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<br />,��� II/ 11 �nd �n lonF :u .nid nule of eren J:tic anJ d�i� imlrmncnl a�r m.meJ ur a1e tnnancA UndU Ihe procl�mm n( IhC Ynliunai Huu.ing Acl. an
<br /> L�
<br />'��� dII1P11I1I SIIOIU[OI IO BlN01VIdIC 1�I IIIC IIJfI(If U� IFIC IIIIIIIff UIIC I I I IIIOfIIII rt1Uf IU I!f JOC �IJIf IM1f JIIOII:II Ip(III�AAC Ifl\Uldflll prcimum in a�dct Iu
<br />�y � proviJc �uch hnWer wilh funJs Iopay wch prcmium tn �hc Sccrctar�� ol HnuvnE nnd Urhan Ik�dnpmrnl punu:�nt In Ihc \aliunal Ilouvm AcL .
<br />-0 x`�d u� amendcJ. and applicable ftrgulalium IhcieunJcr, ur
<br />���2" ' � 1111 I( snJ �n lungai said nole u( ecen dale anJ this irolrumenl are hciJ h� ihe tieirctury of Huu�ing and Urhan Ikwlupmrnt. :i mnnthiy :turF< lin
<br /> ., �5� � lieu nf a mongage insurance pamiuml u�hich +hall hr m �n amuunt eyuul tu une�iwelfih I11L'I uI Ullf-IIJII I ICI (�CI lCpllllp O( IIIC :Rfhlf!C VpF
<br /> � 1landing hdlance Jue un Ihr nule culnputeJ M ilhoul IaAin�; iNo a[cnUnl deiinyuc nclb or prcpe>meots:
<br /> IM1I A wm aquul lu lhe gruund rems, if any. ncs� duc, plm Ihc prcmiums Ih:a x�ill ncx� hccome AIIC tlld (1:tl'JhIC ��fl rllllli[1 CI IIIC :111(� P�M1Cf II!/d!A IfItVlJllif .
<br /> .. � � cmering ihe monEageJ propeny. plus taxes and e�snsmenls ncu Juc on tli< mon�;igeJ propern I:dl a� esiimated h� ihe \furlgaF<ci i� e> ull sums ab . .
<br /> rcady paid Ihcrcfor divided 6)� the numhcru( nioNM io dapse Feforc unr mnnih prinr in Ihe J;ep xhtn +uin gruunJ renu, preinium�. Lixe+ and uaieis�
<br /> � menls w�iil tMcumr deliuyuenl, wch sums Iu he hdd b) Alurfgagn in umi tn p�g SaiJ grounJ renn, premiumsJnio anJ �peaal aueeemrnie: �nJ . �
<br /> �; � fr1 AII paymrnis m<nlioneJ in Ihe txa� prcuding eubseclinm of Ihi� paraErapA and aii pa�menta �o M madr unJer ihe nole �ecureJ henh� ehali hr adJeJ . �
<br /> � Wgcthe�. auJ Ihe agpl[gale amounl Ihc�co( shall hc paid by ihe ploriw�:nr e�ch momh in a sinElt peyment In tx applird hy Ihe �tnnpager Iu Ihc Poilox. .
<br /> � ing items in ihe ��Nnr sei (unh: �
<br /> . . 111 p�emium charges unJer iha coiunu ol inwtance W iih the tiecmCuy ul HuminFand �iPoan ikvrlopmenL nr munthl> :h�rge �in heu nf mon�uFe
<br /> i� : ;. insurunce prcmiuml, as ihe case m:ry t+e:
<br /> IIII ground re�O, laxee. �su»mrnts. 6re anJ oiher h:vard insurance ptemiums:
<br /> ' IIIU inlernl nn Ihe nnie securcd hemhy: nnJ .
<br /> UV1 nmuniza�innufiheprincipalofsaidnnle � �
<br /> Any deficirnq� in the amoum o( un� euch aG:rcF+« monthll' p�)'mem shall, unle.e mude Fnud Lg ihc .Vuugagor priur iu Ihc due Jatr u( d:e ne•� wch .
