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� . .... �Wr:M <br />: � <br /> � 76- Q0355 � � <br /> MORTGAGORS MAY MAHE PREPAYMENTS OF PR�NCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCN PREPAYMENT SF{p�L F3E <br /> APPLIED 70 INSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOME DUE UNDER T'r115 MORTGAGE. PROVI�ED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT <br /> AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON RIEQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM. <br /> PAYEE A6REES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 100% OF SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS AOVANCEMENT IS PRO• <br /> HIBITED BY THE REGUtATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> SHALI BE SECURED BY THI3 MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MAOE, <br /> � THE MORTGAGOR FURTHF,R COVENANTS AND AGRF.rS : <br /> � 'Pfiut �.the� Mortgngor will pny the inde4tedness as hereinhefr,re providr�d. . � � � <br /> . � . . That the Mortqagor is the ,nvne: � of xnid property in fre simple and has gocxl right nnd It�w(ul �uthorit}^ to �ell and � � - <br /> cnnvey the sume and thnt the stimr is tree ana clear oF uny lieu or enirumbrrince; nnd thnt Morl�:ngur �� ill wnrrant nnd drfend the <br /> . litic: to said � premiues agninst. 1/�i> clnimn o[ ull �'�ersone a�hnmsoevrr. � � <br /> . . � � 'Po ,pay � immedintitly when due und pnyWble ull g¢ tiixes, vpecird lazex, special nsxwsmenls, water chatges, stwet �erv . � � . . � <br /> ice che[6�'s,� and other taxuh and chnrges againxt suid property, nnd nll taxes levii�d on the drbt tierurcd hereby, nnd tu turnish the � � � � <br /> � 7�lortgagee, upnn � rc�uest, with the uriginul or duplicnte receipls fherrfor. TLx Mortgogor i�Grces thnt t}��re shnll 6e added . to : � � ' . � �� . <br /> � �� � ench monitdy pnyment rcquired here�mder or under tlie cvidence ot debt srcured herc6y evi mnount est�im�ted by the Mvrtgugee � . . . <br /> 3 to be huflicient to enable the Mortgugee to pay, as thr.y bernme� due, nll tuses, nssessments, imd nimilar d�arges upon ihe prem• <br /> �. '�-� � ises subject thereto; any deficiency becuuse o[ fhu insu0iciency nf such itdditionnl paymenls shtdt bc (urthH�ith depcnited by ihe � : � <br /> � . `:i � Murlgagor with the hfortgngee upon drmand by the hturtgnge.e. Any default under ihis parnAraph �hnll 6e Jermed n def�iult in . . <br /> �"�'+ � . pnyment of ti�xes; ns+essmenLv, or similar chxrg�•s requimd liereunder. � � � � . � <br /> Tbe Morlguqor ngrces thnt lhere shull el,o bn added to onrh monthly paymrnt nf princiPlll �md inirrest re�quired here- : � - � <br /> " � ;f undrr em nmount extimate�i by lhe �turtgugeu lu be su(fiuirnL tu enable lhe Mortg;igrr io pay. �as it hrcomrc due, fhe inxurance � . � . <br /> premium on anY insuruner. policy dclivered to th�e �furtgagec. Any deticiency b��cm�se n( tbr invu(iiciency u( such additional pay- �. � � . <br /> ments nhall Iw (OfII1W1�I1 tI[�)otillPfl I)V Fl1C Mortgut;�r �v�th the ntorlgager upon dema�d hy the �lurtgagee. Any default �md�r this � <br /> paragrnph sh�dl be dcemed n de[ault in ihe pay�nent of in�;urance pr�•mium.<. It the �x�licy ur pulicics di�pu+ited evr 1UCI1 II4 home- . . . . <br /> �' awnere or atl risk pulicies, nnd thr depnvits xre insu0icient tn pny the rntirvr premium, the MnrtgaKee moy upply the d��poait to <br /> pny premiums on riskx reyuired tn be insured hy this morl�;aKe: � � � � <br /> :� <br /> Ynymenl4 made by Lhi� nlorlgngor uudur ihe nbove paragraphs mny, e�i the upli�>n of th�� A1orlgnFce. be held by if and � � . � . <br /> `��.