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! . _�.?',� <br /> g � � � b- nn:� :�� i <br />�{ . <br />��' � MORTGAGORS MAY MAK[ PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL UE ' <br />'° APPLIED TO INSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOME DUE UNDER THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT <br />� AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITNER OF THEM, <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNEp !00% OF SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAVMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO- <br /> HI8ITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> SHALL BE SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MADE. <br /> TF1I; T10RTGAGOR FURTHIiR COV�NANTS AND ACRIiES: <br /> � � 7'htit the Mortgr�gur will paY thr indeMrdnrav xs hereinbo(or� prnvidrd. <br /> That Ihe Murl�;agor is Ihr owner o( aaid property in (��e simpl�� and h�ix �;o�Kl rii;hl and la�e(ul nu�hurity lu sell nnd <br /> convey lhe htm�e and thnl lhr awne is fine nnd cicar of nny licn or encwnbrmcr, �ind thnt �iurf �::iFtur will a�:vrant. and d�•(rnd the <br /> � title to nnid premiars �gaiavt the cluims uf all persons �rhnmsnnver. <br /> � 'Cn pny imm�•diiilely wht�n due a�ul pziy�ibla iall genernl ltixen. spe�ciol laxes, sprciul assessmenls, wnter chargex, sewrr srrv- <br /> ice churges. and other taxes nnd cliarg��s aqainst snid pruprrty , and all taxes Irviod un ihe drb! srrurrd hereby. :md tu (urnish ihn <br /> T7nrtgagee, upun requcst. wilh thr originul or dupliratc r�•ci�ipls lherefur. 7'ho Alorikag��r :iF;rr�•s Uiat thr.rr shall 6i• added to <br /> . e�ch monthly pt�yment reyuind hereunder ur wider thr ��vidimrc• ot d�•bt secured herrby an :unnunt eslimu��•J iry the I�furiF;agev <br /> - tu be su�cient to �nnblu Ihc hlnrlgtigea to pay, as Ihey 6ecnm�• duc. nll tnxes, ��sscs�ments. and similtir chargus upon the pmm• <br /> ' ises subject l6creto; nny deficiency b��cnuse of thc. insu(Iiciency of such addilional pnymen�s shnll 6e (nrth���ilh depusiled by thr . . <br /> �� Mnrt�;ugor with the Mortga�;ce upon demm�d 6y ihr ;11ort�;agee. Any drF;wlt under Ihis parakraph shall L�• Jrem��d a default in <br /> s VUymrnt of taxrs. ossosxmrnts. nr similar c6arg�•s mr�uirod hcreund�•r. <br /> Thi� Murtgot;��r t+gre��� tLnt therr sl�zill :d.n bn nddod tu encli mnnlhly pxpmrul of prinrip�d m�d iutrmsl reyuirrd hrrr- <br /> . under nn rimuunl estim»Ird Irv �hi� n4udpa�;re tu bi� suffici��nt tu rnublr lL�• Rluriga�;eu lu pnp. ns it brcnmrs due, t6r insurnnce <br /> - premium un ainY inaunince puliry drlivered to the A1nrlRn�:i�e. :lny d��lici�•ncy brcausr nf Ih�• insu(ficirncy uf sm�h nddiliunal pay- <br /> mi•nln shall bc (orthwilh di�pusil��d f�v Uu• \lur��;a�;ur wifh ihr \tur�t;a��•c upnn drmand by Ihr �lurf�;.i�;cr. Any drfuult undcr lhis <br /> �. ��arntireph xhell Ixr dei�med a dr(�wlt in th�• Paym��nl of insuranct� prrmiums. I( l6r pulir�: ur pulii�ins drpn;ifrd arr such as homc•' <br /> uw�ners or all risk policie.a. and � hr depu,vifs are insu(licicnt lu pap tho ��ntir�• premiurn, th�� Alorf�a�ro m.i�' nppll' th�� d�•posit to <br /> � pay premiume mi rislc:; rrquin•rl tu I4� u:aurvd by fhi. mnrft;aKc.