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<br />� 76. 003949
<br />� FIRST
<br /> ��, � Fortnf No.8371rsav.7at1 __ .__ .
<br /> Loan Number____30886 1_ 188
<br /> e�,�on---Troe-
<br /> t' ' 'fHIS MORTGAGE, mnde and execufrd this ......I.7._.._day of.._.........�.�y............__........A.D.,19.....76..,betwcen
<br /> Msrtin H. Markvicka and Linda J. Markvicka , husband and wife, �ch in hi,s and her.own...._
<br /> '. : .... .. ......... . .... ....... ........... ..... .... .. .... . .......... _.............. _ _
<br /> individual right and as spouse of the other, jointly�.and severally
<br /> . . of..__.GTBrid..SS�.IIRCL........._..._........,Cuw�ty of...;�a11..........._.......... Stnte uL.....N2bY'8Sk8......_.........._......._. hereinu(ter re[erred �
<br /> to ns the Mortgngor,and FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, Nebniskn, itn successore
<br /> nnd assigns,hereine[trr referred to ne Mortgagee.
<br /> � �VITNGSS6'PI-I: Thnl Uie said hlnrtgagor,for£m<I in cunsidcratiun o[thc sum n(
<br /> r ' F.ORTY-EOUR..THG:tISANA..NINE..HUNDEID...TEN..AN➢..N��1Q0.��....-�....--__�..__.IR..44,910.D0......_...._...J Dotlar+.
<br /> paid by st�id 1�lortgagee, does hereby sell and convey unto FiRST I'GDCRAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> - I.INCOLN, Nebrtvyka, as AlortgnR«'� its successnrs tind nssigns, the followin�; deFcribed Rrnl Lstale, situ�trd in lhe Counly o(
<br /> _............................Hal�........_..................... State ��f..................Nebrask.�...._..___.........__.................., t��-�v�t:
<br /> All of Lot Pive (5) in Capital Heights 7th Subdivision located
<br /> ¢ on a tract of land comprising � part of the Northwest Quarter
<br /> (IVSd,i—,) of Section Two (2), Tormship Eleven (11) North, Range
<br /> � Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., in lfall County, ATebraska.
<br /> q
<br /> ( _ '
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> "CO HAVIi AND 7'O FIUI.D lh��tibov��described premisrs for lhe uses hercin s��t furth imd lu secure per(nrmunce oE the
<br /> . nblignlions contninrd herein.logether wilh nll buildings,imprucements. fixtures und appurtennncex und t�l! casrmenls lhereun(a
<br /> � Vvrlonging. end it i.v muWally covennnted nnd i�greed by und betw•cen the pnrties hereto that nll Plumbing. �ns rleclric nnd
<br /> mrchanicn! lixtures, appliunces, equipmrnt, muchinery and apparatus,(loor coverings,slonn windows nnd ureens,und such other
<br /> �;�MfI9 BRII CI18«l'IY ptl(I J)CI'FOI1�I {1fO�PII)'ll9 are ever(urnished bp n Inudlurd in Ietting or opemting.�n unfumisheel building.ximi�
<br /> � I�r to lhe one now or hemnfler nn suid prrmises,whic6 arc ur s}�all be attnched �o said buildin� in anp manner whnts�xver, ivr
<br /> - imd shall be JcomcKl to be fixtures und un arcessiun to the fre��huld nnd u part of the tealty ns���wi�en Ihe pnrtiey herclo.their
<br /> heirs.�xeculon, ndministrators, succes5orv or assigns.and all persons rlaiminF by. through or under ihrm. and .c6a11 tx�d�a•m��d
<br /> . tu Ix a pnrtion nf the si•curity fur Ihe indrbtednesv hi•rcin mrntiuned and In br a�rrmd by ihi�mnrlFngv.
<br /> I .
<br /> �_"i:
<br /> PROVIDED A1.WAY5. :md Ihos�� pm5rnlv nrc exrcufrd nnd 4�•licorrd upun Ihr (ullow�io�; enndilinns. ngrrrmrn�s and . N"`'♦°-
<br /> Lubliti.�liuns n(the \1nrtFt��;qrG.lo wd: �
<br /> 'I'he ltort�o�;nr agmrs to pay to lh� �Inrt{;n4�`�'.�u ord�+r. thr principal sum n( .r�$TZ'-r Q�.��1]S��.NI�'_.. . �
<br /> h �
<br /> INI`lDR'�_2'IN..�..IQ�/�.��-- ..______.._._.___ ._._______.______.�_�.-__.'(i�lFz9�.�.��.._ . .) Dol6�c;. US �. .
<br />�� p:�ynhlo as'p�o��idt�d in n nutr rxrcuteJ and deli��en•d concurrenlly herewi�h. �hr linul paymrnt uf principal. if nut euonrr puid. '�
<br />`�� „�� th�. l�t __ .. .__d.�y �,t..__.._A?�§t.._ t� 2005
<br />�i _.... .
<br />' � Coo���Ght 1965 6/tlnt Fedreal{avinas nnO loan A�aoclotlan ol Lincoln,Llucaln.Nehra�Mi 1
<br />.`� 4 �
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