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{,-� .. I . .r �. <br /> 1.. � �w ' <br /> i�'� � � <br /> 1� <br />" � (�)- � � � � � � � �iJ <br />� <br />� <br /> Said promiesory note wae given to aecure a loan in which tlie Small Busineae Adminietration, an agency of t1�c <br /> United . Stqtee ot America, Hae pnrticipeted, In compliance witl� acction 107 .1 ( d ) at the Rulea und Regulntione oi <br /> r the Smull Bueinese Adminietration [ 13 C.r.R. 101 .1 ( d ) J , thie inetrument ie to be conetrued and en[orced in accord• I <br /> � I ance with applicable Fedarallaw. <br /> , <br /> 1. The martgagor covenante and egceee ae toliowe: <br /> b: Ha will prampdy pny tha indebtedneee evid'enced by eaid promiaaory note at the times and in ffie <br /> munner diereinprovided., <br /> b. ' He will pay all� tnxee, aeeeeementn, watet ratea, and other governmental or municipal charges, finee, or <br /> impoeidona, for which provieion hae not been mede hereinbelore, and wil[prompdy deliver the official receipta ' <br /> therefor to the eaid mortgngee. <br /> � . <br /> c. He , wiA pny euch expensee and fees ne : may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of eaid <br /> property, including the feea of any attorney employed by the mortgngee for the collection of any ot all o[ . <br /> tl�e indebtedneas hereby secured, or foreclosure fiy mortgaKee's eale, or court proceedinge, or iu any odter <br /> litlgution or proceeding n(fectiu� eairl property. A�tornevR' fecF reaennuhlc incurred in anv othcr wav ehall he <br /> '= paid by tl�e mott�aFor. <br /> ;�: <br /> d. For 6etter eecurit}' of tl�e indebtednesa herehy eecumd, upou the requeet o( the marlgagee, ilR <br /> i � eucceaeora or nseigne, Le ehall execute and deliver a eupplemental mort�;aFe or tnort�a�es CUYBil71E( an�• <br /> �� BIIILIlOI18� impro��emente, or bettcrmenta madr, to the property hereinabn� c deecriLed wid all propert�� <br /> � acquired b}' it aller the date hereoi 1 all in forn� eatiafactor�� to mortgaree I . Furtlicnuore, e6ouid mortga�;or <br /> ' Iail tu cure unc default in die puyment of a prior or inferior encumhrance on the �iroperl}• descrihr.d b�' <br /> -` t6ie inetrument, mortgaFor hereL�� agrcea to perniit ntortgagee to rure aucl� default, but mort�aFee ie not <br /> � obligated to do eo ; and such aJvances ehnll hecome part ni the indeLteducee �rcured br thiE inetrumeut, <br /> �ubject to the eame terme nnd conditionR. <br /> e. Tl�e righte crealed by thie cm�veyance ehall remain in full [urce uud etiect duriu�; au� poelpunemrnl <br /> or exteuaion of the time of the pncment o( the indehtedneey rvidenced h�• +nid promiFFory unte ur an}• part <br /> s. thereof eecured hereby. <br /> f. He will continuouely maintnin hazard ineurance, of nuch typc or types and in euch amounte ne [he <br /> mortFaEee muy (rom time tu time rcquire on the im�uovemenin noH� or liereiifler �m �aid proper� � . nuJ <br /> ; will pay prompdy when due any premiume therefar. All inaurance al�al] be carried in companiee acceptnble <br /> to mortgngee nnd the policiea and renewule thereo[ ehall be held by murtgagee and havc attached theroto <br /> ;- lose pnyable dnueca in (avor o[ and in [orm accept¢ble to the mortgogee. In event of loea, mortgugor will give <br /> immediate nouce in writing to mongagee, and mortgngee mey mnke proof o( lose if not made promptly by <br /> mortgagor, nnd cach insurance company concerned ie hereby authorized und directed to make pnyment for such <br /> lose directly to mortgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee