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<br /> 6. If he fails to p:ty any sum m• ]ceep nny co��euant pruvidecl fm• in this moctqage, the 111orlqngee, aC
<br /> its option, mtiy pny� m• Pei'form tlte enme, nttd xll r,xpcndilures so ntade 9ItRI1 uC ndded lo Ute �)CIIICI�l11I 8UIY1
<br /> o«�ing on the aUove uote, sliall be secured hereby, and ahali bcac intcresC m�til paid at tl�e rnte pcovided
<br /> forin the prineipnlindeUCednese.
<br /> 7. Upon request of thc Moctgngee, Mortgiigor ehnll execute and deliver ai supplementnl note or notes
<br /> � for the stun or sums advnncecl b,y ntortgngec for die nitcration, modernization, or im�n�ovement mnde ut
<br /> thc Alortgugor'e request ; or for mainteniutce of said premises, a• for taaes or ussessmenta uqnitiat tlte
<br /> aume, aucl for uuy other purpose elsewhere uulhorized Lereunder. 5aid nutc or uotes shiall be secured
<br /> hereby on a parity ��•itlt and ns fully ias if the ttdvnnce evidenced thm�eby �+�ece included in the note firat
<br /> clescribed above. Said suppicment�l uote or notes ahnll bear intcrest nt thc rnte pro��ided for in the prin-
<br /> cipal indebteduess nnd shull be pay:tble iu approximately equal monthly p.3J'111CIIt9 FOC 9IICI1 ]7CT10CI F19IllAy
<br /> be ttgreecl upon uy the i�[ortgagee nud Mortgngor. Ftliling to ngree on Llte lnaturity, the «•hole oi' the sum
<br /> Ol' 91111]S SO il(IViIllCC(1 SI1S)I UC (jUC Aq(I �)Ayable fliirty (30 ) dii��s after demnttd by the Dlortgagce. In no .
<br /> event shn.11 the maturity extend bey0il(� �I1C U�f,llllA},C tl7tltUPlty of tlie uote In•st described nbove,
<br /> 8. IIe hereby nssigns, trnnsfers nnd seLs o��er to tlie hfortgugee, to be ftpplied to���urd the pnytueut of
<br /> lhe notc iuid nll atuns �ecured hereby in case of a defnult in the performance of an}� of the lerms ancl condi-
<br /> tions of this mortgFige or the said note, iill thc rents, revenues nnd income to be deri�•ed firom the mort-
<br /> gnged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shnll remnin unpaid ; and the Diortgagee
<br /> shnll have po«•cr to appoint auy agent or agente it ma,v desire for the pur��ose of rentiug the s�uuc uud col-
<br /> i , lecting the rents, revenucs and income, and it miiy pxy out of said incomes ail necessary conunissions und
<br /> expenses incurred in re�iting nnd tnnnaging the same and of collecting irr�tals Nierefrom ; lhe balauice
<br /> ; remnining, if a�i��, to be applied ton�ard tiie dischurge of said mortqnqe indebtedness.
<br /> 9. IIe ���ill continuously maintain haznrd iusurance, of such type m• types find nntounts as :lfortgagee
<br /> 2 may from time to time require, on tlic impro�•ements no�v or hereuftm• on snid premises aud except ���hen
<br /> pn}•meut for all such premiums has theretofore been mude undcr (a ) of paragraph '2 hercof, �vill pay
<br /> promptl}� �ehen due nny premimns therefor. U��on defnult thercof, :1lortq.igee may pn1� the satne. Atl
<br /> - insurflnce ehall be ca��ried iii compainies npproved by the 1[m•tgagee nnd the policies aud rene�v��ls thereuf
<br /> shall bc hcld b,y the ltortgagee imd have attnched thcretu loss pnyable clauses in fa��or of nnd in form
<br /> ;� i RccepCabie to the liortgagee. In e�•ent of loss ➢Iortgagor �ciil giee iuuuediate notice la�� mail to il�e 111ort-
<br /> gngee, who ma�• make proof of loss if not tnade promptly by 14ortqagor, and ench ii�surnnce compuuy con•
<br /> cerned is Lereby nuthurized [lll(� (�ICI'Ctl'CI t0 IllAke payment 1'or such loss direcll�� tu the 1[ortgaqee inslead
<br /> of to thc �lortgtigor and the ,llortgaqee joinLly, .ind the insuriu��e prucecds, or :uiy part thereof,
<br /> ma�• be ap��lied by the Morlgagec nt ifs option eitlier Lo the reductiou of the indebtedness hereb�� secured
<br /> or to Uie resloration or repnir of the propert�� dam��ged. Iu c��ent of foreclosure oY thi5 mortgagc, or other
<br /> transter of title to ihe mortgagcd prope!•Ly in e�tinguislimeiit of the indeLtedness secured hei•eby, all
<br /> riglit, Citle .md i�iterest uf the �Iortqagor in nnd to ati5� insuraiice policies tlicn in 1'orce sl�all pass tu tlte
<br /> purchaser or grautee.
