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<br /> . • ' ,„�-".:r
<br /> A � �
<br /> '1'HE MORTGAGOR rUR'I'}IrR COVI'sNAN'1'E ANll AGRb:ES :
<br /> � 7�hat thc Morf�agu[ will pF�y lhu indebtedn�•�:i �is IirreinLefon• provided.
<br /> �� . � � 'Phat lhc Mortgngor i. thc nwne�r of snid pruperty in fec sinqilc ��nd h�ts gmxl ri�;ht :md law(�d authnrity lo udl ❑nd .
<br /> r.nnvev the samf� and th:d th�• same is frec and clear uf nny lii�n or rncumhrancr: and that A4orig.igur wili warranl :wd d��trnd thr.
<br /> liU�� tn s�+id premises n�;ainst lhe rinims uf iil! persons �vhomsorver. �
<br /> . . 7'o pay immNdintely when due mid piiyrable all grneral inzes. specixl taxrs. speci�al ��ss��ssments. wati�r c6nr�es, sewer serv- �
<br /> � ice chRrRiS, uud olher tnxes nnd chnrges nguinnl said pruprrty, nnd all taxes Ie��ied un the debl secured 6ereliy, c�nd lo furnish Ihe �. � . .
<br /> � Mortgagcu. upon requesl. wilh the uriginal nr dupiicale receipts ihe•re(or. 'I'hc nlortgagor ugrces thnl lh��m shall bc added lo � � .
<br /> � each monthly Va}'ment required hereunder ur under thi• evidencr of drbt securvd hereby am m�ount esfimnled bp thr Murt�agev � .
<br /> � Gr be sufficient tu cnable the Morl;;ugec to pay, ii, ihey become dur. ull t:�xes, i�sscssments, and simiL•�r char�;es upon thr pmm� .
<br /> � iscs subji�et thercto; any de(iciency bi�enuse o( the insu76cirncy of such ndditiun,il payments shall br furlh�ciih d��positerl hy� thr � �
<br /> . 1�lurfgagur with t6e h9ur�g++I�ec upon de•m:uid 6y th�� 11ort�;agee. Any defauli wider this parat;raph sh;� ll br drrmrd n d��(:wlt in .
<br /> � payntent of L�scs. tt;si•ssmrnt,, ur similar ch�irt;��s royuired hi•mundre � �
<br /> 'Chr hlurl�a�ur �igrers th�it them ,hnll al=n bo add�•d iu rnch nunthlr P:iymont o[ principal imd intrm+� rr��uiu•J here-
<br /> � under nn amowil�. eslimated 6�- lh�• Alurtgat;e�• to Lc� sutficir•id tu i� na61�• Ihr lfort�;a4rr tu p:n•. a. il bri•unx�s dur. ihr insurancr
<br /> � premium un any insurina• pulicy drli���•rrd lu th�• \1ur14:��:�`!'. Anp d�•(ici��ncc L�•causr ul' Iho intiuflirirncy nf �urh �iddition:il pa>• � .
<br /> men�. chall bt� furlhwilh drpoeitod bp thr 14urlga�;ur witl� ihr �lurlkagrr up�m demund L�� Ihc AInrlµa�;rc. An�� dcf.udt undrr Ihfs .
<br /> � .� � pnrtigraph shall he deenu�d :� defeidt in th�� paynvnl uf iiuurnnrr pn•miums. (f th�- pulicy ur p�dicirs d���n�-;il��d airr ,urh ais humc•� . .
<br /> . uwn��rs ur fill risk pulirirs. snd ilio Ji•pusits are in,idfici��n� lu pac � h�• �•nfirr pn•mium, thr �1��r1 „a�;cr m.i>' apply Ilu• drpusit to .
