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<br /> 4 76. 003674
<br /> � '1'HI: r10IiTGAGOR FUR'I'HrR COVI�:NAN7:S AND A(:RRE9 :
<br /> , 7'hal the hioriga�{ur will p�iy 'the indrbl�+dnrss n�r ha�reinbe•forr pruvidrd.
<br /> �� � Tbal lh�� Morlgagur ia ihc ownrr uf snid properly in f��c ximplr and I�as F:uod right nnd la�eful �mlhurity tu ,�Il nnd � . . .
<br /> cnnvev Lhe smne and l6nt the s:mie in [re.e und denr uf uny lirn or rncum6rnnri�; i�nd tiuif �4nrl�;at�ur �rill werranl i�nd drlrnrl the
<br /> tille lu said promiscs .��;iiinst ihr cl.iims of adl pertion; whom�m°v��r. .
<br /> 7'a pay immi•diately wh��n dur �md pny.ibli� ull tienrrnl laxi:v. speciid tuxrs� sprri:d :+ssessnu�n(s. H•,�fer ch�vg�+s, si�wi•r trrv� � .
<br /> ir.e churg�w, nnd olher taxrx and chnrqes atiuinst suid prop��rly. and nll taxe, Irvied un the drbl. tii��•urcd hrmLy. and tu (urninh the �
<br /> MurtguK�>f'. ❑Ix�n requesl, with thu origint�l nr duplicate recripls therefor. 'I'hi• Murlgagor nFr��es thid there sL��ll be added to .
<br /> � rach monthly pnyment rcquired hen�w�Jer or undcr lhe evidence o[ dr.bt secured hrreby nn amount ��stimat�•d b.� ihc 1�lortgngee . . .
<br /> fu be au(ficiant t.0 ennbl�e thr n9urlga�;re lu pay, ns ihoy hrr.um�� dur. all tuzes, as�rasments. �mJ similnr rharRcs upon the prrm� .
<br /> isre subJacl fhoreto; xny deficii•ncy brcausr nf � he iu,u0iciency ot such addilionaf paymenls s6a11 br (urth�cith drpasil��d by lhc
<br /> n1ortgugur wilh �he MoriK�iF�" ��P���� dernmid liv lhu Dtnrl�;n�er,. Any d�•Liull undcr Ihis p��ra�r.iph shnll h�• drrnn�d a di�faull iu
<br /> � puyment u[ Inxes, t�sses.5nu•n�s, ur simil�ir rhnr�;rs n°quired 6�•rt•und�a'. � .
<br /> �. "I'he Alo�fgogur agmrs fh;ei thcrr shall :d;n be addi�d In ravh monthly p:+ymrnt uf prinripttl ;md inf�•m.t rrquired hr7e- �.
<br /> - � uuder t�n nmuunt eslimatt�d by th�� tifortRagr�• In br ,wullici�,ut io ouublo the Murt�;a�;eo t�� pay. u. il brrnm��. dur. iho insurnnm �
<br /> � premium an nuy insur��nri• pulir�• drliw�md t�, Ih�• �tort;;:iFre. An�� d��licirncy b��rau�r u( � ho in;u0icii•ncy ��f ;uch additiunal Pa}� - .
<br /> ' rnrn�s ;6all br (nrthwith d�•pu�itrd 6y � ho A1��rtRu�;ur wilh � h�• �L�rlg�igee upun drmund b�� Ihr 19urh;n����•. .4uy d��ftiult undi�r � his
<br /> p:vaKrapli sY�tdl be dremcd a drfaull in lhr Puymrnl ul' in>unmci• Prrmiums. If th�• pulic�� ur pulici�•; drpnsilyd urr .;uch �is 6unu� �
<br /> nwners ur �ill rivk pulicir,. aud Uu• d��pu�ils arr insu0ieirnt tu pay Ihr i�n� in• prc•inium. � hr nlurlt;:��re ina}' apply Uu� drprr.cit in
<br /> p.�y Prrmiums nn risk.s napiin•d In br iusurrd Irv ihis murt„agc.
