� _"...;��.
<br /> � .. , .,. �
<br /> .� IL is (urlhcr n�n•ed lhal in cnse uny suil is begnn lu foie�vlos�� thia murtgtiF;e. ll�c �turlga�;ce, iln represrnlati�'�•s nr oesigns, �
<br /> � .Imll ut. mxr be enlitled to Ihe pos4e�iun o[ suid pr�nricea. mui upon nppliceliun there(or, the euurf in which such i�cliun ahnll . �
<br /> � be broupht o� any judge n[ such courl. ��ilher in lerm � ime ur vncatinn, ir herrbY uuthnrixcwl to appuint a rreeiver lo l:�ke pos�:cs- . � �
<br /> [ sion of suid premises. ur tn collecl thi� rrnts thrrefrom. :wd lu do and perform such nther ucts aa may lic nquimd by the urder � � � .
<br /> , I �.. o[ the crourt making tl�e nppuiutmeni ; nnd said �iorlgagur hert�by H'ui��rs any notice ot euch tipplirntiou. und cnmm�ts �o the np- �. � �
<br /> poinlment nf u rrceiver upon tho produclion uf this morfgnge, withnut othi�r rvidence. �
<br /> 7'hc rldrtgagee ahall be suhrngn�ed tu ++R of tl�e rigl�ls, privilet,es. priurities. und equitie� of mq� linnhnlder whnse liem m��• , �. . � . . .
<br /> hnve bri�n dischurK�'�i [rnm i6e proc�rds of Ihis lonn. ur by xnY (����ds hrrvbp puid nr [urnish��d by lhe D1or�gngee. . . .
<br /> IT IS EXPR�SSi,Y AGRL:I'sD �hnt if ihe D1ortgagor sh:�ll sell, cvnw�y or nliennte xiiid property, or nnY Pnrt ihoreof, . � . �
<br /> . or uny interest therein, or shnll be divesl�rt of his title or nnp interest thrrein in uny mauner or N'll4. �4'IlPther �•alunturily or � . � � .
<br /> involuntatily, widhout written wavent. of the Aiort�,mgee bring firsl had und o6tnined, riortg�gee shnll 6ave the riqht, i�t ila nption, - .
<br /> to declarn uny indrbtedness or obligutions sec�md hereby, irn�spextivo of the. mnturify d+ite specifird in :uiy note evidencing the �. � � . .
<br /> enme. immcdietely due and payuble wi[houl notior, imd �:»d debt shnll thereu�»m 6ecvme nhsolute. I ( thi� ownerxhiP of the mort. .. � . .
<br /> guged property lxttimes vc�sleei in n person nth�•r than the rinrtga�or. the 2�tortgng�ro may, ieithout notire to thr Dlorlgagor, d�:d �. . .
<br /> with such successor ur succeseors in interest ���ith refemnca� to this m�irtgage nnd the debl berehy se<•taed as with the AtortKngor, - � � - � ��
<br /> and mny tor6enr W suc or m:iy extend time (or the p,�yment of th�� debt heroby sexvmd without di;chartiing or in nny �vny nlTectin�; �. � �
<br /> t5e liability nf the oriR�n:�1 i�inrtgngor horvunder or upon the d�•ht �:�•rured. � � � � �
<br /> In tl�is instrutnent ihe �:ingulnr includv, tlio plural uud the musculine includes the fen�inine nt�d th�> neulrr and fhis in� . . �
<br /> strument YIIlIII IM I)IIl1Ii11�: U�1Uit the under,i„ned. his heirs, pvrsnnai ropres�mtntive�, surccc.nrs nnd nssiFn�. �. . � � �
<br /> 1N \VI'I'N�SS 4t'IiFJREOI'. �er h:rvc hemunlu sel nur hnnd. ��nd s��:d. �hc d.�p nnd yrar firsl abnvr ���ritten. ' .
<br /> � In the prru�nm of: .
<br /> ; � / �`�-��-"
<br /> ; �� %'
<br /> �:�, �<r^kc �f._. �-fa�.-.-�_
<br /> _.__. . . .. . . _ ......
<br /> t�lurriel D . Evans
<br /> � i , ' i �
<br /> ; _ _. ,'. �� '..L'�:. �_..L?.ca � G _ :`._2. u`.: �:�5 . .. _
<br /> _ _ . _ _ ._
<br /> Leslie Gayle Evans
<br /> � � Hall S av.
<br /> '� � , . ... .. _ _ .. ..... ... .... ... . . ..._ . .. .Count>•, I . .
<br /> ' r
<br /> ' On this .. ��+... ...... clay o( . _..4UL�_� . __ ..__.... 19...`j6 txdore me. lhe undersi�nn3. n hotrirc Public. in und for xnid � . � �
<br /> ;. c'ounty, personally cnmc....... .. . . f�lurriel D ,_ Evans and,. Leslie, G�yle_E�!ans, ._husband„and wife.
<br /> _ . ._ .. . _ _ _ .
<br /> penonnlly known to me lo !x lhi• idenlicnl peru�us H�hose nwnes ure u(lisecl tu the nbovr nnd [umgoing instrum.nt, n: mart�;ugorn, . .
<br /> and •knowl��l�;ed suid instn�ment lu bo his or her roluntary act nnd derd.
<br /> 6errord L English
<br /> , '. �dRIfiRAUnMmPP<< �71'� \�rtnrinls�nlnt. . Grar� _Is1tn1�... PIeb�eska.._. . ._.. .. _.__ _ _ ... _... _ _ ._ _...... _ _ _ _...... ..
<br /> . lhe i • te lasb-3�di$,�[�n. ,�
<br /> , 87ATE OF NEBRABKA � �^
<br /> COYWFSION E%PI9( . f�•J �
<br /> > ' April 30, 1979 • v�
<br /> _ . . . . _.. . ..
<br /> _ .. .. ..
<br /> . . . . NuLvy I'ublic. �
<br /> , �, �iy cnmmission expire9... .. . �I.J4� .U/ � -+ � / . . .
<br /> ! STATE OP . . _ . . . . _ .. . . .
<br /> ,ti.
<br /> Cnunt)• . _ _ . � .
<br /> Gntered on numerical index nnd filed for mcurd in the ReRister ot lleed� Ofiice of said County the
<br /> _ . . . . _ .day ot. . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . 19. . . .. .. , ut _ _ . . _ _ . o'cla�k ❑nd . . . . . _ _ . minutes . . . . .. . _ I�4,.
<br /> � and recorded in Bool: . . .. . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . . _of �Iortgagcs at page _ . . . _ . . _ _ . . _ . as Instrument :�'o. . . . . - . _ . _ ._ „=: 1
<br /> � 1 .: ,
<br /> ' ' , �<. :
<br /> _ _ . _ _. .
<br /> _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ . _ . ..
<br /> � Rc�;. of Decds � � '' ��'
<br /> II3y _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . .._ _ Deputy � � `.
<br /> �., a
<br /> �ti'hen recorded [o be raturned to the �
<br /> I�I }tti'1' F'� Ulit :lt. tiAV1Nl: ti ANll I.O :� N AtiSOCI ,17'(ON OI� I .INCOi .N ``
<br />� �--� 123`i ^ N " tiGeef i� � :i !UL P.tr�.fr. SL � .
<br /> N-
<br /> I I 1 ; .� ��J. 1_PiI1Cl L ::.�. I .� � i.' � . . . . , . . . .
<br /> Kr � .� hil�ill.Pr r. _� . il � 1� . . . . . . . . .
<br /> trk I . __ . . , . iA
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