� 1 � eummingled with otlier such tunds or its own fwidti fur ihe puymrnf ut such ilem.4. rind until e;o appii��d, snch pnyments nrr hrrehy � . . . . <br /> plMiged ns SPCUiI�Y (Uf th�� impaid bnlance o( the mnrt�nge indebtedneav. , . � . . � <br /> 'I'o procure, deliver to. nnd muintuin fnr the Lenrfit of thr �lorigng�e during the lite uf this morlgage uriginnl policies und � - � . <br /> renewals thereof, delivrrisl at In.ast ten dnys betom lhe expirution ot any +uch pnlicics, insuring a{;ninst tire and niher insurahle � � � � <br /> hazanis. casunities, nnd cunlingenciex as tho A1o[tRagee mny rM�uire. in un omount equnl to the indehtednesn xecumd 6y this . �. . � - - <br /> A1orlgnge, and in catnpanies accepGible lu the Afortgnger, with loss piryahle clnuse in favur of nnd in [orm acceptahle fu ihe 1lortgu- : � . . <br /> gee. In ihe event tmy policy ifi not renew�vl un or hi�fore ten days uf its espirutinn. lhe blorlgugce muy prucure inxumnce on ihr. � . � . <br /> improvements, pay the premium therefor, and such sum shall br.come immediately duc and pnyable with inlerest al fhe rate set � . . <br /> forth in said nole until paid und shull �� secured hy this mortgnge. l�ailuri: nn f.he part of the I�1ort���gor to fumish such rruewels - . � : � � <br /> as am herein reyuired ur fuilute fo pity nny sumv zidvnnced herrunder shali, at ihe nption o( ihe Alnrtg.�gei^. cunytitutr a drfault � �� � <br /> under /he terms ot lhis mortguFi�. 'fhe d��livery o( ,uch pulicies sh��ll, in ihe ev�•nl nt de(.mll. cunstitutr nn i3ariK��ment a( lh� um �. � .. <br /> : � �armsl prrmium. � � � <br /> Any eums mmived by thc \tort�;agee 6y rcason of Inss or d:imawe inwumd against may be relaine�i by ihe 1lortgaFee �. . � . <br /> � and applieKl low•ard �h�• pnyment nf the debt herehy s��cured. or, at the upLim� o[ lhe A4ortkngce. such sums uiLher wholly or in . . . . � , � <br /> part mny be paid over to thc. 1�1ortK�l;�r to be used lo repnir such buildin�s or tn 6uild new 6uildings in thrir pincr ur (nr any � . . <br /> � othrr purpove nr oLj��cl sniisfnct�iry to lhc Murt�;a�;ee wilf�out uQ�•eting ihe lirn un thi� mnrt�;a�;i• for �h�• full t�moanl s�•cured here- � . � <br /> hy brfore nuch payment ecer tuok pince. . � � �. <br /> q � 'I'o promptlp repuir. restore ur reLuild any buildings ur impro�•cmenls nmv nr horuaRrr on dic premises whirh map be- . � . <br /> come d.vnaFed nr destroy�d : tu kcep said prrmises in ga�d condition and rep.�ir and fine frnm miy mrchanic's- li��n or uther lien nr . � � . � <br /> cinim o[ licn nol expresKiy eubordinuled lo thr licn herro(: not to suffer or permit any unlawlul usr uf or ;�n�� nuisancc to ezist nn � . � � � <br /> � snid pmperty nor to prrmit �vnste on said pmmises., nur lu do any other act whi•reby thi� prnperty herehy wnvcyed shnll b��come . - � � . <br /> � less valunble. nur to diminish or impnir its vnlue by any �iet nr omisciun t�� act: tu complq with all rrquirements of law with rrspect � � � � � . <br /> to thc mnrlguged premises and the use therroL � . . <br /> 'I'hat sl�ould the premises or uny part lhe�cuf fH� taken ur damnged by re:iton o[ nny public improv��mrnt or condrmnation . <br /> , proce�YlinR. � �r under the right of eminent domain, or in uny olher mnnnrr, th�� �turl�;nFee Shal! b� rntitled lo all compen=atioas, � � � � � <br /> �. , awords. nnd unY �lhec paymenl or rrlie[ therr(or, �nd shall bc enlilled. at it� option. tu