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, , : <br />`�'. ' � Gt�V, <br />:v: .+..e7r%w' <br />��" , � <br />� : , .. <br /> Qi ' <br /> 4a : � <br />�� . ?fj_ � } �) ) � i) `J <br /> TO HAVE ANu 1b HOLD the et�me unto the 1liortg.�gee, as herein provided. I1lortgagor represunts to, <br /> nnd covennnts with, the biortgngce, thnt Uie niorlgag�r has good righL lo sell aud con��ey said premises ; <br /> thut they are free from eucumbrance, except as hereinotherwise reciled ; thaC the Hiortg�gor �vill ���nrrant <br /> and defend the sume ngninst tlie la�ti•ful claims uf .ili persous ���hotnsoever, Ata•lgagor hereby ir.linquishes <br /> � all rights of hanestcad, all ntnrital rights, eilher in la�v or in equity, nnd ail uthcr continqent intereats of <br /> rthe Itiortgagor in und to the above-described premises. <br /> PROVIDED AL\YAYS, und tliese (�resents ure c�ecuted und delivered upoii ihe follo�ving conditions, to <br /> wit : <br /> Alortgagor agrees to pny to tlie Atortgagee, or order, the nforesaiici sum witit interest from dute <br /> at the rnte of ei�ht and one-h�lf per centum ( 8 , 'S'� ) �?er :innum on thc unPaid bal:�nce mitil paid. <br /> t Tlte sttid I�rincipal and interest sltnll be payable nl Che o13ic� of l� irst Pedere�7. `3t�ving:; ;3na r�or�n <br /> Asso iat•, 1 of inc ln <br /> in Nebraska , or nt such other place as�;lie lio�c�er of t�f�ie no�:c mz�y dcsignate in <br /> writing delivered or mailed to Che Dtm•tgagor, in mmitlil>� instnllments of �Pwo S i::ty-nine �T�a i2/100- - <br /> Dollars ($ 269 . 12 ) , commencinq on Nie tirst day of November , 13 7� , and cmitinuinq on <br /> the firat dny of euch month thereaftec until �aid note is fully paid, eacepf; thut, if not somier paid, the tinal ; <br /> ��aymettt of principal and interest shnll Ue due m�d pa��able on the tirst day of OctoUer ''006 � �i�� <br /> nccording to t{te terms of a certnin promissory note of even dolc herewith e�ecuted by the siiid Bfortgagm•. <br /> � The 1liortgngor furHier uArees : <br /> iE <br /> 1. IIe will pu�• tlte indeUtedncss, as hereiubefore pro��ided. 1'rivilege is reserved to prepxy at au�• <br /> time, «�ithout premium or fce, the enlirc indebtedness or au�� ParC tlicreof uot less th�n the amounC of mie <br /> instnllment, or one hwidred dollars ($100 .U0) , �vhichever is less . Prepayment in full shall be credited on <br /> tl�e dnte received. Purtial prepayment, other than on iui instaillment duc dute, ne�� not Ue credited witil <br /> the next following installment due dute ox thirty dnys after such prepayment, a�hichever is e;ulier. <br /> 2, Tagether «�ith, and i�i addition to, the montlily pnyments of principal and interest payable uiid�r <br /> the terms of the note secured hereby, lim�tgagor u•ill pny to Dtortgagee, ae trustec, ( under khe terms of this <br /> tivat na hereinnfter atated ) on tlie firat duy of each mmith witil said notc is fuily paid : <br /> � (n) A sum equ:il to thc giround reiits, if an��, nest due, plus tlte prcmiutns thnt �t�ill uext become due <br /> � and paytible on policies of fire and oUter haznrd insuri�nce co��ering the mortgnged property, <br /> '` plus tnxes iiud assessments nest duc on the ntortg.tged piroEicrty ( all .ts eytimated by the tliort- <br /> ' gagee, +�nd of ���hich Lhe 1lortgagoc is noti lied ) less all swns nlre,idy liaid tl�erefor divided by <br /> � tlie �iuntber of mmttlis Lu elnpse before one mouth prior to the date «�hen auch ground renta, <br /> � , premiums, taxes nnd assessntents �cill becwite dcliuque�tt, sucli sums to be held bp DSm�tgngee <br /> �' in trust to piiy said ground rents, premiums, ta�es zind special assessments. <br /> ' ( G ) The aggregnte of the amounts pa)•nblc pursuaut to suUp.irnqraplt (n ) nnd those payuble on the <br /> notie secured hereby, shall be pnid in a single pn)'ment cach month, to Ue applied to the follo��•- <br /> � i�ig items in tlic order stnted : <br /> f ( t ) giround rents, taxes, assevsments, fire nnd