<br /> � Ynpmrnt; made 6y Ihr A9orl�;a�;ur undrr t6�� a6u�r p.�ra�:raphs mac , ni ihr np� iun u( � hv Nurlqagec. bo h��ld hc it and
<br /> . romntinKlyd wilh u�hrr such (imds nr iG uwn fund, lor ih�� paymrnt u[ .uch iti�m,. :md un� il so �ipplird, sueh p:�}'mrni, :� rr hrrrhy
<br /> � �� plyd;;od a, xrrurily for t6�• unp:iid balnncr nF Ilu• m��rty;.i�;�� ind��bfi-dn�,s. . .
<br /> . 'f�� prucure, delivrr tu. :md m�iiul:�ir. (or Ihi• b��nr(it n( Ih�• Ainrlpaxrr durin{; fhe lilo uf lhis murt�;:�ge uri;;inal pnlicirs amd
<br /> mnew��ls thenrd. Jeli��rmd at Ic�st f��n Jucs 6�4un• the rxpiralion uf au�• tiuch pulicirs, insuring against firr :md ��thi�r in.<urnblr• .
<br /> � har.:vds. r�sualtics. und cunlin�;encirs ��s thr V�irl�:a�ee may rr�quire. in .m amnunt equal tu thc• indcbiodnesa si�currd 6y fhin . .
<br /> � nlurtga{;e. nnd iit cmnp��nii•n aeci�ptsiLlr tu lh�� Nnriga�;re. �+�ifh lo;s p;i��>tblo clnu�r in f.rvur uf nnd in fnrm ;iucepta6lr lu thr �lort�;+t- �
<br /> � � ;;i•c. In ihr ovcnt :my pulii•y i.< nul :rnr�vrd un or bidurr tun d:�)'. n( ils rxpiratiun. tho '�lurltia:;o�� may prucun• insurana• on th��
<br /> � itnprovc�ments. puy tho prerniutn th�v�•(ne and such sum sh;dl bec;xne imntedix[ely Juc� and payablr teilL iidrrrsl :d � h�� r:ilr s�•t .
<br /> � furth in x�iid nute until �r.iid and sh;all L�� .=.rcurrd Ly � hi: m��rl �;:+�c. F:�ilurc on tbr parl of [hc \lnrlt;��Fur tu lurnis6 surh n�n�avnlc
<br /> as an• hi�rein nK� uired ur (:�ilure tu pny any s�un: ndv:incrd hc�rcund��r .luill. :d Ihc optiun u( th�• tilort;;a�r��. i�nnstilulc n dr(ault .
<br /> � � undrr th�� tcrms uf this m�rt�t;a:;�'. "I'h�• drlivrr}' o( such pnlicies 4h:Jl . in lh�� re�•nt uf drfaulL c,�n,tihnr un �i.si ;;nm�•nt nt Ih�• uu- .
<br /> � r:� rnrd prrmium. `
<br /> � :\ nv sumc ra�ri��ed Ly Ih�• Uurl�;a�;i•r 6�� rr�um� nf lu�;a ur danu��c insun•d �u;ainnl. mne b�• r�•t:iini•d Lp tl��� �l � ��rlca:;r,• . .
<br /> �-. and applird tm��urd lhr p.iynu•nl � �f Uu• drhf h��r�•La <rcun•d, or, nt ihi� uplian af Ihr 11nrt �;ugec. such ,um, ��ithrr whully ur in �
<br /> � p�vt tnuc br paid ovrr In lhr \iurtga�;or tu be u<�•d ln n•p:iir such buildini;s ur tu 6uild nc�v imildings in Ihrir �d:icr ��r fnr an>� ,. . .�
<br /> ' o� hrr Purpusi• ur nl�lurl udisf��ctnry �u ILr �furtg;ii:�'�' ���ithuui nlTrc� in;; ihr li��n un Ihr murit;npr (nr Iho lull :minunl �rrurc�d hrrr- . . .
<br /> � ' by br(ure aurh p:rymcnt rv��r lunk pl.�c�•. . - .
<br /> � � 'I�� � prumptly rrp;nr. rr.;turr � n� rrLuild anc Luildin;:s ur impruvrmruts no�c ur Ix•ma( I��r un thr prrmi.��s �chirfr moy br.