� <br /> � Pa��menLti mUdc hy tLe A4url�;akor imder Ihr nbuv<� pnragraphs inac. nt the npliun of lh� �tortt:ngre, hr bi�ld hy it and � <br /> . cummin{�Ied ��•ith ulher su�•h fund, ur its o�en (und; (or Ihi> p;rymrnl o[ surh if��m+, �md witil .,o �qrplicd. sui•h p:n�mrnts aro herehS• <br /> �; <br /> . plydg�rl a� serurity for thi• unpaid bal:mco u( Ihr morl�;n�;e ind��hlednc•ss. . <br /> � 'I'u prucure, delivcr tu. ;�nd mainlain fur thr brnrfi� uf thc �fnrigagce durin� ihr IiG� ��( Ihis mur�;;a�e uri�;inal policii•; and <br /> . rnnewlils thennf. deliverrd al least ten daqs Ix�(nro Ihe ��xpir�tion uf any :>uch puliciv,. in�urin�; a�;�iuct (irr ;md other iusurahle <br /> ; � h��xard�r, cusunllieti, and contingrncirs as Ihr �t�v(gn�;ee may requirr. in an amnunt equul to thi� inde6t�dnesa ,rcumd hti� this <br /> A1ort�age. end in cornpanie. :iccrpU�blo tu ih�e ,�lurt�;ngee, with los, p.�Yablr clnuse in faror u( :md in fnrm aca•ptable tu �hc• 1lnrtg;i� <br /> � gre. In thr i�vent �my Pulicy is m�t renrw�vi un nr br(nre �rn d;n�s uf it+ rxpir.uinn. thr Atorigagae may prucurr insurnnc�� nn ihr <br /> ' improvements, pny lhe premium therefor. ancl sach vum shall becume immediat�-ly dur :md pneaLl�� H�ith intere,t nt the rntr set <br /> . forlh in suid note until paid and shall be secured by this murt�;U:c. Pailure un the part of ihr \lort�;.�gnr to fiuni�h surh renewal� <br /> as are hi�rein reyuired nr t:�ilure lu pay a�ry sumv ndvnncrd hrreunder shnll. ;�I th�• uplion uf th�• �Inrt�;atier. cnns�itutr a de•tault <br /> : under the terms ot ihi� murtgir;�•. 'Phe dclivery uf such polici��s shnll. in thr i•vrnt n[ drfaull . ron.tituh� :�n :uvi�nnu�nt uf thr i�n� <br /> � ��arnecl premium. <br /> � � :1nY sums receired by lhe \�lorlgageo hy ro:uon uf los., ur d:imngr insured �iR�iinxt m:+y Lr rrt:+ined L�• thr \lurleagre <br /> ? : find npplied tuwurd ihe puyment u( the d��bt han•by srcurrd. or. ut the nptinn uf th�� nlorl{;i�gre. nuch sum. ��ither ���hnllv nr in <br /> pivt mriy hr paid ovrr �o Ihr �lorl�;�i�;or In Ix�. usi•d in rrpair such buiLlin�v or �u huild nc�+• buildin�s in their pinci• nr fnr :iny <br /> �. . uth��r purpose nr object s:di;(uctury fo the 11url �;:igr�� �cilhuut alirclin�; ihe lien on th�� innrleap�• (or Ihr [ull umnunl si�rur��J h��r��- <br /> liv bcfure such paymnnt ��ver tw�k place. <br /> � 'I'o promplly r��p:�ir. resture nr n�builJ :u�y buildin�;s ar mipruvcmrnt. nuw � �r h�v�•:�ilrr �,n thr promi,n, whirh map br. <br /> cume Jnmeipud ur destruy�Nl : to k�•ep naid prrmisrs in g�Krd rnndition and repair amd (rr�• frnm any nn�rh�mic's li��n ur nthrr lirn nr <br /> claim u( lien unl expressly ,ulwrdinnted lo thr li��n hrrruf: nnl tu sufTer ur p�•nnil any wdna�ful u,�� �d ur um� nuisance tu �•xist on <br /> i' . sxid prnprrip nnr tu prmiit w:�ete nn s:�id premises. nur h , du any other act trh��rrb�� th�� prnperty hi•re�by r��m�ryrd tihall h��come <br /> K� li�ss valuuhle. ni�r tu diminish ��r impair ils �vhu• by nny ;ict ur nrnis..inn tn :�cC tu i�ornplp ���ilh nll r�,quircvm�nls ��f In�e wi � h r<�sprct <br /> " tu the mort�;oued premises and Ihr u_;e fhrrco(. <br /> t <br /> That ahnuld lhe preminrs ur any pr�rt therr�o( fx� taken ��r dama�;ed by m;ison o( nny public irnprotrmrnt ur cundrmnation <br /> prcereclin�;, ��r undi•r the right uf eminent dumain, or in any other manner. � h^ �furt;;�i�;rr shall b�• rnutleJ lo nll cumpemaliuns, <br /> aa�:irds. and nn}• othrr p:p•menl ur rrlir[ thrro(ur. and sh:Jl Le entillyd. al it. uption. tu oummenc��. ��pprar in and pri�.:iYWi• in iLs <br /> Y own ntune anV i�ctiun ur Pruceeding. ur to make :�ny cumpromisr or sritlem�•ni in runnoctiun with sui�h takin;; nr dumage. AII such <br /> rnmpr:nsnlion. nwards. d.unu�;��s, ri�hl uf action nuJ pruccids ��ro her��by �is�si�nrd tn ihr �tor��;a�;��r. ���hu m:�y. �iH�•r dcductin� <br /> : lhrrrfrom ull iLv rzpens�•.s. rele:iv :my mune•ys �;u rrcrivi•d by it ur :ipply the �arne on :�m' indehtodnrs: ci�cured hi�rrbv. 'I'he \1or1 � <br /> {;n�or nFmes to exetiute such (uriher fissitinmeniv n( :iny cumpens:itiun. �nrnrds, dam:�Frs. nnd ri�ht.; u( ;�ciiun and�rl. .�. thc <br /> �� Diortgn���r mny requiri•. <br /> 'I'hat in cnve u( Gilure lo prr(urm nny o( th�� cuv��n.inis hc� rein, tl�e �turtgag��o m:�p do un thr� 1lorlcagur'z bi•half eo�rything <br /> :u cnvrnimted: Uml thc �iorlgaget� mnV :dso do nm' ncl it may di•rm nrcrs.ary to prutrct fh�• Gi•n thrrcuf: Ihirt th�� \inngagur s��iil <br /> j rrpuy upon demnnd am� moneys pnid nr disbursrd by Nu� ;�1orl�ngoc (nr any u( lhe abuve purpines, nnd �urh munrys to�t•thrr wiUi <br /> p: interest thereun n� �hr rnte pm�•ided in tiuid not�• shall bi•comr� so murh ndditiunal lu�n�by .u•rurrd nnd ma}• Iw� in� <br /> ocludrd in nny decree forrclasinR this morlg��;e and Le paid uut ut the rrnts ur procm�Js of ,nlr o( snid if nul ulhen� <br /> puid: that it 4h�il1 not Im nbli�atory upon the D7nrttiu{�rr to inquirr intu lhe r,�lidity o( an�• li�•n. rnrwnl:ranrr., nr cliiim in ad- <br /> v:mcing monryv us abovr :uilhorizi�d, Lut nuthing hi•rrin ennt:�inrd sh�ill IH� con�irui�d as reyuirin�; � he 11url �;a�;rr tn :�dvanc�• an�� <br /> moneys for any such purposc nor to du nny act hrmund��r, and that \1nrl�;ngr�• .hall not inrur nny prn��nal liabilih� Fe���au.r uf nnv- <br /> thing it maY do or umit ln do hrn•imdre . . <br /> i <br /> i. In thr �•vrnt uf ihr Jefnult {q• �furlFagor in the paymi•nt u( iin�� installment . :u myuirrd by Ihr Nale s��ourrd h��mhv. nr <br /> in lhe per(nrtnnncr uf th�� nbligntinn in ihis mnrtga�e nr in ihe nuti• s��cured tLrreby. thr 1lortga�:ec shnll bi• enliHrd In dvrlorv fhr . <br /> debt secured herebp dui� and pu��xblr withuul nolice. nn�l t{u• �Surt�:ug�•i, shail be rnfiUrd :�t it. upliun. �siU�ou � nutire. rith�•r 6y iisel ( I . <br /> ; � ur by o rea�icer tu lu� appuint�Kl by the enurt therruf. und �r•ithuut regard to Ihe adrquact• o( nnp srcurih• iur Ihe indrbledni•ss w•- , �� � _;� ., � . <br /> . vured hrreby. to �mler u�wn nnd lakr pocsrssian uf the murl�n�;od premi�es. :md tu cullir� .ind rrcervr thr rents. i�sui•, and profils � N _ , - <br /> thrreoL and apply lhe same, less cosfs of o�x•rnlinn nnJ cnllrctiun. upnn thr ind�•6ti•dm�c. .rrun•d Lp Ihi, murtpag��: snid rent;, � <br /> Lir•su��s and profitc V�•ing h�,rrby nssi�ncd to lhr ��1or(gacrr ns (urthor ��rurih' (or fhr pavmrnf o( ;JI indrbfrdm� :s s,rured hcrvhy <br /> '1'hr Atortga�;ce shfdl havr � h�� power tu uppuinl any agrnt ur a�:rni: il m:q� drvir�� (ur th�� purp� �.r of trp;nriu�; riid pn•m- � � <br /> • n . ,, <br /> iscs; renting thr sumr, cullrcling ihe ronLs. revrnurs nnd incum��. und it may p:q� out u( said inn�m�� ail �•cprmrs innvnrl in rent- (p - <br />� ing nnd managing lhe� snme mid u( collrcting th�� rrnlnh thrrrlrum. �l�h�• halanc�• rrrnainin�;. d :u�y. .hall bo nppli��d t�nvarJ thF � <br /> diw•hurge nf the morltiagr indehlydnrss. 7�his �is=ignmrnt is tn trrrninalr :md M��runu• nnil :md vuid up� m ml�•a.r uf Ihic murq::i�;r. <br />�''� <br />.���.`.,`$ <br /> `�. .' � 1 A1 '� ' i i��. 1 <br />�_� �� � � <br />,-� <br />� � <br />:: , <br /> :� <br /> s <br /> ; <br /> � <br />