f �'�
<br /> i a. ;.��: :
<br />� . �
<br /> �
<br />�
<br /> ��- '1'FI� n10RTGAGOR BIJRTI�IP•,R COVLNAN'I'S AND AGRI;ES: � � � ���
<br /> ;
<br /> ;; "J'hnt the Murtgn�;ur wili pny Ihr indeblednrss as hc�r�inbrforc• prnvidrd. . . .
<br /> r 'Phnt lhu A7origagur i� the uwnrr of .nid pruperty in fi�r s�mple .�nd hits �;n«I right �md lawl'�d aulhuri�y to si•II ��nd
<br /> li convcy the FFune and Ihnt lh�� srimr is (r<�e mid clrar nt nny lii�n or i•ncumbrnnce: �fnd thaf. nlorlgfiK��� a'ill warrant. iind de(e�nd the
<br /> ��J,� IiU�• In snid prrmisi�s ntiuinst the clnims o( �dl persons �+�homsnevec .
<br /> =;t i
<br /> �'n "Pu p.�y immediadcly �vhen due and payable idl Feneral t.ui�s. specinl tnxes. specinl acvresrnrnis. waler chnrKes. �r�4��r serv.
<br /> '�� ice chnrgiw, :md u0�or Gixrs nnd churges a�;ainst said prop��rty, nnd nll lazrs Irvii�d on the debt seoumd h�rrby. nnd tn furnish fho :
<br /> -;
<br /> � Murtgagee, upon mquest. with lh� uriyinal ur duplicatc+ receipts the•ri•foc '1'he Dtor�gagor agmes ihnt tbrre shall be tiddrd to f
<br /> - 'x�'r each monthly pnyment rrquired hereunder nr und��r lhi> r� idrnce uf drlrt secumd h�reby an amannt eslimated by the 1�1urf�a„rr �
<br /> „� tn br nulficicnt. tn enable lhr ?�4urlgugre tn pay. as fhey b�•curnr due. all laxc�,. assensmi•ntti. .md similar char�i:s upun Ih�• pri�m- -
<br /> ^� ites subjc•ct lhereto; un�• di•licioncv beccuue of the ins�dlicii�nry nf such additional pn�'mrnls vh�ill 6r furthwilh drpn,i�rd hr thr .
<br /> . ,:,:� �lntltiagor wilh thr :�IurtR�4;t'e upun d��m;tnd bp lhr 1lnrtgagee. Any d��f�mlt und�•r diin ptiral:r:tph sluJi br dcrmrd n dr(ault in
<br /> .:j paymrnl nf taxrs, :u,r,smenls. or similar chnr�;��s mquired h�•rcundrr.
<br /> .'�� ,I�hi� lturl�;:�{�or m„re��s lhnl thrre �h,Jl .d.n 6�• :�dded t � � oat•li mnnthly �>aymrnl u( ��nneipnl nnd intrrrsl rrquirrd hrrr.
<br /> '� unQer s�n i�mount estimill��d b�� the Nurign�;rr l�� hi• �u(licirut fn rnnblr Ih�� A7��rl�;a�ee to pue. ,i, if L�rum�•�; dw•. thr insur.mer
<br /> . .?.Y
<br /> .';yt prcmium an ,mV insur.�nro pulicp dclicorvd lu Ihr \lnrlt;��„rv Anc drlirirncp Lri�aus�� ��( ttir iu=ufficienr�� uf such addifion��l p�n•. � . ..
<br /> '1) monla �h.ill 6e furthN�ilh depusiled Ly lhe \lurfK��k:���" ��'ifh th�� \I � rzltia�ro up�m d��mand by Iho \lurl„.�Rw•. Auy dr(au1L undi�r tlii� . .
<br /> t,:� �
<br /> ,:;s Par;�y:raph til�nll Ix� Jr�•mrd n d��fnult in thr parm�•m of in:ur;mcr prrmiums. 1 ( ih�• pnlivp r�r pnhcios d��p� �sil��d arr .urh n:; h�nni�- f
<br /> �.�� oanrrs nr idl risk pnlicirs, and fhr dc•pn �.its aro in;uliii•i�°nt �u p�q' Ih�• rNirr prrmium. th�� Vurl ;a;;ii• muc upply tIu• drpusil In
<br /> pA pay prrmiunts un riskv rvquirrd tu I�o in<un•d 6}• ILi: mnr� �;a��•.
