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:y <br />;u;; ' � > , �> <br /> ; , <br />'�'�'�a� , .`.i:�utr <br />�T � � <br />� <br /> 76- 00292H <br /> All puymente mnde under !he provieionu o( this mortqnge ur t6r nute hi�reLy :k�cured, which mny !x• conslrw•d nN in�erent. <br /> ��. ehnll nol, in the aggreRAte over ihe term thereof, exceed the rnte thnt may now be low(ully cttmtrnctrd fnr in writinF. � <br /> � It is (urlher agreed thot iri cuse any suit iy begun lu focccla+e this murtgnge, lhe A9orlgngee, ils representnlives or unsigns, <br /> shnll ot once be entitled to lhe posnession of naid premises, and upon upplicntion there[or, the cnurt in which euch netion ahnU . � <br /> ��� � � be brought or ony judge ot such cuurt, cither in term time or vucation, is hercby nuthVrized to oppoint a receiver to tnke p<r�!uw- . ' - <br /> eiun of enid premisea, or tu enllect lhe rents lherefrom, und lo do enrl perfarn� suct� other nete as may be reyuired hy lFs� or.i��r � <br /> ' of the rnurt meking the appointment; und enid Mortgngor hrreby woiv�g nny nntice ot euch npplication, and cnnventeto the ap• � � <br /> pointment of a receiver uryon the pr«luction o[ thie mort�,mge.:.without olher evidence. . � <br /> �� It ia expressly ngreed flnd underetood Lhat the Mortgaqnr ehail prceeed with the construclion n( fl buildinE; al haid premises . . <br /> , with ull reasonable diepntch, nnd due diligence nnd ehnll pay for unv and all eztrns ur malificaliona that he mny mnke in S.iid � � � <br /> building, direct to the Mortgagee to be disbursed, togetF�er with the money loaneel o� Fxivnnttvl by v�id Mortgngee in conneclinn � <br /> �- . . � with this loan. And it is further agreed and understexul thut if the construction of said buildinti be, at any time, dixcontinuod � � <br /> . or not curried on with musonnble disputch in the judgtnent ot tho MortgnRee, the Morlaa,�ce nr any holder ut the tiF�ir! nnle and � <br /> , Mortgage may purchnse muteriols end employ workmen to profect snid buildinK, so lhat the snme shnll nut suffcr fmm depreda� � . <br /> Lion or the weather, or to complete suid building, su ihat it. mny be used (or the purposiw (or which it is desiR���'�1• w�der the said ' � . <br /> plans and apecifications; thu[ xl! the aums rw pnid, or �•xpended, shall be deemed to Ix� advancea tu the Atortgugur, tmd secumd �� . <br /> by the said note and mortqnge nnd mny be applied, a[ the option uf the !sflid Rlortgagee, or tmy hulder uf said nnte and mortgt�ge � � <br /> to any ndvnnces therenfter becoming due. f3ut in no event sht�ll the Mortgagee be liuble in +�ny wny to complr,le xaid building ur � . <br /> to pay (or the ccKts o[ rnnstruction beYond the nd��anms of the :vnounts depositaKl for st�id purpnses or luanr•d bp the Morlgngee �, . . <br /> ' for the rnnstruction of ihis building. And il is furthec expressly agrtrd and unclerstnal that if the I�iortgagor shall faii to complete . � <br /> xaid building in uccordance with the ugreements, blue prints and specifications filed in co�inection with this loan or ah�ill neglect, � . <br /> fuil oc retuse to pny [or the cusLs nnd expens�w in c�nneclion therewith, or shali (uil in any other ot the covenants herein set forth, � � <br /> then, at the option o[ the Murtgagee or 6! thc holder of the note nnd morlgage hen+in n+(erred to, fhc Ittortg�gee mny dr.clnre said � . � <br /> � Innn to be i�. defnult :�nd the entim amount foanecl shxll immedialoly btt.rme due nnd payahle and the property herein referred to . � - � <br /> - vhnll be �ecurity for atl of the ndvanees and expenses incurrrd nnd made by thi• plorigagr� in connrction �eith this provision. � <br /> ,r <br /> Withnut limiting the genemlity u[ the foregoing, the Morfgngec shnll have thc right tn declnre thal de(aull huc }x�en made <br /> � isnd the entire indebtrdn�rea hereunder to be due und paynble nt once upon the happening ut any nnr of thr (ulluwing conditions: � <br /> ;�` (a) "!'he filing o( any lien Uqainst the property, whether clnimed tu br prior to the first mortgage or subjirt thFreto: <br /> ; �. (b) 'I'ho entry n[ nny judgment nguinst lhe D2urtgngnr. . � <br /> (c) 'i'I�e iailure io comply etriMly wilh zoning regulaliaac, ihe pro�•isions of the eity hvilding r�xir. or if any stnp ordrr . . . <br /> � ie issucd by pu6lic nuthoritiee; . <br /> � (d) Any misvtatement in thr. lonn npplicatian: � <br /> . (e) Any mnlerinl change in the plans und Fpecifications not First n�ipmved in rvriting by the MortFat;ee; . � � <br /> , (t) If work be delayeci or suspendt�d for a perial of ihirty ( 30) Jays withnut caus�• sntisfactory ln the Mort�;agre, or � . .