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� � _ _M���'�: <br />�� � � <br /> k <br /> All pnyments mude unJer the provieions of thia mor�gnge or lt�e• �wte I�ereby srcured, which may lx� cunnlrurd �aa inti•rent, <br /> - rhnll nul, in the oHKregate ovrr the term thereof, i�xceed ihe rn�e � hnt mny nuw br Inwtully cnntrncted fur in wrilin�;. <br /> It is further nK«'ed lhnl in cnse nny auit ie hegun to fareclose. lhis morlguge, lhu Murlgugee, its repreaenlnti��rs or oxsignn, <br /> ahnll nt once be enlitled to the poayrssiun uf eaid premises, xnd upon npplicntion llieretnr, the cuurt in which such nction sh�Jl <br /> �.�, r be brought or uny jadge u( auch court, either in lerm time ur vucntion, is hereby uuthorized to nppoint n receiver lo tnke per�ae�a- � <br /> aion o[ suid premines, or ln collect the rents lherefrom, and to do und periorm auch utht�r ticls ns muy be r��uin•d by ihe order <br /> ; ot the couft makine the eppointmenh �iud apid nlortgngor hereby wnives uny nntice u( such nppliratinn, nnd eunsrnls f�i tl�r np- . <br /> poinlment o[ u receiver upon the praluction o( (hie mortgoFe, without olh�rr �vidence. <br /> , It is expressly nqrecd und undervtood that the T1ortgngor xhnll prceecYl with lhe iY�ns4ucliun o( n buildinG on tiaid prernises � <br /> . with nll renxonable diaputch, and due diligence nnd ahtil! pn,y for tmy und aU extrcts nr malificiatiuns thut h�• mav mi�ke in suid <br /> building, direct tu the Mortgngee to bc disburni�J, togethcr with the mnney lounrd ur udvnnmd by snid Alurig�ger in connectian <br /> - wit}� this Itwn. And it ix iuriher ngreed nnd w�derstaxl thnt if the cunstructian nf snid building be, at ��ny lin�r, discontinucd � <br /> , or not carried on with reasonable dispatch in the judgment o( the Morlgtig��e, the \lortgagei' or i�ny hulder nf the said nute nnd <br /> Mnrtgugu may putthnse tnateriuls xnd empiny workmen to protect snid buildin�, su lhnt Ihe snmr shn11 nnt .iJTer from drprcdio- <br /> tion or the wenther, or to cumplete� eaid building, so thnt it may br u�ed for th<� perpoviw fur H�hich it ix de�si�;n��d, wider ihe said � <br /> plans nnd specificationx; lhut �41 thr, sume ::u pnid, or oxpended, ahull be dri�med tn tu• ndvanas lo ihe �lnrigi�gor, and si�c•ured <br /> � bY the suid note mid mortbage nnd mny be upplied. nt the optior. of !he s�iid hlortgi�gcr. or �my hold�r nf xaid nol�• and mor�F:nt:v <br /> to emy advunces therenfter becoming due. I3ut in nn evrnt ahall the Dturttingre be linble in an}' way ln rnmplc�te .e:�id buildinF ��r <br /> �;,.'� to pny tor the cavta of cKmxltvetion be•yond the neh•unces uf the umounls dep<nilirl for said purpaces ur lonned b�' Uu• \tortga�e�� . <br /> fur Lhe cunstntctiun of lhia building. And it is turther expressly i�greed and und�•r.t��d th�il i[ Ihe binrtgagnr shull f.iil lo complele <br /> said building in accordnncr. wilh the ngrecmep4y. bluc prinly :ind apivri�icnlions filed in ronnerlion �vifh thie loan ur �hall neKlect, � <br /> '. '; fni! or retur� to pey (or fhe cosiK nnd expenses in connection ihere�vith, or shnll tail in nnV other o( the rnven;u�ts }�i.rein sM forth, <br /> then, ut the uplion of thc btortgugir or �f thc holdrr of the nut�� aud mort�;iige horeiu rofi�rr�•d tu. th�� �turlg;i�;er m�iy dccinn• wid <br /> lo¢n tu be in dofault and Hie entirr. umount. lonncvl shall irnmedinfcly biti•om�� duo and pnyiibh• and ihe pmpi•rty herrin re(err.