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<br /> MORTGAGE—SaHnge and Loaa Fo�m—(D(rect Credlt Plaa) 25&2 (6peda1l .
<br /> . ,.....,..........,.....,...... �...�..�
<br /> � - g g MORTGAGE M
<br /> 76- (10 3 '7
<br /> Loan No �
<br /> '� f TftI3 INDENTUAE, made thle 9th ,tay o� T�il y . 19 76 by m�d belweea '
<br /> RICHARD L STUDLL+Y AND LINDA S STUDLEY husband and wife each in tiis and her Qian._riQht
<br /> ; and as sQ,�•� ^ ^ of the other
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br /> o� Hall County, Ne6raeka, m morigagoz S �d Home Federa! 3av1¢ge and Loan Aasodatlon of Grand leland. . .
<br /> ' a corporation orqm�ked and eafadag under the law� ot Nebra�ka wlth Ils principal oflice and plate of bueiueee at Grnnd Ieland, Nebraalco, �
<br /> as moctgagee; �
<br /> . WITNESSETH: 76at eaid mortgagor_S, tor aud in coaaldecation of tho aum of � �
<br /> : ' TWENTY THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/ 100- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -nollate IS 23 , 800 . 00 �,
<br /> , the reaeipt ot wNch le hereby acknowladged, do_ by thoea pzeaonts morigaga aad warrant unto eaid mortgagee, tte eucceseo�e and
<br /> amigne, lorever, ail t6e lollowing deetribed real eatata, situated in the county ot tlali
<br /> and State ot Nebraska, to•wiL• '
<br /> � ; A tract of land comprising a part of Lot "H" Joehnck ' s Subdivision in the Southeast Quarte �
<br /> of Section Fifteen ( 15 ) , Township Eleven ( 11 ) North , Range Nine (9 ) West ot the 6th P. M. , �
<br /> in Hall County , Nebraska , More particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point ;
<br /> on the Southeasterly line of Mac Arthur Avenue in the City of Grand Island , Hall County ,
<br /> Nebraska , said point being thirty- three (33 ) Feet Southeasterly and three hundred thirty-
<br /> nine (339 ) feet southwesterly from the Northeast corner of Said lot "H" Joehnck ' s Subdivi -
<br /> £ sion thence Southeasterly para11e1 to the Northeasterly line of said Lot " fl" , a distance
<br /> � of one hundred forty- one and six tenths ( 141 . 6 ) Feet ; thence Southwesterly parallel to the ,
<br /> Northwesterly line of said Lot "H" , a distance of fifty- eight (58) feet ; thence Northwestet��y
<br /> para11e1 to the Northeasterly line of said Lot "H" , a distance oE one hundred forty- one
<br /> and six teqths ( 141 . 6) feet to the Southeasterly line of Mac Arthur Avenue ; thence
<br /> Northeasterly para11e1 to the Northwesterly line of said Lot "H" a distance of fifty- eight
<br /> (58 ) feet to the place of beginning .
<br /> � $
<br /> �� " i ether with all heatin 11 htin and lumbin q etokaro and bumere, ettcens, awnln a, elo�m windowe .
<br /> S3 �y g, g q, p g equipme¢t and flrturea, iacludin g �
<br /> oy
<br /> � and doore, and window ahadee or blinds, uaed on or In connectioa wilh edd propezty, wbether lhe eamo aro now localed on said proparty
<br /> or horealter ptaced theceon. ��
<br /> <
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, toqether with all aad eingular the teaemeata, he:editamenta aad appurton�cea thereunto belonq• $
<br /> Ing, oo in anywiae appectaining, lorever, and warrant Ihe title to the eame. Said morlqagor S harnby covenan�_ with eaid modgaqee t .
<br /> F
<br /> �ha� � .�_ are , � �,e dellvery hereof, lha lawful owner� of the ptemleoe above conveyed and dexzi6ed, md � $ �
<br /> ; $ $
<br /> � ae[zed oi a good and indeleaaiblo eelate of inhedtance theroln, treo and clear of all encumhrmcee, and that �ie�' will wartant �d }
<br /> � ' detend tho title tLereto tareve� agatant the claims and demanda of all pursoaa wLomaoevea �� .
<br /> ,' - PROVIDED ALWAYS, and thia imtrument ia e:ecuted and de6ve�ed to aecuxe the payment ot the eum ot -
<br /> ,' TWENTY THREE THOUSAND EIGI{T HUNDRED AND NO/ 100- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -noila:e (s��.$�n - �� �.
