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g <br />�. i ��� <br /> g � --1 <br /> i , <br /> 76- 004 .186 <br /> . 7�hr Mort6egee tnay collec! n "luie churge„ not lo exceed I�ive Ci•nts (6c) ior rech dollur ($ 1 .00) u! ench tntal monlhly . <br /> �. pnyment mnre thun Ifi dayr in arrenrv tn c•uw�r thv i�xtrn rxpense invnlvod in hnndling delinquent nccoun4w. <br /> � All paymenLv mnde under the pr�rvi�;ions o( this mortgnge ur the notu hereL}' secured, which ntny be coa�trued us interext, <br /> . shull nnl, in the nggregate ovrr the lerm thereo(, exceed the rnte� Ihat may now be Inwfully cmitracted fnr in writing. <br /> It is further agreed lhal in cnsr, any suit i� be�;wi tu (orrclase lhia mortgage, the 1�1ortKagee, ilx repmsentntivex or n.ssigna. <br /> �'� � nhall :�t unre be entitled fu lhe p<�ser�ion ot s�id premisua, and upon upplicatinn lherefor, the ecmrl in which such aetion shnll ' <br /> - he brought or any judKe of auch court, either in term limr or vncation, is hereby nuthorize�i !o nppoint n receiver to take poesc�- <br /> sion o[ auid premises, ur to cnllect the rents lhere(mm, und to do and per(orm such olher ncLv an may be rcr7uiraJ by the order <br /> . ot the cuurt muking the nppointment; and said hiurtguFor here6y wnives eny noticu of such npplieNion, nnd cnnsents to the up- . <br /> �� pointment o( n receivrr upon the prrNluctiun nf lhix mortgage, withouf ofher evidence. � � <br /> '1'he Dlurtgagee shall be subrogated lo all of the righls, privileges, priorities, und eyuities ut nny lienholder whose lien may <br /> � hnve Lern discharged (mm the procereds of this loen, or by nny funrls hcreby paid or furniehed hy the btortga�ee. � <br /> IT IS EXPRESSLY AGR��D thnt i[ the \tortgugor shall aell. convey or nlienafe said property, or any port thcreof. <br /> �. or nny interest thernin, or shntl be div��tecl oE his titie or any interest thcrein in any manner or way, whether votuntarily ur <br /> involuntnrily, without written cortvent nt the r7urtgagee ix�ing first had and obtained, A4ortgugce sliull huve the right, at iLv op6on, <br /> � to deelare any indeUtednes.s or obli�f�tions securcd hereby, irmspective o! the mnturity date spe��ified in any note evidencing the � <br /> �� same, immediately due niul payable without nntice, nnd aaid deLt ehall thereupon Lecome nlnolute. I( the ownerxhip of the mort• . <br /> . gaged property hemmes vested in n person otl�er thnn the �fortguK�r, thc Tlurtgngee mny, without notice to the Aiortgagor, deal <br /> � with such successor or succrs5ora in interwt with reterence to thia morf�ige and the debt hereUy s�rured ns wil6 the Mortgagor, � <br /> : nnd may forbear to sue or maY eztend time for the payment o[ the debl hereby xecured without discharging or in uny wny nRecting � � <br /> the linbility ot the origin:�t Mortgngor hereunder or up�n the de6t s��c�ured. <br /> , In this instrument lhe singular includc; the plura! und the mauuline includes the feminine und the neuter and this im <br /> strument xh�ll tx hinding upon the undersigmsl. his hrirn, prrs�n �l mpresentntives, succesu�rs nnd usciRne. <br /> IN WITNGSS N'HF.REOF. H•e ha��e herrunto sei our hands nnd sFnl, the dny nnd yrnr fint afxwr wrilten . <br /> � in the prtsence. of: <br /> ' /��,✓ (/� �.G��+aC <br /> , ..... <br /> ..I?obe'rt"� :...r�:o y;�iek.......... ........ <br /> .�J: <br /> l _ � <br /> : ` 1 � i <br /> ,' , <br /> , <br /> �_ ,r.:., � �.:. < < .�:_.�.� _._.._..... .... ... . _......_. ...._ <br /> Linda S . Placzek <br /> � STATL•' OF NEBRASKA <br /> „ � ss. � <br /> ' � ..._. ....F�?3�,___._.._....._CounlY, � <br /> " � On this .. .. �. .-1..... . .. day o[ .. _ . �v.. 1. �1. .__ __ ....... 19. .��. t�etore me, the undersigned, a Notnry Public, in nnd for said <br /> `�. � <br /> f <br /> _' Co�n�y. ��ersonaliy �flm�... Robert,. D .... Placzek. .and , LLnda_.S. I'13c.zek, . husband_..and,, +ri,ie ..,,. , <br /> � . personalty known to me to lu the identical persore whose names ure atfixecl to the above and foregoing instrument, ns mortgngore. <br /> t and ench acknowtedQed said instrument to be his or her voluntan• nct nnd deed. <br /> 4 <br /> Nitness my h¢nd and notnrial scal at........_ _ _.C�and..ISland...2'Iebsaska.......__ ..... ...._. .........._._._... .................._.................. <br /> the date last abrn�e written. <br /> ,�' COP� NIE S. STOLLE � <br /> � <br /> i. GEWc'RAL NOinFv � � � /l—� �� p"�� � <br /> -� . �: Stal �: �I t !?;���.a� . . . .. . .... . .�../.�..:(�.L.....�....._JG:�.C.. .4-Cd�f'I._..... ........ <br /> s ,��q;�"-�r My Commissinn Er.Mrc. Notnry Public. <br /> L � 'ti.,��?!�'�." Octohcr 5, ] 977 I <br /> _ 1fy rnmmission expires. _ . ....�._.—._._._......-- <br /> i <br /> STATE OF. . . _. .... . ... . ... . ... .. .. . . _ _ . . . . _ _. . ... . . <br /> ' .. <br /> : ss. <br /> '. County . . . .... . .. . ._ ... . . .. . . .. .. .... ...... . . . .. . _ . . .. . .. . . . ... .. <br /> �ntered on numerical index and filed for record in the Register of Deedy OfHce o[ said County the <br /> _ .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . of. ... . . ... .. ... ... . . .... . . . . ... . .... . _ . . , 19..... . ... . , at. . . .. . . . . _ .. . . _ . ..o'clock and... ... .... _ . . _ _ minutes . . . _ .. .. . . .M,. <br /> - and recorded in Book.. ................ ........ ..of niortgnges nt page_. ......--- . . .--- .._. .., as Insttument I�to..... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... <br /> _ . ... . . . _. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . _ . ... _.. .. .. . _ .. .._.. . . . . .. <br /> Reg. of Deeds <br /> --•,.� . . . <br /> $v. . . . _ . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . .. _ _ _ . . _ _ .. . . .. _ _ _ . . . . .. _ ... . 11eputy ., , <br /> . t--;.4;.•:.: ' <br /> �Vhen recorded to be returned to the � ' " <br /> ' 1 FIRST FEDER,IL S:1�'INGS AtiD L0:1Ir' :1SSOCI.1'PION OF L1ICOLN a <br /> L LINCOIN OFFICES : O�dAHA OFFICES : REGIONAL OFFICES : ;�. <br /> � ❑ 1235 "N" Street ❑ 8i06 Pec�Lc SL �� 2120 Frst Ave.. Kcarney � �� . . <br /> ❑ 135 tJo, Cotncr Blvd. u Phonc 234�2473 (,p � <br /> 2101 So. 42nd St (j y13 "E' Steet, fairbury <br />`� ❑ 70th and "A" St. (� 3205 No. 90th St. Phenc 729�2202 _ <br /> y : ❑ 2541 No. 11th Street [j 1433"h7"StreetArd <br />.�; . Phone 475�0`21 L_� '-0920NleslDodgeRd. Fhone 7233218 <br /> I� 1301 t:1am Ave. . Gete <br />`•� 43i�2111 Phonc 558�4323 'J Fhnne E2 "v..13��9 <br />,i:. � Ceorrl[hU96� 6i Flut ir0rrd Sarin[t �M Lwn �urCatien ol llncoln. llneoln. Xeeia��� <br /> , p ' � J <br /> :�{` <br /> C <br /> E <br /> j <br /> € <br /> � <br />