� � � ,
<br />� � . ':�s�� 1
<br />� . �
<br /> lb- 0036 '74
<br /> ll is fur�her nRreeJ tlml in ct�se� any euil is 6e„un lu forerlosc �his mutfgage, lhe Tlorlgnger, ile reprenenlulives or usvign�. . .
<br /> shnll at once be � enlitled to the posaession n[ said premises, �md upon aPPlicution therefor, ll�e cour! in which such ��clion shail � . .
<br /> be brought ur m�y judge of such courL either in lerm time ur vncation, is lir.reby uulhutized �o uppoint a receiver lu �ake poes��+-
<br /> � sion af eaid premises, or lo collect lhi� rents lhere[rom, nnd to du and perfonn such uther netti iie muy be nsp�ired by the urder ( .
<br /> of the court mnking the appoinlment: und snid Mortgngor hereby wnivex en.v nulice o( such +ipplication, nnd eunsi�ntx lo fh�� np•
<br /> pointment n[ n receivra upon the production of this murtgn�;e. withuut olhrr evidencc. . � ��
<br /> 'Phe Mnrlgagce shnll be subrognted io nll u[ tLc righls, Priv�le�;ev, priorities. mid equilies of uny lienhulder whose liim mnS'
<br /> � 4 � � bnve bcen disdmrge.d [rom lhe prnceedn u( this lonn, nr liy +�ny (imds I�erehy Paid nr fumishcd hy the Morlgngce. . .
<br /> I'I' IS lXPF�GSSLY AGRGED thzd if the hfortgugur ahiill sell, com�ey or alicn:rte �aid property, or nny part thrreof, . ,
<br /> or nny interest therein, ur eh+ill be divesteKl of his title or nny interest therein in �ny mnnner or way, whi�ther volun�irily ot .
<br /> involunterily, without writu�n coa5ent. of the Murtr;ngcr being firal hud und obt�iined, htortgngeo xh+dl huve lhe right, iit its option,
<br /> to deelate nny indebtedness nr obligtdiotvy secured hereby, irresptv'tive o( tlte nudurity dnte sprcificd in nn>' note evidencin�; the �
<br /> � � eame, irtunecliutely due nnd piiyuble Withuut notice, und s:iid debt xhall therrupon Uecome nbsolute. Tf lhe oa•nenship o( thea mort- � . � � �
<br /> � gaged propedy �'crme� ve•ated in a perxon other tlian tl�e Mortgagur, the Mort�;ag�ti may, without notice to tlir, hiortgagnr, deal
<br /> .�� with such succe�sor or succrssore in interest �+�ith referencr lo this mort�uge fmd the debt hereb.v vc�cumd ns with the Dlvrtgagor, . � . ,
<br /> and may forUear to sue or may extend time for the pnyment o( ll�e debt hereby secured williout di5chiirging or in imy wily affectinq
<br /> - , 4 the lis6ility of the originnl Mortgngor hereundrr or upon the drbt secumd. � � �
<br /> In this inatrument the vingulur includes Ihe plural and the mnsculinr, includes ihe feminine nnd the neuter and this in- . .
<br /> �trum�mt SLall }x• bindini: ��P��� lhe imdersitined. his lirirs, ��ersonal reprcwenhrtivrs. successorti and actii�;ne. . . . . , ,
<br /> , �� �
<br /> i
<br /> IN W1TNrSS \YHEREOF. ae have hercuntu set uur l�ands nnd tiral, Ihe day and yrar firct nl�ei� w-ritl�m. � � . . .
<br /> { � In the presence of:
<br /> � ����
<br /> , ; _ �.. r . . . .. �.._ .:. _ .._. ._ . . . ._..._ ,
<br /> , . �`�
<br /> Steve F , Hibbard
<br /> ; ��-�. � `l� _.t.C.�.�d _ _
<br /> , Donna I' . Hibbard
<br /> i
<br /> `., � PA'CE OF NEBRASKA l
<br /> ' Hall } �s.
<br /> � . _.__.. . . . . .... _ _County. 1 �
<br /> q ` On this ... ...�....._.._ du>' u( .. . . . . .Jli. '�/ . . . __ _ ... 19....76lxdure me, ihe underaigned, a Notnry Public, in nnd tor naid � . . . � �
<br /> ' Counly, personully �:����.. .... Stev.e..P . .Hibbard_and. Donna . F, _ Hibbard , husband and wife , , ..... . : . �
<br /> personully known to tne lo tx� the idenl�cni persons whose names are u(fixed to the above and tore�;oing instrument , .0 mottgngots.
<br /> � � ; nnd each ucknowlMig�d ssiid instrumcnt to be his or her ��oluntnry act nnd deed. � . � �
<br /> � :
<br /> ' Nitness my hand ancl nolari�l scut uc..... ._ _ _.. . .. .Grand.. Is�.and , . ..N.ebraska......___ . _. ... . . . _.. . . ... .. ....... .. .. . ..._..._._._ .
<br /> � � fhc daic Inst aVwvc wrilten. � �
<br /> � ��,, a HOBERT D. PtACZEN .
<br /> fi �� �ENERAL NOTAHY - State o1 Nebr. //� %/,/� / .. . .. . ... ......
<br /> � Mv �mlaion EMirsf .. !�."l•.� "- � .r .
<br /> �
<br /> .. . _ . � - . .. .. . . . �.. .... . . . ._ . . . _ . . . . . ._ . . .
<br /> � ; �"ntal''C°a NOVEMBER 25. 1978 Notan Public. ,
<br /> i , /
<br /> .. �� 11v cnmmixviun exPires_ _ . _ ! �' 2_5. .�,� . _ . _ _ . . __ . . . _ _ . ..
<br /> � .
<br /> A' - '
<br /> STATEOF.. . . . . _ . . . . . _. . . .. . . . . ._ . . .. .. . . . . _ . .. . . .. . . . . . �.
<br /> f ss.
<br /> Cr�untv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . .. . . . __ . . . . _ . _ . _ _
<br /> I:ntered on numeric:�l index and tiled tor record in the Itegister of lleeds Olfice of said County the
<br /> _ _ _ _ day of. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . _ . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . _ , 19. . . _ , at _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . o'clock nnd . . . .. . _ _ _ minutes . . . ._ . . . M�.
<br /> and re�corded in Book. . . . .. _ . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . _of �lortga�;es a� page _ . . _ . _ _ . . . . . _ , as Instrument No. . _ _ . . _ . . . _ _ . . . ...
<br /> _,,,, 1 - :
<br /> , _ . . . _ . . . _ _ _
<br /> _ . . . _ . _ . _ _ _ .. ..
<br /> . . �s. �
<br /> Reg. ot Deeds ev .
<br /> gti. _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ _. . . . ... .. . DepuLy � , . ,
<br /> � _ . . . . . _ _ �
<br /> �Vhen recor<ied to Ue nturned to the � `
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