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� k <br />:�'Z;-' � ��„: <br /> r'T�" . • ...i.,� <br /> N�' .. •- � � . <br /> Q � <br /> C <br />� <br /> Z�fr <br /> Y'� sTn�rror�F�;rt,�sicn <br />- R FHA FORDI N0.'1i43�11 'I'his form is used in connec- <br /> (Itev.M1tay 197fi) tion with mort�ages insured <br /> MORTGAGE ���,�������,���,�- t��four-fiimily <br /> r76- 006855 ������,,S���s ,�r ��,� �a��o�<<� <br /> � flousin�Acl. <br /> •' I' <br /> 'fHIS M110RTGAGG,made and execuled this �� d�iy of �o%`L'i..�'e*� ,A.U. <br /> i9 76 ,by and betµ�een Ronald D. Romanek and Brenda J. Romanek, hu�band and wife, e2ci� in <br /> � his and her own individual right and as spouse of the other, jointly and severally <br /> � of the County of Hall ,and State uf Nebr.+ska,p�uty of Ihe first part,hereinafter r.dled <br /> +: �he hlorlgagnr,and • <br /> '; ; FIRST FEDERAL SAVING5 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN <br /> J�� � � � <br /> n corporatinn org:mized anJ existing under Ihe laws o( the United States . <br /> party of the second parL hereinafler called the h9ongagee. <br /> 1VITNESSF:TH:T ,il the said�lortgagor,fnr and in considcration of�he sum ofTl�IEPITY TS•70 TFiOUSAPlD NII7E <br /> �" HUNDRID AND N0�100-------------------------------Uullarti(S 22�900.00 l.Paid by�hc A1ort- <br /> g�igee. [he receipt of which is I�ereby acknowleJged, has Gr.uited and Sold and by Ihese presents does Gr�nt. E3ar- <br /> gain, Sell, Convey ;ind Confirm uNo the Mortgagee, its succestors ;mJ ❑ssigns, (urcver, the followingdescribeJ <br /> real esta�c,situa�ed in the Counly of H211 ,and Sla�e <br /> •F ;� <br /> of Nebratika.toµ�i�: <br /> �: <br /> �. <br /> � '� A tract of' land located zn the Plortheast Quarter (IZE±) of <br /> o£ Section 21, in Township 11, Idorth, Har�e 9 West of' the <br /> 6th P.I4., more particularly described as iollows: Commencing <br /> at point One Hundred Ten (110) feet due Itorth of the Ilorthwest <br /> corner of Lot One (1), in t�7illiam Frank Addition to the City <br /> ,� of Grand Island, Hall County, PTebraska; Running thence due <br /> PTorth alon� and upon the East line of California Street, a <br /> distance of Fifty (50) feet; thence due East a distance of <br /> ,` ` Une Hundred Forty-eight (148) i'eet; thence due South a <br /> ; ; distance of Fifty (50) feet; thence due ��lest to the point <br /> of be�innin�. <br /> �' <br /> � <br /> o(the Six�h Principal Meridian,containing in:dl �icres accurdinE to Govern- <br /> � mcnt survev: <br /> 't; TO HAVI's AND TO HOLI)the premises above describeJ,�cith all the appunen;mces thereumo helunging:md incluJing <br /> a' �dl heating,plum6ing and li�;hting fixture�and eyuipment nou�or here:dter uuached tn ur used in cunnectiun�vi�h s��id real es�ate <br /> unta ihe�lorlg:igee,anJ to its succtssurs:md assigns,forcvu.The Uurtgagor rcpresenu to.:inJ cuven:mw with,the S1orlga- <br /> �!ce,that the hlortgagor has�oud right to sell�md convey s;iiJ premiscti:th:u ihry arc free(rum encumhrance:and ihat the <br /> 1lortgagor u ill warrant anJ defend the same,igain�t the i;�uful d;iims of all persom�rhumtiucver,;md the siiJ\1or�gagor here• <br /> hy rclinyuishes:ill rights uf homeslead,anJ all m;utial rights,cithcr in la�e ur in eyuity.nnJ:dl other comingent interestti ot thz <br /> Mortgagor in and to ihe ahove-deseriheJ premises.