r � �.�:
<br /> �,.
<br /> � �
<br /> 76- 00 �3412
<br /> ; �
<br /> � � � '1'hnt'the Morfgagar will pny the indebledness ay herninbefine pravided. , . . . .. . .
<br /> �" � � � � 'Chat -the ,Mor[gagnr � is the ownrro( yuid prnpertgin fer simple and hs�s gund right nnd luwEul :wthorilY tn sell ❑nd
<br /> , , I . convey the .enme .and lhut.thlr samc is tree and clear of m�y lien or� encumbrnnce; und N�at Mortgf�gnr will warrtmt. and defend. lhe
<br /> ; , �i � � � tiQe . to snid premises tigainst lhe clfiims � of ull persons whomsocve.r.
<br /> e � . . . . . . � �
<br /> � � � To pny� immedintely. when due nnd puyub�e all general t�xes, sp��ial luxeti, special assesamenls, wafer chnrges, sewer serv � :
<br /> ice charges; nnd uther inxes nnd charges ragainsh naid property, nnd all taxes Icvird on lhr. debt secured hereby, mid to furnish thn
<br /> Mnrtqagee, upon request, with the original or duplic�tc+ receipts therrfoc 'fhe M�irlgugor xgreex thnt there shell b�+ udded to
<br /> � .each :monthly�. payment myuimd hemunder� or under� the evidence ol de6t seeured herehy nn nmount eelimntecl by tlie r4nrtl;agee
<br /> � ? � to �� be sutficient to ennble . thr. . Morlgugee to p+ry, xs they become due, all tuxcs. xesessmunf.v. und similar chargac upon the Prem�
<br /> � ; � � ihes subjecl� tliercto; any <lefic�ency hacause o[ the insuf(icieiicy of such atldifionut paymentn sh:ill he t��rlhH�ith � drpusitrd by thc• .
<br /> " ' } � � 0lorlgebor witlt � lhe Mortg:igee upon� demnnd by the• tiSortgagec_ Any defnult uniler this p.�rnRraph nhnll be di•rmvd a defa�ult in
<br /> • `-y . pnyment o[ tnxes, xssessments, nr vimilur cimrqes roquired hrreundi�e � �
<br /> ; .i .. ,I'hn 19artF;�l:��r .�F:rees � thAt lhere shall 'nlso he �added tu oach munthly p��ymrnt of Principul t�nrl int�•rrnt required here-
<br /> - under an amount eslimuied� hy the Mnr�g�igee tn 6e sut6cient lb rnable Oie A4ortgagee In pny. ns it bici�mrs duv. thi• insurnnce .
<br /> premium <m any insurunca pulicy drlivered tu the ;�tort�;agec. Any deticiencv because� uf thr insulficirncY ��f surh .�dditinnal pa}'- - -
<br /> ment. sh:tll he furthwith drpnsiled by U�e 1lurtgagor wilh thc 111urlgagee upun domtmd 6y ih�� R1orl �;agcc. Any de(nult und�•r ihis � :
<br /> parngrnph shidl br deemed a d��fcmit in the paymi•nl of insunmce premiums. I( the polii�v or p�ihcu�s depo.ilod ;�ne such a+ homr•
<br /> � f nwnere oi all risk policics, end lhe doposits aro innulficienL tn p.iy thr entire premiitm, the n�(urlt;nFce mn}' apply th�� drp���it tn
<br /> pny prernium�: on risks required to Lr in�urevl by this mor�gage. .
<br /> ' Yxyments made hy tLe \tort�uFnr under Lhe n6ave parab'raphs m:�v. ❑t lhe• upliun of l6c �iortgagee, 6o held by �t �nd .
<br /> ce�mmingtrd w�ith niher such funds or it+ mvn lundti for thr p:+ym��nt o[ nurh drm.. .niJ until so applied. �ueh puymrnts .�r�� hrrrby .
<br /> pliKlt;ed as security tor tho unpaid b�diance o[ Ih�• murlgayr indrbterinE�cs.
<br /> To pmcure. d�•liver in, and m:iintai�� (ur the 6��m�fit of thn Atorig��gce during lh�� li(e nf Wis morf�,a�;i� origin�l policies nnd _
<br /> renewnls then+�f. de(ivered el Ica�st t��n da7s beforc lhr espiration uf any vuch pnlia�s. intiunn�: :+�;ainst fire :md o[her msur.�ble . . . . .
<br /> hazards, cusuullies, t+nd cnntin�;encie� as the ntorl;;aqee may ri�quire. in an :unounl equal to thr indebtedness secured by � his .
<br /> �turt�agcq nnd in comP�nies ticeeprnble tn ihe I�lortgag�•q �� ifh lo.c p��yable� clau,e in [avur o( �md in G�rm ar.copinble tn llx• Slortt;u- , . .
