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<br /> (i, If lie fnile to pny itny sutn ar ]ceep nu�� covennnt provided for i�t lliia mortgnge, the Dlortg��gee, n6
<br /> its option, mny pay or perform the snme, und nll cxpci�diturea so made yhtill be udded to the principul sum
<br /> ou�ing on the nboee note, sliall be aecured her�by, m�d shall bear interest uutil pitid ut the rate F�ruvided
<br /> focin the principnlindebtedness, '
<br /> 7. Upo�i request oF the hlortgngec, Dtortqagor sh�ill execute :uid dclivcr a supplecuentnl note or notes
<br /> rfor the sum or eums advanced by Dforlgngce for tlte ulteralion, moderuizution, or improvement mude at
<br /> the Iliortgngor's requesC ; or for muintenancc of anid premisea, or foc tascs ur nssessmet�ts nguinet Nio
<br /> stime, nnd for nuy otlier purpose else���l�ere nulltorized heretmder, Srxid note or notes shn►1 be aecured
<br /> ; hereby on a pnrity �vith nnd as full,y ny if ihe ndvunce evid�nced thereby n�ere included in the note flrat
<br /> described nbove. Said supplemental note or uotes shull bear intcresC i�t thc rate E�rovided for in tho prin-
<br /> cipnl iudebtedness uud shall be paytible in approxitnntely equnl mmitlily pxyments fm• such period ns mxy
<br /> be agreed upmi by the 1lartgnqee uttcl h4ortgnqor. Fniling to agrec on the m��turity, the n•hole of tl�e sum
<br /> oc sums so ndeanced shall bc due and �nynblc thirty (30 ) duy9 AtLCI' ClCllland by the ATortgagec. In uo
<br /> event shull llte maturily exleud beyoiid lh� ultimate muturity of lhe �iote (ilsC described above.
<br /> � 8. IIe Itereby itssigiis, transfers attd sets over to tlte l�turtgttgee, Lo be .�pplied laward the payment of
<br /> ` ' the note tind all sums secured liereby in case of i� defaulC in the perform:mce of any of the lerms und condi-
<br /> fi tious of this mortgnge or the said ttotc, iIII t{l� 1'CIlL9� re��enucs and incmne to be decived from lhe morU
<br /> - gnged premises duriug such time as thc �nortguge iudebledncas alinll remaiu uupnid ; :uid llie :1lortgngee
<br /> shall Luve po�t�er to iippoiitt any agetit oc age�its it tn.ty desire foc the purpose of rmiling the siune iuid col-
<br /> lecting the rents, re��enues nncl income, aud it ma�� pn�� out of s�tid incontes all neceaszu•y' commissions and
<br /> espenses incucred in reulinq uud m�utnging lfie saune nnd of collecting renlals therefrmn ; the bulanec
<br /> remnining, if an}�, to tie npplied towiu�d the discluirqe of s:iid moctguge indebtedness.
<br /> 9. He ���ill continuously� mnintaiii ht�zard instretuice, of such type ui• types .wd amotwts as AlorlQnqee
<br /> + m;iy from titne to tiiuc rcquire, on tl�c improvements now or hereafter mi said premises imd cacepl �t�hen
<br /> �' pn��ntent for all such prcmituns has thecetofore bcen mfide tnidcr (n ) of p.trxqrnph 2 h��reof, ��•ill puy :
<br /> promptly ��•hen due uuy pi•etuiuins tl�erefor. Upon defnult tttereof, hiortgnqee ma�� pny the same. All
<br /> t� insurnnce shull Ue carried in compauies t�pproved by Lhe AIortgagee nnd tl�e polir,ies �md rencu�itls tlicreof
<br /> shnll bc held by the bIortgagee tuui ha��e nttached thereto loss p�t}�:ible clnus��s in fa�•or of aurcl in furm
<br /> neceptnble to tlie Dlui•tgfigec. ln e�•ent of loss lfortgagor «�ill giee immediale notice b�� tunil to tLe Murl-
<br /> r; gngee� ���ho m:iy nttil;e prool' of loss if not made prom��Uy Uy DSortKaqor, nnd each iusm:uice compauy cmi•
<br /> ' eerned is hereby itutlwrized nnd directed to make ptt��meut for sireh loss direclly to the Atorlqagec inslead
<br /> = of to tlte 3lortqz�gor and tlic �torlgaqee joiutly, :md the insurunce procceds, or �my p;�rt tliereof,
<br /> � mxy be Applied by thc Mort{�agee at iis option either to thc reduction of thc indobtedness herebp sectu�ed
<br /> or to the rrstorntimi or repnir of the propert,y dantuqed. Itt c�'enC of L'oreclosurc of Uiis mort�.tge, or oUim•
<br /> triuisfer of titic to Uic morl�aged propertp in extinguishmcut of Uie indebtedness secured hereby, alf
<br /> y riglit, title and iiiterest of tlie htortqugor iu and to nny 1179U1'il11CC �7UIICII'ti I�1CIl IIl POl'CC 9Il:lII �)l199 t0 LI1C
<br /> ptu•chitscr or gramtce.
