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<br />�',�',. � . .. �.
<br /> 76- OQ341�'
<br /> F1 RST
<br /> ; �INCOLN NON-ASSUMABLE - DUE ON SALE loan Number__�0261_____ 1_._____18_
<br /> FORM NO.g2B (Rev.10.70) flrenc� 7YP� . .� ��
<br /> M O R T G A G E
<br /> ; . -
<br /> TH1S D40RTCAGE, mnde nnd executrd this .....�,��..._.day nf..,__.....Iu�� ....._.__........A.D.,]9....76..,hetween
<br /> ; t+Ierlin.,C, Derman..and.Bernice M,,,Lerman,_._husband...and.wife, each..in h�s..and_l�ex.,gwn.in.diyidual '
<br /> right and as, spouse..of the other,. j.o.intly_and_severally_. ,_., . _,,....__,....,
<br /> ; „� ,._. Grand Island Hall .._ • Nebraska .,.,___,_„_..., h�r��inatter refernd '
<br /> . . _.__..... ........_..
<br /> ....._.........�(:uunty of ___.._.. ... ._.� Stat� nf....... .... . . .
<br /> to ns the hlortgagor,und FIRST I�EDCRAL SAVINGS AND L0:1N ASSOCIA7`ION Or I.INCOI.N. Nebraskn, itti successor�
<br /> nnd assigns,hereinn(ter refrrrcd lo as Dtortgager, � � �
<br /> 1\'ITNGSSGT}I: 7'hat th��said n1nrlgagnr.fnr and in considcr.�tiun of Ihe.um o( . � . . � .
<br /> TFI�NTY,SEVEN_THOU$AI�ID OIV�.HUNDRED._AND N0�100--------------..-----YT?7,100.00_ . _ . ....� llotlar�.
<br /> poid by said DSortgagee, dues I�rreby .�ell ❑nd convc•y unlu PIRS7' I�ISUIsRAl. SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA'fION OP �
<br /> I.INCOLN. Nebranka. as Dforl�;agei�. ils xucressurs and a.signs. thr� (nllo���ing�Irscri6��J N�ral I:state..�ituatod in �hr CouNy n( �. . .
<br /> ' _ ....... _...Hall __......_... Siat� �>f __...._ Nebraska.......... ...____ _ . ���.w�c
<br /> Lot Three (3), Island Acres Subdivision No. 10, in the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall Count,y, Pdebraske.
<br /> 7'O HAVE AND TO }{OLD Ihr nlwre de.cribed pmmisrs fur the unrs herein cet(urth and tn secure prrFurmanec of the � .
<br /> � ��6ligntiuns conlainrd herein. togrthrr wilh all builJintis.impravemrn(s. fixtures and nppurten�mcus and nll easemenls thereunin
<br /> , bi•lonkin�;, and it is mutuallY cnvrnnnteYl and u;;reed hy mid bclwrrn tlie u�rtiev herMo Ihat all plumbing. gas. eleclric und
<br /> . mechanicnl fiatures. uppliancea. ryuipmenl. machinery and app�raWs.Ilunr cuverin{;s,storm�rindow;nnd screens,m�d such ulher �
<br /> ;;cx�di nnd cJmltelv and pecsonal property as are ever furnished by a landlord in Irlling or nperaling an imfurnished buil<ling,simi- .
<br /> �, lar to the one now ur hereafler nn snid premises,N�hich tve ur shall Ix attached to snid huildin� in any manner whntsrKveq nrr
<br /> . :md sLull Ge deemi�cl lo be fixlures and nu�iccecsinn �o the lrei•huld and n part of lhe realty a,bel«•ren the purtios hemtu.thcir
<br /> � heir.v, rxeculors,adminislr:�turs, succesaurs or nssigns,:ind ull per=ons eL�imin�; by, through ur imJrr lh��m,;md shnll br d��•m�•d
<br /> tu Ix�a purlion of�ho.t��curity 6v the indeLler6ie�s hrrnin mrntianrd and to Ix�e•ucrrrd bp Ihis mnrtgn�;r. �
<br /> { .,l!
<br /> .. . . �:�.- .
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<br /> PI20VIDED AL�VAT5. and lhi�.ve prr.cents nm exrcul�d :md di•livrrrd upnn �hr lollo�cin�; runditiunh. a�;rrem�•nts and � .�
<br /> � elrli4�uinus of Ih�• A(ort�agnrs, tnnviL � .,,
<br /> Q �;,`:
<br /> ` fh�• Afurt�a�:or agroes lo pny �o�hc�67orf�;n�;rr.��r ordcr. lh�•principal sum u( 'PWA.PITY SEVEN_THOUSAIID OIVE__ h'
<br /> Hl1NDRP'.D..A11A_NQ/100-- ------------------------------------------=1�27>100..00_._ _ � Uutl:�r,. � :.
<br /> pnyu6l��us pru��iJed in�i nnte esrcu�rd mid dr•liri,md roncurrenth� h�rrwith. the fiunl pa��mi�nl uf principal. if nnl =non��r p:�id. ��
<br /> T� first
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