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% ' �' <br /> �1 r <br />'� ''% <br /> � �� > <br />�:� • , : : .Y� <br /> r: <br />��� � � (1Q � '7 `) n � <br />�� 76- <br /> 4 TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD thC alUttC U11i0 ll�e 11IuClgagee, ns herein pro��ided. niortgagur represents to, <br /> nnd covenants «�ith, Llte h4ortqagcu, that the Morlg.igor has goud right lo scll .uid couvey anid premises � <br /> thiit thcy nce free from encumbriuue, excepC ua hereinoLlier���ise recitrd ; lhut the 114urtgagor �vill ��•ncranl <br /> , and defend the snme iigainst tl�e lii�ti�ful cl.iima of all persons o'homsocver. Alorlg:i{;or hereby rclinqufshes <br /> all rights of homestend, till macilxl rights, either in la�v or in cquiLy, +.wd ull oth�r contiugent interesis of <br /> `, f the biortgngoi• in and to tlt� ubove-described premises. <br /> 1'RovIDED AG15'AYS, and these present� nre esecuted and delivcred upon the follo�ving condiLions, to <br /> wit : <br /> nlortgngoc t+grees to ��ny to the Dfortgugee, or urder, lhe .iforexnid princip:il sunt �+•illt iutcrest ftront d��te <br /> ' � nt tite ritto of ei�ht anci one-liejli' per ceutum ( t3 . 59u � �)QP .1I111Ui11 OTI LIIC UII�)aid bnlanc� until p+iicl. <br /> 'flte sitid principal nnd intcrest shall be paynble nL tlie otlice of 1'irst Pecier�l Suyi.�u3s ��ud Loan <br /> in Nebr� ska <br /> , ur :�t sucli other plit�e'Y��lie lid�r�� t�� `�`��'��t ay designale i�i <br /> writing delivered or mniled to the �tortg+iqor, in monthly instnlimm�ts of p��� �I�dred F'o.rty -ei�r,ht ❑nd 9'l�lUO- <br /> ` Dollnrs ($ 148 . 97 ) � conunencing mi N�e first dnY �f November � 1`� 'jG , nnd continumg on <br /> V `� tlte IirsC dity of ettclt tnottth tl�erettfler «ntil said note is fully paid, escepL thnt, if noL yoouer paid, the linnl <br /> ` �>ayment of principnl .ind interesC shnll be due .uid payable on lhe 1{ rat day of p�t�Uei ;?U01 � '�ll <br /> nacurding to the terms of n certain promissory� note of even date hcre�eith executed by the sitid blorlgagur. <br /> �' Tlte Mortgngor furlhm• aqrecs t <br /> 1 , Iie will pay tlic indeUtedness, as hercinbefure pro��ided . Ycivilege ia rescrved to prepay nt nn}' <br /> ; time, �vithouti uremium or fce, the entire indeLtedness or .�ny pnrC lhercof uot less lhan thc amount of unc <br /> ` instaliment, or one hundrnd dollars ($100.00) , whichever is Iess. Prepayment in full shull be creciited on <br /> ` tlie dute received. Puriial prepuymeni:, otlier thun on nn inst�illment due date, need not be crediled until <br /> thc next foUowing instullmen6 due date or Lhirty duys i�fter such �repuyment, whichever is euriier. <br /> � 2. Together ���ith, nnd in nddition to, tlie monthl,v payment� of principnl and ittlerest p�iyable under <br /> � 'i the terms of the note secured l�ereby, Riortgagor �vill pay to ➢fortqagcc, as truslee, ( uuder the terms of this <br /> ' trust na hereinafter atated ) on lhe first day of e:tclt montlt mitil snid note i� fully paid ; <br /> � (n) A sum equal to lhe ground renls, if an�-, nexl due, IIIU3 LIIC �)PCllllll1119 UTAL \Yill �icxt Uecome due <br /> � ttnd payable on policies oC firc aud othcr hnznrd inaur+uicc cu��erinK the mortqiiged property, <br /> � plus taxes und asscssments next duc on lhe morlgaqed properLp ( all ns e�linmted by Cite 1ltorb <br /> '; gagee, tlll(I OP \1'IIICII UlC nIOPLj;i4�UC IS IlO�IIIC(l � ICtiS all sums nlrcad�� pnid therefor divided by <br /> � the mm�bec of monlhs to clupse betore une monUi prior to the date «�hen nuch ground rent5, <br /> r. <br /> b premiums, tases and assess�uents ��•ill become dcliuquent, such smns to be lield by hlortgngee <br /> •": in trust to p:i)' said ground renis, premiums� iaxes nnd special usses�meuts. <br /> ,;: ' ( b ) The agg!