<br /> paiy prrmiums on risks rryuir��d tu h�• in�uu•d b�• thi, inorl�:ag��. �
<br /> � Pn�'m��ute ro.�de Ly Ihr A9urlqia;;ur wid�•r Ih�• i�Luvr paraRrnph; mny. al iho upti��u uf du• �1nr�Fa�e�•. 6�� hrld be it and �
<br /> � commintiled wilh utlirr sueh funds nr its ms�n funds !nr Ihr p,p'rm•nl ol surh ilemv, nnd unfil ,u aPplied. surh paym�•n�, s� m hrrrhv . .
<br /> � pkKl�;i•d aa s��curily (or ( hr unp:iid balaun• u( t6e mi�rl4:���' indrbt�vinevs. .
<br /> '('u pn�c4F�'. 4lclivrr tu. nnd mnint.iin lur thr L��n��fil u( tlio �Inrt �;n�;rv� durin� � hr li(o ul Ihi. mnrl;:u�;e uri�inul P��lii�ii�s and � .
<br /> � r�•nrw�als lheriKd, fle.liven�d sd I��a,t irn d:p's L�dore lhr ��apiralinn of :uq' such pulici�•s. insurin�; u„ain�t firo ;�nd ulht•r insurnblr .
<br /> � h:iuvds. t�asuallics. and t'untin;;eni•ii•s a�s Ihi• AlunAa�co may rrquirv. in ��n nuwunt ��yuul to thr ind�•btcdncss vccun•d b}• ihis
<br /> �IurtRagv. nnil in cumpania�s �rcepin6le lu � h�• \lurttia;;i•��. �cilh Iu.e payabl�� clausr in fu�•nr u( anJ in fonn ncceptaLlr in � hi� 11urf �;a- . .
<br /> �ee. ln thc ov�nt :en�' pulicV i.. nn6 rrn��wod un nr b�dore Ir�n da��c; ut its r���iratian. We Murlti;i�;ri� mny prucure in�;urancr on tLr
<br /> imPrcq�emeut., pn}' ih�• premium thrre[nc and auch .,um shall bec:,me immediati•ly dur and payuble �cilh intrn•at at t6�• rnt�� srt ; .
<br /> fnrth ui vid uute until paid .mJ shall bo s��currd bp thi, uior��:a;;o. Pailun• nn the• part u( the �turlg.r;ur tn turni:h su�•h r��ne�v+il. - .
<br /> . av t�reV7c•lran �rcn�uirrd ur� L'iilun• lu pay any swm advancvd h�•rv�undrr nhalL at i6c upGun u[ thr �lurl ;::n:i���. cunstiiutc a dcfaull .
<br /> : . under the t��rms u( Ihi; mnr�t;a�;i�. "I'he drliren' uf ,uch � rolirio.s slcill, in � hi� �•cont n( drfhulL cunslilutr ;m ��s.i�nment uf � h�� un- .
<br /> . rarned prrtniwn. .
<br /> � Anv sums romierd be � 6i• \iur�;;a�oe b}� rrnwn ul lu.;: ur danui�;r in:urvd :r,uiinst may br n�tain�•:I by ihr \l � �rtqa;;re . .
<br /> . und xpplied lu��:�rd th�• p:�cmenl n( Ihr d�•bt h�•n•hy s��cured. ur. �rt the uptinn of ihr �-torlFegee, uuch �utn� rithrr �aholl�' nr in
<br /> - purl map br paid uver tu lhr \lnrl�;a�ur Ln b�• u.��•d tu r�•pair such Luilding, ur tu build n�•�v Luilding, in ihrir plaa� ur (ur .tny �
<br /> . nlhcr Purpus�• nr objrrt s:� 4sL•�ctun' to thi� �lnrt �a;;i•r �ai ( hnul :ifT��ctinC � hr lirn uu � hr murtca;;o I��r ihc full nmuuut =rcun•�I hrr��� .
<br /> � 6e i?i•(urr surh paynu•nt i�vrr �uok pLicr. - .
