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'' - � ,,.«�I. <br />�", � <br />� �� p0 �: l. fif <br />� <br />� MO T GORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PR�NCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL BE <br /> APPLIED TO INSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOME DUE UNDER THIS MORTGAGE. PRUVIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT <br /> AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPOM REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNE�, OR EITHER OF THEM, <br /> PAYEE pGREES TO FURN�SH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 300% OF SUCN PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS A�VANCEMENT IS PRO• <br /> HIBITED 8Y THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> SHALL BE SECURE� BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENT� HAD BEEN MADE. � <br /> ! [ THE MORTGAGOR rURTHI'sR COVENANTS AND AGREI:S : <br /> � <br /> 'PhuL lhe Morl�.�K��� will pny thc indeb�ednrFs ns hrrrinbc•fnre provided. <br /> � �. '1'hat lhe �1orfK:�K��r is ❑u• ��wner of said proprrly in (<�n aimple nnd hns �ond right und Inwful aulhoritc lu srdl and <br /> . cnnvev the srmre and tLai tl�c sume i� frec end clear of nny lien or rncumbranre.: and that pt��rt�:agor u�ill r�;vranf ��nd d�denrl ihe <br /> � title to E:�id premises aguinn�. the claims u[ nll per,ons whnmso�•v�•r. <br /> � 7'o pay immediately wlicn du� and paynble nll general taxe;. speciril tas��s. special actii�ssments. H•r,ter c�}mrges, srwrr serv- <br /> ice chnrges. und ulhrr taxvs and chnrgrs v{;ainst said prop��rty, and nll taxrr li•vi��d on lhe debt s��cured hrreby. nnd to hirni�h ! hc <br /> � l�lurtgugee. tqwn requesl. ��'ilh lLe ��riginnt or duplicate receipts Iharrfue 'Che Atortgapor that there shall be added tn <br /> encrh mm�lhly payment required hereimder or w�der th<� rvidence uf debt cecured hemby an amuunt estimate•d by fhe D�turtgngee . <br /> lo be suflicirnt tn i�nable fhe D7origagec to pay. �u they brcum�• due. ;ill tnxrs. :�ss�•ssments. and sirnilar churti��a u�wn the pretn� <br /> � ises subjed theretn; mry deficiency becausr nf thv insuflici��ncy of such additi<mul paymenls shall be (urth�rilh J��positrd by thr <br /> � Mortga�nr wilh th�� iliurlgrigec upon demand hy fhe� Dtnrtgngce. AnY dr�(ault wider this puragraph shull 6e de�vnc�l a drfnult. in <br /> paymrn[ o! laxrs. .uacti.smi�nfs. ur .similar chnrgrs roqnircd h�•rr�imdcr. <br /> � � 'fh�• hiortgagor ;igre�•, that Ihi�rr sLall alsu b�� +�dd�•d In rnch mnnthly p+rym<�nt of prinripnl :ind int��rrvt n•yuirrd here- <br /> under nn amounS eslimuted by thr nlurtgagee lu Le sidiicirm t�� rnubl�• thr \lnrlgagre tn puy. e�s it hecumr�s dui�. t}u� insurance <br /> prrmium on any insurnnce palic�� de•livc•red lo Ihr \4nrtga„n�. ;�ny dclicirncy heci�use nf Ih�� insu(Iici�•ncy nf surh ndditinnnl pay' <br /> � ments shnll be (nrtha'ith d�puyitrd 6y fhe 1lnrtga�;or �+'ith thr Alurlg�cre up��n drm.yid by thc 1lnrltia�;ee. Any di�F:�ull under � his <br /> � para�;rnp6 shaill iH• deemed :� drCault in die paymen� u( in..urancr prrmiums. I [ thc �x�Iicy ur pu!i;�ira drpnsit��d are sucl� �a.s home- . <br /> �� uwners nr all risk policirs, nnd thr drposits are insul)ici��nt tu pay ihr ��ntirr pn•mium. th�• �torl �;:i�er muy upply the d�q;osft tn <br /> . pul' Prrmiums un risks rrquired to br insurcd by lhis mortt;a{;e: <br /> r <br /> Paymants made 6Y ihe A1urt�;agnr und��r Ihr aLu��r para4ruph� mnp, ❑t the ��pGnn of dir Alurlgagre, b�• hrld hy it and <br /> ��ummin�;led H'i� h olher sur.h ful�ds or i�s uwn (unds G�r lhe p;rymenl o( suc•h itcros, �md tuilil su applird, such pnvmrnts nrr herebr <br /> � pli�l���d av srcuri�y (nr l6r unpaid bal�nc� u( � hr morf�a4e indr6lydnc,s. <br /> $ <br /> �� . 