<br /> ;�A
<br /> Pnvmenls m��dr bp ihi� A1nrt„a�ur nndrr ihr ab��� r p:vakrnph� map nl tL�� up( iun ul thr Alurl�;.�;;e�•, 6�� hrld by u and
<br /> '� cmnmini:lr<! �4ilh olher such funds ur ils nwu (tnui, Gu th�� papmrnt � d �uch rtrtn.. nnd uNil .o appli�•d. �urh pn}�mrnts ;vr h��rrby { � -
<br /> °�� ��I�YI�;i�d us serurily (ur ihr unpaid L:�lancr u( � h�• mnr� ga��� inJrldrdnr:s.
<br /> :: 3
<br /> � � 7'u procurc. d�•liver tn. ;uul nwiut:iin G�r thi� b��m•lii of Iho \Surt�;:i�;��i� durinti th�� li(r uP Ihis rnnrlga��� •.,nF:inal paliei��x :md � -
<br /> �
<br /> rrne�ruls Uien�d. drli��i�rrd �u loas� I��u da}�. h�•(urr ihr rxpirntiun n( :inc such pulirir.. �n.unnt; a;;.un:t (vi� nnd otlirr insuralrlr .
<br /> rq h.vards, cawalfi��z, und cuunn;:i�nens as iho �lurtFa{;rr ma�• rrquin•, in :m ;imuwil rqu:d lu th�� indcbtcdnrs.q s�•i�urrd by � his . .
<br /> •;E Nurl�;a�;r. ;md in companirs arc�•pla6lu tu f h�� Alort„:iFe�•. �+�ith lus; p,p��bit� clau;�� in L•���ur u( and in furm ncceptnhlr tu th�� \lorl�;n- . �
<br /> �;vo. In thr ewmf any puGcp ie nnl r�•ni•�ccd un ur Lrlum f�� u days u( iL; rs� iirdiun. tLr AInrttia�o�� mfrv prncurr insur�ucr nn (hr � �
<br /> -:'y imprnvenurnb, p:q' th�• pnanium thrrefur, and such ,um shxll hvc_nne immedint�d�• dur• .md puyu6le �aith intr•revt nt thi� r.itr ,.-tq
<br /> �:.�� (urtlt in saiJ nofi• uNil pnid and �hall Le sorurrd Iry 16i.; m��rl�;n�r Pailun• on � I�o purl u[ � he �iurt;;a,;ur lu �urni�h sueh rrne�vals . .
<br /> . =7 as arr h��rrin n�quired or 6�ilun• iu pay :mp .sum, adv�mi���d hcrrundrr �hull. :u Ih�• opiinn nf Ihr 1L�rf;;as� ��. r��nstiluti� a drfuult
<br /> :: w�dcr ihc• trrnu u( fhic ninrl;;.��r 'f6i� d�•lia� �n� n( .uch pulicir� .h:dl , in ihr rw�ni u( dot:uJt . canelitwo an :i.;sipnrn�•nl n( ihv um � - � � � : � �
<br /> `P� �•:vnrd prrmimn. .
<br /> ; `�i
<br /> � ��.�::� . �
<br /> �.� �1ny cum5 n•cri� rd Ly ih�� 31urt�:a�;i.r b� r� �unn u! lo,; nr danm;;i• m,ur��d :��;uimt mat� bc rrluinrd 6}� Ihi� Al��rf�n�;cc � . .
<br /> , � and uppli��d lu�s;ird ( he pavmenl o( thr d��bf hr•rrbe srcurrd. ur, iil thr upuon n( t6e :11url�a�;oq Sucl� .unu rilh�•r uhnlly ur m � . .
<br /> ?� p:irt mac 6�� pnid nw•r lu thr 91url�u�;ur lu br u�rd In r�•pair �ucli huildin�s ur i�� huild nr�r butidina; in lhrir pinc�• or inr :w}' .. -
<br /> ,�
<br /> ,:'_:. uUu�r Purpuvc ur abjt�cl v:di.(actur} tu � ho Slurl�;:��re wiihout :dfrr� in;; tlu� li��n un lh� � murlRn�i• fnr ihr hdl �unounl .ri•urrd hrro. ' . . . �
<br /> ��y h�- brture .urh puymcnl ��crr �uu4; plarr. _ .
<br /> '1'u promplly rrp:�ir. rr,tnn� nr rr6uild :iuy huildin�:� ur imprnerm�•nt : nmc nr horral �rr un Ihn prvnu.rc whirh in�n� 6�,. � ..
