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� i 1 : <br />�p�. .. � ...n.�nNCYY . <br /> M1�: �� � <br />�, � _�. 7�, UU59 '1 � , <br />� <br />'Y` 6, If he fails to pu�� any aum or kcep any covennu� provided for in thia morlgage, the Afortgnge�, at <br /> its oplion� may ptay or perfurm the Ri�me, iind all expendiLurea so mnde sh.ill be acliled lo lhe principnl awn <br /> o«�ing mi the abo��a not�, sliall be aecured hereby, tuid shnil beur intereat uutil paid .il tlie rxte provided <br /> for in tlie principai iudeUtedness, <br /> � � 7. Upon request of the Dlortgagee, Mortgagor slinil execute �u�d deliver +t suppleme�itul note or uotes <br /> for the sum or sums �idai�nced by nsoclgngee for tho ulterubion, modernizaCiou, ur impro��emr.nt mnd� n� <br /> the Mortgugor's requeat ; or for mnintettiince uf snid premiaey, m• for lesey or �iaseaH�ue�ita :igniust tl�e <br /> s- enme, nnd for nny otlier ��urpose el�c«�lierc nuthorized hereuuder, Said uote or nutea shi�ll be 9ecured <br /> hereby o�i a purity �vith �md as fully� as il' tlic advance evidenced tlicreUy ���er� i�icluded iu tlte not� Ilrst <br /> described above. Snid attpplemental note or uotca �luill benr interest ut Ui� r:ite provided 1'ur in tho prin- <br /> � ` cipal indebtednes� 8rid yllilll IJC pal'xble in iip��rosinuitely equal monthlY pnyuients for euch period us tna�• <br /> be ugrecd upm� by Uie 1Iortg:tgee and niorlgngor, I'uiling to agree on tlie nittturity, the �vholc uf tiie siun <br /> or sums so nch�uiiced sli.�ll be duu nud p:iyable thirty (30 ) d.q�s .ifler demand by the �torlgagee, Iii iio <br /> eveut shall tl�c maturily exlend beymid tiie ulCinuite ruaturiCy uf the uute first dc5cribed above, <br /> x ; 8. Fie hereby t�ssigns, Cransfers uud aets uver tu tlie Dturtgagee, lo bc applied to���nrd Cl�e pay�ment of <br /> ' the note :�nd all �uma secured liereb�� iit case of a default in the perfoi•mmice ot an�• ot the lerms uud condi- <br /> lious of this mortgage or Clte anid notc, ull the rcuty, re��cuues xud iucome to uc deri��ed from lhu mort- <br /> � � gaged prentises during such time ae the mortgape indebtedness ahail remnin tuipaid ; iwd the lforlgngr.e <br /> n shnll linve po�ver to appoiut �tn,v agenb or ageute iL may desirc for tlie purpose of raiting the �<uuc ana coi- <br /> � , lectin� the rente, re�•enues nud income, itnd it ma1' p.ty out of said iucmnes a11 necessnry conuuissiona iuid <br /> expenses inciu•red in reulinq aud ntaunginq the saiue tjiid ol' collecting renlals therefi•om ; tlic b��lance <br /> � ' remnining, if nuy, to be appliecl to��•urci the diaeltarge o[ enid mm•fgnge iudebtedness. <br /> 9. Iie �+•ill conti�iuoasly �uaiiituiu Itazard iusiu•.uice, of sucli type oc types :md .unouuts :is Diurtgagee <br /> �nay from time to timc require, on tl�e improvementy ito��� or tic�r.after ou said premisea m�d excepL ���hen <br /> >. puy�ncitt for �tll sur,li pccmituns has thei•etofore been made undcr ( «) of p:tr.igraph 'L heceof, ��•ill ptiy <br /> ��rmnptly when due any premiums therefm•, Upuu defuult tlieroof, Dtorlg:i$ce mny pay the s:�nte. All <br /> Il1SU1'Al1CC �&IIAII �C CiU'Cl�'t� IIt �Otllpiiilll'9 appiroved by ilic 17urtqflgce aud ti�c policies m�d cene��•ala t{wreof . . . <br /> ' ahnli be held by the Dlorlgc�gee ttnd have .tttachod thereto luss pnynble cl:�u9es in fa�•or t�f nud in form <br /> acceptnUle to the Dfortqatgec. In c�'ent of loss Dlurtgi�gor �vill gi�•e immediuLc notice bt• mail to tlm D1ort- <br /> ; "t gagee, ���Ito mup miike proof of loss if' nuC made prutnpU�� b�� Mortgagor, aud e.lCll Itl4UCLtIICC cotnp�u�y con� <br /> „ � cerned is }tareb,v nuthoriLed nnd direcled to uutke p�q•mrnt for such loss direclly to lhe \[ortg�gee iustrxd <br /> of to the blortgngur and lhe \Iortqagee joiutil', :uid lhe iusurance proceeds, or �ui}' Uart tlier�of, <br /> mn>� Ue applied uy the 61ort}Cagee nt its nptimi riUier to the reduction of tlie indebtedness hereb�• sec�u•ed <br /> i : or to the reslorc�lion or repair uf tLe pruperly danuiged. 