•egatc of thc tuuuunfs pa>�nblc ptu�suant to subpnr�igr[l�lll ( u ) iind tttose payable ou the <br /> note secureci hcreby, sluill be paid iu a single piq•mcul cndi monlh, tu be npplicd to thc follow- <br /> * '> in6 items in thc order stated : <br /> ( t ) ground renis, tases, nssesstuents, tirc and other haznr<1 insurnnce premiuma ; <br /> ( t1 ) intcrest on the note sectu•ed hereb�� ; vid <br /> . ( I11 ) amortization of lhc principal ol' said uote. <br /> Auy dclicicuc�• in thc :unowit uf :u�y such agltregatc monlhly pn�•nunt shall, unless mnde guod <br /> by the �l[ortqagor Urior tu lhe dur. d�de of the nexl such pnyment, conslittde an e��ent of defnuit <br /> imder thia morlguge. r1t; ,\forlgagee's oPtion, Alurtgagor ���ill p:i}• n "Inte charge" not exceed- <br /> ;j ing four per centum ( �1 ','� ) of au��' install ment ��•hcu p��id mm•c Lh�u� liftcen ( iG ) da)'s aflcr thc <br /> �s due dnte thercof to co��er lhe extrn expcllSC Illt'OI1'CfI IIl �IAiI(j�10}t, (Il'Illl(�UQIIL j)ll}'i11CIlL8� but sudi <br /> f '9nLe charge" shnll uot be puyable out of lhe procceds of .uiti� sale made to suliyfy lhe indebted- <br /> ness sectu•ed hereUy, UIIII'S9 3Ul'Il �)CUCCClI5 are suliicicul to discharge the entire indebtedness iu�d <br /> nll prapei• costs und expenses secured lhereb�•. <br /> 3. If thc totul of ttie payme�ita made by tlw \4ortgago!• tmder ( «) of paraRrupti 2 preceding shnll <br /> ' excecd the nmount of payments nctualiy made Uy tho blortqaKce, ns LrusLec, for gro�ind rents, laxes nnd <br /> 1 nssessments or insurnnce prnmiums, ns the c.�ve ma�y Ix, such e�ceys shall Ue credited by the 1ltorlKagee <br /> a on aubsequent pnyments to be made by the bioriqngm• for such iiems or, :it D�ortqaKeda opticm , as trustec, <br /> ° ahnll be refunded to nlortKaqor. If, ho��•ever, such monthly p:iyments sliall �iot be auflicient to paY alicl� <br /> itenix when the snme atiflll bec:ome due nnd payable, lhc�i Clic nlortgnKoi• ahtill p:�y to the htort�aqc�, :» <br /> � B <br /> €' trustee, tuty nmount necessary to malce up tite de(icicncy ��� iLhin Lhirly ( :SO ) d��ys :ifter ��•riLten notice from <br /> the Mortgflgee sGiting the amouut of the deliciency, which notice ntny be Kiven by mnil. If ;il nny lime <br /> �' tlte hlortgugor siiull tender to the niortgaKee, in ttccorilunce ��• ith lhe pi•ovisions of ihe nole secured <br /> ltcreby, full pnyment of the entire indebtedncav reP�•���»��'�l llicreby, thc Diorlgagec, aa lrustcc, vhall , <br /> � in computing the amowit of such icidebtedness, crediL to the nccount of lhe nlort{�ngor .uiy eredit bnituice <br /> ttccumuluted under the provisions of (u ) of paragrapli 'L heccuf. IC thcre aiu�ll be n defnult under nny <br /> of tha provisioi�s of this morLgnge resultinq iu a public sale of tLe premises covered hereby, oc if the <br /> a Mortgagee acquires the property other�visc aftcr default, the nlorlgagce, .�s iruatce, shall npply�, .�t thc <br /> timo of the commencement of such proceedings, or ut tihe time the ptroperty is other�vise acquired, the <br /> nmount then remnining to credit the Mortgagor under (a) of pni:�grnph 2 precedinq, i�s a cmdiC on the <br /> inferesC nccrucd nnd unpaid tmd lhe bnlancc lo the princtpal then rem;�init�T unpuid on snid nuta. <br /> ..,.. f 4 : '. <br /> 4. Thc licit of tliis instrume�tt shall remnin in full forcc und elTect dui•inK nny Puslponemm�t or exten- • N ,, <br /> � sion of thc timc of puyment of Lhc inclebtedness or nny Pill't thercof sccurcd hcreby. � , <br /> 5. He ���ill puy nll Kround rents, tnxes, nsscesments, �vxlcr rnles, �uid other qovernmenital or mm�ici- � <br /> r pnl chnrges, finea, or impositions, le��ied upou saicl pi�emises itnd thnt he �+�ili p�q� nll 4ixe� levicd u(ion Lhis � ., <br />� � mortgage, or the debt secured thereLy, togetlter �citlt auty other tases or :issessments a'hich muY >>� ����«� r <br />�§ under the knvs of NeUrasicn aqninst the �SortguK��'� �r bhu leltnl holdcr uf said principiil nole, on acco�m6 of !+�� <br />�* this indebteduea�, except �ehen payment for all such itcros has Lherclofoiro bceu m�ide uuder ( r� ) of pnru- <br /> ti , grnph 'L hereof, nnd he will prompUy dcliver llio ollicial reccipts lhmrofor to ihe AlortgnKec. In riefiwlt <br />''' thercof the blorlqaSce tnny pa5' the �wne. <br /> _ � � J <br />,' � <br /> � <br />