<br /> p�q'm[�L contlilult an CYeni u( JClaull unJef Ihi� rnurlFaFe. l�he \InnN�gce may eulleU a "I:de chargf.. noi Iu e �<eed Iwu cenis Cfl lot ea:h dullat l5U �
<br /> ��
<br /> o( e:+ch pa)menl mum ihnn 6lleen IlSidays in arcan �u cnctt ihe e�tra capense inral�cJ in h:mdlingdcGnyuenl p:�� cmn�s . � .
<br /> r " ;l. That i ( lhe totxl of Aie pa�'ment� made 6� thc> >lurtRaRor unJer jl, 1 ul' paraeraph _' precedinR .�haU i�xc��ed
<br /> Ihe amnunt of pxyment= xcwally mude by the Slort�!a�e�� (or eruund rents. taxk�� and a-,e�emen�� or in�urance pre-
<br /> miums, as the c���e ma}' be, =uch excess, if the lo:ui is curzent , at che opcion of the :Nortgagor. shall be creJited b}�
<br /> the ,Ilort�agee on �ub�eyucnl pay'ments �0 6e muJe b}� lhe )lurtRa�or, or refunded to thc )IorlguFnr. It, ho�seccr, thc
<br /> � monlhh� pa}•menl= made h}� the 1lorcgagor under I b) o� paragraph 2 preceding shall nut be sufficiem to par ground
<br /> � . the �ame �hall become duc anJ p i '
<br /> ?; ; mni, t.ixe� and as•es:ments or in. 'urance premium� . a; ihc� cb.i� may be. �she�� : �'.
<br /> :ihle, then !he 11ort�:t�ur shxll pa� in the 11urt�!a;!er anc amount nece;�an• to makn up the de(icirnr�� , un ur 6efore
<br /> :� - the date �rhen puy'memt oF �uch �mund rent= . tasc�=. :�,se-sment.� or in=urance premium� <hall be due. I( at ant'
<br /> ` lime d�a .11urt�a�or �hall tender to lhe 11urt{; aRre, in accorJance uiih ihe pro� i =ion�. of �he no�e �ecurcd hi�reh� .
<br /> `a� full pa}�ment o( thc i�ntirc indebtednc,�s rcpre-�•nled thereb,v . � he 11onR�atre -h:di , in computin}� the amuunt of wch
<br /> indebcedness, credit to the accuunt o( the �1ongagor all pa}•ments made under thc provisions of !�!) of paragraph ?
<br /> ; , hereof Hhich lhe \lorlgu{�ce has nut bc�come obliKatrd lo pa}' to �hi• `ecretan' of Ilou;inR anJ lirban Uc� elopmcn�
<br /> jand an�• 6alnnce remaininr in the fund� accumulaied unJer the pruci �ion- of ib) uf par:iRraph '� hereof. t [ ihere
<br /> -hall be u default under am� uf ihi• proci =ion � n( lhie monkat;e re=ultin� in a pubtii• �:de uf ihe premi �es cu� e�rod
<br /> hereby. or if the )lort�uFec acyuirc�� thc propert} uthen� isr xfter det.wit. thc 11urt2u�cc shall appl� , at the time ot
<br /> lhe commencement of such procerdinR= , ur at �he lime thr propert�• i = othensi=e acyuired, the h:d ;mce ihen remuin-
<br /> in� in lhe funJs accumulated w�der (!,J of p;iruRraph 'l preci�din�. a.=. a credii arain=t ihe amouni o( principal �hen
<br /> remainint� unpaid under �aid noie, anJ �hall pruperlc aJjuet :u�y pa�'ments �� hich -liall hace been made under (al
<br /> � nf parugruph ?, �
<br /> 4. "ihat �he �fongagur �rill pat� Eround rents . taxes, assessments , uster r,i�es . ;md other eneernmrnta! or municip:d
<br /> charges, fines. or imposidons, for �s hich provision has nut been made hzreinbefure . ;md in dzL•�ult thereof the �tnn�ace� ma}
<br /> pay the sxme ; and ihat the Afortga�:or « ill prompd} delircr the ollicial receipts iherefor tu the 11nr�cagee.