<br /> �' � 10. As iidditimiiil und collateral security for tl�e paytnent of the note descri6ed, nnd all sunts to Uecnme
<br /> ;; due wider this mort�;.igc, thc 11lortga�or hereby assigns to the Dlorlgagce all Ie�ise bouuses, prolils, rr. �•c-
<br /> � nues, royalties, rights, aud ether beuclils accruiu{� to the ➢torlg.�gor uuder :ui�� :md nll oit and gas lenses
<br /> k no�c, or durinq tiie lifr of this mort�age, executed un yaid premises, ���ith tha ri�;ht to recei�•e :uul receipl
<br /> jfoe the s.une �uid appl�• tliem to said indebtedness as «•cll before as nfter default in lhe cmulitiona of lhis
<br /> �, ' mortgage, and the 1lortgagec may dem.md, sue for nnd recovcr an}' sudi pn}•ments ti��hen due and pay-
<br /> ` <<blc, but shall not be required so to do. This ussignment is lo lcrminalc and become nult nncl �•oid upon
<br /> ` ` release uf this mortgage.
<br /> �' 11 . IIe sluill nuC commit or permiL �cnsle ; and shall ntnintain the properly in .is xood conditiou as nt
<br /> present, rcasonnblc �cenr anil lenr escepled. Upou any failure to su nmintain, i\Iort �;ay;ce, .at ils option,
<br /> ; mn�� cnuse rmsonable ntainlen.iuce «•oric to be performed :i6 the cost of 1tm•lgngor. r1n�• amounts paid
<br /> � Uicrefur by Murlgugl'C SIIllII IJC.U' lilfl'Cl'SL 1lL LIIL' 1'71LC provided for in tlie principal IIII�CVI.I'lltll'S9, shnll
<br /> � theceupon become n pnrt of the iudebtedness yecured by thia instivmeut, r:iCabl�• iwd un .� p:u•iLt• ��•ilh ail
<br /> � ' ollier indebtedness securcd hereby, und ahuil be pny�ible tliirty ( 30 ) duys after dem:md.
<br /> ] 2. If the pretnises, or nuy p.�rt tliercof, be cuudemned tmdcr the pou�cr of eminent dutnaiu, or
<br /> �. acquimd for a public use, lhe damages xw:u•ded, the proceedy for tlie t��icin}; of, m• lhe consideralion for
<br /> SUCII ACQUI8ILIOIIr lo the e�tent of ihe fuli nmowit of thc remniniuK unpnid indebledness secured by lhia
<br /> mortgngc, or hereby :issigned lo thc Dioriy;aqce, 7lllll SI1fl� I �C pnid CorUneith to said htortqnqce, lu bc
<br /> � nppiied on z�ccouut of the last matui•inu insti�ihnenLs of yucli iiidebtednesy.
<br /> 18. If Uic htortgagor f.tila to m:ilcc anY Ixtymcnt� ��•hen duc, or to conform lo nnd cotnpl}� ���ith iuiy
<br /> of tiie cmidilious oi• i�grecmetits caitained in this morigage, or lhe notes u�hicli it secures, tlien tlie
<br /> � entiire principai sum .u�d accrucd inlerest ahull ul once become' due uud pati•able, at lh�; cleclion uC lhc
<br /> 1lurty�ngce ; and this mortgngc mny thereupon be forccloscd immediatr.ly for the �ehole of lha indebted-
<br /> '' ness here�y secured, ittchidiug the cost of extending U�c :ibslruct of title froiu the d�de of lhis morl-
<br /> gnge to tl�e lime of comrnencing such suit, n rcusonuble atlorneS''s tee, nnd :u��• sums p;iid by the Veterans
<br /> �' Aciministralion on account of the gunranty or insur:utce of lhe indebtedness sectn•ed hero6y, nli of �ti•hich
<br /> shall be included in the decree of foreciosure.
<br /> 14. If the inciebtedness secm�ed hereby bc guai•tuitced or insured undcr 'I'itie 38, Uuited Stntos Cnde, ' � 1 �
<br /> ,; ,
<br /> such Title and Itegulations issucd thereunder .uid in clCecL on lhe dale hercof shall x���'�`�•t� lhe ri�;hLs, duties � N ,
<br /> nnd linbilities of the pnrtics hereto, iuut any pro�•isions of this or olher inslrinnents c�ocuted in conncction �y .
<br /> � with said indebtedness whicli nre inconsistent �vith said '1'itle m• Re�ulutions �u•e hereby iimended tu "` : •
<br /> b�
<br />� conform thcreto. �, ,
<br />' �' The co��ennnts herein contuined shnll bind, nnd the benclits imd adv:uitnKes shall inw•c Lo, the �
<br /> W,..' tri
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