commenre. apprrar in :mel prcnecule in iLs . . <br /> nwn name any nction ut pruceedinK, ur lu make �ny comprumise or netUement in connrclion with such tal<ing ur dnmage All such <br /> � compensation. awnrdn. danwg�w, right uf aclinn nnd proceecls nrr hereby ussigned lo the \torlgn„ec, wl�o may, n(ler deducting <br /> lhere(rom nll its expenst�r, relensr any moneys su mc:cived by it ur i�pply the snmc on anq indebtednrxs srcumd hereLy. Thr, 11ur1- <br /> � gngor ngmea lt� ex�+cute such further nssignments o[ nny compenvatiun. n�rardv. damsgrs. :md rit;hta of nclion llO�I �Ifpf.PPflti as the <br /> � l�1ortgngce may reyuire. <br /> � That in case o[ (uilure. to perlorm anl' o( !he cnrenanls hercin. tLe Morli;agec maV do nn the 1lorlgugor's behul[ rvrrplhing <br /> so covenunled; thut ihe Mortgagec muy also du fmy nct it muy deem nrressc�ry lu protect thr lirn ihercoL' lhnt the D1orl�;agor u�ill <br /> � r�•puy upon demnnd any moneys paid or disbursed by the ;�turtg��gec for nny o[ ihe ahove purprnes. :md vuch mnncys togethrr wilh <br /> inter�t ther�wn ut the rale provided in eiaid nute shall Ix�cume Fu much additioncil indebli�dn�•se hrn6y =ecurrd nnd may lu• in- <br /> cluded in wiy dreree (ure�rlosing this mortgnge nnd Lr paid uut o [ thr rents ar proceuds o( sale o[ �nid pri�mines i[ not otherx�ise <br /> ' paid; that it shnll nul be obligutury upon thr Dlortgager lo inquire into the �:ilidity of nny lirn, rncumF;ranccs, or clnim in r�d- <br /> ' vnncinF moneys as ulxrve uuthoriuvl, bW nolhing herein cuntained shali Ix• cunstrued �is rcV�uiring ihi• R1urty;.��;er to ndvunce nny <br /> � monuyn for any such pur{x�xe nor lo do nny ucl hereunder; and ihat Alnrtgi�gee shall nnl inrur :mp p�•rsunal liabilify brc�usr o( nn�- <br /> lhing it mny do or umit la do hcreund��r. <br /> - In Sl�e i•venl o[ �h�� detuull by Tfortgngor in thr pnyment of any installmcnL ns requirrd by � h�� Nutr srcurrd hereby. nr <br /> in the �nrr(ormence n[ the oblitinlion in this murtgnge or in lhe nute secured therrby, thc �1ort�ngce si�all be enlitled tu drelare thi� � <br /> � dobt secvred hereby du� und payeble without nolicia �nd the `.Sorlgogcu shnll be entitlyd al il+ oplian. withuut nutice, ri�}�er by il,velf <br /> ur by u recciver tu tK uppuinti�i by tlie courl thrreo(, 1md �vithoul regard to lhr adi�uacy af unY �rcurity for the inJebtednesn ne- " ! ''�: .t's�" . • <br /> . cured hereby, tu enler upun imd tnkr possession of the mort�aged prvmizes, imd to colircl and receivr thr nmt4, isYu�•s nnd profils �y �+,'',-� <br /> lhereo(. und npply Ihe xume. Icss cuvts ot o�xratian and cnllection. upun lhe indebtrdne.s w�currd hy� this murl�;�igu. eaid rrnts, ? <br /> - � ixsues imd profiL9 f�inK hercby uayigned to lhr :�7nrll�n�;re nx (uriher si�c�uritv (nr the p:�vment of all ����i�•t��,��i�,,.�.� .,,•�«.,i i,�•��•i,�. � a <br /> � <br /> � '1'he �lortgugm sLall heve the puwer to nppoint �my ngenl or ngents it rtwy desire fnr Ihe purposr ��( rrpairing viid prem- {� ��: <br /> . ixec; renling the 9ame: collecting .the rrnLs, revenues and inee�mr. imd it m��y p:iy oW uf said incumr all vxpenn�•x incurn+f im m�b � � .-.' � <br /> � inq nnd mnnaging lhe name and o( eollrcting the rentnls therrfrom. '1'ho 6alance n•rnuinin;;, if a�p�, s6a11 br :�pplird lu�vurd thr � <br /> . di;u�hiu�;e o( Ihe morlgnge indrhtednesx. �Chis nsvignment i� tn Irrrninn��• ��nd Ix�rumr nall :md coid upnn n•li•:j.�� nf Ihiv nt��rf�a�e. . . . . <br /> r• <br /> Y � <br /> � J <br /> t <br /> � <br /> � <br />