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� � i;. <br /> r <br />�' � . � - � .r.r'k� � <br /> Sy .�. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . � . . � � . <br />�, ��- 00 '72 � 5 . <br /> - 'I�he Dlorlgaqee rnay ccrllect st "late cherge" not lo ezceed Five ('�mis (ic) for euch dnllnr l$ L(10) uf euch t�ilzd munthly . . . : � � . . <br /> pnyment mor�• ffmn ]ti� di3yx in urreurs tu cu��er Ihi= �•zlrn ��xp�nsr involvrd iu handling drlinquent nccounta. : � � . . <br /> � � All �piiyments madc � mider �the provisiuns of lliis mortRngc ur Uie nute 6rret�v necured, which mny {�e construed ns inlemst, � . . . <br /> ' shall �� nut, in. the nggreRele uver the tenn (hen�f, . excecd the. rate tlmt muy now br In�vfully contrnctrd for in writing. ' � : �. { <br /> � � � � � It is furlher agreed � lLai � in cuse uiiy suit iy hegun tu fuieclo;e this mortgngc,ihe h7urtgngee, its representativee or t�4signn, � � � _ � i <br /> sLall nl once 6e entiHed' to the� poxyesaiou of suid premises, nnd u��mi npplicalinn tl�eretoq . the enurt in which xuch netion ahnll : � - � � <br /> . Iw brought ur uny judge cif such amrt. citl�es in term time nr vacation. ia Lereby � uuthorir.c�l tn nppuint n receiverlo tnke posaes• � � � � � - <br /> �sinu oF anirl premisex, ur to col�ecl. tha rents . t]�ere(re�m, and to du and perform such ol6er acta as m�y be . required by the urdor � � � � � - <br /> of !he courl mnking the nppointment; �and snid nfortgagor herrby waivi�s uny nutice of auch� �oppiiention; and cnnsenfe to the np- � � � � <br /> pnintment nt n receivcr upcm the pro�iur.tion nf this morlgage. without other evidencc+. � � . �. � � � � . <br /> � . � 7'he \Iortgagee shall be subro;;ated lu all u( Ihe ri�;his, priviinges, priuriticv, und cyuities u( nuy lienholdet whose liem m�y � . �� � <br /> hxve bccn discliarged From tl�e . prce��eds oI this� loan, ur by auy funds herehy Pe�id or turnislied b}' tlic h•forlgagee. � . � . � . <br /> S TT IS EXPRESSLY ACRGED tl�et i! the Mortga�or shnll se1l, wnvcy or nlicnate enid property, or nnY Pnrt thermf, <br /> � �r nny intemst therein, or shall I�e divcst�vl of hix titlt� or nny interrst therein in any mnnner ur wny, whether voluntnrily or <br /> ��! � � in�roluntarily, without written coivsent� ot tlie AlnrtgagMe being firnt hnd und ub4zined, Mortgagce shall hnve the right, at its oPtion, � � <br /> to decl¢re nny indeLtednesy or obligntions secarcKi hereby, irrespective ol the maturitY date sp�+cified in fmy note evidencing the <br /> � � seme, immedia4ely due nnd payable without notice, nnrl suid debt sl�nll tliereupon LMcome a}nnlute: If the owneeship o! the mort- � � � � . <br /> i gaged properly becromes reated in a person other thnn the Mortgngor, the 119ortgagee mny, without notice tu the ;vfortqagor, deal � . � � � � � � <br /> with such successor or successors in interrst witl� re(ere»ce w this mortgugc und the deLt hereby srcured as with the Mortgagor, <br /> nnd mny furbenr to suc or mny eztend . time tor the puyment of the debL hereby secured without dischoirging or in nny wny aRecting ' � � � � � <br /> . r.. the linbility of the originnl Mo�fgngor hemunder or upon the drbt a�rurnL � � � � <br /> ` Li this inslrumeni lhe aingulur inciudev the plural und the mnscidine includes the teminine i3nd tL•c neuter mid thie in- � � <br /> �trument sLnil be binding upnn ihe undeiyigneii, his heirs, p�ction:jl reprrsentative5, sucecwsorx and assitims. � . � � � � <br /> { �� � IN WI'PN�SS �VHERLOF, wc hnve l�ereunto- set nur hande and srnl, the rlay and .venr fir.vt nbcn•e written. , � � <br /> � <br /> ( In the pre.cence oL• � . � . � <br /> � <br /> ` . ........... . V. 6cc.l'_. (...,..... ` .C�. � .... .... ......... . ... ....._ � . . <br /> A1 T . Salmon � <br /> . <br /> � �-,�j ' � � <br /> , .