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�; . <br />� <br /> i ;� <br />�, <br /> , . %� <br />� � <br />� �� 76- � (� 72 �' � <br />� MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DU� OATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHAIL BF <br />� � APPLIE� TO INSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOME DUE UNDER THIS MORTGAGE. PR041DCD THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT � � <br /> � AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE �dORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UN�ERSIGNED, OR EITNER OF THEM, � � � <br /> � PAYEE� AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 100°jo OF SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAYtdENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO- . � � � . � <br /> �. H�BITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECi. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS � . � <br /> - SHALL DH SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PflEPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MADE. � � . . � � <br /> ' r TH� MORTGAGOR PURTH�R COVPNANTS AND AGREES : <br /> I <br /> � � � '1'hnt lhr. Murtgagnr will pny the indc6tvdnese xs lierein6e(ore pravided. � . . . � . <br /> � � � Ttiut ' the � Dlnrigngor .is thc mvner o[ y�iid property in iee simple nnd has gocrl ri�;ht �and Inu•ful aulhority to sell and . � � � � . � . <br /> - � convrv the �same nnd that thr eume is (ree nnd cicar of uny lien or rncumLrnncEr: and that hTnrltin�:or will warr• nnd drtend the . � . � -. � <br /> . . � LiNe . to snid ptemises utininst thu cluims o( nll persons whomsoevec � . . � . � . <br /> - � � � . •Po pay �immediillely. when duc aud puyuble i+l! �eneral luxes. spisinl inxes special assrssmr•nts. wntrr rhnrges. sewer sen'- � � � � �� � <br /> � ice charg�, and utlier taxes imd charges against said property, nnd all taxes. irried un the deM aerured hereby. and � ta fw'nish the �. _ .. � . . <br /> T4ortqagee, upon ruquest, with the original or duplicate receipts therefor. 'I7ic h1ur�K�R�r �grces (hat there shall be � udded to � � - . - . . <br /> � each monthly payment require�i hereundur or uuder �he evid'encu o[ debt secarcd heref�y t�u pmount estimated hy thu 1lnrfguger. � . . � . <br /> � to � he sufiicienl to onnbfe lhe �t<irtgagee to ��xy. ns lhe}• becnm�• duar. all �axes, assn,sments, nnd similetr chargrs u�ron the .prem- . . . . . � � . . <br /> � ia�s subja:6 thereto; any deficiency becnuse u( lhe insu�tiaicncy of such addi�ionnl paymrn4K shall br forthwilh depasited by the , . � . . <br /> � Morlf:a�or �eith thi� Atortgagec upon demnnd by lhe i\1nrt�ngee. Any defntdl undrr tliis I�Uragruph shnll br deemt�d a defnult in . .. . � <br /> pnyment �o( t�aev assi�ssmmrts. or .simi�ar char�;«�s requirrd hemnndre � � - . <br /> Thr hlnrt�;ngor ;��;rees th;it Ihen• rhall :�Iso bv ndded tu ����cl� monihly� paymerit uf principal and interest rrryuircd here- � � � . . <br /> wuler an amnunt rslimzdcd by (hi� hturl �agee lo b�• su((icient. tu enablr lhi• Murtg:i�;ee t�� pay , ns il becunu•s dur. the insuranee . . . <br /> � premium un � :viy insurance policy drliverrd lo the 1lurlga�gre. Any de(icicncy becausc ut thr in�u0iciency u( such :iddilioual p+ty- , � . . . . . I <br /> ments shall Le (urthaith depi�sited Ly � he ;111ortgngnr wiih lhe 11orl�:agee upon dem�md by tho 41ort�:��gce. AnY dcf:udt under lhis � . � . � : <br /> i' . purn�raph shall f� d�•emrd .� dr(aull in the paytnenl of insurnnce premiums. If the policc ur pnlicies d�•pnsiti�d are such �s liome• � . . :. <br /> ': �.