<br /> � � .. 'Co prumplly rr�r,iir. n•*�urr ��r rrlruild :un� buiidin;;. ur impru��rnu•nts nutc ur 6��n•�dl��r un thr pr�•inis�•s whi<•h may 6r- �
<br /> rumr dama�;i�d ur di�;tru}�•d : lo I.ei�p ,nid pr�•ini.��s in t;nud c��ndiliun and repair �md (rn• (rom ��ny nu�ch;mic'n li�•n or ulh��r lirn ur
<br /> �� rLtim uf lien nol �•xpn•sslv .ubnrdinnlyd �n Ihr lirn h��n�n(: na� l� � sul(rr ur p��rmit nny unl:nv(ul u�i• n( nr nuy uui��inre tu ��xi�t un
<br /> � : , 1 1
<br /> .. said proprric nur tu prnn�t �s����e un �:ud prrm�+cs. nnr to di � inv otliur nrt wh��n•h}• Iho iro mrh� hrr��6�• ro�rv��y'rd :6:di b.�cum��
<br /> ,i' Iv.s valutablc. nr,r fu diminish ur nnp�iir it. e:ihiv hy :iny ;�r( ��r � �mi =.i�m tn :u�l : tu rnmplc �rill� :Ji rrquia�ini•ntti u( la�c �cith n•;prct
<br /> lu Ihr murl�:agrd prrmi;rs .ind � hr u<�• � h�•reuL . .
<br /> �
<br /> "1'h:rt .hould tLe pmrni.r� ur nu �' Part � L�•rrol b�� I:du�n ur d:unaFcd 6t' musun n[ .m�� publir improcrnu�n� nr cundrmn:t� inn
<br /> prucri�din�;. ur undcr thr riKbl ol �•mini�nl dwn:un. ur iu tuiy u� hcr mm�nor. ( hc• A1nrtKugrr sh.dl br rnliil�>d lu :dl romprn>.itiuns.
<br /> �� �n��ards. and unY � dhi•r paynirW ��r rclirl iLrrofur, und sh:�ll L�• ruli� led. :LL its nptiun. to cumtn��ncr, appr.ir in �md proutulc in i�s
<br /> uwn nam�• :in)• arlion nr pruirrdinK, ur t� � makr any rumprumi,i• nr ���ttlrnu�n� in ionnrciinn wilh such takinti ur d:irn,igc. All surh � .
<br /> �' . cumPcnsaliou. .�o�ards. Juma;;iw. ri�hl u( :�rliou and prurci�ds arc Lrrvby ;�ssipnrd tn Ihc A-tur� Fa{;c�•. �ahu m;q'. a(�er d��ducflnF
<br /> � there(rnm i�ll ith rsP�•��•�•s. rrli•a>r ��ny wnnry. sn rrc�•icrrl by it ur nPpl}• Ihr >..mie un :wy in� lrhlydne.s .rcumd hen•L��. 'I�h�• Vi�r� -
<br /> �: � R���nr agreir ln rwrul�• ..uch furlhrr a..i�;ntm•nls nf :urv i•nmp��n+a� ion. ;iward.. d;nn:r;�•s. :wd ri::htr; uf ;�ction nnd prurrrd: a: thr
<br /> \iurt{;n„er m:iy mquim.
<br /> Q
<br /> � 7'hat in ca�e nl (nilurc to per(orni am• u( ihe ruveiwnt ; hcmin. (hr �fortgn�ec ma}• du on thc 1lorltiatior's hehnlf every-
<br /> thint; su covennnted; lhat the MurlFnFee may alsu do nny uct it m�y deem necevyary to protecl Hu� lien thereo(; that lhe I�4ort-
<br /> � �ngor witl rcpny upun demand any munrps pnid or disburscd by the ltorlgagrc for nny of the iibuve purpcnes. and such money�
<br /> together wilh interest th�•reon ut the rule pruvided in �v1id nnte shidl b�e'ome so much ndditionnl indebleciness hereby se�vred ssnd
<br /> muy bc included in any derree foreclosing thie murlgage and be paid out u( the rents or procerds uf snle ot said prrmises i[ no[
<br /> oUu�rwis�• pnid: nnd thnt 17urt �;agm vhall nol inrur any persomil linbility lx•rause ot anylhin�: it map do nr omit tu do hereundc•r.