juintly, and the insurance proceede, or any <br /> part thereof, may be applied by mortgagec nt ita option either to the reduction of the indebtednees hereby <br /> necured or to the reetoration or tepair of tlte property damaged or deetroyed. In event of forecloeure ot this <br /> murtgage, or other trane(er of title to eaid property in extinFuishment of the indebtedneee secuted hereby, all <br /> right, title, nnd intereet of the mortgagor in nnd to any insurance policies then in forcc eliall pass to the <br /> purclianer or mortgaFee or, at the optiou o[ t6e morlFu�ec, ma�� he eurrend�•red For a re(�md. <br /> g. He vvill keep all Luildinge and otlier improvementn on euid propertc in �:ood repnir and conditiou : <br /> �cill pennit, commit, or eufTer no wuete, impairmem, leterioration of eai�I pro�ierh' nr any purt thereo(; <br /> in the event of failure of d�e mort���;or to kecp thc LuildinFe a� eaid prentises :md t6oee erected un eaid <br /> ��remines. or impravementn tliereon, in �;ood repaiq the morlgn�;ce ma)' muke �uc6 repairs a� iu ils diacmlion <br /> it ma)' deem neceeeury ior the proper preeervution thereof : aud the [ull amount of each and c�'cry .ach <br /> payment el�ull be imwedi.�tel}' due and payahle : .ind ahall be eccur�•d b� � he li�n o ( ilu � mort ;:a�e. <br /> h. He will not voluntarily ezr.ate or permit to be created a�uinst the property aubject to this mortFaqe an}- <br /> lien or liens inierior or superior to the lien of thie mortFa�.e without the writtrn cnnsent of the mortga�;ee ; und <br /> Iurllier, tliat he µ•ill keep and muintain the eamr, free from tl�c cluim ul nll pr�r.ans �upplyinF lahur or <br /> muteriale tur conatruction of any and ull buildin�e or improvemrnte no�.• bcin�: vn•ct�•d or � n he erected ou <br /> suid ptetuines. <br /> � <br /> i. Hc will not renl ur anai�n anr parl of the reiu of ..;�id �nurt�:a�rd prup�•r� � ur d�•mnli�h. or r��mme, <br /> Of SIIIl9I:1f1117� IV AI�f[ f10�' IlUl�lllll!! N'IIIIUII � tI1C W�IIICII COIIEI'Id nf thc murt�u�:ce. <br /> j. All awurde of demuKes i�t connection with nuy condemnation for puLlic uKe of ur injurc �u auc of thc <br /> � property euLject to tl� is morty;a�e ate hcreb}• asxiRned and rhall be p.�iil tn murtFaKee. who ma}' apply thr, <br /> A �ame to pa� ment uf tl�e inetall�uentn la�t due ander eaid nutr.. and mur[�aFec i, hereLc ,wthorized. iu thc <br /> � nurnr uf Ihe mort�agoq !o cxecute and dcliver �•nlid acyuittancra ll�i•n•uf urtd In upp��ul from anv �uch a��ard . <br /> 6 . "Chc mort�a�!ee nliall have the ri�h� to inepect �lic monFu�ed premine� ot :im• rc.��„nnLli� � im�•. I <br /> --' F, <br /> 2. DeEnult in any of the covenante or conditiaoe of this inetrument or o( the note or loan aFrecment eccurecl N , � � <br /> � hereLy shall tcrminate the mortFaFor's ri�ht to poaeesaion, uee, and enjo}•ment of thc proF�erly, at t6e optio[t of the a <br /> tnort�agee or his anei�na ( it being ugreed thnt the mortgngor ehall hnve eucL ri�;6t until �le(aultl . lipon nny suc}� d. <br />�� dcfault, the mort�a�ee ehull become the owneroE ell af the rente and profitx accn� in{; after defnult on qecurit� � ' <br />� for the iudebtedneFs necured hereby, with thr. riC6t Lo entrtr upon eaid property for the purpoyc o( collectinF euch � <br />� renta and pFy6te. Thia inatn�ment ehall operate ne nn nadiqnment o[ any rentals on eaid propertr• to thnt estent. <br /> z. � ; j ; ,� <br /> ' � <br />�- ;j� � 5 (in FpRm 9zP 12-] 31 II <br /> .�.' � :,.�... � J <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � r <br /> � <br /> � <br />