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<br /> 6. If he fails to pat� ant• sum or keep an�• covenant provided for in ihis mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br /> its option, may pay or perioizn ihe same, and aA expenditures so made shall be added to the principal snm
<br /> oking on the above noie, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear intierest untii paid si the rate �rovided
<br /> for in the principal indebiedness.
<br /> ` 7. Upon request of the ?1Iortgagee, llsortgagor shall execute and delic•er a svpplemental note or notes
<br /> r for the sum or sums nd�•anced bs Mortgagee for the alteration, modernizatian, or impro�•ement made at
<br /> the 11�ortgagor's request ; or fur mnintenance of said pretniaes, or for taxes or assessments xgainst the .
<br /> stime, and for :ang vther purpose elsewhere suttiorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured _
<br /> hereby on a paritg �sith and as fullv as if the ad�-ance e�•ider.ced thereby �cere included in the note first
<br /> described above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interesi at the rate prorided for in the prin-
<br /> cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximatelt� equal monthlS� pa�ents ior such period as may
<br /> be agreed upon b}� Yhe �Iiortgagee aad !�iortgngor_ Failing io agree on the maturity-, the �rhole of the sum
<br /> ; ' or sums so adranced shall be due and parable thirty (30) da��s afier demand b�• the 3'tortgagee. In nr,
<br /> e�-ent shall the maturin• extend bey�ond ihe ultimate maturiil� of the noie first describ�d abore.
<br /> t " 8. He hereh5 assigns, transfers and sets a�•er to ihe 3Songagae, .o Ue applied ion•ard ihe pa�nrtent of
<br /> < ` tt!e note and ali sums secured hereb}� in case of a default in the performance oi un�� of the terms and condi-
<br /> tions nf this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, re��enues and incame to be derived fram ihe mort-
<br /> gaged premises during such time as ihe morigage indebtedness shall remnin unpaid ; ar,d the 3lortgagee
<br /> ; . shull hare po�cer io appoint any agent or agents it ma� desire for the p�arpose oi renr.ing the same and col-
<br /> lecting tihe renis, rerenues and income, and it ma,r pay out of said incomes sll r.ecessan- cummissions and
<br /> expenses incurred in i•enLing and managing the same and �f coll�cting rental� iherefrom ; the balance
<br /> remnining, if an�, to be applied ioti�-ard the discharge oi said mo�gage indebtedness.
<br /> 9. He �ciil confinuously� maintain hazard insarance, uf sueh t5-F,e or i}-pes ann ameunts as Aioitgagee
<br /> ;;' mac from time to time .z�airz, on the improrements non� or hereafier on said prem:ses snd except t�'hen
<br /> pa�-ment for all such pi•cmiums has theretofore been made uader ( a } of paragraph ? hereaf, tci}1 pa3�
<br /> prompti3- �rhen due any prer.iiums therefor. Lpon d�iauli thereof, 14oi•tgagee mar pa5' th2 same. �Il
<br /> insurance shall be carried in companies appro�ed b�� the �fortgagee and the pelicies and rene�rals the±•eof
<br /> shnll be held br ihe '_+lortgag�e and hs��e attached thereio ]oss pa}-aUle clauses in i a�-er cf and in form
<br /> { , 2ccepta6le to the 3fortgagee. ln eti•ent of ?oss 3'Iortgager n:ll give imr.zediat.e naticc b�• mail to the 3iort-
<br /> gagee, vrho ma,r mal:e pronf oi loss if noi made promptl}� 'b�- 4iortgagor, �nd each insurance company con•
<br /> % cerned is herebti• auihorized and directed to make payment ior such loss directl�• t4 ihe 37ortgagee instead
<br /> ' oi to the '.liortgagor and the ?�lorigagee jointlr, :iad the insurance }�roceed:. ar an5' part thereof,
<br /> ';: may be applied by the Mortgagee at its qption eit�:er to the reducricn af the inu'ett-r.dness hereb}• sec��red
<br /> or to the restoration or rzpair of ihe propertr daznaged. In event oi foreclosure of this mort�age, or aiher
<br /> ';" , ; ransfer of title to the mortgaged propert�- in estiaguishment of the :ndebtednc-.v sec:�red her�by-, all
<br /> � right, Title and interes 't of Yhe 9iortgagor in anc� to an�� insurance policies then in iorce shsll pass ta the
<br /> pnrchsser or grantee.