<br /> 5. 'ihe �fon��gor will pa}• :ill iaxes �� hich m:ic be le� ied upon ihe Vortca�;ee ' ti inttrest in s�iJ re:d e�tate :md impruve-
<br /> ments, and ahich may be Icvied upon this mongaee or ihe deM �ecured hrrahy Ib�n onlq to Ihe r�[ent that such is nui prunihit-
<br /> ! eJ bv lau anJ nnlr to the etiteni iha� such �aill nut make this Iuan u�uriuu, l. hm escludin�; an� incume ci� . Sr.�tt ur federaL
<br /> imposed on Atongagee . anJ �sill file ihe oficial riceipi tihou ing ,uch payment �� ith ihe \furteagee . l' pon ciulation ut �his under-
<br /> � e�king, or i( �he �tonEagor is prohibited hy any I;n� nou nr hereafter exiuine from p��ying thc u holc ur an� poniun uf thr �(oro
<br /> �sid �a.ces. or upon the rendering of :my coun Jzcrez prnhihiiing the papmem hy thr \furteaeor ur anp +uch ta�e,. or if surh la��
<br /> � or decree procides th�u any amuum so pnid hc ihe \1on�agur tihall be crcditeJ un Ihe morlgaee debt , the \torteucee �hall harc
<br /> �' the right �o �ice ninen da}'s' u'riuen nuiice tu thr u�rner of the moneaged premises , reyuiring the pacment o( the mortcape
<br /> Jeht. If such notice be �:iven . the saiJ debt sh:�ll hecome due , pa> :ihle and rullectihle at ihe e� pir,uii�n o( �aiJ ninen Ja� � .
<br /> 6. 'I�h:�t �hould ht fail to pay �ny swn or keep :my coacnant pro�'ided for in Ihis Vnrigaec . ihcn ihe !�longagce. :ii it� up-
<br /> tion . may pay ur perfurm ihe +ame. anJ all c �penditure� tin m:iJr ,h:ill be aJJeJ tn �he princip:d wm u�� in� on the abocr note.
<br /> ;hall he secureJ hercbe . anJ shall hear interest ;o ihe ratc +et forih in the s;id notc, uniil paid.
<br /> ' . Th:�1 he hereM assigns . �r:msfers �inJ seh m'cr tn the \furtg,igee, to be �pplied toH srd the pa} ment o( the notr and alI
<br /> _ .ums aecured hereby in case of a defauli in the perfurm:ince of :m� uf the term � ;�nd cunJitiun, uf this 11ong:ige ur the c�id
<br /> note. all �he rents, re� enues and incomc to hr deriveJ (rum Ihe morteaped premi�e+ durinE such time a� Ihe morlg:see indchied-
<br /> nr.s shall remain unpaid : anJ thr �lfortgaeee +hall haec puH'cr to ;ippoin� :m} ;icenl or aeem� ii rnac de�ire t��r thc purpu�e ��f
<br /> repairing s�id premises anJ o( renting ihe s:�me :inJ collecting thr reni} . revenuc� :md ina�mt. :md it may �;{y nut �,( .:iiJ in-
<br /> cumes :�II expenses of repairinE saiJ premixs ��nd necetisary commitisiuns and e � pensrti incurred in rcntine anJ m:�n:ieine the
<br /> s;ime and ot coUecting rentals therrfrom : �he hal:�ncc remaininp, i( any . to he applieJ to�� :uJ the Ji,charFc u( .,iid mane:igc
<br /> inJzbtedncss.