'I'u procure, deliver h�. and muin�ain for lhe 6rnefit of ihe blurlgagee durin�; th� li[e o( this murlg.i�e uri�;inal Puliciu., and <br /> renewals then�[. di•livervd at Irast I��n days Ix•(oro Ilir expirntion uf nny such pulicies, insunn� at;.�in,t tire :md utiu�r iusuruhle <br /> hazards. casualties, and continqc�ncies �is the ;�lortt;a�;ee may n-ryuire. in an .imnunt uyu:d tu the indebteriness srcurrd b�� this <br /> � biortgage. and in wmpanic, accepta6le [u the \Inrt�agee. �rith lo,s paiyable cl:wsr in fa��or uf anrl in [urm accepfable tn thu \1��rtga- <br /> � geu. Li the event :my pulicy i� nuL mncwiKl nn ur bidure ien dnys of its i�zpiratiun. Ihe n1urtgapcu may procurc insuranrn un thc <br /> improvements. pay lhc prrrniwn lhvrefoq and sueh sum sh.all bacome imm��diately dui� nnd p��yuble k�itl� intrrest :u lhc rafi• si•t <br /> - fnrth in �aid note until paid nnd shull b�� >rcured Iry l6is mnri �.if;e. Failure on thc pnrt u( Uic �lorlga;;nr lu furnish such rrne�wtils <br /> - as are herein nv�Uired ur L�ilurr �n pay any sums advanced hrreunder shulL ��l lhi, up� i��n uf thr �iorlgagri', ciu�stih�te a de(u�ill <br /> � � . undcr the trrms n( lhis mort�:agr. 7'hr deli��rn' n( snch pnlicirs shull. in thr rvrnt nf dr(au1L rnnsli[Wr :m a.vsigum��nt of fhr un- <br /> � rarm+l premium. <br /> �� Any sums received Ly thr ?�lurtga�;e�� Lr mnson u( luss nr damnge insun•d ay;ainst mxy b�• retainrd by ihe �1nrt�a�ee <br /> e �. anci applied lua��rd the pnymert o( the dobt h�-rvbV 5�'<+iv�+d. or. :d ILo uptian nf the �inrlya�ee. suc}i sums eith�•r whnl�y ��r in <br /> fi <br /> pnrt mny b�� paid uvrr to lh�• �SortK:�B��r lu Ix• used tn mpnir Yuch Luildings ur to huild new huildin�s in thrir placr ur iur nny <br /> E', � uther purpave ur ubjrrt satisfaeton� tu the �1art�;ngre withnut nfTrctin�; iha lii�n nn thr moA�;nt;�• G�r fhr (ull :m�ount srcurrd hrre' <br /> '- � Ly he(ute such 7�aymrn� evrr t�n�k p6icr. <br /> i <br /> F <br /> i: "Co promptly mpair. rr,lure ��r rebuilJ auy LuilJfnt;, �� r imPr��e�•mrnt, m�u� or h�� rrnitrr on the prrmis��s �+hich nriy lu- <br /> t; rume dumu�;ed or daslruyi�d : ln keep anid prrmi�es in t;�rid cunditiun and rrp:ur nnd (rr�� (rom tu�y mrrhunic's lirn or uthrr iien or <br /> claim of licai nut exprrisly �uburdimilyd tu � he licn hrn•oi: nut �u suRer nr P�'rmil nny unlaaful uai. of nr nny nuisance tu i��ist on <br /> �aid prnperty nor tu prrmit H�uste nn s:iid pr�•mises, nur tn du any nihrr act �chrrrha fh�• pruprrly hrre�by cunvoye�d sludl kn�romr <br /> ; . <br /> j Icsa v�Juable, nor lu dimini�h ur �mpt�ir rfs vnlui• Ly any :+rt ur nmission In act : in eumply «�ilh ;JI mquimnn•nts n( I:nc w'ilh rr,p��ct <br /> In U�c mnrl �;aged premi�es and fhe use � hi•reof. � <br /> 'Chal should the premises or nny p:vt then•o( IH� taken ur dt�ma�;ed Ly rrasnn of ;�ny P��b�ic imprnvement ur cundemnntion <br /> k � proceedin�;. or under thr rit;ht uf emim•N domuin, ur in any uther rnanm•r. lh�• lturt�;agre tihall Le ��nlitled tu nll compensations, <br /> aw�ards. and :my ulher pupmenl ur relief thendur. and .hull Lr cntitled. at i�, up� iun. tu rummrnri•. :ipprar in �md pr�wirule in iL< <br /> uwn m�me uny nr.tion or pnx•eediut;, ur to m:ike xny nimprumiar ur setdemenl in i�unnrclinn �silh such takin� or dam:itie. :\�i �uch <br /> cumpenwriion. u�rnrdn. damu�iw. righl nt action nnd prucenls am h�•rrhy a:4i�aied t�� � 6r M11or� t;uRce. ahu may. after deduclin� <br /> ihcvefmm ull its exP�'nses, r�druu �my mum•ys so rrcrivrd by it ur npply the same i�n any indrbl��dm•s, .ecured h��reby. 