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, ,. <br />�,id�. � � � //'�.h <br />�.� � . . � . . . . . . . � - . t ' .Yn . <br />: . <br /> a� � n � � � f � � <br />�, . � <br />�= %b- <br />' h10RTGAGORS MAY tdAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL Oti ANY INSTALLMENT DUE �ATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL BE <br /> APPLIED TO 1NSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOIdE DUE UN6ER THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT . . � <br /> � � AND ARE THEN . THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM, � . <br /> � PAYEE'AGREES TO FURNISH� TO THE UNDERSIGNED 300% Of SUCH PRINCIPAC PREPAYMEI�FTS, LINLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO- � <br /> HIBITED BY THE REGULATIONS Of CHdRTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS � � . <br /> � SHALL BE SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EPFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MADE � � � � � � <br /> ` � THE AlQRTGAGOR FURTHER C'OVF.NANTS A:rD AGREF.S: <br /> . � . . 1'hnl the Morigagor �vill Pny the indebfednesv as hercinbefore pr�n•ided. - <br /> � � Thak fhe hlorigagnr is th�± ownor o( said pruperty in tce simple and has goal right :md la�� (ul authoriiy io sell �md � � : � � � � � � <br /> � rnnvev tha samc- and lhat the s�me is (ree and clenr uf nny lieu or encumivance: xnd that \tort�r��;ur �+�iil �carrnnt ,�nd dt•fend ihr, � . . � � <br /> . litle to said premiscs aKuii�st� the cluims of all persmu whnmsocver. � � � � � . - � - � <br /> � . To pay � immediniely �cLen due nnd payxble idI grnrral iaxes. specinl laxe,. special .Li�rssments, water chargev. sewer =erv. : � . � � . . <br /> icu . charges; and � other . tnaea und charges �t;t�insl said proprcty, and all tax�s Ict�it-d o:� thr drbt src��re<1 hereby, imd t� furnish thr � � . � � " <br /> Atortgsgeee. u�x�n �� re+yuest, with the original ur duplicate. r��ceipis there(ur. 'I'hr- \torigngor a�;recs Ihat tliere :;hnti be added to . . . . � <br /> cach monlht)' Papmenf mquired hcreundc•r or under th�� evi�fiencc� u( debt s�wured hcreby an amounL e;timafed 2>�• Lhe Atortgagee . _ .� . <br /> � Lo be suflicient to rnable thr \SurtRagee ro pay. :�s the�• Lecom�e due. .11 iaxes. assessmenls. :�nd similur charg« upon the prem- : � . . � <br /> 4 � ixs subjt,rl . theretn: any deficienev Ix•cauu of �hi� insuf3iciency ni such ndditiunal pat�mrnis slmll be (<�rth:vilh depoeited by th�, . . � . . . <br /> 1�tort¢agor wit}� tl�r• Aloriga�ee� upon demm�d . by thr Atnrl;;egi�o Any defuult undi r ihis parnerapt� �hall be deemi•d a detault in . <br /> a paymeni of taz�. ns.crssmen(s, ar similar char�•es requir�•d hrrew�d�•c � . . <br /> '1'he Mort�agor :e�;rres that tLort� shall :�Isu be addrd to r:ich mnnthly �myment nt pnncip:�l r�nd intere=t mquired here- � � � . . � . � � . � . <br /> y under a�n ami�uni estimated ln• thi Aiortt;aKee tn 6�• sufficieiit ro rna6le the :�fort ;,agee b.i pa} , :+� it brcomes �lue. the insuranm . . . .. . . <br /> � � premium nn any insurunre pnlie}� defi��etF�d tu t6e Af��rt,aqee. An}' deficiene�• bec:�use of thr :n<utiiciencp of such additional Pay• � � � , <br /> mrnts shnll tx furth�vith depu>itrd bp the \tor��a�;w with the� \turlgnRe�e ulwn drrnnnd iry th �ilorl�:a;,i.c. Any deiaulf under this �. . . . . . <br /> paragraph shull tx• dre�ned a detaolt in ihr P1>'uu+nl u( ins.urunci• prrmium�. Ii the �H�hcy or policies d� po>itc�d are auch as home- � � � _ <br /> o•.vner�: ur all risk pulicies, and the dep�rit; are insufIicient to p:q' thr �•ntin• premiun:. tinr At�u�t�agoe ma}� npply the deposit tn . . � . <br /> ��. � f pa}•. premiums on risk, required to br insured by ihis mnrt�a::�•. � � . � � � - . <br /> . YacmnnLS m.ide by liie SSnrtRa;:or under ti�:• .