<br /> ;;ive. In thr event any policy i� nuL renewed on ur belure� trn days u( its eapiralinn, ihe MorlAn�;o�� mriy prncum msur.mre on lhe . .
<br /> imprnvements. pay tl�e premium Ihi•re(oe :uid such s�mi shxll heCanu� immed�ulely dm• and paynbl�• with int�-rra�. at thc� rili• srt
<br /> forth in s:iid note until pnid and vhall be secured b�• this mnrt�;ng��. Pailure on the paR uf th�• hturl�;ngur t�� (urnish ,uch rrne�rals : .
<br /> ns are hrrein rerauircd ur failur�• to pay any sums advnnced hen•wider sh:ill. nl thc nption of t6r Morl;;agi•e, cunsfilule .i di�(ault .
<br /> ��. ;i under the Lerms nf Ihis murt�age. "1'6e Jr�hvorv uf such P��licivs shall , in Ihi• rvrnt. nf default . cunslilutr �m as.iKnmrnt. uf Il�e• un. .
<br /> c�nmed prrmium. � . .
<br /> .4nv sutns recriw��d by Ihe \-tort�n�:��e by re:�sun ��( lu>s or da�mage insurrd ut;uinst may be n•tuined b�� the il1ur� :;�iy�ee
<br /> .� i ;md nPPlied luward lhe payment of lhr doht herrLy secured. or. nt thc uptinn u( the �lortgagec, such sums eilher whully ur in . :
<br /> pa�rt may br paid over tu Ilic Dlurit;agur to be used tu re�pair �;uch buildin�;s or �u builrl new buildiu�:s in th��ir place ��r tur any .
<br /> othrr purpuse or object. ,ati.factury in the 1lnrigagi�e �+ ithuut a(iectin�; ihe lirn un the murluage fnr thr (ull tunoimt nrcured liem•
<br /> bv 6r(ure +uch payment evrr tunk Place. . .. . .
<br /> 7'u prornpfly rrp:iir, r��slun• ��r re•Luild :uiy buildings nr irnPru��emeN� now• or liereafler otl Ihe premitiex whi�_h truiy hr' .. ..� . . . � .
<br /> � � comc dsunag�•d c�r di�struyi�d: tn kiv�p snid P��'�»isrs in grxid conditiun und rep:�ir �md frrc [rum auy mvchamc'� licn ur utlu�r licn or _ � . .
<br /> clvim n( lien nut cxpres,ly suLnrdinulyd lo ihc li�•n lu�ceuf: nut lu ,utTrr or p��nnit- unY unla�efuL usir n[ nr im>' nuisanc�r to i�x�st on � � - .
<br /> tiuid Pru���•rlV nnr lu pi�rmit �+�:ist�� un saiJ pre�rri,e,, nur tu Ja �+ny utk�er ert �chereLy t6e propertr hen�bv cunruyed shell bec�,m�� . . . .
<br /> Ir:s valuable, nur lu dimini,h ur impair il, ��:ilur by any :�rl nr �xni�si��n lo nc•� : tu c��mplp «�iHi all rrquin•mont� ��f Imr w�ith rr-prcl �. .
<br /> lo �hr morlRnged P�c�rrises and ihe u�e Ihrrcuf. � . .
<br /> '1'hal yliuuld tlic premiv�= ��r �my Pi�rl th��r�•o( br �nken ur dam>i„ed 6�� reasun nf +m�• Public improerment nr rundrmnalion . . .
<br /> � pnkecdint;, ur under the riqLl of omin�•nt ilumain, ur in .iny uther mnnni•r, ihe �torlgagee shall 6e �•Widrd lu all cumpeusations. . . .
<br /> awards, nnd any ufher pnymenl nr rrlii•f thrrefur. :ind Sludl br entiH�•d. �t ils uptiun. tn cummence. uppcnr in und PnniKvti: in iLa .
<br /> - own num�• any actiun ur prun•edin�;. ��r to make any cnmprumi;e ur srttlrment in connretion �� ith surh tn6in�; nr damage. :111 such . �
<br /> � cntnpensation. uwards. damay;��, ri�:ht n( nction and pruceedti :ire hrreLy ansi�n<�d In ( hi� Mnrf4���•�'. �4�ho muy, a(t�•r drductin�; ; � .
<br /> therrlrum nll its ��xpemrs. rclrase uny muncys ;n n•n•ived b�• it or apply lhe snmr un any iud�btrdne.ss srcured hrreb�•. 'Che 11nrt - ,
<br /> �;ngor u�;re�w tu execuli� sueh furlhrr a,si;;nm�•nl:� u( :mY cnmp�•ns:diun, :nrird�. d;nna;:r., .wd ri;;hls u( ai•lion nnd prorrrds a� Ihr . . . .
