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� , <br />, I =:�� � <br /> .: ,.:�. <br /> t � � � <br /> 7�.103f� 33 <br /> 1. .The mortgagor covwente and agreca ae followes, <br /> a Ha wil4 prompdy pay the indebtedneee evidenced by eaid promieaory nota et the timee and in the <br /> r msnner therein provided . ' <br /> b. He :will pay:all tazea, aeeeaemente, water ratee, and other governmental or muuicipal chergea, finea, or, <br /> impoeidone, for which provieion Lae not been made hereinbefore, and will promptly deliver the official receipu <br /> therefor to the eaid mortgagee. <br /> a He will pny such expenses mid (eea ea mny be incurred in the proteclion und muintenance of suid <br /> propeMy, ineluding tha feee of nny uttomey employed by the mortgugee fordhe collection o[ any or all oL <br /> tl�o iutdebtedneae hereby secured, or for forecloeure by mortgngee's eale, or court proceedinge, or in any other . <br /> litigntion or proceediug affecting auid premiees. Attorneys' feee reueonably incutred in uny other way ehe114e <br /> ! paid hy 1Le mortgagor. <br /> d. For betfer aecurity of the indebtednees hereby secured, upon the requeat of the mortgagee, its eua ; <br /> ceexors or nesigna; he ehall execute and deliver a eupplemental morigage or mortgages covering any addifione, <br /> improvementa, or bettermente made to ihe property hereinabove deecribed nnd nil property ucquired' Ly <br /> it after the date hereof (ull in torm satisfactory to mortguqee ) . Furthermore, should mortgngor fuil to cure <br /> any detault in tlie payment of a prior or inferior encumbrnnce on the pmperty described hy thie instrument, <br /> mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure euch defoult, but mortgagee is not obligated to do eo ; <br /> and eucL advancea ehall become part of the indeLtedness secured by this inetrument, subject to the eame <br /> ' terms and conditione. <br /> e. The rights created by thie conveynnce sl�nli remain in full furce und eliect during any poetponement <br /> or extenaion of t6e time o[ payment of tLe indebtedness evidenced by eaid promiseorc note or nny purt thereof <br /> secured hereb��. <br /> ; f. He will continuoualy maintain huzurd ineurance, of euc6 type or typea and in euch amowite ns the <br /> murtgagee muy from time to time require on the improvementa now or hereafter on eaid property, und <br /> will pay promptly when due any premiume therefor. All ineurance ehall be carried ia companiea acceptebla <br /> to mortgagee and the policiee nnd renewale thereof ehall be held by mortgagee end have attached thereto <br /> ' loee payable claueee in tavor of end in form accepteble to the mortgagee. In event ot loee, mortgagor will give <br /> '; immediete no4ce in writing to mortgagee, and mortgegee may muke proof of loee if not mnde prompdy by <br /> f ', mortgagor, end each ineurance compeny concemed is hereby authorized and directed to make peyment for euch <br /> loee directly to mortgagee ineteud of to mortgagor and mortgagce joindy, end the ineurance proceede, or any , <br /> part thereof, may be applied by mortgngee at ite option either to the reduction of the indebtedneee hereby <br /> eecuted or to the reetoration or repair of the property damaged or deetroyed. In event of forecloeure of thie <br /> morignge, or other ttunefer of title to eaid property in eatinguisftment o( the indebtedneee secured hereby, all <br /> � right, tide, and intereet of the mortgngor in and to any ineurnnce policiea then in [orce ehall paee to tLe <br /> purchaser or mortgugee oq ut the oplion o[ ilie mort�agee, may bc surrendered for u mfund. <br /> ;, g. He will keep all buildinge and other improvemente on eaid property in good repnir nnd condition ; <br /> � will permit, commit, or sulfcr no waste, impairment, detcrioration o[ eaid property or nny part thereof; <br /> in tl�e event o� �ailure o� the martFngor lo keep the buildings on said premiace and thoee erected on said <br /> premiees, or improvementa thereon, in good repuir, the mortFaRee �nay make euch repaira as in ite discretion it <br /> ' m;q� dcem neccesaty for the proper preservntion thereof; and the fiill amount o[ cach and every euch payment <br /> shall be immedintely due and payable and sLnll be eecured by the licn o! thie m�rtgage. <br /> " , h. He will not voluntarily creute or pennit to be crcated aFainet thc pruperty SU��CCL LO IILB mortgage <br /> any lien or liens in�erior or eupetior lo lhe lien of tl�ia murtR.i�;e wi�6out the wriuen cmiecnt of the mort- <br /> # �;a�;ee ; and furtheG Le will keep und maintain the snme frce (rmn the claim o[ all pereons nupplying lahor or <br /> materiale for conetruction of any and all buildinge or improvements now bcinR erected or to be erected on <br /> aaid premiees. <br /> d, <br /> x i. Hc will not rent or aeeign uny part oE tl�e rent of eaid mortgnRed property or demolieh, or remove. <br /> or subetantially alter nny buildinR without t}ie written coneent of the mortRagce. <br /> j. All n��•ards o[ dnma�ee in connection with an� condemnation fur puLlic use ai or injury to any oE tLe <br /> property eubject to thie mort�;ngc are Lereby neeigned and ehall be paid to mortEagee, who may apply the <br /> snme to payment ot the inet811ments laet due undcr eaid note, and mort�;ngee is hereby authorized, in Qie <br /> i nume oI the morlga�or, to execute and deliver valid ucquittances t6ercof and to appenl Irom any euch nward. <br /> k. The mortgogee sha11 havc thc right to inepect tl�e mortgaged premisea at any reasonable time� <br /> 2. DefSidt in any oP the covenanta or conditione of thie instruttient or o[ ihe note or �08f1 u�rcement eecured <br /> 6ereby ehall terminate the mortKa�ora r;�1L t0 �lOR5Ce610I1� UBCy At1tI ¢[IJOVIItCI1t O� lI1C properl�', at thc option of t6c _ � , ;J; : <br /> mortgagee or hin aesigne ( it being aFtced t6at d�e mortgagor BIIIIII �I�VQ SUCII righl until deGudl � . Upon nn}' such <br /> defn�dt, LLe morlRagee n6a11 becane dte uwncr of all of tl�e rents and profite nceruin�, a(lcr default ae eecurih• . N � � <br /> Ifor the indebtednesa secured I�ereLy, e•ith t6e ti�ht to enter upon said property for t6e purpuee of colleclinR euch � � . <br /> ` rents and profite. This inatrument ahall operate na an aesignment o[ nny rentnls on said property to that eztent. �' ; ::' . <br /> � ' . <br /> � <br /> � . <br /> r�. , ; ; • . <br /> a: <br />:� . <br />� <br />_� � ` J <br />:: _� <br /> f <br /> ! <br /> � <br />