+Loee p:�ragr:�pns m�ic. at ihr up� i�.m n( thi• `durtga�uc, fK� h��kt hy it and : � � � � � � <br /> . . . comminelyd �ti-ith other such Cunds ur its o�an funds fur tiu• puymeut �,I such ivans. ��nd unlil do uppli��d. such p:rvmeni; are iiru•by . . � <br /> . pl�dtie+l tis srcurily for ihr unpaid bul;tnce of fhe murtcaFc indebtrdm�;s. . . <br /> - To prncure. driirrr io. and maintain for thr henefit uf the illurtFa�Er �hinnc thr� Iun ai this mori�v,:e onginnl policirs and � . � . <br /> � renewals thereof, delivered at li•a=t fen days brfnre the expirati�m uf anv �urh poi�c�rs. �n;uan�; ay;�inst Gre :md othvr h�surable � . . <br /> '" � hnzards. casualties, and cnntinguncies ns the ��lortga�;cr nw>' r�v7uire, in :w eunnunt eyunl to the , indrbt�z3ness secured by this . � � . <br /> v�� �� Dlortgage, and in companirs .acceptnble to the A4urtpa��e, u�ith loss p:iyable clvuse in (a�or uf and in form acceptahle :o thr• �Surtt;a� � ' . � <br /> �' � ' � F�. In the event am' policp i; noL rene���eKl on or bn[orc �en days o( ils cxpiratir,n, thc hluriFa�;cr, may procurr insurann• on the . � � <br /> r:� � . imprm�ementx. pnp ilu� premi�rn thr.rrfor. nnd r�uch su�n ,hall hcc:�me immrdia�ely due and p;ry:tble ���iih inler;•,t ed. thr ratc set . . . . . � . <br /> � (urth in said note untii p��id nnd shall bc .ecurrd b�• this rnon„ai;�•. t:iilun• on the irurt o[ the Jtort�a:,or to furni�h such rnne�eals �. . . � . . <br /> as am 6crr,in rcyuired or failure lu pay any sums udvnnced hcr.�und�r .h�ll. at thr nption of fhe \furi,,.��:ce. c:�mtitutr a cieiault . <br /> . under the t��rms of this mort:;a;;e. The <irli�-erc o[ such pr,liries shall . in thr c�ent o( JF�fault. e�ms�ih�te an assiKnm��nt o( � h��. wi' - . � . � . <br /> earnwl premium. . <br /> � . Any sunu mcei��rci 6y ti�e 1lortt;a;;e<� by rrn.un ut L�=.s or d;fma;:e in=urrd a�ainst mav Lc relnineri 6y the \1urt��cee . � . <br /> imd applird to�eard the payment of the di�bt hrn•by sr�coreri. or. .�i ihe option nf ti�e AtoriFager, such .ums <�ithrr .rholly ur in . . . . <br /> �..�� part may he paid over to lhe Dlorty�a�ur tn tx� uaal tu n•pair �udt buildings or tn 6uild m•w 6uildin;;s in their plaic�� ot (nr any . . <br /> uther Pur{mse or uLjeci s:atis(actorp to the. �SnrlgnK��� H�iti�nut a(trctin�; thr li��n un [h�� :norl�u�;e (ur Ih�. iull arnount securrd here- . <br /> iry br(nrr� <ucF p:�ymrnl rv��r t�Kd: place. . . � <br /> G•� �� 7'„ promptip repair, ro;lure nr n�hnild :�ny buildinc: ur improvem�mt: nu+�� nr h��reatler nn tt�r prrmf.u�s �ciuc)i m:+�' tre- � . <br /> comr detnat�ed ur des�m}�iK1 : tn k��ri; .aid premi�i•s in ea�d coudition anJ repair and (rri• irum am m��chanic', Iir�n or othrr IiNn nr . � : <br /> � cl.eim of litn nnt e�pn�s,;ly sufxirdinatF�d to thv li�ai hen��C ��ot tu sufior ��r perrnu �+uy wilaxiul use of nr un �� nuisancc� tn ezist on . � . . <br /> � snid prnprrty nur ta prrtnit i��aste on >siid premis��s. n„r tu dn any �ithc•r :trt nh�•n-h}' thr propi•rty nerebr cuneeyed shall lx�come � � <br /> Irs� ealuable. nor to diminisli ur impair it. ealui� br anc se! ur omissir,» to :ir! : to enrni�h' •,�i� h all r��quirrm��nt. of la�c a�iti� rrspret <br /> ��� to ihe morigaged premi�+rs nnd thr u�i• thrreut'_ <br /> .� "fhat �hould th�. prnmise, or anp pnrt then•of Fa lakon ur dama�;ed by ro>e;nn of an>� public imprnvi•ment or cundemnation . <br /> `'- ' prxeeelin�;. ur under the ri�:ht of i•mirent dc�m�iin. ur in :my other mannrr. thr \1urf :;u;,�ec nh�ll Lr• ��.ntideJ tn all cumpcn=ations, <br /> ;' . - ' ;nvnni�. and am• uther P�)'menf ur relie[ therr(or. �nd shall la� eutitl��d. at its optiun. tu c��mmencr. a,pi,ar in and prme�:ute in ite <br /> 'r' � �� o�vn nnme �mc ar.