<br /> � :;�;; �
<br /> .
<br /> � � �
<br /> �
<br /> ,: � ,. . , . , , - _ i
<br /> _ ,
<br /> ( U ) That 1n the even6 N�y nHaid . ar� made to thr Mn^ t-�tihm ; or Chcir �uca�. . vr Li In� � t . t f�, � . I�. lir � i 1 � u� . ; ui: � �,
<br /> by the exerclso ot enlnent domatn th�. ��hale or ru�v pru•t, af th�� mort,�'38r.d pn �i .,ia or ut� � i:.� ,9�� i t, tJ � � r��fu . l .� ,� •r, d i . . .
<br /> u�vaz•AS nrn hereb)' s5slRned tu tne NortV,;t}tec ; th�° Mut�tHakre is herebl' +�uthot 1 - rn1 u, r�• L' �„ C � r � . � la �. , �� � 1 ��c " Ip !, � � :
<br /> � [herefor ruid 6o � nUDly Cite r•ame in p� m��nt of nn}• ind?ute�LiFss , matured or unm �tured , - i.c�u•�d t� rt� : :. ;ur�� r „�.q . � '�. � -
<br /> ��� � ( '� ) 'PhaC In the event Nartgagors �efnult tn the ��,q•ni�3nl of s;ild hrtnct��,+l sw� , or nf �.» 1r,;, ri]. Ir � nt t.t���reet , cr .
<br /> ;' Uf aqy luterest � theraon , nC 6he Clmr �vtien Chu suroe � shnli �e due , or �v1L1� re3per. 0 to au� �. .v� ,rmC �.i �. nnd ' ll � �n hue �
<br /> � t, ttien , nt thc� opcfon of nortRaYee , the eut. lre 1nAebteAnesa secut•ed hePeb9 �hal1. fm�thwlti� b�,oanu �h u nm� ,r�,� ib' !. , � �, . .
<br /> sh�tll Oear fnterest nt th� rsce ot ten perceni� per �u�num , �uid the Nortgnt;cc may Itnmc,! I �+Cely fer�. cic:�e t.ht , a.,,, tF,,+gr � � .
<br /> � i . or � pursue anv other . avnilut�le . legxl remQctv . . � � .,,
<br /> �� � � ( t3 ) Th�it ln ttie event �tctlun 1s UrauCht tn torecloau this mortgii�,e , the MortF,ctgce shali br. e.it. itlee; �:o Smn;�?dl�+e+�
<br /> y . �' � po^sesslon� of the mnrLgaP�d premises , andLLe eourt m�,Y apPolnt n rF±celve!• Co tt{ke Possesslon nf :;�ifd V�'�'^�i :ea , �+l ` It - . - �
<br /> tpe usual powers ot rucutvers in 11ke c¢ses .
<br /> i � il � . . � . .
<br /> � . . � ( p ) �fhat tallure or � delny of MortgnP,ae. co oxercl �o any oP It:s rlghtc or prlvtlege;: �hatl ner, t�c cenatrued a;� :i .
<br /> f walvQr therunt ; that any nCt nf Mort�ap,ee wntving any �•v�ctrte �teeautc, or norera�crs shsll. nnt Ue cezusttu�d n � a
<br /> '� +Vaivur ot <uiy . future. detaul[s ; thnt in cuse � e [ default ln the Uxyment of nny vnertl •aatlon In:>taltnenr,;; oi futcrr �, 6 ,
<br /> , �. . -ar 1n caso� ot . pnyment by Mortgngee ut an,v Ueu , JudgmenC tax , insuronce , co�t or expense , ur t'��t�t" feen ot !�Ii�tE. as , �
<br /> - {, 5nld Mortgague sha.11 hove � the Prtvtlege , wlthout Avr. lcirin+; the nhul�• lndebtedness due �ma nar�na � , te fo[ eNo^c on � �; - . ,
<br /> � uCcaunC of subh � sp¢oltle detault for cuch oums us nre In detault aud such torer. losm�e {iraceedLnR:; may b� h �d �end � ,
<br /> i the lund tlescrlb�d heretn may be sold , subJcet 6u tlie unpalA SndeGtednes:s tfei�oby secured , �rid Lhls mortH .+ �e ::tiall � ��
<br /> 3 continuc us a llen fur ev�v uupatd �al++nce .
<br /> � ; � (�10� � Thut the HertFagaa muy extend and defer tllc maCw• 1Cy ef and renew �nd r��amorLi �e ;ald 1r,deUtedncc+ s , relen;,+e � � . � .
<br /> „ trnm liablllty at�v party llable thet'eon , +md releaae troin t.he lien hereof portlr,na c+ f the prop��rtp ��overed hnreUv , � �! �
<br /> 1 wlthout Atfecting . t.ha prlorlty heruof or the ll �{tilllty oP MurtgaKors ar n�p• nther pnrt:y for the p�ymeni of r.�e� d �
<br /> ' tndebtedness , all such exr,engions , defetments , rnne�vuls , aud remnortiaatlonr, to be cecured hen�b,Y . j ��; . ' . " � � �
<br /> ; �
<br /> 111 ) Trsnsfer uf ;iecurlty . It Ss tir;�'er,A between the parClos here [ o , thrlr haft � 1��Ks1. rcprn:tenLutivn� auA e:;sl ��,s , � � �
<br /> � that the int`egrlty nnd responsfhlllt,y of thc� Hort.gngura ccnatlluta : n pnrt of itie c.�n:? lAer!itfeu tu[• Lhe nnt� .;!nu�eA � -.. �
<br /> tiereby . � � aud thnt ! n the event the Mm�tgap,m�s sh� ll aell , tr:insfa. r , or cutnt.p the pr•opertp dertcrlbed herein , the � ', � � � � �
<br /> � Mortgagae may n[ 1ts option decliu•e the enLSre trd��btednevs lmr�edfitlely dun •u��i �'�yable no�] r�sy proceed ln tha c+n - �
<br /> forcr,ment ot its r1P,hts us on atly other de [ault tn the Cerma ef Lhe noCe nnd mnrCRaqe , j �: � . �
<br /> � ( 12) A:asl�tunant of Proceeds ot H1nr.ral l.eane . Mort�ugoc•s herebV crsnufei• seC oeer , or�d convev to More ;* �� rr nit i ��.