<br /> '. cuuu� d�una�:rd or dc.�lrnvrd : In krr�� said � rcrmisrs in A�wd couditiun ;inil r��p:�ir und lmr frum an�� mrchanic', lir�n ur utl�rr lien or ' . -. .
<br /> -��� e:nim o[ lirn t�ni o� prvsalc su6��rdin�drd to ih�� lirn hrri�oL n��� lu nullrr � �r p�•nnit �wy unl;nrful usr n( nr am' nui.:mrc ln ��si.vt on ; � � � � . . .
<br /> f
<br /> � :;�� riaid prupr•r�y nnr in p��nnit wa.��i• un r�iid pmrni.�v;. uur tn do :uit' oifu�r :�ri whrrrFy thi• prnprri �• hrrrbv cnnt�rprd vhall L��cumr ' -
<br /> .. �� Irs, v:du:ihle. nur tu diminish or imp;�ir iL; c:Jn�• by :inc :�rt � �r umis�,i� �u lo ;�rL � n r� �mpl}� �.�iih ;dl rrquin•inrnt: uf I:nc �eith rrvp�vt : � .
<br /> In Ihr mor� �:a�;eJ pn•mivrs und th�� n=�� th��rroL � �.
<br /> �;
<br /> ��:d. �1�Lnt shnuld Uir ��rcnn.c, nr :�.np p:� rf th�•r��ui br I �d:on ur dum,i�:rd by n;i<un uf an}' puLlic improcrmrnl or ��undcmnaliun �: . . . . � . . • .
<br /> ;.;: ��r;x•�eedfnR. ur und�•r thr ri�;6� � �( �•mincN d� �m:iin. ur in :wy nlhrr m��nn�•r. Ilir \1�,rtK;V:< c shnll hr rnfiUi•d ln :�II i'nmp�•n<ufiun�. � . . . � . � .
<br /> ';:� a•,vardn. :wd :mc ulhrr p;+ymrnt nr n•lii�( thrri•(ur. und .h:�ll h�� �a� lillyd. nt its nptiun. tu eummence. :�pp�s� r in nnd pnr<rculv ui it.v . . . �
<br /> ,,. �
<br /> -': o«�n n:unr vn� arliun „r � n�i.rerdin::. ur �u m:ik�� anp cu�nprnnvs�• ur ���� th•nuau. in cumtecliun with such I:ikinF nr d;unn;;e. :1II such � . . . .
<br /> ;!
<br /> a� compcncatiun. :nv.u�dn. J.�tnaucs. riy;h� � �( .irliun :ind pn �rc�•d= :v�• h�•reLy :�=zipnvd io thr \lnrl ;;n�r��. whn m;p', ahrr drdu<�tinc �. .
<br /> {
<br /> Ihrrr(mm �ill ity rzprns�•,a. r�4r��s�• ��ny tni �m�ys s�� rr�•ricrd bc if � m ;i � iph� thr .v:�mc un ��nr indrlit��dnr;a .rcumd hi•rrby. "f'hr Vnrt- . . .
<br /> �i �,ii�or uKrr�•, to rxri�uic surli (urlLrr ;u.iunm�•uts nf nny rum�n��n .alion. :ncnrJs, d�� mn;;c.. �uid ricLt . ui ;�ctiun nnd pr� ���r�•rk a, thr .., . .� .
<br /> i \1ort �:i{;ro ma1 n�yuirr. � .
<br /> :L4 F;=� . � .
<br /> i:;-7:i 7'hal in cu>e o( fnilurc lu per(orm any uf the r� ���enunt, herrin. lhe �turt�;agee muy do on the �furtg�igur's M•halt ecery- � . .
<br /> r -< tl�ing .o covenanled : lh;it lhe nlorlgaFee may ulso Ju any nct it may deem nrcessun to prokYt the licn iherent: thal the nturb . . �
<br /> -v`=t''z y;agor will rep�ry upon demt�nd any money.e paid or disbursed by the 9lortqtiFec [ur am u( thu ubuve purpines. and suc}� moneys � . .
<br /> � '� togclher witli interest thereun et the rale providod in said note shal! bn,vme so nmch additional indebtr.clness hercby secured mtd � . .
<br /> :%=;�'�r miiy be included in any d�•eme furrcloeing thiv mortgage tmd be puid out of the rrnts or proe•�ti�ds o[ sale of �.3id premisers i( not � .
<br /> >�,, �
<br /> �,r i n�h��nri�e p:iid : nnd that \tnrl�:i�;�r• vhall nnl incur any punonnl linbility ��cause of anythint; it m:�y do ur omil tn du hcri•under. . .