<br /> i�um�• d:mtuKed ur drstruyrd : tn 1:�•��p �aid prrmivrs in ;;uod ronditiun and rop:ur :uid (rc�• (rom any mrrh:mir'; lion nr uf6i•r lirn nr
<br /> trLiim n[ lii�n nnl ��xprrssh• ynLnrdinatrJ lu tho li�•u hcrouC nul In su�li�r nr pi�rmil nn>' unl;i�vful usr uf ur unc nuis:mcv �n r�� i:i nn �
<br /> cnid prupi•rh' nur tu prnnil wa,lr un s;�id prrnu•c:, n� �r lu dii :my n� hrr an �ehrrrbv th�• pruprrh' 6orrh�� rnm•�•����d :hnll hrrnmo .
<br /> � li•s; vidu:i6lr. nnr fn diminiah ur imP�� � r it< �'alur by :my ncl ar nmi,.ion l�� :iri : � � � r� ��nplc ���ith :JI rryuinmir•nl : af I:nv �ciih n�-p�•oI
<br /> ' In ihr mnrl �;nFrd pmmi.,�•n nnd Ihr usr thrri•ui. . �
<br /> i_ ,�.h�d shuidd � Im �inani>�•. nr :�nc �mr� Ih�•mul hr inkrn ur dnma;;rd by' r��+�suu ut �nr: puLlic imprucrm�•nt or c� �ndrmn;fiiun
<br /> i:_ �. proceedin{;. ar uuder thr ri�hl uf ��mini•nt duinuin. �.�r iu auy ulhiv nnuin�•r. Ih�• \1orl �a�ei� tih:Jl he ��ulillyd ln :dl cump�•u.tdiun.,
<br /> ;a�rards. und :mV ut6i•r p��ynuad nr r��lir( ILrrc(ur. and shnll bv i�nliUcd . nt ils uptinn , lu cnmmena�. :qipcar in :unl prusirulc in i[s
<br /> l . u�vn namc .mv :ictiun ur prnn�n6nt;. ur lu nwk�� �my ��utnprnminr ur so( Ilenivnt in rnnn��ctiun wilh �uch �:�I:in;; ur dama�;c. All surh
<br /> .� � rumpcnva� iun, ��w:irds. d:�in:itir:. rit;ld nl :icti,�n nnd prurv��ds nrr h�•rr6y n..iFnod �u Ihi� \ lur� ;;n;;cr. uLu muy . :dter drductinl;
<br /> Iherr(rmm �ll iLv exPrns��s. rrli•u,i� e�u}� muuovs ��� recri��rd by il ur �q�pl�� thi� ��uni• uu :my indrblydness decur��d hrmbp. 'I�hr• Alurl -
<br /> i gtU;ur aRrr�•s tu rsiruli� .urh (urthrr ns.i�:umrniti nf an}� r�nnpons:dinn. :nvarrls, d:umi�:��s, :md ri::Lts u( :icti� �n �md prnrrrds n. ihr
<br /> � \lnrtt;:iR���• m:i}� rrqui «�.
<br /> � '1'hat in casr u( [iiilure lu pertorn� a�rv uf lhe cuvonants }��•rcin. U�c �lurtgagee m;�y do on tlie Dlort�agor's tx•I�alf everv-
<br /> 5 .
<br /> iLing so cuvennnted ; Umt lhe Jtutlgngee nmy alsu do �my nct it mny dca�m nr-cessary to prati�ct thc lien ihere.o(: lhat the �1ort-
<br /> �� ;;agor will rrpny upun di�rnamd any rnoneys paid ur disLuraed by ihe 1lorlgagee• fur tmy n( ihe �Jw��e purposes. und such muncys
<br /> � tngclher wilh interrst Ihonvm til the r.de pruvided in said nule shall bemme so much .�dditional indrbtcvLms, hereby secured und
<br /> � mnv be included in �my di•cree (urecloving this mortguge und bu puid out u( the rrnts or proceeds o( snle o[ snid premiscs if nol
<br /> nllion+�ise paid: nnd ihnl Alurtg.i��K• shnll nut incur �iny per�onal liability f�c�cnusr o( anythin�; it m:rv do or omit tu do herennder.