1u e�•ent of foreclosw•e of thiy morlgnge, or uther <br /> %� < lr�utsfer of title to the murlgaged properly in exCin�ui�lunm�t ol' tlie indebtcducas secured hereUy, all <br /> right, titile �nd interest uf tl�e 1lortqil(;OC I11 Il(1(� �0 any insur.l11C0 �10I1CICti � IICII 10 Lql'Cl' SIl<lII �)IIAg 10 LIIB <br /> ` ' purchascr or graittee. <br /> ;` lU. As ,tddition�il .u�d coUatcr�il securil�' for Uic pu}'menC ol' lhc nole desa•ibcd, :wd all swus lo become <br /> due undei' LI119 IIIUCt�;age, tl�e Atortgagor Itcreby nssigns to the \lortgxgec .�II Icase bmwses, profits, re��c- : <br /> ` nues, royaltice, ri�hts, itud other benelits uccruing to ltte Afort � ur uniier an�' and all oil :�nd g.�s le;�ses <br /> K� K <br /> no��•, or during tiic life of lhis morfgagc, c�ccuted on said premises, «'ith the ri�;hl to recci�•e aud receipt <br /> � ' foC tliC tltlI11C i111(I appl�• Hicm to s:iid indeblednesa as �tell Ucforc� us :� tter defnult in the couditions of this <br /> martgnge, :tnd the Dtortqagce m�ty denumd, sue fur aud reco��er an}' such pa�•ntcnts n•hrn duc �ind pay- <br /> ablu, but shall not be required so to do. 'I'his ��ysigutucnt is to tecminnte nnd become uull vul �•oid upon <br /> relenae of this mortgnge. <br /> ;;. 11 . FIe shull not cummi� or permiL ���uste ; :uid sh�tll nmiuli�in Ute property� in as good conditiou us :tt <br /> � present, reasonnble ��•ear and lrcu• excepled. Upon i�ny failw•e to so m.iiutain, Dlorty;,jger, at its option, <br /> ' ma�� cause rensonnble m.iinten:uice «�orlc to be perforuicd at the co9t of Atortgngor. Aiq' amounk; pnid <br /> ;: Uierefor b�• D4ortgugce ahnll be.u• intcrest nt thc rntc pro��ided foc iu Nie principnl indebtedness, aliall <br /> ti , thcreupou become �a part of ihc indebtedness accured by this inqlrument, rntnbly nnd ou .i pm•ity ���illi all <br /> other indeUtedneas uccin•cd hereby. �Il(1 BII.III U� �)aynble lhirtt� (30 ) da�'s afler denumd. <br /> ` ` 12. if the Ureniises, or any parC thcreof, bc condemned under the po�cer ol' etuinent dmnain, oc <br /> �' ucyuired fm� n public use, the dnnu�ges itwi�cdrd, ihe procecds for the G�Icin�; ol', or the considerutiun for <br /> , auch ncquisition, to the exlcut of t}te full nntount of the remaining unpaicl Lidebh�dncas secured by this <br /> _ mortgage, or herebl' nssigned to thc hlm�tgngce, and ehnll be pnid focth��•ith lo snid 1lturtgngce, t� be <br /> R�,�,�,�a o» �,«o�,,, c �r r�,� �:�st mnturing inslnllments uf euch iudeblcclneeA. <br /> t <br /> ] 3. If tl�c \Iorlgagor fails tu mnl�e ,tuy pu}�ments «�hen due, or to conform tu nnd comply� ��•iLh :tn}. <br /> of the conditions or .tgreemenla cc�ntuined in this nwrtgage, or the nules �chich it securey, Lhen lhe <br /> entire principal sum aud i�ccrued inlerest slu�ll at uuce become due nnd pnyabli�, nt the dection of thc <br /> Jioctgi�gce ; ruid this mortKagc mny Uiereupun be foredoycd itnmediatcly for the u•hule uf Utc indebted- <br /> ness hereby sectn•ed, includiuy, lhe coyt of extending the :ibslruct of litle from the d:ite of this mort- <br /> qa�;e to the time of commencing such suit, a rensonnble attorncy's fce, and �in>• swns p.iid b�' the Vrter:ma <br /> Administcntiou on accuwit of ihe gunrnnt}� or insin•.mce uf the iudcUlydness :;ecwrd hereby, itll of �vhicli <br /> shall be included in thc decrce of foredosure. . � <br /> 14. If the ittdebtedness secuced liereUy be gtuu•unteed or insin•ed ander 'CiUe ;18, Uniled SL�tes Code. .:.-: <br />� such Title nnd ReKulations iFsued thereunder und in clfecl on lhe date hereof nh�ill go��ern the right:+, dutieR � :.' <br /> I nnd linbilitics of the pnrties hcreto, AIICI Fl1iy j)I'OVI510118 0 � LI11S VI' OUIC'C IIlSLYIIIRBtl18 CSCCULI'(I 111 CDIIIlCCL10❑ <br /> «�ith snid indebtednesa w'hich are inconsistent �vith 9711(I 'I'itle or He�;ulalioos nr� liereby atuended to � <br />� conform thereto. � ` <br />:� � <br /> Thc covenants herein contnined shail bind, :tnd ihe benefils nud �idvantaKes shail iuure tu, lhc <br /> aa <br />: <br /> rv� <br /> s'�y <br />"`Y � . � � ' �./ <br />