'I'h�• \t ��rt.- <br /> gugor uKmiw tn ezrcvle �uch furth�•r nssi�;nmenLti o( any rompen.�diun. +��eards. d:ima�;�•.. �iud ri�;hts nf aelinn ;ind Prnci•�•d� as th�� <br /> � � lturtgngei• mny n�c�uire. <br /> � 'fhat in cuse u( (ailure to p��r(urm any af fhr cuvennnt, hrrein. th�• Dlort �;u�ee nu�y d� � �m � hr \lurt4:a�;ur's brhf�lf �•.��•rrthin�; <br /> :n envennnled: lhat thr Afurtt;.�gee m�iY also du nnY act it may d��em necr.v� ry to prulect th�• lirn Ihi•rro(: t6at ihr �loriga{;ur will <br /> . rnpay uP�n drmand anY muneys pnid or disbursed b�� the \turt;;agce [or any ot thr abnvr purP�n��<. :�nd surh mum•ps to�;rthc�r wilh <br /> inte��t [hereon nt � he rate pf�n'ided in ynid nuli• shall b��cumi• so murh addilinual indrblydnrss h��rebc srcured and ntay fx• in� <br /> cluded in nny dectee (ureclusinK this morlgage and be paid out. of thr rvmts nr pmceedn u( +:ile cd s:�id premise+ if nut uthen+�ise <br /> :. puid; lhat il shall nnl ix nbligatory upun Lhc I�iorl�agee lu inyuirr inlu thr valiJify o( any lii�n. �•ncumbranrrs. ��r rinim in nd- <br /> vcmcing mum�ys as ubo��e nud�orized. 6ut nothing hrroin cont�iinrd nh��ll la� cun,lrurd as rrquirinR Ihr UartF:�.er tu adcnnce nny <br /> moneys for iiny such porP��s� nor to do nny act h��rcund�•r, and lhnt A1url�;a�r�• ,�hall not incuc any prrsonal linbility b�<•au.�• uf any- <br /> thing it mny du ur omit tn du hi°rrunder. <br /> � <br /> b � in ihr �rvent nf thi• drfault by 1lortt;ngor in thu p�iymrnt u( :uiy installrnrnL a. rryuired bp lh�• !Cntr sr<vrrd h�•rrir��. �ir <br /> in Uu• perfurmmice o( lhe uLligulion in lhis mortga�;e ur in 16i• nule �curi�d thereLy, the \turf�;aCee sh;ili b�� �•ntiU�•d �u d��clazi• thr <br /> deht s��'ured hereby due nnd payable withwl nolice. und the 11ur�Ko�;ee shnll b�• i•ntiNed at its aptiun. w�ilhuut nulic.e. ��ither 6y iL+u9f I . <br /> or hV n rreA�ivrr to br appuinled by ihe cuur[ lhemuf. �md �cithuut re�;�vd to lLe adrquac}• uf any srcuritt' (nr thr i�idebtedneys v'' . <br /> cumd hereby. tu enter upon und take Pos�egsion o( l6e murl�;ngeJ prrmises, and tu culleci :md n•a�iea tbr n•nl.. i:=ue� and pro(its � N -�:�,. � <br /> L ihereof. and upply the snme, li�ss custs u( o{xnalion and cnllecliun. iq�nn ihv iudebtednrsc cocured by thi, murt�;nge: .:�id rrnts. � <br /> i.ssues nnd profi4v M•inK herrby Kvsi�ned to the Atort�;ng��r nx further hrcuri(c (nr tl�c p:�ymvnl af :dI indrbf�•dnr.s s�v'u���d hc�rlrv. <br /> , ' a <br /> 'I'he hlurtgngit shatl have lhe Power lo uppoinl :my ngent ��r agou�v il nvip d��nrr Gir Ih�• purpusr uf mpainni; u+id Prrm- r;, � � . <br />� . � ises: renting lhe xnme: rullrctinti the rente, mvenurs and ine��me. ond it maq pap u��l nf �md incnnu� all �•sp�•ns�•a iucuncrl in r��nt - (¢ . . <br />"" . ing nnd managing lhe e;mtr and of cnllectinG tbe n•nlnle Ihcrrfrom. �l�he b:dana• r��m:unin�;. il nnq. .h:dl I:�r applird Inw.�rd Ihr � <br />� . dis[rhnrge af ihc mortgage indebt��dm�.�. Thiti +�<ril;nmenl i, In Irrmin:dr and Iv�rumi• null :md v��id nP���� nd�•+�sr u( this m�,ric�pe. » : <br /> Y` <br />`- � . • 1 � 1 -- � <br /> •�j <br /> f <br /> 2 <br /> � <br />