�d tn . <br /> shi�ll �r sr��rity for nll of the ndvances und ez�x�nsrs incurrrd nnd made by th�� lforti::�gn• in ermnretion �vith ihi.s provisinn. � <br /> e; . -r WiLhout limiting the genernlity ot t}�e furngoing, t}�e �lortgaqir shull Imae thr right to dreinre th:�t de(ault L:�s la�en mada� <br /> and the entiro indebtedni�n.s hereunder lo he due nud paqable nt oncr upwi th�� t�nppening u( i�ny nni� of thr fulluwing cunditinns: <br /> ' (n) The filinR u( xny lirn ngnirtst thr propi�rty, a�hethi�r clnimr�d to bc• prior tn thr fint mnrt�;a�r nr suhj�rt th��r�tn; � <br /> k ' <br /> �E- - .; (b) The entry ot nny judqment ngninsi the T�1orttia�or; <br /> . <br /> � ' (e) 'Phc tailure lo comply strictly with znning re�;ul:itivas, thi• pruvisions of th�� cily huildinR eiKli�. �,r i! any st��p order <br /> 1% 139UPd by public authorities; <br /> (d) Any misvtatement in the lunn npplic�itinn; <br /> 5 � (e) Any mnterial chnnge in lhe plxns and apecifica(iuns nut �rst apprnv<vi in writing b�• ih� binrl �a�;�•r: <br /> ( Q If work tM deliiyed or suspended for n perial of thirly (301 d:�y�s ���ithout cnusr• s:dishiclory tn Ihr !11nrtF:��rr. nr <br /> a; ;, should the Mnrtgngor fail to cnus�• work to IH� prrMcrutr<i vigoronslv. <br /> I( the hlortgnqec dexlare�s the loan tn be in drLiult. undor am- pmeision. of lhis pmvitiion. ( he A1orp::�gcr sh:dl hr undrr � <br /> _ nn obligntion to advance any further moneys hereundrr cither fnr pa>�ment nf u•nrk prr(nrm��d ;ind matrrials :ilrrady (urni.hnd, or � <br /> � thasc to tx (urnished I�tcr by the A1ortF;�gur. <br /> � It is understoai nnd agrec�cl that ihe �fortgagor �eill usr all nd��anc��v made widrr dii� nwrtgn;;e tn vrrct :i buildin�; on <br /> : vuid premisc�s in r�ecrordnnee w�ith thn plans. s��:rificalinns and gi�neral :�i:nvm�•n�s fil�vl in e•nnnrr� ion Il�t,r���cith. and h�•r�•to(nr� <br /> npprov�Y1 by the Dlortgngir. <br /> �' , It is understaxi nnd agrcv�d that iill m;tterials delivered up„n .aid pnm�ir:��s (or th�� purpn.r o( hoin�; inenrpnrat��d in th�� <br /> , � buildinK shnll be considered f� pnrt o( thr buildin�:. <br /> € > <br /> �� Morlgugm ngmrs lu mnke nd�•nncev under thiv Ir,:m fur thr c��nstructinn nf sniJ buildin�; trom tim�� fn timr as :u; n�ed <br /> x�- � txfwet�n lh� pnrtics hcr�to. <br /> r ', <br /> ' �, AND I'C IS EXFRF.SSLY AGE2GGD AND UNUIi1tS7'O011 lhnt v�id :�dvanrrs shall M� p:iid nnh� ���hrn in tho judgment <br /> n( thr Dlortgngce nll work usually done al lhc stngc nf ronstruction when thr ndvnnc�• is mndi• payabl�� tihall 6:nr brrn dnnr in n <br /> Fuoci and worlcmnnlika