<br /> .;;._a
<br /> �:;�fi; In Ihc cn�i�nt �d tLe d�d'nult In' Alnr� �;a�;ur in Uu� paymrnl � �[ nny in�tallmcnl , .is r�•quimd Ir�� ILr Knlr crcurod hrrrh�'. ur � .
<br /> in thi• perfurrnunc�• nf Uu• ubli�;nti� �n in thi. murt �;a�;i• or in th�• not�• securrd U�rreby-. Ih�• .11ur( „a;;i��� sh.Jl b�• rnlitled ln drel;im Ihe . -
<br /> � �` duht securrd hrmby dur .�nd payaLlr wifhout nuficr. :md thc Alurl;;a��•i• sLxll lir �•nfilli�d :it it.� uptiun. �n�ith� nil natic��, rithrr by ifsrlf - .
<br /> � 1 or by ;� rereiver �n L�� nppuintrd Ly Ihi• court lhrrrn(. and u�ithuut rrgard li � thr �idequncy of any' vi•curilv tur Ih�• indrbt��dnr;s y. � � .
<br /> � �; cured herebY. �o enl�. r u�iun �nd t ike p� �.r..viun u( ihr mnr� 0.aRed pn m�=i�v. �md tu rullrrl aud mrriw� thr rrnt:, i.�.�.ui _ •�nd prulils , . .
<br /> ' �' Ih�•reo(. �md apply thr �am��. h : . cucl, u( nprra(inn .md rnlh�'lion . upon t6r ind��Li �Ylm•.: v� run•d b�� Ihi, m� �nt,a„t . .nid r�•nU. , � .
<br /> .^fz,' is=uvx and pru(ils ix�in� Lrn•by assiRn��d tn ihr Alort�nt;�•r a: furlhrr .���o�irit�� fnr the p;���mrnt u( :dl imlrhtrdn��,= .� �runvl h��rrbr .
<br /> •rfy;
<br /> � ' 'Ph�• Jlori;:a�;e�• �h+dl h:�vc thi• pu�. ��r ln uppuiut any ng�•nt nr n�;��n�+ �t ma�• �ir�in� (nr th�, purp �.r �.�f n.��.iirin�; vud �irrm� � . . ' -
<br /> i � `
<br /> isr�s: r��nting the saune. ruli< rlinc thi• mnts. rovi�nur: �ind incumr. i�nd it m:i� p:n• �. ul of .:iid incnm�� nil �•� Iri n.rc incurnvl in n•nt - : . •� _ . , r � , '
<br /> i�<.r� ing :md m�umgin�; lhe sauic and of cull�,ctint; lhi� mntnls thi�ndn �r.�. 'Ch�• halanci• rrtn;iinin;;, if :inq . �hall Lr ;ippli��d tow�ud thr . . - .. �' f ' �
<br /> `-� di�.cht�r��• u( (he ninrl�i��;�• ind�•bti•dnr.: l�hi� ns<i�;nm��nl i� tu forniinali• nnd Irrom�� null nnd •.�uiJ uPnn r��l�•�nr � �f ILi. �nnr14;��:�'. '� . , .. Pt ?T�e1.` :� :
<br /> � � ' .
<br /> � "I'hr \lurtl:a�;c�� nia�' rollri. t u "la(r chnn:��' nnl !u i uud I'i���• ( '��nL< ( 5i. 1 (��,r r:�rli � I��II;� r IaI .INiI ul ��nrli h �t;d tn� �iJVJy � �..:. . � �� .
<br /> � i
<br /> (,.� � ciymi•nt �nurr Ilwn 13 �I��� n in :�rm:�r, tu r� �:�.r Ih� r� tr:� rxp�•n+o Inv� h �-d in h:� nd ! ini: drlinq�n nt :irt � �un �v. �;�; ,y ,. �
<br /> All paym�•nlc madr und�•r thr ��ro��i.iuns uf lhiv murl �a�;� ' ni IL� n<Ac hrrrb� .� rur�.d. �� hicli mae L�� n,n=� rur�l ��a nd �- n•.L - .
<br /> �6:d1 not. in lhr a���;r� l:.�tr• u��rr 160 ��•rm tFrnrd. rai•���•d Iho r.d �• lLa� rn:rc nn•.. br hi���tull � c� �n ! r,irl�•d f�v in �t�ritinc. � . .
<br /> � �.,,, ,,,, �
<br />� ,
<br />� -
<br /> P
<br />�
<br />