<br /> t . . . , ,
<br /> ?'- : lfl. � sddi:ional and cidla:era] ;ecuniz- for the pa.r:nent oi the :;ote c3e:c.:�ed, ana a!: sums , o bzcna�e
<br /> , due under this mortgage, the ?�iortgagor hereb�- assigns to the \Sortgagee all ]eas� Uonuses, profit;., rece-
<br /> aues, ro�-slties, righYs, zr,d ot.her benefits accruing to ihe 3inrtgagor untier am• and all oil ar.d gas leases
<br /> , no�c, or during tne liie oi Lhis mongage, executed on said premises, �rith the r:ght to recaice and receipt
<br /> t' for the sarse and apph• them to said indebiedaess as z�•ell before as after deiauli in the c�adirions of this
<br /> - mor:gage, ann the 9So�Ygagee ma}• demand, sue for and reco.er an�• sueh parr.�ents u•hen due and pa}•-
<br /> able, but chall noi be :�equired so to do. This assigr.ment is io terminate and becor.ie ruil and �•o;d upon
<br /> ' release of this mcngage.
<br /> 11. He shall not commi2 or permit tiraste ; 2nd shall maintain ihe prorwi•n- in as �ond condition � at
<br /> � present, reasonable �re2r and tear excepted, lpon atti• failure to so :naintaii:, 3Soi�.c�z�ee. �t i;s op:ioa.
<br /> y,
<br /> ma}• cause i•easor.aUle mainter.ar.ce ���ork w be periormed ai the cost of 3tortga�or. ?.n�• amonnrs paid
<br /> there:or b�• ?v{ortgagee shail bear interest at the rate Dro�•ided for in the }?P.TCiD3� i::debtedness, shall
<br /> zhereupou become a part of the indebtedness secured br i:his instrumen� ratabh• and on a parit�• �ciih all
<br /> other indebtedr.ess secv�ed herebr, and shail be pa3•able thirt}- (30 ) da�•s aft_r de:nnnd.
<br /> 12. If the premises. or an�- part thereoi, be condemned under the poR-er of eminent comain, ar
<br /> acqvire3 for a pubi;c use, th� CjZ!T13{�*PS fl�Cn2'(IBfl, ihe proce-rds ior t'.:e taking oi, o: the consiricration for
<br /> such acauisition, to the ester.t of the iull anlount nf thc remaining nnpaid indeu�edr.ess secureri b}• this
<br /> mortgage, or hereb}• assi�med io t!ie ?�Sori�agee, and shsll be paid ;orthn-ith tn sa; d \Sortgagee, to ba
<br /> applied on accouni oi th: last maturing installments oi such indebtedness.
<br /> °' 13. If the 31ei�gagor fails io make anr pa�-ments n-hen due, or to conform ;<� and compic u-ith anc
<br /> t of the conditions ar agreements coatained in this mortgage, or the notes �cnich i: secures, then the
<br /> entire principal ssm and accr�ed in.erest shall at cnce become due and pa}-able, ai the eiectioa oi the
<br /> ' '�'Iortgagee ; and this riortgage mati• thereupon be forc�:,3osed immediatefc• ior ihe �rho3e oi the ;adebted-
<br /> �� ness hereb� secured, including the cost of ex-t�nding the zbsuact oi title f;or.i tlie date of this mort-
<br /> gage to the time of commencing such suit, a reasonabie attorney's fee, and ar.r sum; paid b}• the Z'eterans
<br /> Administraiion on account of the �:arants• or insurance oi the indebi�dness secared Lerebr, all oi: �cnich
<br /> shall be included in the decree of toreclosure.
<br /> 14. If the indebtedness secumd here6y be �Jarantrnd or insured Lnder Title �S, L'r.ited 5tates Cnde. ""� '
<br /> such Titl>_ nnd Regulations issued thereunder and in er�ect on t]ie nate hereoi shall gocern �he rignt=., dntie: � � -
<br /> � and 3iahilities of ihe parties hereto, and any procisions of L�:s or athcr insLruments e�ecutec ir. conne:rcn � � '
<br /> ticith said indebfzdness a�hicn are inconsistznt nith said Title or P.ehnlafior.s are herebr amended ;n �.
<br /> conform thereto. :� '�
<br /> t �The co�enaats herein containe3 shali bind, �nd the benen� znd adca.n:wges shall inure to, the�
<br /> ri` ;
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