other�rd insurance premiums ; - <br /> � ( I[ ) interestonthenotesecurecihereb�� ; and <br /> ; � ' ( tu ) amortizntion of thc principal of said notu. � <br /> Anp deticiene�� in tlte amowit of an>• sucl� aggreufite monthl�• pay�meut sltall, unless made good <br /> s U�• the \lortgu�ror prior to the duc d�ite uf the nest such p.t�•ment, constittrte an et•ent of defatilt <br /> under this morlgnge. At �[m•tgngce's option, �fortgagor ��•ill pay ,t '9ate ciiar�e" not exceed- <br /> ing four per ceiittun ( l ','� ) of nti�• inst.ill ment «•Iteii paid n�ore tlinii fiftee�i ( 1G ) days i3ftcr tlic <br /> �- due dnte thereof to co�•cr the c�tr;i c�pcuse im•uh�ed in hnndling deliuquent paytnents, Uut such <br /> � "Inte ch:irge" shall uot be pn�•able out of tlic pcoceeds of nnt• sxk made to satisfv the indebted- <br /> r. <br /> ness secured hcreby, unless sucli proceeds ar� sulticient to disclu�rge the entire indebtedneas ntid <br /> nll proper costs and expenses seciu•ed thereUy. <br /> i 3. If the totnl of the puyments macle by the 1lfortgagor under ( n ) of pnrngrnph :: preceding shnll <br /> F exceed the amount of pnyments actunll�� mnde by the ;�iortkaqee, ns h•ustce, fnr groimd rents, tasrs tind <br /> nssessments or insurnnce premiume, as tfte c;ise tnuy be, sucii excess shall b� credited Uy the Diortg:igee <br /> on aubsequcnt paymettts to be made by thc btortgagor fa• sucli items or, at ltortgugce's optiun, uy trustee, <br /> y ahull lie refunded to \[ortgngor. If, ho�vever, such monthly paymeuts yhall not be su(licient to pny such <br /> items «�hen the eame shuil become duc nnd paynbfc, then the Ilfortg:�or shnll pa�• to thc hfortqaqce, as <br /> trustee, nny nmowit necessnry to make up the deficiency �cithin Lhirty ( ;SO ) d;q•s .ifter «•rilten notice from <br /> the hiortgngee etAting the nmount of the deficicncy, �vhich notice may bc givcu b>� ntail. If :it .iny timc <br /> �� the hiortgagor shnll tender to the AlortQagee, in accordance �cith tlm provitiions of the note secured <br /> hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness reP�•�sented thcreb>�, the \Iort�,ragce, :is lrustce, ehflll, <br /> '' in computinq the amount of such indebtedness, credit to Lhe nccount of the Dfortgagor uny credit Uatmue <br /> ` nccumuluted under tlie provisions of (u ) of pnragrnph 2 hei•cof. lf there shall be n defnult under an�� <br /> of tlte provisions of this mortqage resulting in n public snle of the premiacs covered hereUy, or if thc <br /> 1liortgagee acquires the property other���ise after default, Uic 1lortgaqec, as trustce, �hnll :q�ply, nt the <br /> time of the commeneement of guch proceedinqs, or nt the time the �iroperty is other«•ise acquired, the <br /> amount then remnining to credit the 1lfortgagor under (a) of pnra�•nph 2 preceding, ns n credit on the <br /> interest nccrucd and unpnid and the bltnnce to the principnl then remlinir� impaid on said note, . � . : . . <br /> 4, The lien of this instrument shnll remain in full force and elTect during anp poslponement or exten- �° �` <br /> N ' <br /> , sion of the time of paymenl uf the indebtedness or an�• pnrt tiiereof secured licreby. � � <br /> � 6. He ���ill pay ali ground rents, taxes, assessments, ���ntcr rntes, mid other go�•m•nmental or mmiici- ,d <br /> pnl charges, fines, or impositiona, levied upon said premises and thnt he ���il] p.i�• nll tn�es lc�•ied upon this n ' <br />?� mortgnge, or the debt secured tliereUy, togetlict' n'ith :my� oiher tnses ar assessments �chich may be levieci � <br />"� under the lnwa of A'eUrnska against the 11lortgagce, or the leKnl Itolder of snid principnl notq on accuunt of <br />" tltis indebtednesa, except �vhen pnyment for all such items hne theretofore been made under ( n ) of pnr.i- <br /> nu: <br /> grnph 2 hereof, nnd he ��•ill promptly deliver the oflicinl receipts therefor to thc Jlorta+igee. In defaiilt <br />"'� thcreof the Niorigagee may pay the same. <br /> � .., � <br />: ," � <br />: � <br />