�he intention bting tu cunvey hereh}'an ahsulute tidz,in(ee simple,incluJ- <br />, s; ing all rights ot homes�ead.:md other rights and interests:i+a(ure+aid. <br /> PROVIDGD AL11'AYS.anJ�hese pre�ents are execwed:md Jeli�ercd upnn�he folio�vin�:conditiuns,to�cii: <br /> 7�he�tor�gagor agrees to pay tn ihe t�lorig:igec.ur urder.�f�e princip:d sum of 1'I�TEI7TY T�•�0 THOUSAIID IdIIIE i?UlDR�➢ <br /> ;=. AIID I'(0�100--------------------------0ollarslS22�900.00 ).��i�hintrre,ttrum <br /> date at thc rate uf Ei�Tht per crntum I SJ.O `-�1 per:mmim on <br /> the unp.iiJ halanre until paid.The saiJ princip;il anJ interest sh;ill hc pay.ihle at ihe uFlice o(Fi.rst I'edePal SaVings and <br /> Lo�n Association oi' LincoLn <br /> in i�eUrask2 or;rt such uther pL•ice as Ihc holder u( <br /> ihe note may designate in writing,in munthly installmenu of One Ilundred Sixty Ei�ht and 09�100---------- <br /> i ------------------------------o�,u.�«is 168.09 1,cummcnJing on thc tirst d:n u( <br /> , J�*1ur�try ,19 77 .:md on�he fir+t d:n uf ench mnnth there�dter umil the principal and in- <br /> '• Ierest nre fully paid, except ihnt the �inal p�yment �,t �r�����nl�md interest, if nut wuner (1:lIlI. 1I7:lII I/C due :mJ <br /> Lpayable on the lirsl Jay uf UeCember c00o . :all:iccording tu the terms of a certain prcrotis- <br /> sory note of c��en da�e hereu�ilh executed by the said hlortg;igor. <br /> 'I'he Alortgagur in order more fully to protect the sccurity ut this Afor�g;ige.a�rres: <br /> I. "fhat hc will pay Ihe inJchtedness,as hcreinhetore prnvidcd.Privileec is resencJ tu pay thc Jcb�in u•hole, ur in;in —.! � <br /> amount eyual to one or more mon�hly p�pments on ihe principal ihat are next Jue on thc nute,un the lirtit day of nn�munih '"" <br /> prior to maturity:1'rosiJeJ.huuever.'Phat«riUen no�ice u(an imention to eacrcise such pri�ilegc is given at Icast thirt�IJIII .N. . <br />_ � days prior to prcpaymrm. a <br />� 2. T'ha�,togcther with,anJ in addi�ion io.Ihc monthly p�iyments o(princip:d:md imcre+t pay,�Me undcr thc tcrmti of ihe � <br /> ' note secured hereby.the Aforlgagor will pay tu the Mortgagee,on�he tint day of c:�ch munin umil ihe+aid nute iti fully paid.�he � <br />:� followingsums: tt? <br />"�-' ' <br />� Inl.An umounl.uflicien�tu pro�idr Ihe holJe�hereof with lun�+tu pav the nei�m��nFaKe in�uran�e p�cmium if ihi+in��iumeni nnd ihe m,ic.i�uri•J hrrch�� <br /> :ire mw� a mun�hly iharFe I�n lieu irf�mi�r�{;.i�;<in�urance�remiuml i(Ihev+re helJ hy ihe tir.rei�r���f f1��u.inti:inJ l rhan Ik.el�i�mcn�.e�f��l. <br />;ti{� I„x.. <br />;;�� �� _ � <br />=-- � <br />:_� <br />�� <br />