[ion nr pnxredinz o: t�� makc any cumpromise or srttlornant in eonnre[ion u�ith sucii takm;: ur dama�;e. Ail ±uch <br /> ' eompensutinn. .ia�ar�Ls. tiama;;i�s. riGht r,f nctiun :+nd pr�icerd, �re h��niry aci�m�d h� th�, �l ��n �ae�e, wiiu m:ip, a(ter deducun� <br /> „ � - ihere(mm ull itc ta{x•nse�. re(eane un}• mom•y. �o rcri�i�r��i Ly� it u ; applp the =nm�• or nny indebtr<inrss -e•currd hrmLp. 9�h!• \1nrt � <br /> gt�Gor agrec� to rxe�c� fe sudi funht�r a=tiiwnmenec o! Um� c��mp�ms:�n� �n. u•x�ird,. � iama�;��s. :md ri[:hh ��f action and prurvrd, :i the <br /> � �� �� 3tortga�ce mna riK�uire. <br /> j . � That in ca+r of (nilure tn perlimn any o; �hr c�.�ecnant+ hi•n•in. � h � �1�-�rt ;:s;� �. m.iy d�� un ih�, �1nrf „a;tnr's f;vhalf r� ��r�:diing <br /> ° � �n irovennntrd: thzt the �1on„agee mav ah,o dn un}' .ic[ tt mac drim nu �• tu � ,rob�cl � hi� lirn � hrn•uC t}�:it thr '.11„rtpat;ur �cill <br /> � repaS' upnn di•m�nd vny moneys paid or di-shuned bp the ]lurtga�ee fur anp uf th�• aLuvr purp�nc;. end .such tnone)'s tu�:i•thrr :vith <br /> � intet�:.t lherenn at lhi• rale pruvid�sl in said notr shall becumr su muci� .dditiun:il indrk�,tevinrss hen�by =�.cumd :�nd may M• in- <br /> - cluded in uny dccreti• turcrlos4ng tLis mortg.i�e and Le puid �,ui. n ( th�• renU ur prec,�ed= u( sal�� u( >uid if nut r,thrn��isc <br /> �. paid; thal it =hall not he o6li�a[ory uPon the '�tnrl:;a���r to inquir�• intr, tiu� ��alidih� ot sny lion. rnrumt;ranr.c�, or clahn in a:i� <br /> . •oancing motteys us ntHn�e authori[ed. but nutiiing hrrrin containrd shall l.• eon=irucd ::� rcyuirin� the 91uri ;;uger tn :uknnre an�. <br /> - mnnepc for any such pur�rose nor to do any aci herrunder: and that �tori;;ne�•�• >half n��l mcur an•: p��rsonal tiability h��cau�r nf am�- <br /> r <br /> . thint; �t mnp dn or omif to do hcmunder. <br /> , In tl�e r:rnt u( tin< default h� '�lurtgapor in lhr payment of +my inet;dh:�rnt . :�s rcyuire�d 6y thr No�r s�•eur:�J hareby. ur <br /> . in the pe�r(armance of ihe obli4atiun in :his mortga„e or in the not�• :«�tvmd therebc, the 11ori.a�r�• sliaii b.• rnti�li-d tu d�•clere thr _ <br /> debt sctuml hrrt�6y due anrl p�sable withnut nctice. and Ihr Atorl�nKee shall br rntitled nt it� oplinn. icilhout nntia�. �•ithrr b}' it>elf <br /> �. or bY b �'iver to be nppoirdcKl by fhe court ihemn(. and withouf crF��rd to � he adav�uacy uf nny securih� tnr tl��• incir6ti77m•=s u•- - . t � <br /> . . citrerl heieby. io enter upon :vid take po�v:sion of ihe mnrt�;at;ed prrmisrs. and fo iy�lloct and n�cei}�a th�• renes. i,surs aud ��rnfits - ,� �: '���. <br /> � lhrmo(. rir.d a[iply lhe s1me. less co:ts of o�xratiun and collection. upun tnc in�i��Ll�ylve:s u�cur.•ri by Uv� murtk�g�•: s,�id mnts. yN '<` :. <br /> �, � i;sues end profils bein� herthy .t>si.K��ed tn lhe Mort�;at�re as (urther srcurite £nr thr paym�nt uf all indrLto,inv=s .�runvi h.•rrbv. y� . .. <br /> . '1'ht- Mortga�rr shall hure �the Pmver to appoint :my� ngent or a��ents it rn.�y r,rrirr L�: ti�e purP�^s• !�� ( rrp:iirine .ciid pmm- � - . <br /> h <br />�, rrntmg tl�e s:une: rnllecting thr renfs, rerenues and mc��,mr, ard �t n:�} p:�y nut uf 4;id mium�• ill � c {. 0 �r.� ine�irr� i im m�t- (Q - � <br /> i��g and mana�;ing th�� cune and of coli�K•tir.�; the mnt:ilv there( rom TFe bafance n.rnainmv d :ins . h +ll !, :, � plir i t�rx:ud the � <br />�.� �� di:+chargt of lhr. martr;ago indrbtrdm .:s. This a<.i�!mm�nt is to t ��rm� natr and fwcomo null and ���:i,i uln,n n r ��ti. ��I t ! n; mnrt�;a:;c . � - � <br />>� <br /> 3� <br /> c;: <br /> A'I' <br />:W_ <br />�^: � <br />�`� _. ,- .. . � <br />:T �� <br /> �y <br /> f <br />'" i <br /> 1 <br /> t <br />