� na�nen or all risk policii�s, and ihe deposits are insuliicient tn pay thr entirc• prrmium, th�� Ainrt�agee rnay' ;�pply ihe drposit to . � . . . <br /> 4. <br /> . . p�iy premiums un risks required tn be insured 6y this mnrt�;:iFr. : � . . . . . � <br /> i �' Paymivits mndr by ihe \fucfgugor w�der ihr abuve pnr��;rnph� rn;�v, at ihi� optiun uf thi� A1ortAager. Le held Iry it and � � <br /> i,... . ; commingled with other such tunds or ii.; u�rn (uncl, tor lhi� p�iyment of surh itrms, and until so applicd. such pucnu•nts tvc h�•rebp . . . . <br /> pl�Ylg��cl ns security for lhe unpaid bal�mce a[ the morl�ti;;c inde6tedne.+. � � � _ . . <br /> a <br /> 7'u prucure. deliver to, and mointnin tor thr bonetil nt lho iltorf„ugee during tho li(c+ ut ihis murtgL�;c nrigin:�l pnlicies .+nd� � <br /> �` � renewals thenKif, delivered at IensL ten d:rys IHrtore thc� expiraliun u( :inp such pulicirs, insuring al:��inst tire amd niher insur;ihle " � <br /> ��.. . haznrds. casualties, and continRenci��s ae the rfortgageo may rryuire, in au nmuwil equ;d lo thr , indebtvdneys secured bq Ihis � . . <br /> r <br /> \SorfgaFe. and in companirs .�ccepinhle to the D1urIC:+qee. with loss pay��ble clause in faeur �if nnd in torm accepfahle tu the Mortga- � � . <br /> � g�r. In the event any pnlicy is nut renesv�•d on or br(om ten d:rys nf ils expiration. llie :�forlt;agee may prucure insurxnce un the � . � . . � � . <br /> f; � improvements, pay lh�• pmmium them(or. und such swn shall become immediniely dur and ptrynbli• with interest ��t ihe rrde set � . . � <br /> �. forlh in s�id note until paiid and shall be secured by tl�is murtgaFe. Fsilure un the pnrt nt th�� linctgag��r tu turnish such mnewals � � . . <br /> C <br /> � ns are hen•in reyuirr.d ur (i�ilure lo pay any sums advunced hrrcwidor shnll, at the nption o( lhe n4orlga�;i�e. cunslitu�e a deGnilt �. � . .. <br /> � under the lerms uf ihis mort�:at;e Th� delivrry o[ such pulicir, shall. in the rw�nt. nf deL•wlt. cunstiiutr ;�n :�c.i�nment nf thr un. . . . � . . <br /> •- .. earn�rl premii�m. . � . <br /> i :Any sums reccived hy the Alortgng�� bs� mxsun uf toss ar d�un:i�;r insured ;ig;iinsL mae Le rot:�inrd by the plurf�agee . . � . � . <br /> i� � � '' .md xpplied l�nrard ihe pu��menl of tlie debt h��r�by >Ncured. or. at the uption nf !6e titnrlga�;ee�. sucJi sum: rither wholl}� or in �. � . _ . . . <br /> s� part may b�� p:�id over lu thi� I��turl�;aKar lo tx used to rrpair such buildint�s nr tu builrJ new Luildin�;s in ihrir Plecc or fur miy <br /> " y olhcr purpose or object satisfadory tu � ho Afurt„nger «�ithnut ;ifl'eclin;; thi• lir•n un thr mart�;:i�r for (h�• (ull amuunt �:ecun•d hi�rr.- . - <br /> c� . � by befurr surh 7�aym[•nt c�n�r � re�k placr. � . � <br /> y�- '1'n promptiy mp:iir. n�store or rebiiilJ anY buildin�;s ar impruv��ments nuw nr hvrrs�fter uu ifu� prrmises �,vhich may be. � . � <br /> ��� � cumc dnmaKed or d��tilruvivl : In keep said premises in ;;�wd ronditiun and repnir :md (rer (rom any mrcLanic's lirn ur uther licn or . . <br /> claim of lirn noi expre+vly sulx�rdinati�d iu lhr fien hrn•uE n�.�l tu sulTer nr permil any unla�.�ful use n( or �u�y nuisance tu rxist on : � . . � <br /> i. snid properlp nar l�i prrmit �c:iste on snid prrmiso,, nnr In dn nny uiher nct �vhi�rrhy th�• properfy hrrrLy runve����d sh:dl lwrcome � . <br />, ',�� .