<br /> = 8. 'fhai he �cili keep ihe imprucemenr, no1c r �i�ting un c�re:�ftcr crencJ un thc mort�;aged propert } , inwreJ a. m:�� he
<br /> � required from iime �u iimc hy the lfunga�ee aeainst lutiti b> lire :�nJ other harirJti . r.uu:�lties :mJ cun�in�eneicti in .uch
<br /> ;imounis :�nJ for sucn periods a. ma� he rcyuired 5y ihe \lonengec and �aill pa} prompilr . �chen duc. :m� premmms en wch
<br /> - insurance pro� i�inn fur paymtnt nf Hhich hac not heen made hereinhefore . All imur:mre +h;dl ha c:irrieJ in cumpanieti ap-
<br /> ' proveJ by �he �tortexgee and the policies anJ reneHals therruf shal� he held hc the �InnLaEce and ha� a :mached thrrew fus.
<br /> + pa� ahlr clau,es in fas�,r u( .md in form :irceptahie to �he \furigaeee . In e� em uf lo�s '�1i�rteagur �� ill ei�c imrnediate nuiicc M'
<br /> mail to the Alongagee . uhu may make proof nf luti� if nui made prumptl> h} \lnneagor . anJ e:�eh inwranrr compan} cnn-
<br /> cerned is hereby �iuthorized anJ directeJ Iu m:ike paymeni fur .uch lutiti Jirerdc lu tlie 1longaeee imiead o( Iu the �Inrte�enr
<br /> :md Ihe �lortgagee joimly . :mJ the insurance proceeJl . nr any part thereof, mac hc :+ pplied I�} thr �t �+ngagec at it+ aption eiiher
<br /> io the reductiun of �he indehtedness herebc secureJ ur iu ihc re�tur�tiun ur repair ��f ihe propern J:imaccd . In e� rm uf furerlo-
<br /> }A wrc uf �his mongage or u�her transfer n( titic io thr mon�aEed pruperty in e �iinEui�hmem uf thc indebieJnc�s +ecureJ herehc .
<br /> :dl right, title and imerest of the AtortEa�or in and tu an> insurance poliries ihen in force �h;ill p:+.� tn � he purcha�cr ur �ramec .
<br /> 9. 'fhat a+ aJditional anJ collatzral ;ecurity fur �he papmem o( ihe note descriheJ . :md :dl wm� Io hecume due under ihiti
<br /> mortgage. �he !�fongngor hereby assiEns to �he .'�longapce all prnfns , rerenuo, ru� .dtir�, riLhts anJ henefit� :iccruinE �o thc
<br /> !.torteagor under an�� and all oil and E:a le:ues un ,aiJ premises. Nith thc riEht to recei� e and reccipi for the .ame anJ apply
<br /> �hem to said indeb�cdness as well be(ore as :dter detnult in ihe conditiun� uf �his mnrtgaEe . :mJ �he UortEagee ma} dem:md . tiue
<br /> fnr .ind reco� er any such paymen�s uhen Jue and pat able . hut tih;dl no( he reyuircd su to dn. I his atisignmem i� �o ierminate �
<br />�� �md become null and eoid upon rcleasc uf this mongage. ";.—„-'-; '
<br /> 10. "fha[ ihe A1ur1�;�gur will kcep Ihe buildines upon saiJ prcmi.r� in gunJ rep��ir. ;ind ncither iomrtiit nnr permil x �iae N� . , -
<br /> �� ' upun caid land, nor sulTrr the saiJ premises to bc used fur any unlaw'(ul purpo+e .
<br />��"� I � 11 . 'ihat if �he premises. or an}• part thereof, tu condemned under ihe po�ver uf erninent domain, or scyuired for a public � /
<br /> ` use, ihe J�mages awarded . the proceeJs for ihe taking oL or �he cunsiJeration fer wch acyuisition . to the rscem of the (ull :� :
<br />�..
<br />:+ amoum of inJebtednex upon this mongage and the no�e u hich it iti gi�'rn to secure remainin� unpaid . are hereb} :�ti *i�;ned hy the 1 `
<br />��� 1longagor to the \lnngagee . :md shull be paiJ (orthwith to said \tortgagee tu he npplied M thr I;uter un ;iccuuni ��f � he ne �t iD
<br />�;� maturing insmllments af such inJebtedncss.
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