<br /> 10. As additim�al aud collz�terul secw•ity for the pas�ntent of the nute dcscribed , and all siuns to become
<br /> y ' due under this mortgagc, the Aloc�gagon c�reby assigns to the \ioi•tgagcc all Ieasc bouuses, pi•olits, i•eve-
<br /> � ` nues, ro��alties, riglits, :iiid other benefits accruing to ltte 114ortgngor uuder any and all oil nnd gns Ieases
<br /> no���, or during tne lit'e � �C lhis mortgage, executed on sai<i premises, �cith th� right to cecei�•e .tnd receipt
<br /> ` ' for the snuie iuid appl�• them to said indebtedness as �ccll before as aftcr default in the conditious of this
<br /> mortgage, :md Uie Diortgngee may demand, sue foc and reco�•cr any such pa>•meuts �ti�hen duc v�d pay- _
<br /> aUlc, bul shall noC bc required so lo do. This assignment is ta termivatc �uid become null and void upon
<br /> E� ; rcicase of this mortgage.
<br /> ll . Hc shall not conunit ur permit ���aste ; and sh�ill maintain tlie properL}� in as guod condition ns nt
<br /> i' present, retisona�ble �cenr and tenr esceptecL Upon �uiy failure to so mainiain, Dforiqngee, at its option,
<br /> � nuty cause rensonabie mnintenance «�m•k to be performed at Uie cust of illortgngor. Any amounts pnid
<br /> ` Uierefor by Murlga�,ce sliall bcar iutcrest at thc r<<tc pro��ided for in the princip.il indebtedness. ahtill
<br /> _ ` thereupon become u parL of the indebtedness secureci by this instrument, ratabl�� and on a parily �cith nll
<br /> other indebtedness secui•ed hereby, auid shall be pnyable tliirty (30 ) duys nftcr dem:ind.
<br /> ` ' 1'l. If the premises, or any part Lhercof, be cundemucd mider Uie po�ccr of eminenC domnin, or
<br /> ; ; acyuired foc a public use, the damaqes ziwarded, the proceeds for the talcin�; of, or the consideration for
<br /> ` such acquisition, to the exient of the tull amotint of the remaiuing tutpnid indebtedne�s �ecured by lhis
<br /> mortgagc, or hereby .issigned to lhe hiortq:igee, nnd shall be pnid torth ��� ith lo said biortqaqce, to be
<br /> zx upplied mi accouut of U�e lnst inaturing instnllments of such indeblednesa.
<br /> ;' 13. IC tlie \iorlkagor fails lo muke unY payments ���hen due, or to couform to .u�cl comply «�ith any
<br /> of the conditions or agrerments cont.iined in lhis mortgage, or the notes u�hich it secw•es, then the
<br /> ; , entirc principal sum and accrued inlerest shall at once become due and pupable, at ihe clection uf the
<br /> lfurtgagce ; and this murt�!ngc mny Lliei•eupon Ue• foredoscd inimedixtely for thc «�holc of thc indebted-
<br /> uess Itcreby securrd, inchiding ihe cost of estending tlte abslract of tillc from the date of Lhis mork-
<br /> �; gage to the Lime of commencing such yuit, a renson.ible aitorne,r•'s fee, and an�� swns p.iid b�� Um Veterans
<br /> Admini:,tra�ion on uccuuut of the guaranty m• insurance of the indebtcchiess srcin•ed hereby, all of ��•hich
<br /> shall be included iu lhe dccrec of forcclosure. �
<br /> 1 �1 . If Lhe indeUtedness secm•ed hcrnby Ue guFu•nntced or iusured widcr TiUc 38, Unitcd Stntes Code, '!�-+:�:� ' `
<br /> such Title and Re6�ulations issucd thereunder zu�d in cflcct on lhe datc hercuf sh:ill Kocern thc ri �;hts, duLi�,s �+ �,
<br /> and linbilities of the pvtics hereto, and :my pruvisions of this or other instrumcuts cacculed in cunnectinn � ''
<br /> with snid indebtedness whicft :u•e incunsistenC ��•ilh s;tid 'l'itic u� Rofiulations :u•e hereby tmmnded lu ;;� '
<br /> cunform thereto, r` "
<br />� � � ` `
<br />� r: • The covenants hci•citt contaiiicd yltttil bind, tu�d thc beuclits :�nd ad�•.tntnKes shall intn•c to, lhc u1
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