<br /> In Ih�• rvrnl u( thr doL'iult bt' Vlor� Kugur in thr pi�ytmait nf :im� iiul.JlmenL as rcipiin•d hy thr lutr srriucd hrn•hc. ur
<br /> ' . in ILi� pi•rfurm:mc�• uF Ihr uLligaliun in fhis nwr�i:�U:�' ur in Ihr oulv >cctvi•d thi�rrby. t6r \turtt;ntiri� sh:dl L�� ��ntitlyd tu drelarr Ihr
<br /> � drbt socumd lu�rrLc dur ��ud pu}�ahlr wilhuuf nulice. nnd � hr Jlurl �;a��•�• .;h:�ll ho enliflyd at il< npliun. �eilhuut nutirr. ci� her Irv itsol(
<br /> or l�V ii rrc�•ivor l�i he t�ppuiidi•d bV Ih�� Cuurt fhen•nL and �cilhout m�;ard fu thr ndrqunr}• � d an�� �rcuril �� (r,r tlie indrbtedness :i•.
<br /> cured hu�eby. tu enl�•r upnn :md ���ke pus.o+siun uf th�• murt�.iRed pr��mi.r., tu�d to rnll�•ct ;md rrmive th�� runts. i.siir. :md prulit.a
<br /> �. thi•mo[. ��nd a��ply the .ante. li�s cusls uf up�•riliun and rulli•ctinn. upnn llu• indrLtrdne_ti =rrurt�d bp � hi< �nr�rt �;:i�;r: s;�id rrnts,
<br /> _ � i.surs xnd pruGis tx�ing horcbp ,ivignvd �o tlie Alurit::�4r�• as furihrr ���ruri�y fnr Ihr paym��nt n( ��II indebt��dnr�. .�•��nnrl hrrc6v.
<br /> . 'I�he 11nrlKatiao vhall h:�ve Ihv pu�ver �u appuinl. iut}' ngent or flFrnl: if mn)• Jr.irr (nr th�• ��urpusr nl mpnirin{; snid pr�•m-
<br /> � i.rv: rcnlin�; �h<• �iim�•, culli•clin�; lhi• rvut�. n���cnw c end incumr. .wd d m.ir pa� uut. uf �aid incum�• nll ��sP�•n.r� incurrrJ in rv�nt�
<br /> � in{; and m:m:�ginti lh�• s:im�� ;md �d c��llrc( in�; lhi. mntals Iherc( rum. 'Chr b.ilanrr rrm:unin�. if nn} . .- I� ill br ryrpfi�•d tnw:uJ Ih�. � � � ' �*,:` .. ,
<br /> � n�'k� .;� :`
<br /> ', diechnrgr a( Ihi� tnnrlgn{;�• ind�•h�rdne><. �I'hi4 av..i�nm�•nt in tn � rnninnl�• .uul I.rnm�• nnll nnd rnid upon ndra<�• ��( ihiv mnrtr.:u:r. �. N . .
<br /> , I 'Cho �1orlgager mtq cullrcl .i ' late chiirRe.. nnt la i�xcoi �l I�i� r ( 'rnl� � :�o ) (ur rnch �lullor I .tiL(NII ul i�;irh I��I�il in� ,nlhi�� � � � `.� .
<br /> � � un�iarnl mum Ilitm IS da� . in nrnnn lu c�oci�r thr �•etrn rs � un.�• inwd� � � l in hnndlin�; drliuyu��nl ❑ci•i ��uNs. �, ' �.
<br /> n :
<br /> AI ! paymruls mndc undcr Ih�• ��rnvi.iunv i,f lliis rnurlti:iu�• ur th�• uut�• hcrrl�v sccumd, wliir6 may br run,.lru��d n. inl��rr=t . � �� �. .
<br /> -linll nul . in ihr a��;rrgnlr u��rr thr• trnn Ihrnvrf, rxrr�•il tlu� rntr fhnt nwy no�r Lr L•t�v(ully rnn� rni•fr�l fnr in ���ritinF . FC? : �
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