<br /> ( .;:,:��, i
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<br /> , �
<br />� � � -
<br /> , _ _ : �
<br /> � REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE ror,M GLB 2U8 (Rev. 2-76) �
<br /> �._. _.�__.�.___�__-----�.._.�--- ---_ ___ -��------_____---+_�
<br /> � 1,,,�� June 28, 1976
<br /> ��. oo��s�s �
<br /> ( Harold R. Plejdrup and Elaine 1. Plejdr�, twsband and wife �
<br /> 1
<br /> '�� _ , ISortgngors, ' . � - . . �
<br /> �� Hall ' ����ncy, Nebraska , 1n conslAeratlon oi
<br /> the a�varice of tt�e principal sum resite�i Sn the note herefnntter descrlbed,recelPt ot whlch !s acknov+ledged, hereby ,� . - � . �.
<br /> nortgage and convey to .. � � � -�
<br /> THE FEDERAL LAND BANK Of OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br /> j, of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br /> is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br /> � 8ortgagee (suLJecc to oll, p,is, and miner¢1 rlghts ownetl by partles other than Mortgagors; exlstlnE ea3ements of �. � �
<br /> �. 1 record; reservatlons Sn United Stutes and Star,epetent.^,;and the rights ot the publlc ln nll highways�,thefolloning- � .
<br /> descrlbed re:1 estate in Hall �,�����y _ Nebraska ,
<br /> SEC. TWP. RG.
<br /> NW� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 12N 12 W6thP.M.
<br /> � .',
<br /> �
<br /> � conUilliln� lbQ ar.�•�,:,, morn or (ess, Cogether wlth sll af [tt^ rSpJtt, Cltle, und lnterest -
<br /> � (nmv ownedort�er���her acqulrea)oLtti �tut.R"--�t ]n aaltl pro{.erny, im•luQSnP,�ill bu11d1uSs, lmprovementa,fSxtures, :
<br /> � or appurt�nances Uiernon nr tiercafte� �1 sed thnreon; ril!:sater, lr:lr,atiun, -�nC drair�nqe rlghts; the tenements, � .
<br /> �. " heredltrun�nts, ar,d apPurt�nancea thereto �nd Lhe rents, L�cues. cro,ns, ❑nd yroflCs aris]n� from said 1¢nds; and (lf � �
<br /> � thc Hortrtaqors� ^lept� In ttte pcbllc du��r�ln �ire requlred by Mnrtr,.iFir.e ro;securSty Gtirposes) a11 lease3, Dermits, �
<br /> ' 1lcenses,orprlvSlep,es, uppurten^.nt at n[��i.PPurten�mt t� 11A ^ort,T:�ed prerdr.ns,ncriur hereufter Ss�ued, ^_xtended, I �
<br /> � ' or raner,e�f [-o the !1er��tiecrs by chc nnlC��, Jcnte:, or t,h� :taco Sn v�tifr.h the above-tlescrlhed property Is located or . � �
<br /> 2 ., sr.y dep:u•C.nenc. 6urc;r�. or :+r'enc, Uicr�,o1. �. . .
<br /> ' �, Thla murt^:ipe 1^ P.1-'en co sec�.ire �� Pr�m�"`�rl tu�te of even n.�r.e ��e:�Pw��r, execuCeA by Mortgagar� !o MortVi3ree, Sn . � � .
<br /> !Yie prLiclpa: �um af ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-TIIREE T}{OUSAND NINE HUNDRED AN➢ NO/L00 - - - -pp7.Lt,RS.
<br /> � g�ayati:c •xith lnterr,.;r-:i�;r;�r•�fnF. to Ltia Lvrni� ot a�+id nota, t.7e 1'Lna! psyR��nt pe1nK dun and payiible on the Llrst day
<br /> i
<br /> � nf Apiil 2005 . tit� .,;rr•�_,�,nr,r. _h�i11 be :r1A uCnn Cli�� p•:,Rnut of �ald Pronl;surY no[r, � .I .. .
<br /> , 'th1, mortguge Ss sub,�ect Lo the pro:l�!on:: of �,I{F. FARh! CP�CI' f,C'f =nd a11 ur[s nmendatarY thereof o.^ supplenentYl i �
<br /> � q�ereto. �;:e proceeds of ch� lrin secuc�ed hereb� will Ge used fa:� �h� purPoses ;pecltleC 1n the Hortgnp,ors� npp11-
<br /> c%�c:on for said loan und authorized bY sa1C Act. �
<br /> � �� Th� M.ort�agors, ard e2r�� cf th^m, hereby rcar-anl +h-it, they are ;ee c:mer; of the ^ortRnged real property; CheL they , .�.
<br /> ' v:fl.l defend che tltle ngsfnsc a11 c1�:tmancs •.h�T�o �er, �r3 thnr, ;Z�c, property Ss Ir�^ frcm nll encumOrances; that � ��
<br /> . they �•,511 keep all th? lr�prnvrm�•nt�. :lxtlres s ,1 _pp�rter.cnr.e� occu�:eC end in ¢ood repi:ir ar,�i ��ermlt no acts of
<br /> . , .,aste; end Lhe, wlll .^ellnqul:•t� sll r±�!rt� a! t � CeeC !n s�ld prrrl�es,sndr�venwtt -ind agree vi1Lh the Morteagce, � �.
