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<br />� � � •�
<br /> MOATGAGB—Savinqe and Loan Form--(Dkect Credit Plm) 255•2 (Specld)
<br /> �� 6.� ; �g g MORTGAGE
<br /> 7 �l Q 3
<br /> ��No �
<br /> ��.. � THIS INDENiITAE,made Wle 9th .�,,.. ot T�il Y 19 76 by and between " �
<br /> RICHARD L STUDLEY AND LINDA S STUDLEY husband and wife each in h�s and her own rieht
<br /> 3 and as spo�4e o the other - —
<br /> �, ol_ � tlall� Couaty,Nebraeka,m mocigagor S�d Homo Fodeml Savtuga and Loaa Aaeoclatlon ol Graad]alm�d, . �
<br /> � a wrporation organl:ed aad etieHng uade� the lawe ol Nebmeka wiW lU prindpal olllco and place of buaineee at GranB lalaad.Nebranka, �
<br /> � ae mortgagee; �
<br /> , WITNESSETH: That eald mortgaqor 5 toc aad Sn coaeldaration ol the eum o1 � .
<br /> ' ` TWENTY TNREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/100--------------------Tollare IS z3,800.00 �, #
<br /> , the receipt ol which L hereby atlmowledgad,do_by fheee prcaente mo�gage aad wanant unto eald moAgagee, Ite euccemore md �
<br /> aealgne,fo�ever,all ihe tollowi¢g doscribed real oelale,altuated In lho rnunty ol Hall . .
<br /> ' � and Slate ot Neb:mkw lo-wiU �
<br /> ; A tract of land comprising a part of Lot "FI" Joehnck's Subdivision in the Southeast Quarte
<br /> of Section Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M„
<br /> in Hall County, Nebraska, More particularly described as follows; 13eginning at a point
<br /> on the SoutheasterLy line of Mac Arthur Avenue in the City of Grand Island, Flall County,
<br /> Nebraska, said point being thirty-three (33) Feet Southeasterly and three hundred thirty-
<br /> nine (339) feet southwesterly from the Northeast corner of Said lot "H" Joehnck's Subdivi-
<br /> �� sion thence Southeasterly parallel to the Northeasterly lic�e of said Lot "H", a distance
<br /> of one hundred forty-one and six tenths (141.6) Feet; thence Southwesterly parallel to the
<br /> Northwesterly line of said Lot "EC', a distance of fifty-eight (58) feet; thence Northweste� y
<br /> parallel to the Northeasterly line of said Lot "H", a distance of one hundred forty-one
<br /> and six tenths (141.6) feet to the Southeasterly line of Mac Arthur Avenue; thence
<br /> Northeasterly parallel to the Northwesterly line of said Lot "H" a distance of fifty-eight
<br /> (58) feet to the place of beginning.
<br /> d
<br /> e: jy Together with all heating. llghUng, and plumbtnq eqWpmeat aad fiztuiee,including atoken aad bumere,eereens,awaiaqe,atorm w[ndowe .� .
<br /> . �' and doore,aad window shadee or bHnde.uaed on or in coanectioa with eaid proparly,whether the eame aro now loeated on eaid proparty '
<br /> Y � or horeattei plared theieoa .
<br /> ' �<
<br /> z TO HAVE ANC TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and etnqular Ihe tenemoata,heceditameata and appurtenancea Wureunto beloaq• �
<br /> � ing,or in anywiee appartaininq,lorever,aad warrant the tltle to the eame. Sald mortgaqor S heroby covenan�wlth said modgaqen � �
<br /> t�� �ba��aL are ,��,e dallvery hereof,the lawful owaer�.ol the pcemisee above convayed mid deacribed,and 1T^ $ .
<br /> �, � f
<br /> � seizad ot a good and indeleaeible eetato ot inhedtance thoroin,freo and cle�ot all encumbr�cce,and that tho�wtlt warranl mid I
<br /> � de[end tha tille therolo lorevor againet the daima and demaad�ot a11 peceone whomeoevec � -
<br /> +;� ` PROVIDED ALWAYS, and thls in+trument fe ozecuted and delivered to secure the paymant ol tho eum o� � � � ��
<br /> TWENTY THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/100------------------- ollara (4 23�A00_00 i,
<br /> a � wllh iatereet thereon,togolher wilh euah chargee and advancoe aa may be due and payable lo euld moctgaqeo under the termn and # � �
<br /> � . condillom of t6e promienory aote ol oven date hexawith and eacurad hereby,ozacvtod by eatd modgagor 5 to eaid mortgagoe,payable � � � .
<br /> ae oapreaend in eaid note.md to 6CCLLIB lL0 pedormance o!all tho termn aad condWom contataed thoreln. The terem of eald aote aro
<br /> ( �f hereby inrnrpomted he:ein by ihla relerence.
<br /> x �
<br /> Il is tbe inlentioa and aqreomant ol the partiee heroto that thie modgage eLall aleo eacure any luture advancee made to eatd
<br /> mortgagor S by add mortqagee,and any and all fndohtedaeea fn addtlio¢to tho amount above etated which e¢id moztgaqorn, or �y
<br /> � o! them, may owo to eaid mortgagee,howevar evldenced whether by note,book accouat or otherwlse. Thia mortgage ehail romain in full
<br /> � loma aad eltoct between the parliee hemto and their hetr�,parsonal rnp+eeentativee, euccecao�s and aaelqae, uatil all amomte secured
<br /> ' hereunder.ladudlnq tuhue advmcee,are paid in full with inloreat.
<br /> The mortgagor 5 heceby analqti—to eald mongaqae all reate aad income a:ieinq al my and all timee fiom said proparty and
<br /> � hereby authodu..eaid.mmlgag�e�or�dt�agent.at ttn option, upoa dalault.Io lake chaige ot eald property and collect all renta and lncome
<br /> � therolromiaad�aPP�Y��'����'�FaYme++�a�lntorent,ptinopal,lnaurance premlumn,tazos,asaoeemaate, repaira or improvementa aecoe• j
<br /> sary�o keep edd pcpparty,ip;tepaatabl',mndition,oc to olhor eharqes or paymenb pravidad lor herein or in tha noto 6eroby eecured. 71ile {
<br /> rent amiqnmeal ehall�eontlaue_1a�foir,e,-.unti��the iwpold balanee ol eaid nole Is lutly pald The laking o(posaeaeioa hereunder ehall ia no $
<br /> marmor prevent orretatd'eald'.IDolfyaqga 3a,lha colloctioa ot eaid sume by foredoeure or othenvieo.
<br /> ' i'ha failure ot tho.mortqagee to.aeeed�y of 1te dghtn herouadac at aay time ehall not be eoaetruod as a walvar of ita right to maeh
<br /> jS the eame at any later tlmm�d to,Wiel upan.�and enforw eK(d rnmpllance wl�h alt the tarme �d provislone o( said nolo and o! thle
<br /> $ mortqage. : .�. .:.��iv ' .. __ ,. SS
<br /> � If eaid morlgagor�'�"ahal! cwee lo ba pald to eaid mortgagoe !ho eattre amount duo!t he�eunder,and under the torme aad provldoni �
<br /> ot wid note hereby�ecured faclud[ng iulure advancee,and a¢y ertemioai or renewale theteo! t¢ acco:daaca wlth tho termi�d pravinfona
<br /> thoreo(,and It eaid mafqagor S, ehall complp�vit6 all tha p�ovldoae o!eald aote aad ol thla mortqaga,thon theee preeeaU eha11 bo votd; �
<br /> S oWarwlse to remain in tull lozea aod elloa,aad aaid mo[lqagee ehall be ealltled lo tha poeeo�elon o!all ot said proporty,�d may,at ite �
<br /> foptlon,dodaro the whole ot w1d nole md all ladeblednea repre�ented thereby lo be immedlately due aad payable,and may foreclo�e thi� 'a,:.+��
<br /> s hi
<br /> mortgage o� taka any�o�lher legal acltoa to protect fts dgh6 and Irom the date d such detault aR Steme ot tndebtadnesa wcured 6ezehq �%'
<br /> . �� ehall draw Snlere�t at^!96 pec annum. Appraiaement waived �'�N
<br /> � 11 �
<br /> L Thii mortgaqs �haA be binding uyoa and �hall�aurs to Ihe b�ne4t ol the h�ln,e=eeutote,adminlahato=n, tuae�eon and aaelqns d �
<br /> S Ihe re�pective partim Mroto. }
<br /> > tS �
<br /> IN Wi7NES9 Wf�AEOF. satd Mo�iqaqors tia S horeuato �el thPi r hand—,�tha day and yaar Ilut above 1 (�
<br /> f 2 �
<br /> mitlon. � � �';,.
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