mmmi•r. und �II mnterials and fixfur��s urunlly (urnish�vl �md inslulled :rt that time sholf h�nr b.K•n fur <br /> . . nished and installed: but th� htnrttiagee may ad��nnc�� partti, ur the �chulr. ot :iny inst:�llm��nts fwdnrr � h�•y brcnmr dur. if thr lfurt - <br /> r �: q¢gm shall tx�licwe it udvisnble to do so. and all SIICII ll(I\'lll1CPV ur paemrnis tihall 6<• de�•mvd tn hacr tx�ru mnde in pursunn<r nf <br /> T -. lhis �igreement. nothing. hrnver��r, in this ;i�memrnt .hnll !H• cnn�trm�d as a dotormin:itinn of th,. qu:ility n( thr �rork. I+itx�r <br /> � or mnte�ials furnishivl by th�� 1�lurltiagor or cunirni•tur :md th�• 1lartqaK���� sh:dl IH• undrr nn � Inty ur ��Llii:ntiun n � m:�k�� <br /> . �uch drterminntion. <br /> . 'Cl�r �Sort�;ngrr sh�ll IK subrngrded tn nll n( th�� �igLfv. p �ivilrges, p�iurllies. :md cqui� ics u( any Iion6olJrr H�husr li�•n may <br /> .. hnvr becm dischnrtied (rom lhr pr<rci•rd+ ut this loan. or by nny funds hrrohy pt�id or furni�hrd b�� thr Rlorfgag�r. <br /> I <br /> a �, IT IS EXPRESSLY ACRF.F.D that if lhe btnrl�;agor sh:dl .v��ll, cnnvi�y or nlicnnti• vnid proprrty. nr :my pnrt th��nN�f, ' <br /> or nny inlernst therein, nr ahnll Ix� divestivl nf hiv titli� or any inter�•.st thrrein in :my mvnnr•r nr �cny, �chethrr ��oh�ntarily or <br /> = - involuntarily, without written ma4rnt af the ntortgn�cr b��ing first h:id and o6h�imY1, �lnrh;ngce �hnll hnee thc ri�;ht, at it.: option, <br /> " � to declare nny indebtednese or obligations seriv�Kl hi�roby, irrevpi�ctiw� nt thc nmturily dnt�� sprrifii�d in nnp nut�• ocid��noin�; the <br /> . enme. immediutely due and p�iyable without notic•��. nnd s:iid drbt �hiill tLereulum fri•cnme ��hsolufr. II Ihe uw��u�rvhip n( th� mort � <br /> � geged property Lernmes �rstecl in u petvan other thnn thr �lnrtg:�gur, thr Tlortk:�go�� mnp, u•ithout nntir� to thr \iurtgnguq drnl <br /> . with euch succeseor or aucccesors in interest wilh referrnce ln this murtgaF�� and tl�e debt her��ln• securrd :�s wi(h thr 1lfortga�;or, <br /> nnd mny (orbear to su� or muy extend time far the p;n�menl nf thi� debt licroby =rcurrd withnut disrhnrF���R ��r in nny �rav ntTi�ctin� <br /> the linbility of the originnl �lortgrigor hereunder or u�xm Ihe d�drt sirunri. <br /> � <br /> � In lhis instrument lhe singular includc�s lhe plurnl and the masculine inclmirs Ihe (r�ninin�� imd thr nridrr ond lhi. in � ' � - '_ <br /> cirumrnt slmli be bindinp upon the undrreiFnrd. his h��in. p�rsonal r��pre..entnfivrs. curci•+�nrs :�nd ns.i�:n�. � . N I �'' <br /> �. IN �VITNF.SS WHGRPOF. w� hnve }��.rew�to sr� our hands nnd �r�l . ihr d:p' and yr:ir firK( nlx���e �vritt��n. � � ,� . <br /> �? <br /> � � <br /> ' In the presence of: J �% <br /> � <br />' C�o�,.Q..i. , _ . � _ _. � <br />„ Cdward R . Jenlcina'� , <br />� �� � � �; . ,- ` � , <br /> , , <br /> ,_._ ;; .c �_�� ,; , , � ,,:� �� % � � , �-, �< � , � . <br /> y:� - _ . . -_ k , . . . . . �� . . _ , <br /> Charlanne hi . Jen..i.ns � ' <br /> �as�..• ` � <br />