 Ptoperty ,lxromes vested in u person other than the Dlnrtge�gor, the rfnrt�;agee� moy, x�ihuut nolice W the . Atortgngor, deal � � . . <br /> with such successor or �urcessors in interest with reference to this mortE�iqe nnd the Jebt hereby secured as wilh the I�fortgngor, � : � � <br /> nnd mey forUear to sue or may cxtend time tor the pnyment of tl�e debt hereby s�cured w�ilhuut discLerginR o� in nny way afTecting <br /> � the linbility ot �tlie originnl t�4ortF���r hereunder or upnn the dr•bt sr.c•urc<l. � � � � � � . � � . � <br /> j � = . In thie instrument the singulur irictudes thc plural nnd t}�e mnsculine includes the leminine und the neuter and thi9 in• � � <br /> '• strument r;h:dl Ix binding upon the undersignrd. Lis heirv, person�! representatives, tiucccason ane[ assiRnu. . � � � � � � <br /> ;.;.��. � . . . � . . . . . . � � . <br /> �' � 1N \t'ITIv'ESS �i�H�REOI', wc hnve hrreunio srt our hands and s��al. the day �nd yrar first abcrvo µ�rittea � . . � � <br /> ,� In tlie preu�nce uL• � . .. <br /> ; � �{ �,�{ � <br /> ` .. .... �S�t�S<<�..l.V'' ..! l�S... ���i�lZ�f� .�..�..... ... . . . ........_. . . - <br /> �i y arne� <br /> f�� �� . . � � . � . <br /> L.. <br /> ; _.I��3J��'� �.1��ln�_., <br /> .... . ............... <br /> . arne <br /> '< <br /> ; S'I'A7'E OF NEHRASKA ' � <br /> � Ha11 �f �' � <br /> ` Coun[y, ) <br /> i � On ihis .....'�.. . ._. ._ day of .Ct��!`�.:. �`�"'... .__...... ] 2:(b. Ixfom me. the undersigned. a Nolnry Public, in ¢nd for enid :� . � � � . <br /> 2 <br /> ' Conmv, Person¢lly cumc.... ...3i17,y...D.....Darnell..and..targarst_D....Darnell,...hushann..aud..:.ri_e.. . . ._.... ... _ ...... <br /> � pereronally knrnvn to me to be the idenlir�l persons whose nEuncn nre a(�ized to the niwve and foregoing instrument, a� martgagors, <br /> s.°.� � nnd ench acknowledged said iastcument to be his or her voluntury nct und dcv.d. � . -. � - �. . <br /> '�` ` . Grand Island i,nbraska <br /> Q � - � Witness m}, hand and notarial setd nt........_....._...................._ z...�.n . r................. ....._ _......_.............._ _ ... ......... ...................._.._...---..... . - . . <br /> �j; - the dnte last nbove written � � <br /> .� , <br /> � RQBERT D. PIACZEK ,{ . � <br /> ' ' �ENERAL NOTAAY - Stete vf NeM. /l , �/ /�'-�'C <br /> /� '' <br /> _ . ....._ . <br /> " . .. . ...... . .. <br /> .. . ........ <br /> � ' t,� �a MY Cortunitaion Expfres � ;�Iotary PuMi� . � . <br /> � � NO MS�A 5p 197B <br /> . i \SS commission expires...... . �� ? S ' �O .. ... _ . . ... .............. <br /> STATEOF...... ............. ................................... <br /> :��,� � '. � 59. . <br /> . County . . . .. ... ........... .. .. ....... ... .. ......._ . ...... ... ... ... ) <br /> Entered on numerical index and 61ed Eor record in the Register ot Deeda O(fice of snid County the <br /> . .... ...dav of..........-� . ......... ..... _. . .... ., 19...... ...., at...... . ... .... . .. . . .o'clock und........... ... .... . .minutes .. . .... .....M,. <br /> : nnd recorded in Book.............. ..............of n1ortgages at page......... _ .._ .. _ ....., as Instrument No..._ . ...... ...... ..... <br /> , . .. ..... .. .. ... ..... ... ... _... .... .... ... . . ... _.. ...._...... . ... ..._............ <br /> Reg. of Deeds <br /> , : <br /> IIy - ........ . . ... .... . .. .. ._ ... ._ . .... .. .. .. .. . ... . _ . ...... .. .. .. . ..Deputy <br />� - \Vhen recorded to be te[urned to ihe . `•� , � ';,; > " . <br /> FIRST I'EDERr1L S,IYINGS :�ND LOAN ASSOCI�ITIO�' OF LINCOI.:�` `'! �� <br /> . � UNCOIN OFFICES: Phone /75•0521 � � <br /> � 1235 '91" Street � 135 No. Colnu OIVO. � ]Gth anE "A" SL � 25t1 tlo. Iilh Strcet �, <br /> . � 2.^00 WI�rtNOP N0. � ]O�h anC Vine $t. j� <br /> L � <br /> . OMANp OFFICES: Pnont 55.1•AOPO � �j7 - <br /> �:.. <br />� .: � � B705 P¢ihc SL � 2IU1 So, 4'.nd 56 � 3:J5 tio. SOt� Sf. J IJi20 W�sti DaEge Nd. � <br />��� � pEG10KAL OFFICES: (� 31 _0 flrst Are., Ke�mp � 513 "C' SbreL f�irGury (i : tlJ "1.!" SbrH. OrE <br />,."',�* .; Plione 23b2� ]3 PM1une 7:9.7.'02 � � F• ]2A,J21 fi <br /> � 3301 I.Oin Ave., C�e1e � 123 Bo� Gune Ar<., A;li�n:e � iAl l Wnt 2n0 SL. Grnnp bianG jJ 521 !lo. Cerr� 5�.. <br />�` � Vl�une 814�� iC9 Ppcne 752•73E0 Phcer 344��C3�! n P�aOt <br />'� � Ceord[6[ 1965 hr ilnt FrAeul S�rinpf aoE teae Auodmlan ol llMola lineoln. Mep+uta <br />�. . <br />`+ J� _ .. _._ . �� <br />;'� <br />'�� . <br /> { <br /> e � <br />