. � ..:P���.
<br /> 6�
<br /> � U���cr3J� ~ • �
<br /> 76-
<br /> : FIRST
<br /> � FORM No.63T(H.v.3a41 .
<br /> . . . . . . —' -- . .
<br /> � Loan Number__30868--------1------188
<br /> 6ranch . TYVa..
<br /> ,::j ' � ' � . �. . � ' - . . � . .
<br /> �
<br /> , i THIS MORTGAGE. made and esecuted this ...�Q.......duy of.. ........��f-.......... ..........A.D.,ls...7.6.....I�tweeu
<br /> � .:._Steven_.C;.;Becker,.and..JudY.:Z...Becker.,:..hus.bazzi�...at�d..�aife,...each..in.his..and..hrs._own....................
<br /> ; , individual right:And as spouse of the other� joi.ntl.y.and..seye�ally.. .... .. ................
<br /> ' i of.......GT.aT1d:.IslBrid......._..............County ot......H31.1..... ... ....� Stato ot......Nobras#&........................... hereinafter re[erred
<br /> to as the Mortgugor;nnd rIRST FEDERAL SAVINCS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINWLN, Nebraska, its succeseore
<br /> and assi�,ms,hereinnfter referred to as Mortgagee.
<br /> : r
<br /> ; WITNfiSSETH: That the svid h7ortgngor,tor nnd in consideratiun o[lhe sum oI
<br /> ' � T�I�R�X-,F.QUIi...�QIiSANA..F00R...�t7�I7)RED..AISA...No/100--------------.------�s3�+.,.40o.A0...................) Dollara.
<br /> paid by said Mortgagee, doea hereby sell and cunvey unto TIRST I'EDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> I,INCOLN, Nebraska, as btortgaRPe, its successors and assigns, the fullowing described Renl F.stute,situetrd in the County of
<br /> ' _ ............................Iie1.l..................................... scace of ...................Nehxaska.........................._............_.... t�,-wic:
<br /> Lot Eight (8) in Knickrehm Seventh Addition to the City of
<br /> . �
<br /> Grattd Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> ,-
<br /> 'TO HAVE AND TO HOLU the ulwve Jeecribed premisrs for lhe uses henin eet forU�:md lo scv ure per(ormance o[lhe
<br /> ubligntimu con[nineci herein,together with all buildings.improvements, fizlures and appurtenances und all ensemenls tLereunto �
<br /> . be•longing,nnd it i�:mutually covenanteJ end agreed by und between the pnrties herclo lhat all plumbing, gna, electric Fmd �
<br /> mechonical (ixtums, npplinnces; equipment, mnchinery und upparatus,(loor cmerings,slurm winduwn und screens,nnd euch other
<br /> � gcxid3 qnd chattele und personul property as nre c�•er(urnished by a lundlord in letting or opernling nn un[urnished building,e+imi-
<br /> lac tn the une now or herenfter on snicl premisen,w�hich ure or s6nll tx: nttached lo sqid building in ony marmer whntscevrr, nrr
<br /> nnd shall Ix deemiYl to be fiztures nnd nn ncrossion tu lh.frechuld and a part o[lhe rcatly az between Qie parlies hereto,their �
<br /> I�eirs,executorv,adminiatrators,successors or nssigns,and all persons rluiming by, through or under th�m.nnd sh�dl be d��rm��il
<br /> to Im u�xulion af the xecuritq for the indebledness herein mrnlion��d nnd lu bo cnvemd by lhis mnrif�n�e.
<br /> � �a,
<br /> I'ROVIDED ALWAYS. and these presents nre ez�cuted und di�liver�•d upun the (�dlnwin� rondition,, agreenu�nts nnd �� �N .
<br /> .: � oblig�tions o[the Mnrt�;ngors.tu-�vit: , a ,'
<br /> 'I'he Mortgn�nr ntirnes to pay to Ihe MortKngee,or urd��r, lho princ�pnl sum u[ THIRTY-I'OUR THOUSAND FOIJR_ '�
<br /> f„�y�,�n�
<br /> HUNAI�ID..AND..N0�30G------------------____-------------_—____— (�.3�4�400cpp_ . ) llidlnr,. t� .5.
<br /> . payoble as provided in i�nute exec�rted and delivrrml cnnevrri�nlly herewith, lhr [inal pn}�m<mt ut prinripal, i( not soon�•r pniJ. ^ .
<br /> on the........._.__._1Sb__.._d�iy nL..............._!JlilcY.....__ __.......__..___ . .ptK 200r7.
<br /> r. �
<br /> Cnp�rlRhl 1B65 6f Firq ieAer�l SarinRs fod loan Aieoclalloo al llncoln.Linceln.XeDnsMa 1I
<br /> � J
<br /> E
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