� <br /> . should thr Tlortgagor fail to cnuse work to tH� prrox�cuted vigorousiy. . . <br /> q . <br /> I( the Mortgagee declares [he loan to Le in de[xult under any provisions of this provi,inn. thr �turt�a�ee shnll b�• undrr � . <br /> � no oblipation to udvance any further muneys hereunder eithrr fnr p�yment ot w�ork perfnrmrd and matt�rials alrrndy (urriishud. or . � <br /> �.� � thuee to be furnixhed later by the hfortga�or_ � . <br /> � IC is underslood find ngr��i that lhe \4ortgagor w�ill usc all advanc�w madc under this murt�:a�;e tu erccl a huilding on <br /> k � said prcmisc� in acrnrdancc+ with the plan.v, ti�x�ificutions :md general nt�nrmr�nts fileYl in cunnoctinn ll�r•mwith, .mrl hemt��tore � <br /> t' , npprovecl by th^ �lurlgagee. � <br /> �. � It is under»toai and agreed thnt zll materiais drlivernd upon v�id premi���s fnr the purpusr o[ h��inx incurporaled in the � <br /> � � building shall br coneidemcl n purt n( the buildin�;. � - <br /> d <br /> � Aturlgngm ngrees lo make ndvancrs under this loan far th�• rnnstruclinn n( snid buildin�; frum timr ta tinu• as at;r��rd � <br /> ' Fvtw�rn lhe pnrtirs hereto. <br /> t: <br /> : � AND IT IS EXI'P.�SSLY AGRELD AND UtiDL•'RS'I'OOD that �aid ndvanccs ��h;dl tx• paid onlp �chcn in thr jud�,�nent � <br /> F . ot the Mortgaqee all work usuully done at the sta�;e of con;truction whi•n thr advance i� madr pay:�blr ,hall ha���� tK�en donr in a <br /> : gaxl and workmanliku mann��r, imd nll rnatcrials and fistures usuallp furnish�Kl and inslnUed aN th:il timr sh.Jl liave bcr�n fur- <br /> � nishc�l and instHlled; but the M1lortgageP may advance pnrts, or thi• whnle, o[ any inst:dlments tx�forr thry hecome due, i[ thr Dtort � <br /> ' gagee shall belicve it advisnble to do so. and all such aclvances or papments shall hr deemed tu ha�-c Vx�en made in pununnce of <br /> �� this agreement, notliin�, hcnri�ver, in this agreement shall Ix• cvnstrued as :i �L•fermfnaliun nt lhe quulity o( the work. I+�lx�r <br /> nr mnterinls furni�hirl b�� th�• 9lorlgagnr or rnn� ractur �nd th�• V��rt�a�;a• .hnll br und�•r nn du �y nr � �bliti:dion tn m�kr <br /> _ <br /> . such d�•Lermination. <br /> w '. 'fhr Morlgugee shall be suhro�;aled lo all u( the ri�;hts, privilrgr.s. priorilies, and r.quitiiw u[ eany lienholder whu+;r lien muy <br /> have been disc}mrged (rnm Ihr prcx�•��d� of thiv lonn. ur h}• any funds hereby paid nr furnish��d by ihe �tortgagir. <br /> 7 <br /> '�. IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREFD that i( the Dlortgagnr .=.hnll sell, comey or nlicnate �nid propertv, or :my p.vt thereof. <br /> . or uny interest themin, or shtill �� dicestfd of his title or nny interc•st thercin in any mnnner or wny, whether voluntarily or <br /> involuntnrily, without written rnrsent o( thr §tortgugiv� bcin�; (irst hnd and oL4tincd, bfartgagci• sh:dl have the right, at its optiun. <br /> � to declnro nny indeUtcKlne� or obligations necurrd herrbp, irresp�mtivc� ot lL�� mnlurity date s�mcified in nny note rvidencing lhee <br /> i� - snme, immediately due and payablc w•ithout nofice, nnd s��id de6t uhnll thereu�wn Ix�cume afnolute. If thr oumership of the mort- <br /> ' gaged property bemmcs vested in n fx�tson olher than the Afortgngnr, the A'lurtgagre may, N•ithout nuticr to lhe Mortgagor, de+il <br /> rt with euch successor or successors in interest with r��torence W this mnrtga�;e and the debt her��by securrd as wilh the Mortgngor, <br /> � �. and muy forbear to sue or mny extend time for the pa}•mi•nl of the drbt hcrrby ee<�uri�d withoul disvharging or in nny µ�uy alfecting , <br /> � � the ]iability of the originul Mortgagor hrreunder or u{x�n the debt �avred. � <br /> , � � . - � �.c. . <br /> � In this insfrument lhe sint�ulnr includew lhr plural and the m�uculine includey tfar Ieminine nnd thr nrutrr nnJ this in- � � `" �' <br /> � strnment s}wIl be binding upnn the underei�;ninl . Lis he� n. P�`r.:nnal reprt�rntalives. wccrssun and a��.iFns. - v � . <br /> � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have herrunlo srl uur h:�ndu und s��al. th� d�y nnd Yr;ir first alx�ce w�ritten. _ <br /> , : '_ +i ' �... <br />' � � in tF�r. �� . � ce of� � � /"� 1� <br /> � . ' , . . ; ..� Y .'/_ f CL� _. � _ _ � <br /> i � <br />�,:,.g. � C �— �� � �o er �'I . 'L�if t � <br />��� p a ey 3?'Z' 1S � r . ,_� � / _ ` / <br />.�� , / / ' t- <br />�, . <br />�� L.�� �g l � .-j ' . _ . � .'.`27..:,1z..:. .. ' i . :��.�. i cyi'_,�" . <br /> , 1 %ii9,f.1 ���� . �---=�!'- 1.�2ei,1J � o�na !; . Luf`: <br /> �.ary arris <br /> 5�� 4 . ` J <br />_;;_-� <br /> f <br /> 1 <br /> . y <br /> I <br />