;i , .
<br />�" � i _��
<br /> f- .._. �
<br />�. i
<br />� :
<br /> 7'hut ihe Morttingor will pny t}��. indebledni�.+v ae hrrrinbe(nre pruvided. �
<br /> i
<br /> 'Chaf the Murlgugur iv thi� uwnor uf .vairl propvrly in fee simple eind hus �:u��d righl nnd lmcFnl ❑ulhnri�y tn sell imd
<br /> cunvvy � he snme :md llud We sam�� is free :ind clear of nny lirn ur ��nrumLr�� ncr: :u�d thnt �1��r11:�I:��r will ��:�rr.ud nnd de(ond ihe
<br /> litle lu snid prerni�:es agr�inst thi� cl.dms nf .JI prrauns whnmsnra���c .
<br /> 7'o puy imtnedintcly when dui� :md puynblr tdl �;i•nor:�l taxr,. ,pecial tas�,.. �P��ri:il nsr,sments. ��•.der <�h.irges, srwrr srn�.
<br /> ice ch�rgex, nnd nthtrr laxes and char�es against �aicl proprric. nnd adl taxrs Ii�vii�J i�n Ihr drbt s�•i�ured hrrrbp . ;ind ln (urnish ll�r . .
<br /> �:� � MottqaKee. upun requNsi. with Iha ori;;imil ur duplicnt�• [�'�•�iptc lhero(ur. '1'h�• n-tort��For at;re��. ihut 11�«•rr shnll Le ssddrd tn .
<br /> ei�ct� �nunlhly paym�>nt rr�p�ireJ hereunder i�r undc•r � hr vvidenc�� u[ debl. socumd hr�rrby �in arnvunt oafimul<•d by Ihr MurlKi�{:r�
<br /> ` i tu br sufficirnt to i•nublo ihe Norlpn�:r�• to px�' . a:+ lh��y become dur. all taxrs, o.>c:;nu•n�s. and ,imilar chartii�+ upon lhr prerm
<br /> iv�s subject themto; uny d��liciency bec.�u��� uf l6r in�ulliri�mcy uf such addition.J p:ipmruts sLall Le (��rthwilh drpo.il��d by thr
<br /> A�1nrtRngor with the n4url�;a�;ec upnn dem�md by thi� Alorlpm,:�•r. Any drfaull undrr thi, pnr.�;;r:q�h �hall Lo dei�m�•d a <I��(ault in
<br /> pt�ymc�nt of taxcs. n,se.ymenl;. nr =imil��r ch.irFes rrquirrd Lrn• und��r.
<br /> '1'hr ,ti1ort�;ugor n�;re��s !hnt lherr ,h�ill also br add��d ( n rairh manlhl�� P��)'���"��1 u( princi�rd �ind intcr��et rrquirrd herr- . �
<br /> undrr tm �intuunt estimalod b�� lhr 6lurlgn�;��r lu b�• sul�icienl lo rnablr thr �lurtg:�t=�•c in p:n'. ❑s it brcomoc Ju��. Ih�• in=ur.mcr
<br /> prrmium un �un' insur.uici• pulic}� drliarn�d tu thr \lnrl;;n^��r. Any d��ficioncc Lrcauvr uf th�� in,uliici��nre u( .u�•h nddiliunal p;ry' -
<br /> �� i nteniti shHll b[- fo7thu�ith depusited by lhe A4urIR��R��r �eitli ll�r Vlurltinp��c upun drmand 6�� Ihe Alurt;;.iger. Any drtttult nndrr ihie �
<br /> P. `' pnruKraph �hall be derm��il a dr(iiull in Ih�• paym�•nl n! in<iv�inro prrrniums. I ( � he p� �Gep or puh� ii•s di pa.il��d an• >urh a. hume- �
<br /> : �
<br /> uu�nr,rs ur nll risk pulicic.. �utd � hc drposi�s am inv�diicirnt lu p:��' tlir rnfir�• prrmnun, th�� 11 � n't ;;a�;�c mar npply the d��pusit fu
<br /> pnV Pmmiums on risks rrquired lo b�� in;urrd by this rn�rct„a�;t•. �
<br /> Ya��menLs made by tlu� Alurlua;;or under tLr nbuvr pnra;;r.iph� may. ❑t I6�� ��ptiuu ni thr Ainrtg:i;;��e. hr h��ld by it and
<br /> } � ; conunin�;led with othrr sucl� funds or ils uwn fund� fur Ih�• paym��nl o( �ui'h if�•mn :�nd wilil .;�� tippli��d, surh p�rynu�nlc nrr bi•rrbc
<br /> pliKl�;ed ati cerurity (ur lho unpnid b;demcr uf thr m��rl ;:ntic imlrbtt•dnr.s. ,
<br /> C .