<br /> � rents , � royaltias , banuses , and Aclsy moneya Lh+st m,ic f[ i�m tln•c Ce Ct��e b«+cu�.e due nmt �iu,yablr uudur �tny ail �;sr , � ; .
<br /> i '��� or other mineral lease pf �ny k1nA now uxLetiag or t:iul ria,y heruxCter coi�c 1nLo exl �t �nr �. , cc�•e�•l�u; t:Le at�nvu Lmd �. � � .
<br /> j �� or s�lY part Cherapf . All auch swns so rer.�afved Uy Mortfage�: ;;4all be npplled f.o tha lud . 0 �iL�e�n aecured heruLY � or � �,
<br /> snld Mortg�guo may at lcs op[ len Curn ove. �and dellvur �e l.hu Mortgntm':3 or Chelr •a��c� c � , ors !n Int��1•eat , a�tvor a11 i :! � � ��
<br /> of such sum3 without pr��� uAice to nqy of tlorGFrigee � s [•ight:ct t,o tnke nnd reta� tn tuture auma , �uid nithaut Pi•eJudlce � r . � . � � , -
<br /> to any of 1Cs other r1 .e,,�Ca unAer t.Lla mortgitr;e • 7'he br'ui, fer �md renveyanc �� I�creunder Ce ;tort�,oger. nf : iid rrnts , ! .�� � �
<br /> S roynitles , Gonuses , attd deliiy r�om�ys si�nll Ue consWveil te he ct p�•oy { stn❑ Pot' Che p��� menL or r�. dncCion of th�� nert- � ' .
<br /> i F,aBa debt . subaecC to the HertY•�F,�� ' S nUUun �a lieretnhefere �,rm� Ided , lndep� ud�nG n � th� mm Cgav,e lle�i c�i s •ild r��n; ( _ . .
<br /> � estete . Upott U���nt ln tutl of the mortp,nPe deUL +uid Lhe relexse ut [h1a mo� t� ig�. ut t � rotd , thts cum�ey+utce ahnil � �
<br /> 1 becume �lnoperativc un� ot na turther tarce cinA eftecl . � �
<br /> �
<br /> ( A'or3 s m�i r h+a y e s h e r e i n , i n c l w t i n}' t h e t i C R�t ri l l e dR�n e n t h e ru e / , s h a E l b E c o n l t r u ed �i; u i t h e � i nt; v l a . o-� t� l wa i ' , :
<br /> } ncan6ers an3 as wscuiine , Jewiniru� , nr r.eutr. + fn+utn� , uccordti>:g to 6hr cont¢zt . ) i ', � . �
<br /> /�j �,�(� ��j �A �
<br /> ' ( SEAL ) �J/l,�Lt�-'Y�' l��j—�^"�t'�','�%� "oEAL � j - � �
<br /> I • �> il�rR 1d ,R�j�le j ffp �
<br /> iseni, � _ ��> f�c-�. r +J <<>`?.EC�t . ' Lc�(,psen� l �
<br /> E1 iae J . P�ic jdru� �
<br /> ( sent. ) fsent, ! ( >
<br /> ; ( � ��,,�. , _ � ,:� „� i i ;
<br /> � srnre, oe ��l � r as �' a oan�o K. wnueu i '
<br /> CMnrN nart�rrStn� ot n�or. � .
<br /> > . My Commlubn Enq rn�
<br /> COUNTY OF Na �I ��� 11. 1978 � -�. . . . . .
<br /> f r� �
<br /> � On thlc a 9 diiy of `T�� l� , h . U . , ] U ��, beforc mu , n tJut<<rY Public lu �.md f��r ;;nl �.; Countp w�1 � ��,
<br /> � �
<br /> St¢6e , P�rsmiully nppeured llarold R . Plejdrup atl�]. C � ',yi�lg�, P �Cjdrup , husb �+n�id wife• _
<br /> � I '
<br /> � — -----— i
<br /> � . Lo me knoM•n tube Lhe person.^, nnmed 1n nnd rtlio �+xecu6ed Lh�� feregoln✓, SuatrumenL . um.fa�.krnn�lr�;c.ed Lh��f. t�ticy ��xrrul.�.,d j � .. . �
<br /> thc auttw us thalr voluntury nct snd decA . ; ,� . �
<br /> ,
<br /> Dlar � � ir a' r )�z.rl' y/�' :�i�%l� ;
<br /> 1�� commisslon ezplres . __4_. I '
<br /> � �n J / ": �l a F / ---- �
<br /> ' IIYF� ar prinl name un4er �J �� nat ��rnl I . .
<br /> ' Nul;n� � I'ubltc ln ruid far :s!ild Oo� . , � .� .
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