<br /> � In the rv�•nt nf th�• drfnulf b�' \lurltint;or in the paynu�nt nf :ml' in�lnl6nenf . ns rrquireJ hy thr ti��ir secumd hen•bc. ur
<br /> in ll�c prr(omumcc u( I.hr ubii�;:iliun in lhi. murl�;.�gc ur in Uu• nut�• �rcurrd Ihcn•liy. �hr \1ort�a�;e�� .hiiil br i�nlitli•d lo dt�dan• Ihr
<br /> dr6t seeurrd hi�mhr Jm� and poi��abl�� wilhuut nuticr. imd thi• �torl;:ag��v .hall be enlitlyd nt it= nptiun. ��ith��ut nuticr. ��ith�v Iw it�ell
<br /> ur Ly n receirer lo Im appuint�.Yl Ly th�• cuurl lherr��L nnd aithoul rre+vd tu thr adequai�v uf um� �rcurit>� (ur IL�• indr6trdni•s� �•-
<br /> rurrd hercby. tu enter upun :md taL�� pu>srxsion u[ thr murlt;a„eJ prrrnise:. nnd �n c� dlrct and r�•c•��ico th�• rrnts. i"u��s +md prulits
<br /> th�•reo(. iind u��ply � hr .nme. Ic-ss cu=is u( npi•ratinn nnd rulleelinn. u ��nn Iho iudc�bl��Jnr+ �rcured b�� Ihis rnnrtFt�t;�': s:�id r� �nts,
<br /> i,�ucw imd prufit.: tMin� L��rrby u�sit;ncd 1�� th�• ?�i��rf�ntir�� av furthcr ��•curily (nr th�� p:n� �ni�nt n( ;�II indrhtrdurs. .�•ourrYl h��r�•h��.
<br /> � �I�he \1urlFa;or .h�iU havc the, pmri�r lo :q�puint LnV a�vnl. o� aF�'»is it mny dcsim (nr Ihr purpu:r n( n•pairin;; said prcm-
<br /> � iw•s: rcnlin�; lhi� stunc: cullr•ctin� thc ronls. rrci•nut�a aiid iorumr. +md it m:�y p.ry nut u[ =:ud inn�m:� all r� p�•mrs incurrcvl in rcnt ' .
<br /> . in�; ❑nd mnnu�;ing th�• same and u( cnll��ctin�; lhr rrnlals � hrrr� rort�. 'l�hr bnLIDcr remuining. if �u�y. �h:Jl Lr npplii�d lownrd ihr . � I . ,
<br /> dischurge nf the mnrtt;u��� ind��bli�dn��:s. Thic a�signm�,nt is tn trrminat�� nnJ Ix�romr null nnd coid upnn mlra.�� ��f � his murtcnr�r. . , �� N '
<br /> . .
<br /> � 'Phc Nurtgngcc may cullecf r. "Inlc chartic" nnt tu �•xcccd Fi���� ( '��nh (Sc) L,r ��:�ch dullar IS � .001 �d rnch IuI :J rm �uNih� � �i
<br /> pny�nent murr lLnn lii d;n�. in :�rrrar.a �u tYr;rr ih�� ��zirn �•� p�•n.r im�ul ����d in hanJlin� drlinquvn� ai�onunl�. `'
<br />� � All Paynu�n(s mado undar th�• prm�isions �.�( thiti m��rf�n;;�• nr lh�• nuto lu•rr6y ���rurod. �vhicii m;ry b�� c�m�irurJ u. inlom.t . �{Q � ; : .
<br /> =L;�II not . in � hr nl:RrrCnir uF��r tVu• Irrm thrnvd. rx:erd lhr r;d �� tL:�t m:ip n� ���' br Im�'fally e� �nlr:trlyd fur in �rritin�;. � t(�1 . "
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