<br /> . 7'o pra•urc. delivrr tn, and nmintain [ur th�� brm•fit o( thr• Aluriguu���• durin;; Ihr lifr nf ihi< murtFag�, uriqin.d pnlici��. ;ind
<br /> {� j r�•nrwnls Ihott�f. dclieereJ at le.ut (ou days be(ore tho �•xpiraUu« uI �n>� .urh p��licirn, in,urin;[ a�;ain,t firr nnd uU�c• r insuraMe .
<br /> hazards. casuallies, and cuntwgencies ;�s ih�• \lurtgaF�'�' nmy rapiin�, in :m :lmuwit equ:d tu the ind�•btedneas srcurrd bp ihi.v
<br /> �` � \1o�lgagr, rind in cumP���ics acci•p[ublc to Ihc �durtgnRrr. �vith lor+ pn��:ibir dau;o in fo��ur uf ;md in funn :mreptahL• tu ihc 1(nrtg:i-
<br /> gee. in thr event any pulic}• in nul reneard on ur btdurr h�n d�n�+ n( ita rspir:diun. � he \Inrtt::tt;e�• m:iy procuro insur:�ni•e un th��
<br /> - improvemunts. pay the p�emium th[�mfur. nnd such sum shall hrc:�m�• itnmedla�rly dur and pt�ynbir �eith inl�, rrst al lhr txtr tiet
<br /> furth iu ,nid nule until �uud :md shall b�� srcurcd b�' tliis murt ;;:ic�•. Failur�• un i6c part uf ! hr �lorl �:i4nr tu (nrnish surh r��•nr�valti �
<br /> .0 ure herein n�c�uired �,r (�iilure �n pny an}' uims ndvnnci�d 6rrrund��r sh:�IL nt Ih�- optfon r,f thr �lnrl „ut:ri'. �':�nstituh� n de(nul [
<br /> z
<br /> under the trrnis u[ Ihis morl;;a�;c. 7'he d�•lie��n• u( such p� dirir, shall. in th�• rv��nt � d drfault, rnn,utut�� :�n a..i;; nme�nl nf th�• un-
<br /> rarm�rl pn�mium.
<br /> ' '.
<br /> :, } rAny sums rcccived by tho �inrtqa�;r�• 6}' m:i;un uf lus�: ��r d:+ma�;c in.¢umd nkainst muv br r�•lain��d hq tho `.lortga��.�.
<br /> and :q�plird tuward th�� payment of lhe drht lierrby :i�cured, or. .n lho upliun ��f th�• hlurt�:a{;er. such nums cith��r w�holly nr in
<br /> '" t pnrt may bc pnid ovrr ln Ihe '�1ortgagor tu bc u��•d In rcpair such huildin�;s nr In Luild nr++• buil<lin�s in Ih�•ir plae�� ��r fnr ;my
<br /> ? _ uthrr purpos�� nr i�Lj�•ct tialis(aclurv lo ih�� 11ur� tin�;r�• �viWoul �ilTi�clm�: th�• li�•n � �n Ih�• marlt;u„�' i� v th�• fnll urm�unt =��i�urrd L�•n• .
