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<br /> �b;. ;;003633
<br /> i _ MORTGAGE
<br /> I ' ����
<br /> i Th1s mortgage made end entered into tLie a: •day of./�:.-G� �
<br /> . 7 19 76 :by end between`- VixiCent M. MeC�de2 arid'R3che1 G. Metidez,'Husband and Wife
<br /> �ti (hereinalter n[erted to aa mottgagor)and ihe Adminietrator of the$mall Busineee Adminietradon,an ageacy of the
<br /> Govercweat'o£!tha:United Statee of America (Iteteinafter re[erred to aa mortgagee), who mainwine an ot&ce and
<br /> , ,� place of bueinees et- 3209 Federal Bta.].dingr.215 No. 17th St.� Omaha, Nebraska 68102
<br /> W2TTiEssBTH, thet for the coneideretion hereina[ter eteted; zeceipt of which ie hereby acknowledged, the
<br /> mortgagor doee 6anby mortgege,xll,Rrent,aeeiga;and conve; unto the mortgagee,hie eucceeeors and neei�e,all
<br /> of the following deecribed propertq eituated end bei.nq in the County of f�� ,
<br /> Stete of I�BRASKA
<br /> ; 1.� Lots Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11),
<br /> ?+aelve (12), Tlvst.een (13),`Fourteer► (14), Fifteen-(15), S�xteen (16),
<br /> $ in B1ock Five (5), in Clark's Additi.on, an Additi.on to the Vi.11age of:.
<br /> � YJood River; Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> 2. West 46' of Lot 2, Block 3, and the �ast Eighteen Feet (18') of
<br /> Lot 2, B1ock 3, Chamberlin's Addition to Village of Wcod River
<br /> ;; Hall Cotmty, Nebraska.
<br /> 3. Iat $even (7), in Block ��F��� in MacColl and LePlanq's Seoond Addi.tion
<br /> � to the Villaqe of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> . �
<br /> i _ .,
<br /> - �
<br /> TuFether with nnd inclading ull buildings,all&xtures including but not limitcd to all plu�nbin�,Lentin�;light-
<br /> ing,ventilntins, refrigeratin�,incinernting,air conditionin�uE�parntus,and elevators (the morigagor hereby
<br /> declaring that it ie inlended Ihat die iteme herein enumernted shall be deemed to hnve been permnnently en•
<br /> stulleclns]iuribf 16e renity)�and ell improvemente uow or hereufter exiating t�ereon; Uic hereditnmente and .
<br /> appurlenencee and nll other riqhte thereunto belongin�,or in nnywise appertainin�,and thc revcrRion and re�
<br /> vcr�ion��,remninder and remaindere,nU ri�hte af redem�rtion,nnd the rents,issues,und proFit�o[the above
<br /> descriUed:propertg(provided,l�owever, tliat the mortgegor al�all be enlitled to the poebession of baid propeMy
<br /> and to collect nnd retafn tl�e.rente,iaeue�,and profite until deinult hereunder).To have and to LoIJ the eume
<br /> wuu tl�e:mort�agea and the suceeaeore in interebt of il�e tuortgagee forever in fee simpla or buch other estute,
<br /> if any,ae is etated herein.
<br /> The morigegor.wvenente Shat he ie lawfully ceited and poeeeeeed of and haa the right to eell and convey e�id •'+� L.� '
<br /> property; that the eame ia tne [rom all encumbrancee except ae hereineLove recited; and that he hereby binde , N,�lr``
<br /> � himeelf and hia auceeesore in iatereet to werrant and defend the tide a(orceuid thereto and every part thereof againet �
<br /> the claimn o[all persons whomaoever. n y/� �
<br /> v�f�CG�/ �C, ��! / L%� / !4���-
<br /> Thie inntrument ie given to eecure the pnyment of a promissory note daud � p ��
<br /> in the principal sum of S 96�000.00 ,eigned by Vincent M. Mesidez and Rachel G. Mettdez � �
<br /> in hehnli ni }��lves and each other '
<br />� �UA fbrm Y1T(�-jb)Pn•low EdlUee��n 06.01.�..
<br /> t . -�:�.. .. .
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