<br /> ' with inlereet thereon, togolher with euch chargee and adv�cee an may be duo and paya6lo to aald mortgageo undar lLe terrtu and �
<br /> ,' ' condiHons of the promiasory nola ol evon date herowith aad eecurad heceby, ezecuted by amd morlgago:S to said morlgngee, payable
<br /> ` , # as ezprenaed In eaid nole, and lo eecure tha performance of dl tha terme aad coaditloae coafaiaed lhecoln. 1'ha tormn ot edd nolo a:o
<br /> �`. � heieby Inmryorated herain by thie rele:ence.
<br /> '� � It le tha laten6oa and agreement ot the partiea heroto that this mor�gage shall alao eocuro any future advancee made to said �
<br /> 3'
<br /> � mortgagor 5 by ndd mortgagee, and any and al1 indeblednoea fn addiHon to tho amount above elaled whlch eald moAgagore, or �y
<br /> of them, may owo to eaid mortgagoe, however evldeacod whet6er by nole, book account or ot6erwiee. Thia mortgage ehall ramain ia full
<br /> loree and eflect between fhe paztiea horoto and their hNxe, pereo¢al cepreeenlativee, succeeaoro aad aseigne, uatll ali amounte eecurad
<br /> he�eunder, iaduding tuture advancea, are pmd In Iull with intereel.
<br /> �
<br /> The maftgagor S hecoby ane(q�_ to eaid mortgaqee all reats and income ariniag at any and all timee Irom eaid pcoperiy �d
<br /> . heceby apthorlee.�aid . mortgagoe or�-1b agen6 at Ite optioa, upon dolaul6 to take charga ot eaid property and collx� all rente and tnwmo ��
<br /> �. thecelromtpod� aPP1y,•tl�p'�mP.1n��the DaYment o! Snterest, p:iadpel lne�uonce premlume, t¢zoe, aaeneemunta, repaire or improvemente necoe•
<br /> � eary io keep eaid �uqpoily. b,, tapan�able. conditlon, or to olhez chargee or paymenle pmvided 1or herMa or 1n tho noto hewby aeNted. Thie
<br /> ,; ient amlgnment �haU coutf,nue.la 1 'orGe, uatll tha unpaid balance ol eald aota ta tully pald Tho taking al poaseeaion horouadcr ehali !n ao
<br /> manner preveat or `rolaid �eald'inotlQaqCe .Sw.ihe colloctloa o! aatd wme by lorxlonure or otherwfea.
<br /> � � 77�o faflure o! Ihe mortgagee to auert � �y ot 1la righle h�eunder at any Nmo ehall nol be conetmed ai a waiver ol ih r(ght to a�eert
<br /> i �fie eame at any later tlme, �d . ta. tneW upon. �d eafoito �tria rnmpllanco wilh all the te:mn md p�ovleians ol said note and o! thln
<br /> �� � mortgage. ' � .. .. ... . . :�.. . ._
<br /> � � � 7 � . . � � n �
<br /> � �
<br /> It said mortgaqor -s' "�� 'eLafl cause to be patd to satd mongagea the enliro amount due It hereunder, aad undar tho terme and proviefon�
<br /> o! eaid aote hereby mcured. Iacludiug lulure advmces, and any eztenetoni or :enewaL thareaf In accoidoaca wlth ihe terms and provldoni
<br /> � thereat, and ll eaid mortqaqo� ahall comply with aU ths providoae ol eald nole �d ol thL� �aortqago, t6an these prenente eholl bo void; f$
<br /> otherwl�e !o remNn ia full toice and eNaet, and emd mortqagee ehall 6e antltled to the poex�elan ot dl ol said propeitp, �d may, at its j
<br /> + optlon, dedare Ihe whole ol wid note aad all Indebtedneu iepie�en�ed lhereby lo be immedlately duo and payable, and may loredoeo t}il� t -: � ` c,.' � ��
<br /> �' mortqage cr take �y�o� ther legal aeNoa to ptoteet Ils dqht and lrom the daro o! such delault all Stems o! indeblednese eecured hareby F � . 7 �
<br /> ehall dmw Interoet aNB% per aanum. Appraieemeat wWved '� . N�:`�'� �
<br /> Sji 11 � � ^
<br /> 1 YhL modgage �hall be bfnding upoa and �haU �nure to ths b�neq! o! the hdn, ezxvto:�, admini�trators, succeaeors and aeaiqm o! �
<br /> CIho re�pecli+e partim he:e:o. � .. :
<br /> >� ¢
<br /> IN 4VITNE33 WF�REOP. wld Morlqagar 6 ti� s bareuato �et Yht+ i r haad_s tbe day and yea: finl above F'� `:`. ��.
<br /> wdlten. r. `� Y/`_, , �
<br /> � \ "
<br />, — � l � ` r !� ` { ��' Y.��; ,
<br />� c iar u e
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