t -;�,�a�
<br />�; � �
<br /> lt. in further nHreed thai in cncc any suil is begun lu lou�closc Lhis muriRa{;e. lhr Alorlgagee, ils reprcaenlnlivca or ;issiRnv, � .
<br /> � slinll at once br, entilled in Ihe pussrssinn n( �;nid premises. nnd upon +�pplicution iherefur. tl�e court in whicL sucl� ucliot� ehnll � . .� .
<br /> be bruught or nny judge+ of :�uch rnurt. oii.her in term �imr nr vucalion. iy hercby nulhurired lo appuint. u receivur to inke p�nses- �. � . . .
<br /> � sion of enid premisee, or to cullr.cl lhr renls therefrnm. and tn do nnd perform auch alhrr ncts ns may be re��uired by the ord��r . � . .
<br /> � of the rnurl making tlie uppoinlment : nnd haid nlorlgxgor hereby wuives nny notice uf such npplicnlion, und conv��nls lo the np- �. . . . .
<br /> pnintmrnt o( n receiver iqron the production o( N�is mortgnga. withnut other evidencr. . . . , .
<br /> . 'fhu Mortgagee s6all be suhrng�d�d tn ull ut lhe ri�;hls, privilegcs. prioritien. and ci� uilius of uny lienhotder whose lirm m�y � � . �
<br /> Iieve 6ecn discharged from the pnxrc<Is n[ lhis lonn, ur by tmy fundx liereby pnid or furnixhed by the Mortgagee. . . . -
<br /> I1' TS EXPRE9SLY AGRE�D that if lhe blortgagor shull sell, co�wry nr nliennte suirl pro��erty, or eny pnrt thereof,
<br /> `' i or any interedt therein, or shall t� diveeterl of hie title or nny intenwt therein in mry manncr or wny, whether vohuit:uily or
<br /> .��. a invpluntarily, without �vritten Miasent ot lhe Murtgagco being first hnd und obtuined, MortK+�6�e shall have thr, riFht, cd its option, : .
<br /> . .� �� to declare any indeUtedness or obligationa seeured hereby, irrespectivr ot the mnturity dnte epecified in imy note evidrncing tl�r . . � � �
<br /> sume, immedintely due nnd payuLle without nutice, nnd said dcbt shnll there�pon become nlr+olute. I( tLe ownership of thc morb � � �
<br /> - guged protxrty becomc�s vestcKl in u pe�on other thnn the b4orlgagoq t}te nlortK��t;ee m:�y, without noticr to thc hlortgugot, detd � . � .
<br /> with such succeesor ur vuccessors in interest �rith reference �o thiv mortgage and the debt hereby secured aa with tl�e i��furtgagoq � � � � �
<br /> and mny forbec�r to sue or mny extend timr, for the payment of the debt hembV srcured wiLhout dischnrging or in any way n(iecting � � � . .
<br /> �� � �'' the liability o[ the originnl Mnrlgagor hercunde.r or u�mn the d�•6t secured. . . . � .
<br /> Li this instrumenl lhe sing��lar ineludes the plural unrl the ntE�sculine includes Ihr [eminine ;3nd thr neuler nnd this in• . . . .
<br /> slrument �h�ll be binding upon the undersiR��ed . his hrirs, persnnal reprc�entntives, suecrssurs :md nsniKns. ' . .
<br /> :�. .j . � .� .
<br /> '��� :y IN WI"I'NCSS �VHGRLOF, we hHvr her��wdo set at�r hnndx imd sc�nl , ihe d.ty ;md qrnr first nbove trritlen. �.. . �. . �
<br /> �,�
<br /> - lu U�c pras��nce of: . . . ..
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<br /> �dward R . Je ' ns
<br /> �/--�z-EUr.KD/j%1� ,���. }t�y�
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<br /> ? G`h�arlanne T�T . enkins " ' ' i
<br /> (,
<br /> �
<br /> ; STATE Or N�BRASKA
<br /> ' _. .Hall � �s.
<br /> , _ ..��,�„tY. f
<br /> : :
<br /> . 4 Q l .
<br /> , �a On thi� .. . �.U ........ daY of ...^✓, U.N. .L� . . __ _..... .., 19. _76 Ixdore mc. the �ndrrsignnl, a Notnry Yublic, in and for said �
<br /> ' County, ���r,��m�ily cv,��. Edward R . Jenkins and Charlarne P4 Jenkins , husband and rrife
<br /> , _ _ ... .... _ _ . . ... ..... . . . _. _ ._.__. . _... . ..._ _. _ .. . . ... _
<br /> personnlly knuwn to me to be the idenhi.nl persons whose numi�s are uf[�xe<1 to lhe nbcn�e nnd fun.Fning instrument ns morigagurs,
<br /> and each t�cknowleclged said insfrument to be his or her voluntnry act and dced. �
<br /> �. ; R'itnesx my hamd and notariul sc:�l at ... ._......Gxana....�s.],�tn.d,, N.eb.r..aslca ..__.__ ,.
<br /> _... ..__. . ..._ _. ...... ... . . .........._
<br /> the dnte lnst above written. �
<br /> M1 � Bemard L. English n `� n
<br /> • " ��t�-.�cx. ��f.__c7�..... -i_U .. <��l�.�...._ .. _.._... ........
<br /> x� GENERAL NOTARIAL \� �'�" Nutary Public.
<br /> : Sr-,A L
<br /> ' ' nf� ��blf �9t�t�+rsxa. .. _. . . . . _ . . __ .. __ _ _ __ _ ._ _. .
<br /> . COMMISSIpN [ % V: -:
<br /> Aprif 30 , 157�•
<br /> STAT� OF. . . _ . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .. ._ . .. . _.. . .. . . .._ . ... .. . . . .. `.
<br /> Sg.
<br /> County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . I .
<br /> 1
<br /> Entered on numerical index and filed far record in the Re�;ister of llceds Office ot said County the
<br /> _ _ . . . . . .. . _ day of. . _ ... . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . _ _ _ . . _ _ , 19. . . . . . . . ., at. . .. . . . . . . . . . . _ .o'clock nnd . . .. . _ . . . minufes . .. ... .. . . . .M,.
<br /> and rr.corded in Bonk. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . _of \lortgages at pa�e .. . . . . _ . _ . . . . . , as Instrument No. . . . . . . _ _ . . . _ . ...
<br /> .�., � . �,: •
<br /> , ,
<br /> r. .
<br /> � , . . . . . _ . . _ _ . _ . . _. . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . _ . _ _ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ ... ' . :r , r.. .
<br /> ReK. ot Deeds �� N � ,:i •"
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<br /> 1Vhen recorded to bc returned to the � ' :,
<br /> I� IKS'C FF;llEHAL 5:1�' INGS Atill I.0:1N :1 �tiUCIA'1'fON OP LINCOLN
<br />� . � tzd� •� rd " strcet �] ;; ;05 P.,. ��n:, s;.
<br /> � 135 No. rotrrr !9wf. � , n
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