<br /> c �
<br /> by 6o(ure tiuch pavment ��ve•r trNik pl.�ce. �
<br /> 7'o prr�mp� ly rop:�ir. ri•stur�• ur rrbuild nn�' Luildin�;s ur i�nprue��mcnt . nuw or h�� n•:iti,.r � �n Ihr � irrrni,��. �chich m:�c h�..
<br /> �' cumi• damngrd or deslruvcKl : ln k�•i•p said prcmi.��s in :unid cnnditii�n and rrp;iir :wd tr���• fr� �m .�ny mi=ch.uue��: Ii��n ur uth�� r licn ur
<br /> y.
<br /> � . elai�n uf li��n nul rxprr.,slc suburdinated [u thr licn hi�n�nl : uol lu sufier ur prrnid am� u �d.i�eful usr nf nr un}� nui,unro �� � e< i;i ��n �
<br /> > i said prupertt• nur to permif �rnst�• un c:iid �vemisrz. nur �n dn :in}� � �Uirr art �eL�•rrhy th�• �rr� ,prrl�: hrri•I�e� cnm�����rd shall b�.rum�� .
<br /> Icss valuabli�, nor In Jiminish ur fml���ir it. vadui• hy anp ucf ��r r,nu.<iun to :i��� : t � � ���,inplv ��ith nli n•qwn•nu�nts i �( la�,�� �•ilh m-p��c[
<br /> tn lhe mortgagrd premis��,c and lhe u<r th�•mo(.
<br /> i
<br /> �� - 'I�het shu�tld lh�• prrmivrn ur sny purt Ihcr��n( be tak��n ur � lumu�od by rr:�n� �n o( :wc puhlic imprnvrnu�nt nr ��onrl�•mnn� ian
<br /> ' � pruc<�edin�;. or under th�� ritiht uf rminenl dnmain , ur in amy' nthr, r m:mn�• r. thc �1��rt4:��rr sh;ill hr rntitled tn ;dl ��ump�•n,,ui��ns.
<br /> r
<br /> � n�eards. imd �iny othrr paYmvnl ur rrli��( t6�•rr(or. aud .hall h�� rntill��d. al it. � �pUuu. ��� ru[nmvncr. ap��var in :ind � iru.itiutn m �Ls
<br /> �� � mvn immi• ��nc actiiin or pr�xs•rdin�. ur t�� makr any eomprnmis�� or srulrmrnt in r��nnrctinn �sith :urh t:ikinq or rlarntr;c. rA11 .uch
<br /> cumpensution, e�wardt, damn�rs. ri�;ht �d artinu anJ p�ocrrds �irr Lrrnc� a,.i;;cu�d h, � hr Ah �rt �ngri•. �vh�� m:ir. :dt��r d��ductinF
<br /> i � , Ihrr��(rum nIl iL� �•spenses. n4i:�si� ant• muneys sn mrricrJ hp il nr nppl}� Ihr samr uu tinc ind��ld��dnrss .ecurrd hrrc�6p . �Phr Uurt-
<br /> �G � ga�;or ngrcry tu i•xecul�• >ur.h furthrr .�...it;mm�Nti n( :m�• romPrnsntiun. :nr:�nl.. rLinu�c�.•.. and ri;:his u( ,a�uon ;uid pnrr�vl: a, lhr
<br /> Uorq::�{;cr may requirr.
<br /> � 7..hnt in ca.<.e of faifum lo pi�dnrm uny of the cucrnants hercin, lhe �inrtgagre may Ju un thi� '�furlgugur's }x�half everv.
