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<br /> 3. 1'he mortgugor covenuntn nnd agreee th,�t iF he nhnll tniA to pu)' auid indebtedurey or any pxrt themof when :
<br /> iluc, or ehall (ail to perfunn twy covenuut or a�recment of thie inetrument ur the pranixaory irote eecured hereby, thc
<br /> ` entire indebtedness hereby secured nLiill iuuuediately become due, puyable; and collec[ibla :wit6out notice, at � he
<br /> � � . ': ' option of thr, n�ortgagee or uesi�;ne, regardlcas of mnturity; pnd the mor[gagee or 6ie aesigne muy before or nfter entrr �
<br /> ` eell euid property without apprnieement Ithe mortqngor huvin� waived nnd aeei�urd to t6e murtKaKee oll ri�;hfx of
<br /> '< appraiecment) :
<br /> e
<br /> " 1 t ) at judicinl eule •U��reuw�t tu tlie pravieiona o[ 211 U.5.C, 2(101 i u I � �n
<br /> ( u ) at the option of the mortgngee, either by auction or by solicitution oC eealed bide, for the higheet and
<br /> beat bid complying with the terme uf eole and muuner of payment specified in the published nouce of eale, firet
<br /> ;. rivin�, fuur wcekb' notice of Uir. time, tenun, und place oC euch ea (e, h} udverliecment uot lew� than uncc
<br /> during ench of eaid four weeke in n newxpaper publiahed or dietributed in the county in which eaid property
<br /> ie eitunted, nll other notice being hereby waived by the mortFagor ( and eaid mortgagee, or uny pereon on
<br /> Lehalf oE said mortgngee, tnay 6id with the unpaid indebtr.dnens eviJencel b}• eaid note ) . Sai1 aule ehell be
<br /> held nt or on the property to be sold or at t6e Federal, cotmty, or citv courthouee for tLe county in wl�ich the ,
<br /> property ia located. The mortgagee ie hereby authorized to execute for und on behnli of the mortgagor und to
<br /> ' deliver to the purchneer at auch eale a eufiicient conveyance o( enid property, which conveyance ehnll contain
<br /> v recitale ae to the hnppening ot the detnult upon which the execution of the power of eale herein grnnted
<br /> depeuda; and the said mortgagor hereby conetitutea and appointe the mortgugee or any agent or attorney of the
<br /> mortgagee, the ugunt nnd attorney in fact of eaid mortgagor to make euch recitale and to execute said
<br /> conveyance and hereby covenaute nnd agreee lhat the recitale eo made ehall be eIIecWal to bur nll equity or
<br /> � riFht of redemplimy homeateud, doa•er, und ull uther exeuy�lioun oC lhe mortKa�ur, all of which :�re hereb)
<br /> ' ex�iressly wui��ed and conveecd to d�e mort�agce ; or
<br /> ;
<br /> ( utl tuke uny uthar uppropriute uctiou purauant lo ctute ur Federul stutute eit6er in ,tiUe ur N'rder+� l
<br /> cuurt or oth�rwiee for the disposition o[ the propertr. . � � �
<br /> � In the event of a eale as hcreinbeiore provided, the mor[gegor or any persona in poeeeseion under the mort•
<br /> gugor ehall tlien become and be tenante Lolding o�•er nnd ehall Porthwitl� deliver poeseseion to the purch.ieer u�
<br /> sucl� enle or be summarilv diaposeeeeed� )Il ACCO[(jUI1CP, N7LI1 the provieions of law applicuble to lenanlx holdin�: over.
<br /> 1'he power and agency hereby grunted nre coupled with un interest und ure irre��ocuble b�� death or otherwiNe, und
<br /> ; arc grunted us cumulative to tLe remeJiee fur collection o( eaid indebtednewe provided by Inw.
<br /> 4. fhe proceede of nny enle of eaid property in accordance with the preceding paragraphe ehall be npplied firet
<br /> i to pay the coate nnd expeneee of eaid enle, tlie expenees incurrcl by the mortgagee for the purpoee of protecting or main•
<br /> taining euid property. und ,reaeanuble ut�orneye' feee ; eecondly, to p:��' llie iudebtedne�e eecured hereL�' : aud thirdl � ,
<br /> to pny any eurplue or excess tu tl�e pereon or pereond ]egally entided t6emtu.
<br /> �. In the eventeaid property ie sold at a judicial (oreclosure enle or pucsuant to the power of nale hereinabove
<br /> granted, uud the proceede nre not nulficient to pay the totnl indebtednees eecured b�• thie inetrument and evidenced by
<br /> eaid promieaory note, the mortRa�;ee will be entitled to a deficiency judgment for the umount of the deficiency without
<br /> regard to apprauement.
<br /> r
<br /> e
<br /> ; G. In tl�e event the mort�a�;or P�IIF IO 'lU�' 8I1 {" I' BfICIBI, etute, ur locul tas �eel•�FIIICIII. 101'Ullll` I,ix ur ut6er ta �
<br /> ; licn. ch�rge, fee, or other expenEe cl�arged agsinet thc propert�' thc mort�agee i. hcreb� autlwrized ut hi, option �u
<br /> puy the eame. M}• sums so paid by the mort�:aree e6u11 Lc uJded to anJ bccmur a pnrt of the priucipal :unouut ol t6c
<br /> indcbtedness evidenced by eaid note, eubject to tl�e same tcrms and condiiions. If thc mort�;a�or eLall pa}• und
<br /> diacharge tl�e inde6tedneas evidenced b�� eaid promissory note, and s6all pu}' such nurnn and nhall diechatge ull
<br /> tuxea nnd lienn und the costs, Ceea, und expenses of making, enforcing, and execu[ing [hie murtguge, then tliie mortgagc
<br /> r �hall be canceled nnd sucrendered.
<br /> ' 7. The covenunte herein coutained d6oll bind und the benefit� anJ ad� nutu �e� �hull inure � u � hr rr�prc� i� c .uc.
<br /> y. cesaore and ueeigne of the partiee hereto. R'l�enrver ueud, t6e ninFulur number ahall include the plural, the plurnl the
<br /> eingular, and the uee o( eny gender ehall include all qendero.
<br /> 8. No waiver o[ uny covenunt hereiu or of the ubli;;atiuu �ecured hereLy �hall al ;w� lime � herenflrr Le hcld
<br /> to be a wuiver of the terms hereof or of the note eecured herebr.
<br />` � 9. A judicinl decree, order, or judgment lwlding uuy proviniou or purtiuu uf t6ia iuetrwuent inv:� lid ur w�c�r �
<br /> forceable nhall not in any wny impair or preclude the enforcemenl o( the remninin � proriFionF or purtionE o( ;I�i+ �iy ,
<br />, � inetrument. > '
<br /> , �
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<br />��," 10. Any written nouce to be imued to the mortgagor pureuant to the provieiocu o[ thie inetrument ehnll be ed- '�
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<br />� dreesed to thr mortgaRor et u�
<br />�' und any written notice to Ue insucd to the mortgaRee ehall
<br />`�� bc addreeeed to the mortguqee at
<br />,`'�
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