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<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD t11e satne unto tlie 1lortgugee, iis hercin E>ro�•ided. :lfortgagm� represents to,
<br /> nnd covenants with, the 11ioc•tgagee, that tlie 1lfurtgngor has good riglit to sell aiid convey snid premises ;
<br /> thnt they ure free from encumbrance, except as hei•einother���ise recited ; thut the ➢iortgngor �+•ill ���arrant
<br /> nnd defend the same ngninst the lawfttl clnims of nll perso�is �rliomsoever. 1lortgagor liereby i•eli�tqttislies
<br /> all rights of homestend, nll maritnl rights, either iu lxw or in equity, iaid all other contingent iuterests of
<br /> ' r the Diortgagror in nnd to the above-described premises.
<br /> PROVIDED ALIVA]S, nnd these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to
<br /> wit :
<br /> biortgugm� tigrees to pay to the D3ortgagee, or order, the aforesnid principal sum with inierest from date
<br /> at the rate of eight e�nd one-half per centum ( 8 , 5 io ) per nnnum on tlie unpuid Unlnnce until pnid.
<br /> The suid principul nnd interest shall be payable nt the otTice of rp��ocFationl S`�Lincolnnd Loan
<br /> in Nebruska , or at such other pince ns the l�iolder of�,fie no�e may designnte in
<br /> writing delivered or mailed to the .11ortgngor, in monthl,r• instaliments of 'Pwo Hundred Twenty-four and 53�100
<br /> Dollars ($ 224 . 53 ) , comntencing un the first day of Ilecember , 197� , nnd contmuing on
<br /> the first duy of ench month thereafter �.mtil said note is fully pnid, except tlint, if not sooner paid, the final
<br /> ` payment of principnl nnd interest shaill Ue dtte and payable on the first dny of November ?_00(i � a��
<br /> � � according to the terms of a certzin promissorp note of even dnte heren•ith esecuted by the said �ltortgagor.
<br /> The Mortgagor further agrees :
<br /> 1. He will pay the indebtedness, �s hereinbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br /> time, �vithout premium or fee, the entire indebteduess or any E�nrt thereof not less thnn the amount of mte
<br /> � installment, or one hundred dollars (5100 .00) , whichever is less. Prepayment in fuA shnll be credited on
<br /> ; the date received. Partial prepayment, otl�er thun on un installment due date, need not be credited untii
<br /> the next following installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is eurlier.
<br /> ` 2. Together with, �nd in addition to, tl�e monthly� pa��ments of principul and interest payable under
<br /> � the terms of the note secured hereby, ➢Iortgagor will p.iy to Biortg:igee, as trustee, ( under the terms of tliis
<br /> ; trust as hereinafter stated) on the first duy of each month uutil snid note is fuily paid :
<br /> (a ) A sum equal to the grow�d rents, if any, next due, plus the premiutns that ��•ill next Uecome due
<br /> and payaUle on policies of fire and other haznrd insurance covering the mortgaged property,
<br /> plus taxes nnd assessments next due mi tfie tnortgnged propert�• (all ns estimated by the liort-
<br /> gagee, und of «•hich the llortgagm� is notified ) icss all sums alre.�dy paid therefor divided by
<br /> � the number of montlis to eliipse betore one munth prior to the date ���hen such ground rents,
<br /> premiums, tases and assessments «•ill beconte delinquent, such sums to be held by Dlortgagee
<br /> ,:, in trust to pay said groutid renls, premituns, tnxes aiid special assessments.
<br /> ( b) The nggregate of the amounts pa3�aUle puisi�auit to su�paragrnpli (a ) and those pnyable on the
<br /> note secured lierebp, shaill be paid in a sin�le pa�•ment eacii month, to Ue npplied to the follo«�-
<br /> � ing items in the order stated :
<br /> ( t ) ground rents, taxes, nssessmeuts, fire aud other hazard insurnnce premiums ;
<br /> ( 1t ) interest on thc note secured hereby ; and
<br /> ' ( Ili ) amortization of the principal of said note.