<br /> � ��. .c follo•�rs:
<br /> . (1� 'Ihst thcy w111 pay �+'ien tlue all L�xes, llen�, t,uUv,,:ients, or asse^sm?tics whlch may be luwtully assessed against r '
<br /> che property hereln morcgeged. �
<br /> 4 � '
<br /> ;�. � (�) Tna! Lhey wl!1 Sr�s�.�re and kee{�� Insurca hu±lAlnr.s or other lmprov?nents no•r:on or�vhSch may hereafter h� placed I �
<br /> � � on seid Premises to[he saClsL2ctlor of tl:s Mort7,aEee,sur,h!r.sur::nce U��11cy she11 be endoraed •xlth a mortp,age clflun? � �
<br /> I v:1th the loss [hereunder Lo De {:r:,�able to th� I�rtFr��r �}, ;u-^ reccl:ed cay be user] to pay for reconstructton I �.
<br /> of the destroye.i Smprovem^.uts; o it not so a �1' c' �ii � ch� opclon ot tl�e t"ortq�Fee, be epplied !n Cayment of
<br /> :u�y lndebLedn?s� m:ture:7 cr unn=t�ired. se�•ur_� � .t±:. ,�� t+�.ace.
<br /> � I .
<br /> ',�. � (�•) io pay all renta, tees, er charges nu�x due or to berome du�= ur�+r„ c��e 4ern.s ot r.acti leese, permit, ltcense, cr
<br /> prlvl!ege en the publ!r. do.^.ia1n '++hlch Ss up{:urt�nun[ cr nr,n.;•purtenar.t Lo the �orLquaetl premiees, whlch hss been
<br /> . � lr,sued,extended,or rer.e�ced by the Unitetl Sta!es or che ;rete ]n ��+h:r,h the tipove-descrSbed property !s located: and
<br /> ��. to perform and o�serlr� every ecC, cover.nnt, con:!1c1on, and sc!pu!a!±o� nrce�sary co keep each of th� s¢me Sn y,00tl
<br /> � . st¢ndlrg; ar.d to cnke every ne!•essary step to �ecurn [he r�ls�u�, rene�r,cl, er ex.te.n�lon of e^_r,ji or the sane; and to
<br /> 3551PJ1, W31YC, pl�dge, Di' PRdOPSf CO G11e MOPtp,3qe� �A^h le�:Ce, peCmlt, 11CCIl�e, uP pPlV11?q2 lt Hert^naBors� I'SVhtS ' ��
<br /> In public Aomaln urr, r•equlreA by Hortgagee for se�urSt.y purposes. i ^ !
<br /> � r :
<br /> (4) That in Che event the Nn*[guFee Ss �i a:rty r.o �•�} ��ti;estlon a:fer,tlr.;; Chn security ��r the llen of Its mort- � � � � `
<br /> ' B�'Z", SncludSn� any sult Dy Lhe tt�r*�gae,ee[o!nrecle.e hl �..orte,a.e or�iny suf[ In .tihSr,h thn ,yo.*SEaKee may be nar�e� i ; . ty f.,:' �
<br /> I ��_ � ^. p�!r•ty deiertlent !n ��hSch 1C ls ob�l�-.�* A Co p otirt. 1 � Su.tt^. or 11en, !ncludlnq enndernatlon snd bsr.kruptc;; ; . � �
<br /> pror,ued!nqs, Che N,-,rtpegee may in^.ur ex{; n�e .in �.iv^ice p rent tor abr,tt•�,c: tee^, sc;crne, feee. (exr.ept to ch� ! (
<br /> ^xtent pret:ibl�eA by !er+), co�ts, ex„�en.,c.,, an.. other ..v.r,e.. i �
<br /> � � r tnxa�, 11�� .i�il✓,m�n�a;, � � r' �.
<br /> I O 7'hat 1n the event Lhe Yortg��u,or t.11 to L n due -.n, j?, e.^ as-:e_-ment , or fn.l Lo I �� .,
<br /> ^� +nt�Sn lnsuranr.e as iterr,lnLefo:e pro 1d tl. fi�� to na r,� fe ct �c.e: urder chr Lern of any lea.^,e, ;
<br /> pe �!t, ilcen�e r { 1�11^_,v,e; o^ Yert ,v 1- i1r�1 t ir. r x _n �, �e ��� :c! fces, .rro ne� �ee.^,, co�t.;, i
<br /> � �xpopse�,;.:��oti rt� ; !n co[.ca� �on�rith r1 a 1��� I^r�--Fe ri .a� .i � �aymai�to[•�r��ld. �u h Sns�ir�![tce,
<br /> or 1nri,r s�.�!� aDli �tic� i�d th^ � omt. r.1d G��.tc�o .h 11 5er�� p.+r f th ;n�i^Oc�dae .,_r..vr1 her�•�y Cu��
<br /> v � ^.•,d p.:�ib!� 1r�^e]S..c.Y, ar:7 r!�sll C-.r 1nr�n:sr, frr,- !tr• :... � ,��,��rrt. ._ [, � r;�.te u: r,:n G-rcent Per sr.nun. '�
<br />� ' i
<br />,�:� � _� ` �
<br />;�
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />