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<br /> 7b- 0 � 292 �
<br /> ',� . � 7'hnt ll�e Mnrigagor will pay thn indebtt•dneqs na Lerrisb�•(ore pruvided. .
<br /> 7'h�t lhe Mnrtgagor is ihe owner nf said property in ter simple nud hnh guud ri�ht and I:nrful aulhnrity tn srll and �,
<br /> convey lhe enrne and Ihal ihe same is Ice�e imd cl�•ar o[ nny lii�n or ��nrwnbrnnrn: und thaf 1�1ur1�:��:ur �eill wnrranl nnd d��(rnd Ihn . . .
<br /> tilir �o xnid promises :igF�inst the claims of idl pi�rsons whnm+o�rw•r. . . .
<br /> � '1'o pay i�r.mediutely when due and Paynblr nll qe•nrr:+l taxes. sprcinl tuxes. apeci:al �iss�-s.me.niv. H•al��r rh.a�;i��;, �ew�•r �en•- � .
<br /> ice chargev, �nd other ti�xes �tnd charges agaiast said properlp. and all lnxes Irvierl un th�� drbl. srrured Lemby, and to (urnish lhe � � � .
<br /> Alnrtgagee, upmt nK�uest. wi'. h t;ic original or duPlicate c�`�'�'ipfs lherefor. "I�ho MurlFn�or a�;rrc� that �hrr�• shnll he added to � �
<br /> et�d� mon�hlY paymenl required her��under or under l6e evidcncr uf di�bt srsured h�•reby Un �unount ��::limalyd by � hr \9ort�;agt�e � � �
<br /> E � lu be sullicirnt tn rnn6le the A4urt�.��;e�� to p:n�. as ihey becnnu• due, idl laacs, ainsevsmrnts. nnd simili+ r char{;rx upun lhr prem�
<br /> ises s�hjecl Lhereto: an� delicirncy I�rcm�se o( � he in�u(liciency uf such additinual p.�ym��nls sluill br fur�hwith d��pusited by Uu� �
<br /> Mnrt�;ugur with the Murt�;ager upon demund bp th�� \turt�nFci•. An}� dr(ault undrr fMiv pur.��; ruph shall br rlrrm��rl �i di�L•mlt in � �
<br /> . paymi�nt nf lnx�-s, as;ess�nents. nr similt�r elnr�;rs roquired horrnndca .
<br /> 7'h�� Alurtgugor a�reos Ihat Ihrrr �h.dl al.0 6i� added lu vech mnnlhly p.�ymc�nt o( Princip;d nnd inirresl rrquirrd herr- . � .
<br /> wid�r nn amuunt eslimtited hy thr Murikague to 6r sullicirnt tu ennblr thr DfortFagra lo pa��, as il becomvs dur, the in5orttnce .
<br /> premium nn any insurmci� policp drlivomd t�� Ute Aforl�ager. An�� drficit•ncy hi�c:m=�. af tlu• in.;uflicirncy nl' .uch udditional pny- .
<br /> ntenls shall be forthwiUi deprnitnd b}' � he �lurigntiur �cit6 (hr ?�lurl �agre apon d�•mamd i�y the A1nrl�nger. Any dr(ault und��r Iliis � .
<br /> ', Pnrngraph shall be dei�med zi detault in ILr paynu�nl of insurnnce� premiums. I [ Ihr polic>� or pulicirs drpo�ited :�ro curh iis home- � .
<br /> uwnrri or all risk pulicics. and Ihc drpnsi�x are insu(Iicicnl ln p:tV lhc• ��ntim pn•mium. ih�� \lurft;n;;rv nu�p apply thr drpusit (o . . .
<br /> pnp premiums on risks requircd fo be insurad Ll' fhis mnrf�:n�;c. � � .
<br /> i
<br /> - PapmcnLv madr by lhe Aturtg��gur w�di•r thr ubm��• par.itirnphx rn�iy. :d fhr uptiun of t6e A1nrt�;a�;er. hv }i��id by it and � .
<br /> cummingled �vilh olher such fwids ur ils own funds for ILe p�ipmeul nf surh ilems. and until ,u .ipplied. such p:wmrnts �ire h��rrb>� � �
<br /> pl�Kl�rd as si�curi(V <<�r �he unp:ud btil:mr�� o( Ihe mnr��;a�;r indr6indnrs�. . .
<br /> '1'o prrKure, d��liver tu. and maiW��in for l6r brn��til u( th�• 9�1urt ;;ny:ec darin�; thr li(e uf this rnurtFnge uri�;inal pulici��s :md
<br /> . rem•w:ds there.�l. d��liw•nYl at lea=l len dnps Li•forr lhr ���pir.iliun n( mn� surh pulicii�s, insurin� again.;t fir�� and ather insurahle �
<br /> . hazurds, casunitics. and cuntin;;enriea as ihr \lnrti;at:i��' ���:q• n•quiro. in an .unount rqu.�l �u l6c indrbtedness secured Ly ihis �
<br /> nlortgage. nnd in companies aieceplablr (o ILr ntorlgugei•. �ti'ith lo=v p,ry'aLl�� dnusr in fnvur uf and in [orm acceptable tn the Atortga- .
<br /> g��e In the event rmV P��licl' is not n�ni•wrd un ur b�durr len duys nf it, �•apiraliun. tho Murtt�ntiec may prucurr insuranci• un fhr . .
<br /> u. �� improvrments. pay tho premium there[ur. and such sum shall Leci�mi� iuunrdiatrly dm• aud pa��ablr with inierest at thr rule sr•t �
<br /> £� � furth in s�id nuf�• until paid and shxll br srcumd bp thi. nmrlg�i;;i�. Failurr on fhc pvrt of thc D1ur(ga�;or tu (urninh such rrnewals . .
<br /> - a� are herrin rcK�uired nr failure lu pay .ury �wns advnnced hrreunder shull, al fli�� nption ��f thi• \forfga�;oo. cuasfilute a drfawlt . � � .
<br /> undi•r � lie termv u( lhis nwrlt,age. Thr d��liw•ry u( such p��licii•, sh�dl. in thr e����nt uf de(aull, conslilut�• an a.��iunmrnl nf � he un- . :
<br /> � rarncvl pn•mium. � - .
<br /> 1
<br /> Anp sums rrrrived by lh�� Mnrtgagi�� b}• renson uf loss nr dam;i„r iusureJ a�ainsL may br rrt:�ined by th�� \iorf�;a�ce
<br /> and applird loward ihi� p;p•ment nf ihi� d��bt herrby srcured. ur. at 16�� oplinn nf Ihe A�lnrtkag�r. such sum.; rilher wholly ur in � .
<br /> � part m:�c b�• paid ���vi•r t�� �ho Alurt�;ngur tu br used tu reP�ir sucli builJin4s or t�i build new buildin�.. in U�rir plan• nr for any � .
<br /> c� � othrr PutP���• ��r obj.�cl sz�lisfudury to ih�• Atnrt�a�;i•r �vilhnul afirctin;; the lii•n on ihi• morttix�;r for lh�� (ull :imuunt �i���umd here- .
<br /> � b�� bofure tiuch puym��nt e���•r tcwk pinc�•. �
<br /> � 'I�o prumplly rrpair. msturc ix rrbuild any buildin4s ar imprnc��m��nls no�c nr hi�reuftrr ��n lhc pn•mis�•s which moy bo- . .
<br /> t . cumi• damaged or deslrnp�vl: tn k�•ep s.iid premisrs in krwd cnndiliun and reP:�ir nnd freo Gnm :my mrrhanic's li�•n ur ulhor lirn or
<br /> � cl.�im of lirn uol cxan•sslv �uburdin:drd tu thr� livu hrrruC nol t.n sulTrr ur p��nnii anp unl;nv[id u�e nf ur ;mp nui�:uicc lu rxist on
<br /> ;� � said pruprrty nnr lo prrinit �saste on ��ud pmmini-+, nnr tu du ��n}' ufht�r nt•t �cher�•6y thi� pruprrty I�emb}� com�i�yrd shalt hrcome .
<br /> i � �. Irss vuluttblc. nor to diminish or imp:�ir ite v:dur by :iny acl ur nniirtiinn to acl : tu cumph� �vi� li :dl rrquirrmrnts of law �vilh r�:•sp�•ct � � �
<br /> . tu thr murlKdtit�d pn•min�•s :md ihe uv�� then�nL .
<br /> � "Pht�t should lLv pn•�nisi_, or an�' p:ut th��n•of Ir� �:d:rn or d�un;itic�l by mn=un uf ��n�� pu6lir imprua�m��nt or cnndrmn:dion �
<br /> prarerdin�;. or under ihi� ri�;fd uf ��min��nl dum;�in . ur in n�q• ulher mau�n�•e � hc 11ort�;nFuc .h.�ll L�• enlitli•d tu ;+II enniponsalions. -
<br /> � nwards. nnd any olhcr paymi•nt nr rrlic( thrrefnr. and .,h;�ll b�� eutitlrd. at it. npliun, tu cnmm��ncr. appr:ir in nnd pnniculc in its
<br /> nw•n namr xny nc� ion or pnxr�•dinti. nr to mnk�� .my rutnprnmisr un c�tll��nu•nt in cnnnrc•tinn wiih such LJ:ini: ur rl�una{;c. :111 such
<br /> ��, . I rumpentiafinn. ;�wnrds. dnmuge., ri�;ht u( arlinn und prucerds �irr 6��rr•by' a.ci�nrd tu [he 1lnrika;;ei�. �chu may. after deduc� in�
<br /> � therefmm all its i•xpens�•.c. rrl�•asr any muneys so rrc�•ivrd by il ur apply thc s:rtne un .wy indrbt�vinrss socumd hcn•6y. '1'ho \lurt-
<br /> - 8t��;nr agrei�s tu exrcu�i� sui'h turlh��r a:..ignmeniti of any cutnprn,atinn. nw�nrd.. damn�:rs. �and ritihls u( nclinn anil Prrn•��•d. ns ihr
<br /> i; �1urt���R��r may r��quiro.
<br /> 'I'hnt in cnse o( tuilurc tn perform any of thc rucen�N. herein, thc �lnrlgngce may do un lhe Mortpugor's behul[ every�- ..
<br /> - thing so cvvemmlyd; Uiut the 1�for:gagee may niso do uny uct it muy d�wm necessnn• to prot�rl the li��n thereof; that the !�4ort-
<br /> gagor wilt repuy upon demand nny moneys paid or disbursed Uy Ihc 1lorlgagce (or viy o( the ubave. purposes, nnd such moneys �
<br /> to�;ether wilh intercyt thereon nl the mto pro��ided in snid no�e shnll become su much udditionnl indeblcxlness hereby secured nnd
<br /> � mny bn included in iiny dirrer fureclening thia �norlgage �md be paid out o( the rents or proctrds ot sale nf suid premises if not
<br /> otlu•ncise paid : nnd thul 3Surti:�F�'�• !�hall nnl in<vr nny P�'rsonnl liahilily hecauso nt tmything it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 'r
<br /> In ( ho cvrid ��t th�• dr(ault t�c 1f� �r��;a�;or in t6�• puymrnt u( nnp m?tnllmrnt. :u rryuir�•d by thc Nulc :erurcd 6rrr6y. or
<br /> �� in thr prrformuncr u( Ihr uLli�;.ifinn in this mnrtgaFr ur in thr nul�• arrureJ � herrhy. lhe \1urt�;ageo slmll ho �•ntiHr4 ln declarr thr
<br /> i � debl securerl Lrreby dur und payuble wi� hou� notice, and lhe �furfg�t�co sh�dl be rnlilird :�[ ils uplion, withuut nulico. rither hy iis��lf
<br /> �� . or by n receiver to br iippuiNiKl by the euurt 1hen��L :md w�ilhuut rrtgard lu fhe adiv�uacy nf :mp securily (nr lhr indebfednrss .�e-
<br /> . rurrd hen•by. lu enlrr tq�nn nnd tak�� puc:esxion o( Ihr rnuriguged pr��mini�s, tmd to cul)rc.l :md rveei��o ih�• renls. is:w�, nnd profits
<br /> 8ierru(, anJ upply fhe s:unr. Irss cov(� �d uperatiun �vid rulleclian. upon the inde6l�Klness secured Ly this murt�;ugr: said r��nts, -
<br /> . i,vui•s nnd prufitv Ix•in�; here6y .usign��d tu Il�n \furlR��tre us (urlhrr srcu:itc (��r lhr puy�mrnt af all ind��btrdn�•.= ���i�iu�t+l hrrr6y. .,. I .
<br /> - 'Chc btort�n�;e�� ,h:dl }inve the P��«'er tu uppoin( �my ngeut ur iig��nts it may desire f,�r Ihe purpn<e n( n•pairing s;iid prrm- . � � � . N ,,�; .
<br /> ices; n•nling the +art�e: er,llecting thr renle. recenues nnd incume, and it may pay uut of �aiel mcornr ��II rsponses incurn+l in rrnb y
<br /> L ing +md rnnn:�ging thi• �amc nnd of collrClin{: lhc rcnt;ils � herofrom. 7'hc balanc�� rcmmnin�;. if �wv. sh•�II Li� npplird tuH :ard lhe �
<br /> dischargr af thr mnrtgr�gr indrblr<Im�ss. This a��i�;nmrnt is in li�rminutc and la•i•nmr null and vmd uP��n radrnsr� nf � 6i: mnrtwa�;e. -.¢ ,..
<br /> n °
<br />' � 'fhc M1Surll:�i;rr muy culli•c! � "Intc chargr.. m�l la rxn•ed Picr Ci�ntv ISc) (ur ruch dullar (3LWI � d �•:!elt lol:d inunlhlp � ��
<br /> r;
<br /> - Irnymrut morr Lh�m IS d�n�s in arnvin lu cuvrr Ih�� �•zlni osp�•nvr urvnl��rd in Landlin�; drlirquenl aci�nunl..
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