�� „ <br /> ; ......_/_� ! .�h��� _' .. ..�"...�'�y<r .^'� ��:....... _. <br /> ..... ........ <br /> ' j Dorot Salmon <br /> � <br /> x <br /> ` STA'PI's OF N�BRi�3KA l <br /> '.- t ss. ._. . . . <br /> z HBll ._...........County, J <br /> ; <br /> ', �r <br /> 3 :, On tl�is . �7 ...... _ day of ... .L�.�a..,l�— . � . - <br /> r - � . .. ...... ..... 12..��] before me, the undersigncKl. a Notary Public, in nnd tor seid � i, <br /> 1. .. <br /> 1 <br /> County, v�rsonnlly cuj„E.... f�lfred_ T . , Salmon and...D.or9.thy..A......S.a1maA.,...busband..and...w,ifa...................................... <br /> , �, pereonelly knavn to me to Ue the identical persuns whose nnm��s ure ntfixed to the atwve nnd fomgoing in9lrument, av mortgagote, � � � � <br /> g �� and ench acknuwlttlged snid instrument to be his or her volwitnry nct nnd deed. � . � � - � . � <br /> , ; <br /> } ' Witness my hand and notarial senl nt.......GT'^F �15i...zS�,�T1S�.�...1Ve.bX'aS�S&.. .... . .................................. <br /> the dale ]nst nMve written. � � � <br /> � � �j RDBERT D. PLACZEK � <br /> ` (� GENENAL NOTAHY - Steto of Nebr. � /, j �� <br /> " MY Commhaskn ExDires ...... .. .. .. . . .. �fr ,✓ L- "' �[ <br /> i <br /> , . . ......... . . ... . .. ...... .. ........................................ <br /> �' � h`��d� NOVEMBER 25. 1978 � Nutnry Yublic. <br />' s <br /> ��� � f� 7 p <br /> � � �Sy commission expires................. .. . .. ......Q....._...... . ....... ....._....... � <br /> r.�� � <br /> C <br /> �' ! <br /> � STATE OF...... ........ . .. . ......... .............. . ............1 <br /> , } ss. <br /> _:' County .......... ..... ........ ... ..... .. . . J <br /> .. ... .. ... ........... .. . <br /> F' <br /> � F.ntered on numerical index and filed tor record in the Regis-ter o( Deede Ol6ce of said County the <br /> �` t ..... .. ..... day of......... .._.. ....... .... ... .... ..... ... 19. . .. . ....., at. . . .... .. .. ... ... _.o'clock nnd....... _.. . ... .. . .minutes ....... .....M,. <br /> and recorded in Book......................... . . .of bfortgnges ut page....................... . , as Instrument No._._........ ........... <br /> .. ..... .................. ... .. ..... ............................ ................ ........... <br /> Reg, of Deeds <br /> ; �, By. . . . . .. ... ... . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .... .. . . . .. ... .........Deputy _nf � <br /> � a <br /> �yhen recorded to 6e returned to the ' N ' ' <br /> � FIRST FEDER.IL SA�'INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIdTION OP I.INCOLti �, ' <br />� � <br />� LINCOLN OfFIGES: Vnone475�0521 <br /> ❑ izss ••n•� sv��t ❑ t3, �m. eo��« ei�e. ❑ ]Otfi entl "A" St � 25a 1 Nv. l Ith $Ireet � <br /> � 2300 WlnthreD R0. � 7otn ana Vine 51. � - <br /> OIdAHA OFFICES: Nnone 554•8000 ' .� . <br />� � � P105 Pecllic St. � 2171 So. 42nC SI. � 3205 flo. 90t� Sr. � 1 "J9'.01Yn1 [>uEce Na. � <br /> �� �� . AEGIONAL OFFICES�. C : 12U Rrst �v<.. Nc�rory � 5l3 "E" SV<et. felrLury � ia33 "f.l" Suri�6 Ortl <br /> 4? � P�one 239.G4 ]3 Plione 72Y�2.'02 — P�one /2d.321H <br />�r ❑ 1301 tdeln Are., C�ete ❑ :x3 uo. e�n< �..., en„�« � ieti w��e z�a si_ e �e�a i,io��a ❑ sz � rro. or..., s�.. <br />` � Vhonr8lG�� J39 Pnenr7G.^.21 [+J VlionnlNC.fd37 .:a�lnVlelle <br /> Cc0ld�ht 19G5 0� Rnl iedenl 4aviN,s antl Lvan Alfoclallon ol lineola Llncoln. NehraSYe � <br />� 3 <br /> f <br />