` li•s+ v.dunhle•, nor lo diminish ur imliair its calu�• hy :u�q acl nr oinissinn �o :irt ln compic ti•:ith :dl r�wpiiremcnt; nf I�nv �vilh rrep��ct . � <br /> tn flin mort�fl{;cd premises :�nd the use themuL � � . <br /> �� '' Thal should lhe premise, nr nn}• pari theren( Ik lakon ur d:uuntird by rrusmi of anF publir impru�•rmrni or candemnatian . . <br /> pruc�e��ing. or under il�e ri�;hl o( rminen� domain. ur in any nther m�mnrr, thr 1lnrtaagee shnl! hr e•ntitl�d lo all cumpensaifions, � <br /> � awnrcLs. und uny nther payment <�r mlief ihrrvfor. xnd shnll be entitled. :rt i�. option. lu comrnena•. oppear in and prrn�tiul<� in i65 <br /> ' own mune +iny :�etiun ur prrxY-adin�. ur tu make .iny rumprumise or settlerncnt in counec[ion wilh such la}:in�; or dam:i�:r. . :111 wch � <br /> "� cotnpensu�iun, aH�nrd�. damugrs, ri�;ht o( nction mld procrivly :�re Vierrby as;iR�lod tn tiu� \1or� ga�;e�•. whu nmy. afler deduclinF . <br /> �Z� . l6ere(ront ali ifs expvttsc's, rrlenti�• any munc)'s su rrccivrd b�� il ur aPPla the sanio on any indehlri6�rss serured iirrehy. 'I�hr \lnrt- <br /> . g�gor u�;mes to rxecule wch furlhrr nssignm�•nls uf nn7 cumpen�;nion. awnrd�, dnm;���•s, and ri�;hf. uf action and prurrrds as Ihe . <br /> d. ; blortFW;ee tntiy rM�uire. <br /> .. Thal. i�i c:tse u( fuilure tu per(ami anc oi Ihe• cuven�inth hercin. t6e AlurtF;�i:�'�• ntay da on Ihr \1or�gagur's hr6nl( �•��erylhinF <br /> so tv�venanled: �hat lhe Mort�;a;Cee nmy :�lso do any act il nury de�•m nvc•rs.v-tn' lu prnt�•ct th�� lirn lhrr�ar[: th�d � hr A1orp:a�o[ will <br /> � repnp upon drmand n��y muneys priid ur disburserl br tLe Dturlgai:�•e D �r �my of thr :�bov�� ��urpi�ses. ;md .uc}i rtroneys tugrlher �vith <br /> intenwi lhereon id thr rnte providecl in snid nutv shall b�•cnnw so much addiliunal inJoLt�•dness h��rehy �erured and may be in- <br /> � ciud�xl in uny decree forecloning this martg:�ge �nd be paid oul of lhe renls ur proceuds uf �.:�le � �( suid prrmi�;e, if nnt of.henrise <br /> paid: that il shnll not be nbli�;uturp uP���� �he A1ort�;a�:ce tu inquirt• intu thr oalidily u( .�ny lieii. ��ncwnl;rances. nr rlaim in ad- <br /> , vancint; mnmrys ns nbov�� autlioriud, but nnlhin�; h�•rein ewdainod shrdl Ix� enn+lrurd ns reyuirin� tlie 9for[�;a�;i•r tn adrincr nny <br /> ' monirvs (ur imy such purP���e nor tn do any act hrreundrr; and � hni lfor(1;��Rer �6nll not inrur nn1' P�'rsum�l liabilitV brc:�us�� of any. <br /> � lhin�; it mny do or umil lo do hcreundcr. <br /> In th�• �rvrnt o! lh�• default by Vlort�ugor in I (ie paymrnt u( any insl.dlmenl . ns rrquired Iry lh�� Nnir si�cured hi•rel�y. nr <br /> . , in the prdarnmncc u[ thc obligaliun in this marl�;:�Rv ur in lhn nalu xiti:urrd thcre6y, lhr Aturt�a�;<'i� �h:ill bc rmitli•d tu dor.l�rc thr � <br /> debt secured hercby due and payuble withouf nolicr, and the Ainrtga;;ee shall bi• entiUrd nt �(5 oplmn. •.oilhnut notice. erther by if..el[ <br /> � or Ly n rrcei�•er tu be tippuinted by the court themof. and w�ithuot rr�ard tu � he ndiY�u:�ry ��f uny �ecurity for thr indehtrdncss wr- •:'�:j .;�' � `� <br /> ' curcvl hr.reby, la ente[ u(wn :uid lake Pusursiun uf the murl�;�i�;ed premi�e�. und ln cnlicet aind rr�cciee thr n�nLti. i�suc> emd prufils � ' . ,. �' '. . <br /> � ihereoE. and� H�iply � the SRRiP. IC55 nnts oI uper:+l�on and cnllectiun. upon ihe indc6tiYlnr.s �ecurrd by thrs nwrl�:a�;e, 4aid renl�, N '• ' <br /> itiaves nnd profiL9ln�ing hereby as�i�:ned to the ninrt„n�;ei� +is (urtlier srcurity fur lh�• p:�ymrnt of all iudchirdni�se xcun•d h�•reby. - . � <br /> L � <br /> � . "1'he iturtgagce sh.�U hm•e the P��wer tn appuinl uny +3gcnt or ntirnl5 it mny for th�� purpinc o( mpmnn„ n:ud prrm- �, . - � <br /> ises; mnting t6e sdmet mUcctin�; thr renL�t, revenurs and in<•omi�, and it may pay uu ! nf s�id mcomr nII cc � enso. incnrrtrl iu rrnb �p <br /> � � in� � nnd mannging th�• same nnd o( colleciing thc rrn�ids lhrn,frurn. 'I'he h:dnnce rrm�iininr. i( a�p�. sh �II !-��� :�ppli��d tuward thr . � tfj <br />�� �. . dixha�gr t�! the morlgn�e indeblydn��vs. "I�his ns�ignmrnt is lu Irrminati• und I +�cnmi• nuli ;�nd euid upun rcl�•uc�• ��f lhis mnrl �;:it;c. , <br /> i '4 <br /> r<� <br />��� � �a � � <br />`;`� _ <br /> ,=� <br />; -�. <br /> _ � <br /> , <br />