<br /> An�• deficienc�� in the amount of :tn�• such �ggregate monthl�� pn�-ment shall, anless made good
<br /> � bl� the \Im�tgagor prior to the due date of the uext suclt pa}•ment, caistitute an e��ent of default
<br /> t' under this mortgage. r1t \iortgagce's option, �Iortgagor �cill pay a "I:�te charge" not exceed-
<br /> ing four per centum ( d �'"c ) ot an}• instnllment �chen paid more thain fifteen ( 15 ) dtty�s nfter the
<br /> due date thereof to co�•er the extra e�peuse in�•ol�•ed in handling delinquent pa>-ments, but such
<br /> '9ate chnrge" shnll not be pa�•able out of the proceeds of an�� sale made to satisfy the indebted-
<br /> ness secured licreby, unless such pi•oceeda :ire sufficie�it to discharge the entire iiidebtedness and
<br /> All proper costs nnd e�penses seciu•ed thereby.
<br /> ` 3. If the totul of the payments made by the ,liortgagor under (R) of paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br /> exceed the amount of pnyments actually mnde by the lfortgagee, as trustce, for ground rents, tnxes and
<br /> assessments or insurnnce premiums, ns the ciise may be, such e�cess shall be credited by the ➢fortgngee
<br /> on subsequent pnyments to Ue made bg the ?liortgagor for such items or, at Dfortgagcc's option , as trustee,
<br /> t shall be refunded to ltortgagor. If, ho��•ever, such monthly payments shnll not Ue sufficient to pay such
<br /> �� itema �vhen the same shall become due and payable, then the �tortgt�or shall pay to the �iortgngee, as
<br /> " tivstee, uqy nmount necessary to malce up the deficiency «•ithin thirty� ( 3U) da��s after ���ritten notice from
<br /> the ➢fortgagee atating the amount of the deficiency, which notice may be gieen US m:iil. If at any time
<br /> the ➢fortgagor shall tender to the llfortgagee, in nccordance ��•ith the provisions of the note secured
<br /> ' hereby, full puyment of the entire indebtedness represented thereby, thc \fortgagee, as trustee, shall,
<br /> � in computing the nmount of such indebtedness, credit to the account oi the hfortgagor any cmdit bllctnce
<br /> " nccumulated under the provisions of (a) of parngrnph 2 hereof. If there shnll be a defnult undcr any
<br /> ` of the provisions of thia mortgage resulting in a public sule of tlte premises co�•ered hereby, or if the
<br />' ' Dlortgugee ucquirca the property other���ise after defnult, the \Iortgagce, as trustce, shall npply, at thc
<br /> time of the commencement of such proceedings, or at the time the property is otherwise ncquired, the
<br /> umount then remaining to credit the 1ltortgu�or under (a) of parngraph 2 preceding, ns a credit on the
<br /> a. interest uccrued and unpnid and the balance to the principul then remaining unpnid on said note. ; j
<br /> A. The lien of this instrument sliall remain iii full force and ef[ect during an�• postponement or exteii- � '�""+ �
<br /> N :�
<br /> L sion of the time of puyment of the indeUtedness or any part thereof secured herebg. � ' :
<br /> �
<br /> b. He ��•ill pay all ground rents, tnxes, assessments, ��•ater rates, and other governmental or munici- �. ;
<br />;� pal charges, fines, or impositions, levied upon said premises and that he �sil! pay all taxes Ie�•ied upon this � °
<br />� mortguge, or the debt aecured thereb��, together �sith any otlier taxes or nssessments �chich mny be levied �
<br />; under the la���s of NeUruska ugainst the lfortgugee, or the legal holder of said principal note, on nccomit of �
<br /> T.� tltis indeUtedness, except «•hen payment for all such items has theretoiore been made under (rz ) of paru-
<br /> k graph 2 hereof, nnd he «•ill promptly cleli�•er the ofiiciul receipts therefor to the .lIortgagce In default
<br />`'�' thereof the Mortgngee mny puy the snme.
<br /> ` � ` J
<br />