<br /> . thing so ewenantc�l ; that the rfortgagee m�y al,o du nny oct i� mny div.•rn neressarp to protctit the lien ther�•of: thut the A1ort-
<br /> � , giigor will reP+iy upon demund any muneys paid or dishursed by the Dfnrt�rnh�'�' for uny of thr abuve purpo,es. ;md such mone}•n
<br /> a� . lugether with interrst lher�K�n nt the rate provided in said note ehnll bec'ome so much ndditionnl indebtc�eines: hen•by sccurcd nnd
<br /> ma}' tx� induded in any .lirree [urecic»ing lhia mortgnge and Ue paid out of the rents or prcx•�rde of �sale of Snid premisev if not
<br /> . othenvise paid : nnd lhal Nurtgnger �holl not incvr any peraonnl liuhilih• Fxc�vsi• o( nnythint; it nmy du ur omii to dn hcreundcr.
<br /> f
<br /> . In ifie cvent uf fhr di�f:�olt hv \l��rtg:itior in th�� p:iym�•nt uf ;�m' in:.t:illmi•nL a. mquimd hti� ih.� \� d �• �rrur� �d hrroh��. i�r
<br /> �. in the pedormancc uf tht• ubligatinn in thi; murf�uge nr in ih�• nutr ���i�un•d ih�•mh�-. fhr AInrl �::�Rco shnll 6�• rntitlod tu d�•rlure Ih��
<br /> F. � di•bL wYured hrreb�� due 7md parahle withnul nuticr. nud ihr A1nrt�;aprr .hall L;• ��nlitlod ul. it. ��ption. ��i � hi �nt nuncr. eithrr In� il�:�•If
<br /> � or by ia recr_ive� ta bo :q�point��d by thr cuurt thenr�(. iind a�i� l�eut n•p:� rd to tho :idrqiu�ry uf auy ��.cnrit�� (ur ih�• indebirdnosc s-.�-
<br /> curtKl hereby. tu enter upun and takr pos.ccsiun ut the morf �;a;;��d premi.es. nnd to cn0�•rl :uui rra�icv thr rc�nts. i.��ucti and prafi[a
<br /> . therco[, nnd auply the same. IcKs cust.c u( operatimi :md i�ullivtiun. upnn Ihv indebt�vine.s ���currd 6v Ihi� mort {:aq��: �:iid rrn� s,
<br /> issues nnd profitw heing her��by assi�;ned in lhc ASnRgn�cr ac [ur( hrr ���rurih' fur � hr pa}�m�•nt n( all iud�-Lti�dnr.c sri�urwl hrn•by . �
<br /> � 7'hc Alortti.iRc•e shall have Lhe puu•cr lo appoinl any a�;rnt nr �igrnis it mn7 d��sirc• fer ih�� purpose ul rcl!'�irin;: <aid pmm - � ` N-,�;' ..
<br /> � i.res: renting lhe cnme: rnllectin� the rents. re��enues and incume . nnd it mny p:q' out. n( c.iid inn�mi� al� r� ln� n:�•v inrurn�l in rrnb � . ?
<br /> ( ing anrl managing lhe sume anJ uf collecling the rrnials th��mRron. The• balaneo mmainiu�:. if any�. � hall br np�,l���d t� �u;ird lhe ' � ..
<br /> dicchnrge uf thr mortgnge� ind�btrdnrss. "fl�is av<ignmi•nt i.. tn tornnn:dr :�nd Iw�cum�� null :�nd ��uiJ upnn rrl��n.�� nf � hi; m��rtc:it:�'. �+. :
<br /> � .
<br /> - 7'he �fu�igngee nmy culli�cl a " late chnr�i�' nnt lu rxreed Pi��r C��nl. I :�ci fur cach dullar ( � I .WI � �f r,irh h � hil munlhl �• {C)
<br /> peymrut mun• lhnn In dars in nrmnn lo ruvrr ihr rcfrn ��zpiai.r iin�ul��od in handlinR drlinyu��nt acroun �s. �
<br /> Yf '
<br />� 9 �
<br /> . k
<br /> `
<br /> E
<br />