<br /> . n1nrl�;.�Rec rnxy rrquin•. �
<br /> � That in cux oF (nilure lu portorm nny �rt tl�c a�vcnanls henin, U�e I�turtgngec may du on thr. AfurtFagor's txrhnlf c��ery- � .
<br /> lhing so wvennnted; thut the hfortgt�F« may [also do sury ucl il muy diMm necessary to pmtect the lien thereof; that the rlurt-
<br /> � gagor will repny upnn demund nny moncy� puid ur disbursed by thc Morlgugee for any of thc abuve purp�»es, mu� xuch moneYe . � �
<br /> �ogclher with interest thereon nl lhe rate provided in uiid note shnll become so much I](I(II�IUI1:lI indebti�c3ness I�ercby secumd and �
<br /> mny bee included in [in.V deeree fureclosing lt�is morlgage and be p�iid uut o[ the ren4s or pruccuds oI sale u[ :aicf premisc•s i[ not . .
<br /> � nthinvise pnid: und lh�d Atorltiaagee shnll nol imvr nny Personul linbilily I�ecnusi• o[ nnYthin� it may do or nmit to do hemunder. , - .
<br /> � In l6r evrnl nf the di•fuull. b�� hlurtg�igur in Ihr pnymi�nt o( nny instnllment, as r�•quirr.d bq th�� Nn��• sec�en•d Loreby, ur .
<br /> � in thc• per(ormnucc ut thr oLlit;alion in ibis murlgugr or in Uu� nut�! =ecured thereLy. tl�e \1� �rtR:4;�'�' shall br �•nlillyd tu drelare ihr �
<br /> � deLt scvtumd hrre•by dur e�nd piq�uble without ualice. .utd tbe A1urt�:n���e shull 6r ��nliUrd at. ils upliun, wilhnul nuli��c•, cithrr bV itself �
<br /> or 6y a receiver tu Im appoinl��cl by fhe cnurt thoreuL �+nd wit6uut rrg�nl tn ( he adequacy u( ;my s��curil�� fur lhr indebt�•dncss v'
<br /> c�iretl hereby. tu enti�r upnn and lakr pnszrvsiu�t u[ the tnnrfgaged prert�ises. and in cu!Iecl :�nd ree�•ier the renls. is=ues and �irulits .
<br /> � thereo(. and aPPly lhe v;une. Icsv eutils n( operution +uid eolleetim�. upon tli�• ind��6tr<Ine+, �:rcured bc lhis murtt;a�;e: s�iid rrnls. .
<br /> -. issueat und Profila Ixinti hvreL,v tissigned �u lhe �lorlg;igee u. furlher .rcurily f��r ih�� pnymt�nl nf all ind�•btednc<: .i•t•unKl h�•rrl>y.
<br /> ' Thc Mort�aRce +hali hnve tho pu�err to nppoint uny �genl or atienik it muy drsire f��r the purpu�e o( r��p.iirint� w+id prom-
<br /> ises: renling Ihe sume: colleclin� lhe rent�. revunuev und incume, nnd it may puy uut uf snid incumi• all exp�•nsrv IpL'Uff1YI in renb . �
<br /> in • und manu�;ing ihe samc and of collcrling thr rrnWls then•Irom. �Ihr b;�lancr mm:iinin�;, d .u�y. .Iudl br c�pplird tuwnrd � he . �
<br /> � dischnrgi� of lhe morl�:aK�' ind�•bt�•dnrh«. This x.sitinmvnt iw fo lrrminutc and In�cnmv null nnrl void uP��n rrlrai.r nf ihis murti�a�c. . "`?� � ��"�' - ` �
<br /> �+, .
<br /> ' : �� . N cs .. .
<br /> I � Tho � A9orlgn�er maV cullecl u "I�le chnrK�'" nut tu t�xcecd S�ive ('�vds ( >c) (ur ��+�ch dullar ( SI .(Nll ��f �'+��'E� lulnl muullJy , � � .
<br /> p�ymenl mnrc Ihnn Ir� �Ivy� in arn•nr. I�, cnv�•r Ihr ��xlni rsp�•n.r im•ulv�•d in hnndlin� drlinqm•nl accmml�. Y i:. .
<br /> � �� J�
<br /> , All ptlymi�nl.+ tnftde uude� Uu� pruvisim�s uf Ihis tuurlguge ur Ihu iiotc hi•rrLy srcured, u�hirh m:p' br run�trurd ��� inh�resl . � j�'" .
<br /> � s{;;dl nut. i�i fhe niti:n•gnt�� ovrr �hi� Irrm Ihenvd. ��xc�ed Ih�� rali• Ilrit mny no�v Lr la�rtully cnnlrocied fur in o•rilin�:. . .
<br /> � .
<br /> S.:
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<br /> � L_ �
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<br />